Official Star Wars Weekends 2015 Trip Reports and Recaps

Great job:thumbsup2 This will make it so much easier to find the reports now and in the future. Thanks for doing this.

Had a good day today. Got my autograph session with Ashley at 12:45. She was spending a lot of time with each person and she was sweetheart, very nice. I checked out the Rebels recap in the old Sounds Dangerous theater. It was 22 minutes and it was a good recap on season 1. They had Ezra, Sabine, and Chopper figures in there that you could take photos of, as long as it didn't interfere with the recap.

I got in line for Ashley right around 12:45 and my photo was taken with her at 1:13, so not nearly as long as when I met Tiya last week. Boyfriend was able to pick up a Boba Fett stein from Peevy's around 4pm or so and was very happy about that.

We saw Stars of the Saga, Ewok's Tale, and Obi-Wan and Beyond. Stars of the Saga was hilarious with Silas and Warwick! Excited to see it again tomorrow. Ewok's Tale is always enjoyable. We had some interesting audience participants that really made the show. Obi-Wan and Beyond was a bit shortened compared to last week. By a stroke of luck, I was able to catch James after the show. I had bought his book last year and was going to bring it this year to have him sign it, however he obviously is not signing. Luckily I caught him and he was more than happy to sign the book for me and pose for a picture with me, and then with the group I was with. Such a genuinely nice guy and super inspirational. He is definitely one of my favorite parts of SWW! Anyways, he said the show was a tad too long so he cut a couple skits. Most of it was new stuff he had added in this year, but the show is still just as good regardless.

Going to bed now - planning to head out in a few hours to get in line for Warwick so I can make his 1pm session.

Yesterday was amazing! We got a TON accomplished! I think the 24 hour event pulled a lot of people away because last night was a pretty light crowd in my opinion. We met Chewie around 6:45...but no ewok:( I would have liked to have seen one of them too but when we got up to the front of the line he was gone. So just keep in mind that there is no guarantee off an Ewok being with him in the afternoon!

We never saw Luke roaming but his line wasn't bad at all when we got in it around 4:15.

We just seemed to get lucky all day...for instance, we were in line for Captain Rex and just as he is about to hand our autograph matte back...up walks Ahsoka! So we met them together:) That was around 7:30 I would say. We got in line at 7:15 trying to meet Cody and Rex together but Cody left.

CM's in all our lines with rotating characters seemed very pushy about not letting people skip in order to meet someone specific.

All in all we had an amazing day and I couldn't thank @@yulilin3 or this thread enough! Fireworks and dessert party were awesome! We will be back Sunday evening for a bit more before we head out Monday.

Oh, and make sure you try a Jabba cupcake! That thing was seriously one of the best cupcakes I have ever tasted!

Thanks again everyone!!!

We got a lot done yesterday, too.
Chewie, X wing collectibles at Darth's Mall, Darth Maul, Tuscan raiders, storm troopers, JTA, Anakin, mace, shaak ti, kit fisto, ST (x3), SOTS, TSMM, anamation academy to cool off, H&V. I was very happy with how much we got done by 7:00. dS said he wanted to stay for fireworks,( we did REBELS ultimate guide at 7:45) but then gave up and wanted to go at 9:10 . All in all a great day!
So far today we've done sign ups for JTA, galactic breakfast and ST.

Week II

There's definitely no low crowds today. We went to HS for an hour about 3pm, then had to leave because it was way too crowded and hot like usual. We'll be back later tonight but the crowds this weekend were some of the largest I've seen this year. Memorial weekend mixed with SWW is brutal.

Great movie ride 50 min
TSMM 110 min
Star Tours 60 min
Muppets 20 min with packed show
RnR 100 min
ToT 120 min

We were at AK early afternoon and it was just as bad.


Week II

I ended up arriving around 2:30am or so for Warwick today. Made his first session with a return time of 1:15-1:25. We went in and we got him within a half hour. People behind us arrived later, like around 5, so I think it would be okay.

As far as the lines, some people leave their stuff and walk around (a lot of the regulars walk around and catch up with friends) so as long as you're in line when they're handing out the wristbands and later the fastpasses, you'd be fine. I usually just sleep until 5:40 and then I'll use my phone if I'm alone. If I have other people with me, I have a deck of cards in my purse (this year Star Wars themed!) so we'll play cards to pass time.

They've been handing out wristbands between 6:00-6:20. Haven't been too consistent on an exact time. I have set my alarm for 5:40am and I just go bring my stuff back to the car then. People start stirring around 6, so it's hard for me to sleep anymore after that and the sun is coming up as well. After they band, you have until about 7am to do stuff before it's fastpass time. Some people will take their stuff in that time.

I'm exhausted and this'll be my last SWW until weekend IV. I have to work tomorrow and then my friend and I go to Disneyland this next weekend!


I must offer my heartfelt thank you to all who have contributed to this thread.

I'm a non-SW fan (sorry) but wife and mother to SW lovers. I decided to take them all to SWW on a whim and have lurked endlessly. Frankly, planning is my thing and I'm grateful to have teens that are willing to go along with my plans I come up with even if they don't care to have much input. I booked the FtF Deluxe Premium package thanks to this site and my husband said "worth every penny" countless times. The only hiccup was not planning for the odd amounts of downtime between the celebrity shows. It was just enough to race off to do one thing then race back to another show. However, we LOVED the access to shows the Deluxe Premium offered and I enjoyed them just as much as my family. The dedication and passion shown by the fans in attendance was amazing and added so much to the whole experience.

I even flung myself at a Tusken Raider to get a selfie. And I don't even take selfies. And my family wasn't even around. The force was strong...

As I typed this my husband came over with a glass of wine (big) and a card with "thank you" on the front.

And THANK YOU to you.


Week II

So we are back from our super quick, Memorial Day weekend trip. This was our first SWW and there was definitely some highs and lows. Overall, I think we accomplished all the big items on our agenda. I purposely took it slow and didn't overbook us since we were traveling with a young child, spreading our activities over two days. Things were also a little bit more challenging with DS, who has some special needs, but I think overall we had a good time.

I am planning to do a detailed trip report, but here are the SWW highlights.

  • Chewie dash after rope drop - I tried to follow Yulilin3's directions but turned off too soon (!) when trying to find his line, so we weren't one of the first families. Still DH was done his M&G by 8:20am. We couldn't meet as a family because DS was a bit cranky. So DS and I walked around, checking out the RH decor and shopping in Tatooine Traders. Somehow we ended up with this new friend (actually a coin bank) that we then needed to carry with us everywhere (including on TSMM) ! So we just made him our SWW mascot.

  • Star Tours - couldn't get DS to get on with us, but DH and I both enjoyed a ride separately before 9am with no wait.
  • Sci-fi breakfast - we loved the character interaction, food, and SW clips. Our service wasn't great but this was still a highlight for us. We did get light sabers (sorry for those who didn't!)
  • DS and I took a mid-day break and ran into Yulilin3 and her daughter near the exit. I felt a bit silly flagging Yulilin3 down.
  • H&V Jedi Mickey Dinner - I thought the food was decent. DS had an issue with the noise level, which I wasn't expecting. This made the dinner hard. Goes back to one of the tips "know your child," I guess...
  • We had the Deluxe package. This was probably a waste for my family. I knew going in that we wouldn't necessarily get the value out of it but thought we would at least enjoy the parade and dessert party. I also wanted express access to Darth Mall.
  • Parade viewing was awesome. We got to the parade area right at 10am and it was almost empty. We were near the start of the parade. During the parade, DS dropped his toy storm trooper near the parade route. Before I could lean down to get it, Zam Wesell picked it up and set it next to my son, staring at him and trying to get a reaction. I wasn't fast enough to get the picture! Donald also came right up to DS during the parade. He loved it.
  • Was a bit disappointed in Darth Mall. Not sure what I was expecting (maybe more props/scenes inside store?). We didn't make it into the Prop shop but visited the other two stores. The express access was handy. There was a line when we came Sunday afternoon and there was no way I could wait in it with kiddo.
  • Dessert party reaction was mixed in my family. DH really disliked it. He didn't like the music or the desserts. I told him if he had brought his light saber and had more drinks, he would have had a better time. DS loved dancing to the music but was a bit out of control. If you were at the deluxe premium dessert party last Sunday and a dancing wild child bumped into you....I'm sorry. He was having a blast though and a couple of the CM came up and started dancing with him. I really enjoyed watching the Symphony of the Stars preshow. We ended up having to leave the fireworks early though because DS couldn't handle and wouldn't wear his ear protection (again....back to tip on knowing your child but in my defense, this was a new behavior, we have done fireworks before).
Heat was brutal and Sunday the park felt so crowded. We have always done Disney in February, so dealing with the heat and the crowds was rough for us. But overall a good trip. Appreciate all the tips from this thread.


Food, food and more food..... Don't forget the desserts !
We had a great time at SWW / Garrison Guinea Pig / May 16th with the FTF DP. We also did RH on the 16th, followed by the Dessert Party. Lots of fun ..... But that darn heat killed my appetite. I would have liked to indulge more..... Took sample bites at the Dessert Party, Just because I had to at least try it all :-)
Unlimited Mickey Ice Cream Bars and Strawberry Popsicles at the parade and DP, but darn ..... I just couldn't eat much. Thankfully the unlimited water was easy to consume and probably better for me anyway.
Also, our last day we did Galactic Breakfast 9am & then CRT at 1pm. Wouldn't want to plan them both again on the same day. But that was the only time we could get.
Hopefully next year I can start booking ADR's at the 180 day mark and not have to start booking at 75 days and stalking the May Cancelation boards, the SWW ADR's cancelations & ***************** (which I was thankful for). A great learning experience. All in all lots of great dining experiences, but darn that heat for killing my appetite with all those goodies around. Looking forward to 2016 SWW and celebrating my 65th Birthday there !


We just got back yesterday, & had a great time. We are exhausted though as we packed so much into the long weekend we had planned. Thursday (5/21) we did SW H&V dinner. Friday we did MK 24hr day. Saturday I got to meet @@yulilin3 & Steph, as always...very helpful & informative. Saturday we also did Rebel Hangar (awesome), D-Tech Me, & JTA. Sunday was our VIP day.

Here's the summary of our day:
We met the VIP tour group at about 6:30AM. The meeting spot is all the way to the left just after the walk-up ticket counters. The tour guides arrived (4 I believe), introduced themselves, & handed out water or juice. They checked everyone in & passed out ship-to-room slips that people could fill out ahead of time before getting to Darth's Maul. We all got plain lanyards with a VIP tag on them. The VIP tag was nothing special, just plaid & white with "VIP" on it. This was a bit disappointing since the Deluxe tags were specifically SW themed & far better. Shortly after we were let in & we walked down Hollywood Blvd to the Brown Derby. We were met at the front by a Marketing guy. He was very excited & explained how the day would go. We were asked to sit on the wall in front of the Derby while he went through everything. A guide handed out granola bars & they also had coffee available inside. We were then led under the arch going to the Little Mermaid & Art of Animation, making a hard left & down past Toy Story to get to the brick building across from High Octane Refreshments. Darth Vader was there waiting for us for pictures. We were told he would not sign at the Derby, however when we got there the guide said Vader was in a good mood & was willing to sign, so I'm guessing that's not always the case. We got through about 6-8 people before Darth took a break & left. There was no replacement, we had to wait. This was a bit aggravating since we all knew we were on the clock to get to Darth's Mall before park opening & now we were stuck in the line waiting. This could definitely be improved. Finally Darth came back out & we got through. They took about 1/2 of us down to the Mall while the remainder finished with pictures. We had already done our shopping in the Mall the day before so we didn't spend a lot of time in there. The Marketing guy was very clear to explain the more time you spend in the Mall, the less time you have to eat after & we had to meet the guides to continue the tour by a certain time. Aurasma didn't work on any of the big wall posters for us. The only 1 I got to work was the Darth Maul picture at the main Mall entrance.

We headed back to the Derby & had breakfast. It was buffet style & included scrambled eggs, french toast, sausage, bacon, juice, & possibly some pastries (I'm not sure about that). The food was very good, however I'd change the timing on breakfast if I could. By the time we ate it was about 8:30-8:45. We knew we'd be doing rides immediately after, then have lunch at 11:30-11:45. Eating a large breakfast wasn't wise & therefore we really couldn't take full advantage of the included breakfast as we would have wanted, while not being too full for rides & leaving room for lunch only 3 hrs away. The guides came around to our tables & took our lunch orders for Mama Melrose. We were given a drink, appetizer & entree. There were 2-3 appetizer choices, & 4-5 entree choices. After breakfast we were told to wait out front of the Derby again. The guides said they were going to break up into a group that would do kids rides & groups that would do adult rides. The kids group would go first. The kids rides were Toy Story, Star Tours, Disney Jr., & Voyage of the Little Mermaid. We had a handful of kids in the group, but none of them wanted to do the kids group. The adult rides were Toy Story, Star Tours, Tower of Terror, & Rockin Roller Coaster. These were the only options for kids & adults. No substitutions. No riding twice if you didn't want to do 1 of the others that were included. You moved as a group & if you didn't want to ride or couldn't ride (in 1 case a child was a 1/2 an inch to short & he couldn't go on), you were instructed to meet the group at the exit. The guides went on the ride with us.

After rides, we headed to the parade viewing section. It was nice that we were up front, but it was in the direct sun. Guides handed out large umbrellas but didn't have enough to go around so there were about 6-8 of us that had none. They handed out frozen towels, water, & a choice of a Mickey ice cream or strawberry popsicle. The parade was great, but the roped are wasn't large enough. There wasn't enough room for everyone to be in front & we often had obstructed views because of other VIP members. The Marketing guy came by & explained at the end of the parade they'd take down the rope & we could join the rest of the crowd by going close to the stage if we wanted but that it would be very crowded & we had to meet at the film strip across the street by a certain time. Across the street was the Deluxe or Premium viewing area in the shade. Personally, I think the VIP & Deluxe/Premium should have been swapped. If VIP dropped a bunch more money, we should have been able to be in the shade IMHO.

We then met at the filmstrip & headed over to Mam Melrose. We got in very quickly & it was assigned seating. You had to find your name tag & sit in that spot. Within 5 minutes of sitting, the food came out. The portion was huge & very good. We were then given the option to explore on our own in the area for about 30 mins before meeting back in the front of Mama Melrose to head over for the 1st show. The shows were great, didn't disappoint. The VIP seating is not in the 1st row. VIP is 3rd & 4th rows. 1st row is handicapped/scooter & accompanying guests seating. 2nd row was roped off & we later found out it was for "other" VIPs. People came in with different VIP tags on, only they were SWW themed. Later we found out they were friends & family of JAT & possibly some of the other celebrity guests. Again, why the paying VIPs couldn't have SW tags is beyond me. Clearly they made SW specific tags for every group except the paying VIP group. While waiting for the shows to start there were interactive polls being displayed on the monitors. You texted your answer & the results displayed on the screen. After the 2nd show we were on our own. We were told to go back to the Theater of the Stars & show the VIP tag for the last 2 shows. You were not allowed to just remain in the theater. VIP lined up to the right of the rope, FP on the left. By the last show, our rear ends were sore from the metal stadium seating. Glad to not have to sit on it any longer. We had bit of time to kill before the Dessert Party. Dessert Party check-in was right outside the entrance to the Derby. They would not let us in early. We were let in at 8:45PM. The desserts were plenty & all very good. Both alcoholic & non-alcoholic drinks were available. No seating, standing tables only. The dance party started around 8:30 I think. The DJ was very good. The finale show was great, all the characters made an appearance. The fireworks were excellent too, just wish the top of the staging didn't obstruct the view. We were all the way tot he rope closest to Hollywood Blvd & the 2nd to last table back. We received no goody bags as I heard some of the other groups may have gotten.

Overall the VIP was great. You definitely get your money's worth. However there is a lot of waiting around throughout the day & small perks that were given to the Premium &/or Deluxe groups should have all been given to the VIP. There was a bunch of things that could have been done a lot more efficiently & allowed for more options/perks for VIPs at no additional cost, but then again I'm a Project Manager by trade so that stands out to me. Would I do it again? Yes, probably. The only thing i don't feel we got 100% of was the food simply because it was too much food scheduled too close together.


Just thought I'd add a few other observations about some of the experiences we did while we were there.

We got a guaranteed spot in JTA thanks to the VIP package. You do not have to do JTA on your VIP day. Thank goodness because as it turned out, we wouldn't have had time. If you have an older child, stand towards the front of the stage. Parents of younger kids should stand by the rope more to the left. These areas give you up close viewing for that specific age group.

Sci-Fi SW Breakfast:
Food was great. Atmosphere was great. Character interaction was fantastic. They were not giving out the light up lightsabers. They ran out. Not sure how they didn't order enough of these to begin with. This is another area that just confuses me. They knew how many people they had booked & when. That seems like a no brainer planning step to me. Saw Greedo, Stormtroopers, & Jawas. Jawas did trade.

Hollywood & Vine SW Dinner:
Food was fine, nothing outstanding. Desserts were good. Character interaction was good, they came by often. The atmosphere was just loud & seemed hectic. They gave out paper lightsabers to make. Saw Princess Minnie, Darth Goofy, Chipwoks, Jedi Mickey.

Rebel Hangar:
Food was excellent. Atmosphere was very good but in some areas seemed a little thrown together. Wish there was more seating. Waitress was excellent. Character interaction was very good if you could catch them. In some cases the character only made an appearance for a few minutes before leaving. Waitress told us we'd have to go up to them if we wanted to see them as they wouldn't come to all tables. That dampened the experience slightly having to stalk them. We saw Ezra, Sabine, Greedo, Cantina Band, & Jawas. Jawas did trade.

Bona Fett steins were not available at the beginning of the weekend. Found out new stock arrived at 2pm only at the slush kiosk by H&V. Once word spread they went fast.


Favorite things: dessert party and parade viewing with FTF DPP - I loved that we got to sit under an umbrella with no one in front of us while enjoying ice cream, soda, and popcorn. I loved the desserts and drinks while watching fireworks.

Other favorite thing: character interactions - everyone we met was great. At Jedi Mickey's, Dale played around with his sling shot and took a picture holding our light saber. At the SW breakfast Greedo jumped on our car and scared me, which was followed by a big hug. Chewie loved that my fiance and I were wearing him on our shirts. We also have a bunch of other pictures where characters really got into the SW theme. Also, when we went to Animal Kingdom we told Goofy that we preferred his Darth Vader look and he responded by shaking his head in agreement and posing as Darth Vader (photographer missed the moment, though).

Least favorite: The seats at the Theater of the Stars - I made it through 2 shows without much problem but was so uncomfortable by the 3rd and 4th.

Other least favorite: Lines (but this applies to all of my Disney days)


We are back from our trip to FL and our first SWW. Even with all the last second planning (and a lot of learning on the fly) it was a great day. Thank you all for your help!! Here is a brief recap. I know I am forgetting a lot, but I am trying to remember it all. We had to do some standard DHS stuff on our day.

-Made it to DHS before the gate opened. Hung out there about 30 min.
-Saw rope drop show.
-Split up at drop. I took kids straight to JTA. Husband went to Sci-Fi. No luck on walk ups or trying to move our 10:50 reservation. Oh well. We will miss the parade.
-Husband hits up Star Tours while we are still in line.
-We all hit up Star Tours after he gets off.
-See Chewy and Ewok signing autographs. i dont like lines, just get a picture.
-See Storm Trooper show on stage?
-Daughter meets Amidala, great picture and autograph.
-Husband DS ride Tower of Terror. While DD and I watch the BATB Show.
-Walk back and see Anakin. Got a great picture.
-See Jedi Mickey and Minnie.
-Time for Sci-Fi bfast. Wow. This was amazing and the best part of our entire trip. My husband was just giddy. Happiest I think I've seen him. Funniest part was my 9yo daughter telling a walking by Storm Trooper "you wanna go?" and Storm Trooper doing head wave/bob back at her. We had great character interaction with everyone. Got some great pictures. We did get the little light up saber necklaces. Is that what y'all were talking about?? We had no idea they were giving those out. They were fun for the nighttime show.
-shopped around. Tattoine Traders. Went to Darth's maul, but didn't want to do line. Just did the xwing collectibles. Very Cool.
-Rebels recap show. Great especially for me because the kids watched it with their dad. It caught me up quickly. Pics inside with Statues.
-Time for Rebels show at BATB stage. Very cool.
-We took off at this point for a mid day break. We were staying at Bonnet Creek Hilton. Drove back, cleaned everyone up and closed the blackout curtains. POWER NAP!
-Back to DHS in time for kids JTA appt.
-Great Movie Ride
-JTA. Very cool. Large group though. Maybe 30. They split them in half. We got lucky and my two ended up on stage with Darth Vader, not on ground with Darth Maul. Assignment was random and I would've been annoyed if they were on the ground.
-They rode Star Tours again at this point. Not me. motion sickness, so once was plenty.
-Walked to dinner at ABC Commissary. Son starts shouting its CHEWY ITS CHEWY. Out comes Chewy right in front of them and high fives my two and side hugs them. i guess he was going to autograph station??
-Took kids to Muppets. Weather looking rough.
-DJ Lobot party. We had the best time. Weather looking rougher. Will we make it.
-Show and Fireworks. We stood too close for fireworks but had awesome awesome view for Show. This was my favorite memory. Watching my husband hold his son up and them enjoying the fireworks. Chills. It was amazing.
-Tried to hit up Fantasmic, but it was delayed for weather. I have no idea if the 10:30 show even happened. I chickend out with the lightening and made us go back to hotel at 10:30.

-Our hotel room faced DHS. Saturday night realized we had perfect view of SOTS. So Sunday night I fired up YouTube music and we had the most amazing view!!! Chills just thinking about it.

-We had a wonderful wonderful time and I owe a huge thank you to all of you who so generously shared your knowledge and love of all things Star Wars.


SWW 2015

Favorite :
1. Glad I found this thread , meeting @@yulilin3 & her daughter, plus other Diser's. Feeling more prepared than not, after gaining info here. I definitely didn't remember it all, but after attending SWW put things into perspective & will help with planning for next year.
2. FTF DP. The Parade viewing & Dessert Party were a major plus for our group, which included GD 5 "Little Wookie" & GD 7 "Padme Amidala".
3. Rebel Hangar : Fun, fun, fun !
4. The enthusiasm of the SW fans.
5. Sci-Fi Galactic Breakfast : Fun, fun, fun !
6. I was soooo thankful that @@yulilin3 informed me of the "change" as to the separate areas for the Dessert Party for DPP & PP. So, this is a split "Favorite" thankful for the info / "Least Favorite" moment : now what do we do ?
7. Disney Guest Services / "Sammi" sprinkling Pixie Dust on our group.
8. Characterpalooza !
9. Pictures w Queen Amidala with my GD 7 "Padme Amidala" outfit.
10. Pictures w my GD 5 "Little Wookie" with Logray & Chewie.
11. Fireworks !!!!
12. Dessert Party !!!
13. Getting a big genuine Thank You & Hugs from my 2 GD, Son & Daughter Inlaw "For the best time ever" ! "Let's do it again" !
Least favorite :
1. Not enough time.
We had only allowed 1 day of our trip for SW / HS. Plus a quick morning for Galactic Breakfast.
2. Not enough time.
3. Too HOT + lose of appetite for all the fabulous desserts !
4. As mentioned in above #5.
5. Not enough shade for the Parade viewing for the DPP.
(Thankful for being welcomed & able to get in the small shaded area across from the main area).

Overall, a fabulous fun time !


We had a wonderful trip! Still trying to get caught up here in the real world since our trip ended up lasting an extra day due to our flight being cancelled because of the flooding in Houston on Monday evening.

One thing that I will reiterate that has been mentioned on here many, many times is to HYDRATE!!! It was so hot and humid there this weekend. I live in far west Texas in the desert, probably the only spot in the state not flooding this week, and we are just not used to the humidity. Combined with the temperatures (and heat index), it was HOT and we were drinking lots and lots of water but I still managed to get dehydrated on Saturday.

The VIP Tour was great! We were only there for the long, holiday weekend so this allowed us to see so much more at SWW than if we had tried to do it on our own. It was a long day since we had to be there at 6:45 am but both my husband and I agree that this tour was worth the money. We saw Darth Vadar before heading into the Mall to shop. Then we had breakfast at the Hollywood Brown Derby (eggs, bacon, sausage, waffles, potatoes, sweet rolls) before heading out with our guide to the rides. We rode Star Tours twice, Toy Story Midway Mania once, and Rockin' Roller Coaster once. We didn't do the Tower of Terror since we had done Star Tours twice and our guide was afraid we would be cutting it too close to make it to the parade viewing area in time. It was hot in the parade viewing area but they brought out umbrellas for us to share while we waited and we had all the water, soft drinks, Mickey bars, strawberry ice cream popsicles and popcorn that we wanted. After the parade, we headed to lunch at Mama Melrose's. Our lunch came out very quickly (since you preordered during breakfast) so we had about 45 minutes to ourselves before we had to head over for our first show. We had front row seats for both the StarWars Rebels Show and the Stars of the Saga. They did tell us that we would be seated in those same seats for the other two shows that day, Ewok Tale and Obi-Wan and Beyond, but we were so worn out from the heat and humidity that we went back to our resort for a nap and didn't attend those two shows. We were back by 8 pm for the Dessert Party and they let us in right at 8:30. It was not crowded at all and in fact, there were a few tables that remained empty all evening. It was a great vantage point for watching the show before the fireworks. The stage does block some of the view of the fireworks, but we had a table towards the back and I think that we saw most of them. Compared to the massive crowds that were watching from other areas, we were very fortunate as we could move around instead of being in one huge mass. Everyone was great and I don't think that you will be disappointed since the tour does allow you to do so much more than you would be able to do on your own in one day. The tour guides go out of their way to make sure that everything is going well and they even have frozen towels for you when you are waiting for the parade and the shows to help cool you down.

If you have any other questions, I would be happy to answer. Everyone on this board has been so helpful and our SWW wouldn't not have been such a success without the amazing information that I found here! Thanks to everyone here but especially @@yulilin3 for starting this thread and keeping it so up to date. I was going to try to come by to thank you personally on Saturday night before the fireworks but when we got out of Fantasmic, the crowds were insane (I know that you all had warned us of this but I didn't really understand the amount of people that would be crammed into that area until I was there myself) and there was no way to get to your spot at that point.


My experiences recap:

We were at Weekend II, or the DISsers Strike Back.

We had 4 people in my party, myself, my BF and my BF's mom and sister.

Our plans:

Friday May 22: 24 hour party
Saturday May 23: SWW in the afternoon and Mickey's H&V ADR at 8:35 pm
Sunday May 24: SWW all day, Rebel Hangar ADR at 6:45 pm
Monday May 25: no SW events
Tuesday May 26: Sci Fi breakfast 8 am, Rebel Hanger 6:30 pm

We attended the 24 hour party on Friday, so our first SWW experience was Saturday afternoon after we finally woke up. I'd done FP+ for TSMM, An Ewok's Tale and the Obi Wan show.

We missed our TSMM FP, but arrived at the park in time to get in line for An Ewok's Tale. We walked up to the theater after people had already been let in and had to sit in the way back (not the bleachers, just the back of the actual stands). I still felt it was a very good view. I thought the screens were big enough to see and I could still see the stage very well. We had seen the show last year (and I had been picked for Hermione) but it was still very enjoyable this year. There were some new pictures and stories in the show and I really liked the digital background for the stage.

After that we got some drinks from the pop up bar that is very close to the stage area. I got the green one and thought it was pretty good. We waited at the TOT gates to see if Characterpalooza would happen and it did! We were let in around 6:10 and there were only 2 characters, Tiana and Jasmine. We still had a great time though!

We lined up early for the Obi Wan show and were only about 5 rows back. We all really enjoyed the polls that were played to entertain people. The audience really got into the questions at some points and would cheer or groan when the results changed.

Once again, the Obi Wan show was great! JAT is such a personality. I was unsure if I'd like the show as much a second time, but I really enjoyed it again.

After that we wandered around and enjoyed the atmosphere until it was time to check into our H&V reservation. At that point I took Stephanie (my BF's sister) and we ran over to meet @@yulilin3 and her daughter. I had to get a pic with her great Sabine costume. There was another DISser there too who I'm sorry to say I didn't catch the name of. I was too busy rambling on with excitement.

We were let into the restaurant right on time. We waited in a few minute line to get our picture with Mickey. I actually liked getting a picture with the chipwoks better last year. That way they got to play off each other (as opposed to meeting separately in the restaurant this year), and I thought it made for a cuter pic.

Food: I thought the food here was excellent, but I also loved it last year. I was just sad that I didn't have too much of an appetite so I only got 2 plates and a sampling of the cupcakes for dessert.

Characters: They were all very good here. We got some good interactions and Brian's mom missed a few while she was in the restroom but the character manager was sure to send them back over.

Atmosphere: Eh...I mean, it still looks like H&V with some paper banners tossed around some poles.

Extras: We had one of the latest reservations just like we had the year before. We never felt rushed and I like having a late reservation, I feel like we get more character time. Plus at the end of the night the characters line up together for pics.

Conclusion: I enjoyed the meal but just didn't feel like I ate enough to justify the cost. We may skip this next year in favor of one of the packages. With that said, I still feel its worth it if you've never done it.

After we were done the fireworks were over so we casually walked over to the second Fantasmic showing and were able to walk right in and get great seats about 10 rows back.

I'll start on Sunday in my next post.


Sunday was our big SWW day. We had FP+ for the Rebels show, SOTS and An Ewok's Tale (I'd made that one in case we slept in too late and missed it the day before).

We started out the day by waking up a little before 5. We were in the car and ready to go on time, but then we realized the car had a flat tire.

I jumped into action and went to the All Star Sports lobby to request a cab. One was called and he had arrived in approx 5 minutes. We made it to DHS around 5:45 and Stephanie and I hopped into Warwick's line while the other 2 got into Vanessa Marshall's line. They were about 20th in line and we actually weren't too far back for Warwick.

We were given our wristbands around6:30-6:45. It was nice because CMs gave us a time warning of when they'd pass out the bands so we could be sure to be there.

We weren't given the actual FP until sometime around 7:20, which I thought was cutting it close as the park would open soon. But the process went really fast. Our Vanessa Marshall people were able to ask for a later time FP and were given it no problem.

After we got our FP my BF and his mom decided to go back to the room and nap. Stephanie and I were about 10 people back from our tapstyle. The park opened and we were only 3 rows back from the opening stormtrooper show. If you want pictures of the opening show, have your cameras ready when you see the stormtroopers start to come down the street, there are some cool action shots at the very start.

Stephanie and I were going to attempt the Chewie 5k today. She is a much faster and more aggressive walker/runner than I am, so I told her to go have fun and I walked sedately along with everyone else, secure in my spot.

Sure enough, I finally caught up and she had got there first. I got to talk to a DIS boards lurker who was second in line behind us (if your reading this post and say hi!). We messed around and got some speeder bike pics before Chewie came out. The photopass photographer will take your photo on the bike too if you ask. Chewie came out about right on time! And I was super excited to see Logray with him! I really like that the ewoks start in the morning this year.

After Chewie there are only so many options. You can try to get some rides in, get in line for Vader or go shopping. None of the other characters are out at that point. Since we'd see Vader at breakfast we opted to get in line for Darth Maul, who came out at 9. We sat and relaxed in the line until he came out a few minutes late. We were about 10 groups back but it was so entertaining seeing people interact with Maul that we had a great time waiting.

I wish the characters would come out earlier. After Maul, we decided to go shopping. There was no wait at Xwing Collectibles. I have to say...I was disappointed in the merchandise this year. Last year I walked away with numerous pins, vinylmations, knick knacks and a Kessel Run Millenium Falcon print. This year I only liked the passholder pin and some small Small World style post card prints.

The other store had about a 10 minute wait. We could only get the bantha aurasma pic to work while we waited.

Everything I liked in this store was too expensive (the Ezra lightsaber, which is half the price at Target and some of the Her Universe stuff). I was also a little disappointed in the snack bar this year. I was not in the mood for alcohol that early and I wish they'd had more food/snack options.

We were really hungry at this point and the parade was getting close to starting, so we headed to starbucks for breakfast and a drink to wake up. This was a MISTAKE. Starbucks was incredibly crowded and it took over half an hour to order and get our stuff. When we were done the parade was starting soon. We'd decided that with the insane crowds this year we were only going to catch the 501st part. Disney needs to make this parade route longer. After we fought our way off the main street we easily found a shady spot near the Indiana Jones stunt show. We both really enjoyed the 501st costumes!

Next up I think we went over to get in line for the Clone wars characters. We were told that we were too early and the line wasn't forming yet so we sat in a shady area and watched the line. The CM turned away a few other groups trying to line up, then unfortunately he went on his break and I didn't notice so about 4 groups lined up and weren't sent away before I realized our CM was gone so we rushed up and got in line too. Assajj Ventress was out first, which was good for us because we'd missed her last year. We had a great interaction where she tried to twist off my poor stuffed taun taun's head (he is still traumatized). After that we got back into line for Ahsoka who was due next. The CMs will tell you that you can't let people ahead of you in line, but we found if you do it quietly back in the last corner it will work out. We were able to then meet Ahsoka and Rex.

At this point Brian met back up with us and it was time for the Rebels show. We got pretty good seats and enjoyed the polls again until the show started. I really liked the opening sketch with the Rebels characters. Then JAT and Vanessa Marshall came out. It was a great show, but I thought it was really short.

Then Stephanie and I had a very narrow window to use our Warwick FP before SOTS. We saw JAT rushing around inside the autograph center, probably on his way to SOTS. We got our Warwick autographs and had a nice chat with him, then rushed off for the SOTS. Brian had waited for us outside and said the CMs were pulling random people inside to get Silas Carson's autograph.

I think our seats for SOTS were pretty decent. I enjoyed the pre show, but think that I liked last year's better.

Ugh, I feel like this post is very long so I will finish Sunday in a bit.


After the SOTS show we wanted to try to meet Anakin so we went back to the Jedi Council area. We had just got in line when I checked the DISboards and saw that Boba Fett steins had been spotted at that little stand. Stephanie went running off while I waited at the Council. She said the line was pretty long and the one lone CM manning the stand looked overwhelmed. They'd only got one box in but luckily Stephanie got 2. She made it back to me with a few minutes to spare and luckily we ended up getting to meet Anakin!! I wanted to meet him again this year because I thought I'd thought up a very clever line and I was going to ask him what his thoughts were on sand (since he has that awful line comparing Padme to sand in Attack of the Clones). So I asked him what his thoughts were on sand, and I swear the CM gave a super quick smirk and thought it was funny, but then he got super serious very quickly and was like 'no, I don't like sand, I don't like it at all.' I thought it was all very funny, then he asked us to give a secret message to Padme so we all played up the seriousness of it and I was like 3 people can keep a secret if two are dead, then got really nervous and was like don't get any ideas Annie (I think I am hilarious, obviously).

Next up we got the Vader and Stormtrooper magic shots. It was time to try for another characterpalooza, and this time it was at 6:10 again at the TOT gates and we saw a lot of characters, though no super rare ones. On this trip we really wanted to try for Brian and my white whales, Robin Hood and Mushu.

Then we tried to stalk Chopper with a little help from a certain DISser, we waited for him when he left the PMC show, but sadly Chopper had a universe to save and he could not stop to get a picture with me :(

I'm pretty sure we did some more stuff here but I forget. Anyway, we checked into Rebel Hanger a few minutes early but were seated on time.

We were seated on one of the upper levels next to the ledge by the ramp. I set Chopper out on the ledge as a character lure (don't anyone laugh at me, that worked more than once). Anyway we put in our food order and were excitedly checking out the decorations and making our table Han Solo shoot at stuff when I looked up and saw Ezra and Sabine headed up the ramp towards us. I lost my mind and started pointing at my stuffed Chopper and shouting 'look Sabine, its Chopper!'. My insaneness worked though, they deigned to stop and speak with us. I told them Chopper had found us a little while ago and he was upset that he'd saved all the crew of the Ghost and that he barely got a thanks, so he was running away. Then I told them that I thought Chopper was just looking for attention and we all had a nice chat. Then we asked for a picture and Stephanie fell in love with Ezra's eyes. I think she developed quite the crush.

We didn't see any more characters during the meal but we were pretty ecstatic since Ezra and Sabine are pretty rare.

Food: Between the 4 of us, we ordered most of the menu items and all the alcoholic drinks. Everything was delicious, there was not a bad item on that menu! I was mostly disappointed with the food this trip (I threw away 2 different pasta dishes from the All Stars food court, and I love pasta) but this place was the exception.

Atmosphere: They did such a good job with this place!! So many cool things to walk around and look at. And I loved all the table center pieces.

Characters: we only saw 2, but boy were we happy to see them!

Extras: I liked that this place gives you the opportunity to maybe see characters but the food is much cheaper than a character buffet. I spoke to a manager who came by and said that I hoped they'd keep it open all the time and she agreed and said she'd pass on my comments to her higher ups. Our waiter loved it too, he said he normally worked at 50s Prime Time but he was really enjoying the Rebel Hangar.

Also a funny thing happened at dinner, we saw JAT's driver, who if you've seen the SOTS he showed a picture and the driver Disney gives him looks like JAT's twin. So we called the look alike CM over and joked with him and asked for pictures. We then tweeted the pics of us with him and said we'd met JAT with the hashtags #swwwekends, #SOTS and JAT. JAT actually responded later that night and tagged the CM and said 'have you been posing as me again?!' It was so funny and I love that JAT responds to fans' tweets. What a good guy.

After that there wasn't much time before fireworks so we popped into a Rebels recap show and took pics with the statues of Chopper, Ezra and Sabine.

Then we came out and sat near Gertie the dino for fireworks, watched the amazing show and were done for the night.


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