OFFICIAL The Pirates League Thread

So 9:00 is the earliest appointment? I wish they could start at 8am so we could time it where he could get this done before the pirate scavenger cruise at GF. If I am correct, the cruise goes out at 9:30. We will be going in the summer...

Yes i believe it is the earliest. we have our 4 kids and the earliest was 9:20 i think...
Correct, 9 is the earliest. They've never opened at 8am.

This was given to me by a current TPL CM. We weren't sure when we would be allowed to say anything, but she mentioned that one of the Managers was talking about these upcoming changes with other Guests so she asked me to share it with you all!

The packages are all being adjusted in the coming months. Some of the changes are currently unknown, but its believed that the First Mate option will be losing the fake teeth and will be gaining something else.

The empresses is going through a complete makeover, to make it more piratey and less princessy.

The mermaid is coming back, in a slightly different look and package.

And a new package, based on Jake from Jake and the Neverland Pirates, will be created for pirates under the age of 3. It will not feature pirate paint, but will include other activities based on the TV show.

All of these changes will come with a slight price increse... rumor is that all packages will be increased by $5, making them $34.95.

I know you'll have tons of questions, but to be honest that's about all I know. Hopefully some of the other Pirate Masters will jump in to provide more info as it becomes available. I think the target is in December, but that's not confirmed.

well, this is good news and Bad (only becuase of the price increase!)
thanks for the update!!! will be watching for more information!!!! as usual your amazing and i thank you!
Hi there. Just to be sure ... they never did extend the hours this year for the Halloween party, right? Trying to figure out how to juggle things and still make this work. There are so many fabulous things to do and you just can't do them all! Just over 2 weeks for us now!
Correct, 9 is the earliest. They've never opened at 8am.

This was given to me by a current TPL CM. We weren't sure when we would be allowed to say anything, but she mentioned that one of the Managers was talking about these upcoming changes with other Guests so she asked me to share it with you all!

The packages are all being adjusted in the coming months. Some of the changes are currently unknown, but its believed that the First Mate option will be losing the fake teeth and will be gaining something else.

The empresses is going through a complete makeover, to make it more piratey and less princessy.

The mermaid is coming back, in a slightly different look and package.

And a new package, based on Jake from Jake and the Neverland Pirates, will be created for pirates under the age of 3. It will not feature pirate paint, but will include other activities based on the TV show.

All of these changes will come with a slight price increse... rumor is that all packages will be increased by $5, making them $34.95.

I know you'll have tons of questions, but to be honest that's about all I know. Hopefully some of the other Pirate Masters will jump in to provide more info as it becomes available. I think the target is in December, but that's not confirmed.

IGNORE THE INFO BELOW, it is incorrect as my travel agent acknowledged that the cost she quoted was a "typo"!! SO SORRY

Thanks Berlioz, you have been confirmed, sadly! :sad2: Today I got an email from my Dreams Unlimited TA with "Childrens Activities" in it and here's what it said about the Pirate's League - btw I am not a fan of the 40% price hike!

Pirates League
The Pirates League allows boys and girls to transform themselves into Pirates, and allows their dreams to come true as they join Captain Jack Sparrow's crew. Participants receive a pirate identity, are transformed into a pirate by a WDW Pirate Master, and have access to a secret treasure room. They are also able to unlock clues to additional pirate encounters in the Magic Kingdom.

First Mate Package: Includes bandana; choice of facial effects; scars; tattoos; fake teeth; earring and eye patch; sword and sheath;
pirate coin necklace; one 5×7-inch photo; and personalized pirate oath - $49.95 plus tax. No it's $29.95 (for now)

Empress Package: Includes bandana; shimmering makeup; face gem; tattoos; nail polish; earring and eye patch; sword and sheath;
pirate coin necklace; one 5×7-inch photo; and personalized pirate oath - $49.95 plus tax. No it's $29.95 (for now)

So apparently the appointment I booked for DS7 in March 2012 will now cost $49.95... I am ok with the actual fee, but I am seriously questioning what they are doing differently or more now to justify such a big price increase, a photo? :confused3

I realize it will be fun and "worth it" but am still surprised and a bit annoyed pirate: by the amount of the price change.

IGNORE THE INFO ABOVE, it is incorrect as my travel agent acknowledged that the cost she quoted was a "typo"!! SO SORRY!

Sydnerella's Mama
When do these new packages and prices take effect? We're set to go in a couple weeks, and for 5 of us, that would be quite a bit more than I'd planned to spend.
One thing the new price includes that the old price didn't is the photo....we just did the Pirates League 2 weeks ago and we paid extra for the photo. The pirate Leaque experince really was worth it, I thought that the $29 a child I paid was a good deal for what we got. Of course we paid the extra for the photo!
I hope we will have the option to buy or not to buy the photo. I wasn't planning on it. If they did a group photo of the 5 of us, I would get one for sure. But not 5 individuals. We're only going to the MK for one day, for the MNSSHP. So, without extended party hours at pirates league, it will be costing us about $650 just to get in, park tickets plus party tickets, before adding on pirates league costs. We're excited to do it, but it does add up.
Hello, today my TA emailed me back and said that her email had a "typo" in it regarding the cost of the Pirate's League. I apologize, I assumed that the TA would have the correct costs in her email.... I am annoyed :headache:

TA said the following:

There’s a typo in the email I sent you. The current price for the Pirate’s League (always subject to change) is $29.95.

So sorry for the panic about the increase - esp to you ewerstruly!! :hug:

Sydnerella's Mama
My DS7 will be doing the PL for the first time. He is so excited about doing this and has already picked out the face he wants. pirate:

I'm happy to read that I will be able to take pictures while he is getting all done up. I also know that he will want to buy the photo at the end.

In 12 days my son will be transformed into a cursed pirate....oh boy:)
My son and nephew did the Pirates League on 10/8 when it was pouring rain outside. They both wanted the cursed pirate and were told this may be a bad idea because of the heavy rain. In fact, they told us we could cancel at no charge because the rain was so heavy. We almost did cancel but the boys really wanted to do it.

So we went ahead with the cursed pirate and it was worth every penny! The people working there are outstanding and the experience alone is worth the money. My sons face washed off after a few hours in the rain but that was okay. Jack Sparrow and another pirate made the rounds for photos while we were there. My son was thrilled about this. Jack told him he already had a right hand man so he could be his left hand man. It made my sons day.

They did have a problem with the photos that day. We were told we could return later to purchase it for $10 instead of $15, but by the time we made it back around they were closed. I'm a little bummed about that, I would have loved to have that photo. Despite that little hiccup it was an outstanding experience and I highly recommend it to anyone that has Pirates fans in the house.

IMG_2361 by dawntreader101, on Flickr[/IMG]
Thanks Berlioz, you have been confirmed, sadly! :sad2: Today I got an email from my Dreams Unlimited TA with "Childrens Activities" in it and here's what it said about the Pirate's League - btw I am not a fan of the 40% price hike!

Actually - what your travel agent is seeing is not a typo - it's INCREDIBLY old. When TPL opened, it was 49.95 for about 10 months (it included the photo, which is now an add on). The price changed in January 2010. My concern is that your travel agent is looking at other old info. :confused:

When do these new packages and prices take effect? We're set to go in a couple weeks, and for 5 of us, that would be quite a bit more than I'd planned to spend.

I think the target is in December, but that's not confirmed.
Quick question:

My son and I have PL appts for 1:50 today. It's a party night.

Anyone had issues going in costume, into the parks, that early on a party night? Or are the CM's pretty understanding?
My darling fiance had this done back in July and he chose the cursed pirate and he LOVED it (granted he's 23 years old lol) and had a blast!!! Wish I still had pictures of us all done up but alas my photopass expired and have no way of getting those photos (which truly is a bummer).

I just want to thank you and the other posters here for all the info and help. We leave for WDW on Friday and will be at the Pirate's League on Wednesday 10/19 in the morning. Hope we get to run into you there!

All the best-

-Megan & mates pirate:
Quick question:

My son and I have PL appts for 1:50 today. It's a party night.

Anyone had issues going in costume, into the parks, that early on a party night? Or are the CM's pretty understanding?

You'll be fine. CMs know it's a party night and understand that it's not possible for all Guests to leave and change to come back.


I just want to thank you and the other posters here for all the info and help. We leave for WDW on Friday and will be at the Pirate's League on Wednesday 10/19 in the morning. Hope we get to run into you there!

All the best-

-Megan & mates pirate:

Have a great time!!
You'll be fine. CMs know it's a party night and understand that it's not possible for all Guests to leave and change to come back.


Gerard Warloather (my son) and Benjamin Chipcutter (me) had a GREAT time! The party went off like gangbusters, too.
The empresses is going through a complete makeover, to make it more piratey and less princessy.

The mermaid is coming back, in a slightly different look

All of these changes will come with a slight price increse... rumor is that all packages will be increased by $5, making them $34.95.

I know you'll have tons of questions, but to be honest that's about all I know. Hopefully some of the other Pirate Masters will jump in to provide more info as it becomes available. I think the target is in December, but that's not confirmed.

This is exciting news! I just wish the target could be moved up to late November! I have appointments made for my 4 kids on nov 22! This is a surprise trip for them, I know my 4 yo daughter and 8 year old son are going to love this. I was unsure about booking ressies for my two oldest daughters who are 13 and 15 but I decided to go for it since they are huge POTC fans. Keeping my fingers creased that the mermaid makes an early reappearance!

I've been reading a lot of posts here since we made our plans to go to WDW, and thought I'd ask this odd question.

Our family will be at WDW in early Nov and was wondering if there was any chance of a "walk-in" during the "less crowded" times the first week in Nov? My nephew is shy and it's sure if he wants to do it. Also, do you have many "big kids" (say around 44!) do the PL?

Thank you in advance for your time and help.


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