Oh Yeah We’re Going Again, But I’m Not Telling You Yet When! 1/27/15 Prayers Please

Hi Judy! I just caught up. So glad to see you posting again. Thanks for the trip report Tracy! I hope you don't mind that I ignored your preferred order on donations but wanted to give a little more than Rachel needed so I moved onto Christian. Summer is flying by for us. We've had a Disney Vacation, college visits, drs and dentists and orthodontics. Not sure how you do it every week. Only 2 more weeks of vacation for us so trying to fit a few last commitments and fun in but I will try to check in soon. Debbie

Debbie, so glad to see you. :goodvibes

Do I mind that you skipped Rachel and donated MORE to Christian? NOT at all!! I am humbled and grateful and SO appreciative, Thank you!! Christian hasn't seen it yet (He gets the emails for his page, I check the reports). He is at a job interview, but I KNOW this will make him very happy, Thank you again!

I would love to see the Disney pics if you want to share. Sounds like you have had a very full summer! I hope the next few weeks are lots of fun! :yay:
TRACY Should I post pics of the house? I have all of them if you want me to...

If you are reading along and want to see the house we stayed at, please let us know by leaving a comment, we would like to know who is reading. :cheer2:
Judy, Yes!! Please post photos of the house, you have better photos of the house than me. I also don't seem to have any photos of the next day! I should have taken a photo of my sweet potatoes & steak ;)

Thanks everyone for chiming in about the photos, I will try to post more tomorrow, skipping the day of no photos, lol.

Tracy... Loved the update! What great photos! I would LOVE to steal that Pocohontas one of you for my "I Spy" album on my facebook page... Let me know if I can.

Tink and JJ are such wonderful people - I cannot believe how much JJ has grown! We met them on our 2012 trip, and my girls just loved JJ! :lovestruc

It looks like you had a great day at AK and were able to get lots done! Thanks for sharing here, I love seeing the pictures... And I love the flower in your hair - you are such a beautiful person! :lovestruc

You could seal the one of me with Pocohantas, if you would like.

It was a lot of fun spending the day with Tink and JJ!

When I checked out of POP in the morning and stored my bag, I was wondering what to do with the flower the CM gave me. So I decided to put it in my hair, lol. I lost it on Everest, though.
Judy, Yes!! Please post photos of the house, you have better photos of the house than me. I also don't seem to have any photos of the next day! I should have taken a photo of my sweet potatoes & steak ;)

Thanks everyone for chiming in about the photos, I will try to post more tomorrow, skipping the day of no photos, lol.

You could seal the one of me with Pocohantas, if you would like.

It was a lot of fun spending the day with Tink and JJ!

When I checked out of POP in the morning and stored my bag, I was wondering what to do with the flower the CM gave me. So I decided to put it in my hair, lol. I lost it on Everest, though.

Thanks Tracy!

Oh no... That is exactly something that would happen to me... It was beautiful while it lasted though. :thumbsup2

Have a great day everyone!

Judy, I am so very sorry that I haven't stopped by to say hello or comment. I don't know if you read my latest family update on my report...Lacey and Jesse are here for a visit and there are some medical issues happening with a couple of family members. I finally was able to take a moment and donate this morning! I chose David, Pete and Rachel since they hadn't met their goals yet.

Tracy, it looks like the trip is off to a fantastic start! We spent some time with Michelle and her family at Sea World a couple of years ago. That JJ is one cute little guy.

Hopefully, my life will slow down a bit and allow me to keep up with all of you guys again.
Yes more picture would be great to see!!! Glad to see you were already off and having a good time!!!

So for those of you not friends of mine on facebook, I feel just like Judy. Where have these last 6 months gone!!! Baby JJ is now 6 months old and as adorable as can be!!! He was 26 inches long and 15 lbs at his 6 month well check and is doing great!!!

Hi to everyone, I have not been on Dis much lately so I was so happy to see updates on everyone on this thread esp Judy's gang.
So for those of you not friends of mine on facebook, I feel just like Judy. Where have these last 6 months gone!!! Baby JJ is now 6 months old and as adorable as can be!!! He was 26 inches long and 15 lbs at his 6 month well check and is doing great!!!
My goddness, he is a cutie, thanks for sharing the photos.

Thanks everyone for checking in.

Please say an extra prayer for our friend Judy today, she hasn't been feeling well.
So skipping a day, (because of my lack of photos for our first full day in the house) brings us to a day at
the Showcase of Citrus!!

At one point, because of a wacky GPS, I didn't think we would make it but glad we did. It was a lot of fun. There is a few things to do here and I think we did it all, lol.

First it was yummy slushes:

(Rachel can multi-task, slush drinking and hoolahooping)

Then we had to go check out the animals. There were goats, pigs and chickens that we fed.

More showcase of citrus fun to come....


I have NOT forgotten the house pics, I actually have them loaded to photobucket, just not posted yet. I appreciate those who said they wanted to see them AND Sandra, thanks for the beautiful pics!! :lovestruc :goodvibes

I haven’t felt quite right since Monday. I felt tired (But we had a VERY busy day with extra appts because Lisa had been at camp all last week). I noticed some light “bruising” on my abdomen in the shower on Tuesday, which mildly concerned me since I had not injured myself. By Wednesday night I was exceptionally fatigued, so not like me and the “bruise” was approx. 10” X 5” (I am told it is bigger, but that is what it looks like to me). It was a dark bluish/deep purple and black color. I looked like I had been in an auto accident (or kicked by a horse as one of the nurses told me). Thursday I went to the MD with strange vital signs (I had no idea I had a fever OR my normal BP of 110/60 was sky high). With the incredible “bruising” he thought I was internally hemorrhaging. To be honest, so did I.

The entire way to the ER I was praying and trying not to cry. I am not afraid to die, but I worried what it would do to my children, they have had so much trauma. I didn’t have anyone to be with me at the ER (Pete was at work he borrowed Christian’s car so I wouldn’t have to pick him up). I wasn't alone though, God was with me and He and I had a lovely chat in all of the hours I was there. I called the children several times to check on them and they were doing their school work (I had forgotten to tell them too, but they were doing it just as if I were there). I kept missing Pete when I called and he was going nuts. I had told him not to come to the hospital, somebody has to pay the bills! I was concerned, our insurance year runs August 1 to July 31 and I need this to be resolved before next Thursday. I expect deductibles on the children, not an extra five grand on me! So in between all of the tests, I prayed...After 7 hours in the ER and tons of tests, they FINALLY told me I am A-OK, and could go home, they had no idea what was going on and to follow up with my MD on Monday. I got off of the stretcher only to run into the wheel they had not locked down/tucked in to PREVENT such an accident and NOW have a broken toe on the same foot of my tendonitis...you have to laugh. The devil tries to thwart you, but God is bigger!!*Believe what you want, but I walked (albeit limping) out of a hospital the doctor thought I would be sleeping in the ICU Thursday night. God IS good.*

Now I return you to our regularly scheduled PTR!! I have a lot of Showcase of Citrus pics I want to post too, I loved that place!! Tracy, is it okay to post pics of you? I have TONS of you with the children!!

Enjoying the trip report!

Judy, that bruise thing is so weird. I hope your internist will have some answers for you!
Tracy, loving the pictures of Showcase of Citrus. Where is that exactly? We pass by a you-pick-it citrus place on our way to Disney and I wonder if it's the same one.

Judy, God IS good! You are right in that you were not alone in the hospital. He is with us all of the time. Did they tell you anything about why you had the bruise and are they going to do any type of follow-up tests?
Continued prayers for you and your family, Judy.

We went to Showcase of Citrus for the first time this past June. Wonderful family run business. The kids had a blast on the Monster truck bus. They even let my 11 year old drive it for about 5 minutes since it was his birthday. It is about a 20 minute drive from Disney so if you ever have time, it is a great place to visit.

Praying that you are ok, Judy, and that this was just some sort of weird thing that will -- poof -- be gone.
Judy I'm happy to share pictures of the kids. I really need to get through all of our trip pictures and hopefully start a trip report so I can share even more.

Hope whatever was causing the bruising either was just a fluke and nothing too serious. Can't wait to see your pictures too.

As Tracy mentioned, Tracy was playing at AK while we were driving. We arrived at the house and figured out how to work the alarm system and EXPLORE!! I took tons of pictures, but left everything in the living room. We sort of knew how the room assignments were going to go from pics, BUT since Tracy was the true “owner” for the week, we wanted her to have first choice of rooms.


Entrance Hall






Tracy’s Bedroom


Tracy’s Bathroom


David’s Bedroom


David and Christian’s Bathroom


Christian's Bedroom



Christian’s Bedroom


Dining Room




Living Room Area (this was quite large, an open concept area to the Dining Area and Kitchen).



Pete’s and My Bedroom





This was the only thing that I found to be truly uncomfortable about the house. The toilet was sandwiched between 2 thick walls making the space too small.


Above pics were all in the Master Bedroom bath.


Master bedroom closet.



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