Park Passes for DVC Members


DIS Veteran
Jan 26, 2000
As DVC Members we are treating our entire family to a stay at BWV in December. It is the first time our family will vacation together and I am so excited!
My dilemma is what type of park passes to purchase. We will be there for 8 days but are primarily interested only in the 4 parks. From what I can tell, you can only purchase a hopper pass for 7 days. Is this true?
Also, are we eligible to purchase UMPs as DVC members? If so, how does this work? Can we pay for the tickets in advance?
Thanks in advance for the info! :D
Minimum for park hopper passes if 4 days, or at least that was the case last year when we went. I thought you could get anywhere from 4 to 7 day park hoppers.
I appreciate the info. But I just realized that I did not word my question properly. We will only be visiting the 4 parks but want admission for all 8 days. What are our options?
Thanks again!
DVC members get a 10% discount on UMP's. You should also compare that cost to an AP- whcih would also give you a good reason to plan another trip within the next year.

The UMP includes admission to all 4 parks, water parks, PI and DQ. The UMP is available at the resort at check in (it will be encoded on your room ID). The AP may be purchased in advance (at TDS) and activiated on first use at a park- or just purchased at any park.

Have a great trip!
At 8 days you're at about break even point for Annual Passes. Have you thought of mixing your passes.? We're coming last week of May- myself, DH,DS and his buddy (both new high school grads). DH and I have Annual Passes as we'll be back in November. DS has a Premium Annual Pass as he was at WDW in January, and needs the premium feature because he loves waterparks as well as the theme parks. His buddy will probably get a UMP so he can hang out with DS - he doesn't need Annual as he probably won't be back.
Are you sure you will spend 8 days in the parks? We usually go for 7-8 days, but arrival day is not spent in a park. Also, we usually spend one day hanging out at the pool and/or Downtown Disney, but I am not sure if it will be warm enough for a pool day. We were able to swim comfortably in December once. We purchased annual passes, but there is no DVC discount on them that I am aware of. When we have taken friends/relatives with us, we always purchase 5-day hoppers for them, and that seems to work out best if they will not be returning again within a year. Most families need a "break" day after doing the parks for a few days, so you might want to consider getting a pass for less days than your actual stay. Whatever you decide, I am sure you'll have a great time!:cool:
We have been buying the 7-day hoppers because they are the most cost-effective of the hopper passes. Since they don't expire, we find them good for "loaning" to guests while they visit with us. Unused days are used on a future trip. The only hassle is keeping track of the park days remaining and the "plus" features remaining on each pass. Next year we're going with annual passes and we'll have more than enough "left-over" water park days on the hoppers.
You may want to check out the cost of the AP with a DC discount. If the number of passes is significant, the savings may more than offset the DC membership cost (currently $40 unless you qualify for a $10 company discount). The breakeven on AP vs. Park Hopper is usually right around the 8-day mark.

Good suggestions already given above!

UMP's..unless you plan to visit the parks each and every day, and take advanatage of water parks and DQ..they really aren't a bargin.

We had guests with us last month..we gave them each a 7 day plus hopper. We were there for 8 nights. They only used 5 park days, and no plus options, so we still have 2 park days and 4 plus options (water parks, PI) on these tickets. The hopper tickets were the best option for our guests.

We had AP's that we activated because we are returning for 18 more days before the AP's expire.

I purchased the tickets using our Disney Club discount. It runs about 5%, and does make a difference. You don't get a DVC discount on these types of tickets.

I always map out all the ticket options and their respective prices..then divide by the # of days I anticipate using them on a trip and determine what gives us the best value for our money. Even with the 10% discount on UMP's..they've never been the best value for the money for our trips.

Also, don't forget that as a DVC member, we get a discount on admission to water parks and if you plan to spend a day there and not go into a park..consider the hopper plus admission, or the AP and pay cash for the days you might use the water parks.

Lots of options to consider! Have fun planning!
We bought the 7 day hopper plus right here on the Dis site! It was a great price, and the delivery at the hotel was fantastic!. So easy!
We used to buy the PAP, then we went to the AP's, but we found that we weren't going to the parks enough for the AP to be good for us, then when they stopped allowing you to renew from the date that you first USE them, we dropped it. We can no longer be certain that we will fit in the extra trips within the calendar year, and I was tired of planning my trip around the AP, instead of when I wanted to go. ( and with the kids, we need to consider what is the best time for them to go.)
I like the fact that I no longer feel like I should go to the parks. Now I only go when I REALLY want to go. I still have 5 days left from my last trip, and all the plus days. So I will easily get two trips, maybe even three, but at least I know they will not expire.
I am not certain, but I THOUGHT that the AP now includes DQ.( Was this true, or just a rumor?) If you think that you will fit a second trip, and want to go the DQ then the AP might work for you.
I believe it's only the PAP and the UPH passes that include DisneyQuest.
I just found this tip in The Unofficial Guide to Walt Disney World 2001 (Bob Sehlinger) on page 53 in the section about allocating money.

Has anyone ever used this discount for their passes?

'Special Tip for Florida Time-Share Owners

If you own an interest in a time-share property in Florida, including the Disney Vacation Club, you are eligible for Florida resident discounts on admissions. You must provide a copy of your lease or purchase contract and a picture ID.'

DVC Members Since 1993
Just a word of caution about ordering tickets through the DIS board. We did that...ordered in January, and just went on May 11th. We checked into OKW and called to get the tickets delivered. That was at about 5:15 pm. They informed us the LAST delivery goes out at 5:00. My dh does not recall them ever mentioning that when he ordered them (and when he called to let them know we switched resorts) Well, seeing as the next day was EE at the MK, we cancelled the order and bought the hopper pass for $7 more at the OKW check in desk. Also, the new hopper included 2 PLUS days where as the old one did not. Our credit card has already been refunded the money we had paid, so at least that was quick and painless :)

So...make sure you check in and call them by 5:00!!!!!

ohiominnie :p
The Unofficial Guide is mistaken. DVC membership alone does <b><i>not</i></b> qualify you for the Florida resident discount.

As someone else has said, that's why they call it unofficial.
We always get the annual passes and we love them. Our average stay is between 8 to 10 days and we usually work it out so that we get two trips in before they expire. We feel we really get our moneys worth with these passes. The big thing that I love about having the annual pass over a park hopper is the flexibility. I love being able to spend the day outside of a park, hanging out at the pool or shopping and then being able to visit a park for dinner, or to see fireworks withouth having to worry about using a day on my Park Hopper. If you are planning on spending 8 days in the park, with the possibility of returning within the next year, I'd say AP's are the way to go.
I think it's unlikely that you will go to the parks all eight days. Only you can decide what's best for you but consider the overall cost and the possiblity of rain days, some want to do other things or just hang out, etc. Plus the days of arival and departure might be lost. I'd say consider a 7 day park hopper where the tickets will be good forever if there are unused portions. AP certainly has merit, especially if you can go a second trip within a year. The UMP also has merit especially if you can get them to know off the first and last day. Why not consider buying 4 or 5 day park hoppers then seeing how things go. I bet with people not wanting to go every day, you'll have enough to do what you want to do. Good luck.
I am not sure if you plan on "park hopping". this message if from another thread, and it says that when you purchase the other days they do not have to be for the park that you are in, just that you cannot park hop.
The information was found at the site

If you are staying for 2-3 days and don't want to buy the multi-day pass (I think the min on those is 4 days) you can get a discount on subsequent day's passes.
Here's what it says....

Buy your fist day's pass at the regular price. Either at the same time or before the end of the day, show the one-day pass at the ticket window and buy your second day's ticket for $5 off. If you need a third day, you get a $10 discount!
Note: with these passes you can only go to one park per day. No park hopping.


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