Pete's rants for 8/05/09


<font color=Green>Sees a star on a mountain<marque
May 22, 2009
I really liked his rants today..he is 100% right how dare do seasonal charges and why did they have to raise the ticket prices?!
I have to agree as well.

Pete's rant was awesome. He is 110% right about ticket prices going up especially now with the way the economy is going, and the seasonal charging of the dining plan.

We have used the dining plan the last few years and will be again in 2 1/2 weeks, but I guess no more after this trip. I'm not paying $47. per person, that's not worth it at all.

Way to go Pete I'm right with you on these topics!!!
I 100% agree with the rants. Usually do. However, and I'm not defending Disney at ALL here, the people will still come, and Disney knows it. Sure, numbers may be down right now, but the majority of people are lemmings. They want\need that vacation, and a Disney trip is still a "deal" over many things out there.

We also use the dining plan. We have for our last 5 trips. I think it STINKS that they are doing this seasonal thing, but guess what? I will still buy it. Why? Again, not defending Disney at ALL, but, it's still a deal, IMO, if you are eating "on site". Even at $47. We usually do one CS and one TS every day, and frankly, that usually adds up to more than $50 per person. (Yeah, we like to eat, and love character meals etc). :) We also travel often during the free dining times, so hopefully that continues, and then the whole point is moot for us anyway.

Again, I hate these trends, and truly hope that Disney does not one day price us out of visiting each year, but for us, living in the PA area, a trip to Disney, is still cheaper than a week long stay at the "Jersey Shore".
Shame on Disney and the executives that authorized the approval of the price increases on the park tickets and especially the dining plan. Pete is dead on target for this one, this is going to make it very difficult for families to vacation to WDW. There are so many travel deals out right now due to the economy, I will not be surprised if families make alternate plans. Now if Disney fans can visit WDW and see the WISHES fireworks, they will all be wishing the prices will go back down!
I don't know. The ticket price increase still doesn't bug me. I know disagreement with Pete's rants are futile, but it is just something that happens rain or shine that I am used to.

This dining plan thing, though, it is awful! I am glad Pete gave it the attention he did. I personally, have never used it since most of my trips are spontaneous 3-day deals. But for those families who cannot afford to go off peak, this will be a further deterrant.
I agree with Pete's rants. Yes I know that this was expected at this time of year but it doesn't make it right. Raising prices when a lot a people are watching what they spend it just doesn't make sense. I think when people sit down and crunch the numbers they might not see a deal. When they are coming they are not spending once they get there, I don't see shopping at the resort like I used to. :thumbsup2
I agree with Pete and most everyone else concerning price changes. I am especially upset over the dining plan increase and seasonal rates for the plan. We have always used the DDP, but I seriously doubt we ever do it again. We had already talked about doing the TIW, and now I know for sure that is the route we will take in the future. I hope a lot of other people decide that the DDP is not worth that and stay away from it, just to show Disney what a huge mistake they made for making such a dumb move.
I don't know. The ticket price increase still doesn't bug me. I know disagreement with Pete's rants are futile, but it is just something that happens rain or shine that I am used to.

This dining plan thing, though, it is awful! I am glad Pete gave it the attention he did. I personally, have never used it since most of my trips are spontaneous 3-day deals. But for those families who cannot afford to go off peak, this will be a further deterrant.

You know what? The ticket price increase doesn't really bother me either, but I think it was stupid for the exact same reason Pete is the PERCEPTION of it. He is absolutely right that it got press and the only thing most people hear is the one day $79 price. I posted almost the same thing when it was announced...a family of four who is thinking of going to Disney, hears $79 a day on the news and thinks "$320 for my family for one day just to get in!" and that's that for a Disney trip. I probably got about 10 phone calls, emails or comments from family and friends about the increase. They heard it on the news or read about it on-line, they aren't Disney people and they were asking me about it and they were all shocked at the price. I had to explain about the one day ticket being very expensive and how the price goes way down for a multi-day ticket because they all thought if they went for 7 days it would cost them $560 for one ticket for one person. And that is what a lot of people were thinking as they crossed Disney off their list of possible vacations.
I agree with Pete and the Gang. I think they would have gotten better PR if they had said, we understand what everyone is going through and have decided not to raise prices this year. Its like Publix - here in Florida, I would do most of my shopping at Walmart - but Publix is really going out of there way to reduce prices to help us through the recession, and I find that I do all of my shopping there now.

As I have posted on other threads, things are bad here in Florida, well at least in South Florida. Didn't get a raise for two years due to the economy, then in the past 12 months, I have had two paycuts, 10% first time around, then an additional 5%. But, I am thankful that I have a job, most of my colleagues who were let go have not been able to find a job, almost 12 months later.

Disney now doesn't offer disounts on weekends, which is when we would go, with prices going up on everything, and my salary being cut, where do we find the money to go? We can't and we don't. I am sure I am not alone, I may be the minority, but on different threads you see people posting that they have to cancel their vacations due to loss of income.

Like the Gang said, gotta wonder what is going on in the executive meetings :confused3
I really enjoyed listening to Pete's rant this week.

It left me wondering if perhaps President Obama should invite Pete and Meg for a beer in the rose garden. :cool1:
I really enjoyed listening to Pete's rant this week.

It left me wondering if perhaps President Obama should invite Pete and Meg for a beer in the rose garden. :cool1:

I am sure the Rose Garden toilet doesn't need to be cleaned, so Meg can just stay home.....:goodvibes:goodvibes:happytv:
Excellent rant this week, Pete. I get more and more disgusted with some of Disney's doings each year. We've pretty much resorted to only going during free dining anyway. Disney isn't really interested in affordable, only profitable. Our family has outgrown the resorts pretty much. Staying in a Deluxe has never been an option for our family at $350+ a night! With a 6'1 16 y.o. son and a 20 y.o. daughter we have been getting two Value rooms, which is ridiculous since we could stay off property and have a lot more room for a lot less money. Having the DDP at least made it worth while to some degree but no more. If the Values only get QS then forget it. I figure I can use the money I save staying elsewhere on the the food we want to eat on property. My daughter and I usually share meals anyway. Spending $3000 for a vacation is still a LOT of money for most families in the US. Its getting harder and harder to justify our WDW obsession to family and friends :/
You know what? The ticket price increase doesn't really bother me either, but I think it was stupid for the exact same reason Pete is the PERCEPTION of it. He is absolutely right that it got press and the only thing most people hear is the one day $79 price. I posted almost the same thing when it was announced...a family of four who is thinking of going to Disney, hears $79 a day on the news and thinks "$320 for my family for one day just to get in!" and that's that for a Disney trip. I probably got about 10 phone calls, emails or comments from family and friends about the increase. They heard it on the news or read about it on-line, they aren't Disney people and they were asking me about it and they were all shocked at the price. I had to explain about the one day ticket being very expensive and how the price goes way down for a multi-day ticket because they all thought if they went for 7 days it would cost them $560 for one ticket for one person. And that is what a lot of people were thinking as they crossed Disney off their list of possible vacations.

I think Disney was stuck between a rock and a hard place. Either they get the bad PR from increasing the ticket prices (like they do every year), or suffer bad PR from more cuts, less quality, and more lay-offs. I think Disney erred on the side of more quality, since that's the attitude Walt had from the very beginning. I think the perception that the Disney legacy is starting to disintegrate would hurt more (even though some of the crap from the entertainment division might have already started the process).

The Disney level of service and quality costs A LOT. I read about what Walt Disney went through to put out good quality cartoons, and it almost bankrupted him several times. I mean, there could be a lot less nickeling and diming, and raising the prices for dining during peak times is a little unfair, but I understand the prices otherwise.
I really enjoyed listening to Pete's rant this week.

It left me wondering if perhaps President Obama should invite Pete and Meg for a beer in the rose garden. :cool1:


Too bad Pete quit drinking. That would be priceless, particularly after two or three.
While I certainly agree with Pete's comments concerning the increase in tix prices and the dining plan, I think it's important to distinguish between the two increases. Guests HAVE to buy tickets as part of their Disney vacation, but they don't have to purchase the dining plan. Thus, I would consider any tix price increases fair game for criticism, but Disney is well within their right to create seasonal pricing on an elective part (dining) of a MYW package. I don't disagree with Pete that the increase means that the dining option isn't worth it, but ultimately it's up to guests to determine whether they want to make the dining plan worth it. If guests do the math (which they should) and it doesn't work in their favor, then they shouldn't buy it!

Still a Pete fan, though!
I was telling my dad about the rise in dining plan and he freakin flipped o_O
I really enjoyed listening to Pete's rant this week.

It left me wondering if perhaps President Obama should invite Pete and Meg for a beer in the rose garden. :cool1:

Love it Jeff... I am so glad that news story has died down.... Maybe they should head to Lee Cockrel's House for a Dole Whip!!


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