Photographing Pets

A couple of our new addition - Prada. First is on the day we got her at a rescue group's adoption fair:


And some more recent photos:


Recent photos of our favorite subjects with the new 25 mm f/1.4:




Our screen room is covered in pine pollen and some stuck to Noel's head.
Haven't posted in quite some time here but I always pop in to check out everybody's little lovies. We just got some new additions - 2 female rabbits who were found in an abandoned home in NYC. Miss Chubby (the brown one) is Hayley and the other is Twinkle (both named by my daughter).

Of course Rico is still getting used to his new sisters.

Not fancy pics, but if the rain ever lets up here, I'll hold a nice photo session outside. :)
Here's my little Kinsler less than 24 hours after being spayed. I'm trying to keep her quiet and still so she doesn't tear open her incision, but it's a hard task for a crazy little puppy!!

<untitled> 011 by michellevw04, on Flickr
Here are a couple new pics of Jade...we've had her just over 2 months now....the first month was very trying because she had never been around cats before and we have 3... she loves to chase squirrels outside and so when she came in she wanted to chase the cats too. She finally has adjusted and now the cats can walk right by her and she just watches them... she loves playing ball (indoors or out) and has been wonderful with my grandson who will is 1 today!



this is her outside with my daughters dog Frankie (who comes to visit sometime)

Here are a couple of recent shots of our dachshund, Nor. His "official" name is Droopy, but we usually just call him Wee-Nor (or Nor for short). He just turned a year old a few weeks ago.


I recently did a photoshoot of my dog to enter her into a "little princess" contest. The website owner loved the entries, but later she told me that she couldn't put my photo in the contest because she was afraid that the parents of little girls would get angry if they thought she was suggesting that an animal was cuter than their daughter. :confused3 :lmao:

My dog is definitely a girly-girl, but she's not a fan of dress-up. We tried putting her in little outfits when she was a puppy (because that's what you do with a tiny dog, right? :rotfl2:), but she never cared for them. She has also never enjoyed the camera...

Gracie was not fond of the hat as a hat, but liked it very much as a toy. Luckily, her frustration with the hat and determination to get it off her head and play with it overpowered her hatred of my camera. I resorted to distracting her with princess toys which helped a little, but my biggest success was whispering, "Squirrel, squirrel" which got her to forget about the hat and focus with intent out the window. Don't let her Cinderella hat fool you - Princess Gracie Lou has Tinkerbell attitude.

"But Mom - this princess hat is messing up my hair!" by vshingl, on Flickr

Don't let her Cinderella hat fool you - Princess Gracie Lou has Tinkerbell spunk! by vshingl, on Flickr

Being a princess is exhausting! by vshingl, on Flickr

You think Maleficent is tough? Try dealing with squirrels!!! by vshingl, on Flickr

Someday my prince will come... by vshingl, on Flickr
Just got my first dslr (canon T3i) and have been trying to get my animals to sit long enough...not an easy task! Here's one shot I love...



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