Pixie Dusted in SE Asia TR

Enjoying your trip report Zanzibar. We just returned from a week long trip to Singapore. Missed out on the gardens so nice to see them in your report. There is so much to do in Singapore now. Had 7 nights there and still didn't get to do everything we wanted. Great place to take a family.
Beautiful pictures, Zanzibar.

I think between yourself and Wendy, Singapore is very quickly moving up my list of places to go-see. Thanks for sharing.

It's a great place for a stopover... aren't you planning a trip to Europe? ;)

I'm thinking a future trip to Singapore is on the cards for DH and I too :)

Enjoying your TR - thanks for sharing

You're welcome :goodvibes

Enjoying your trip report Zanzibar. We just returned from a week long trip to Singapore. Missed out on the gardens so nice to see them in your report. There is so much to do in Singapore now. Had 7 nights there and still didn't get to do everything we wanted. Great place to take a family.

Oooh a week! And you still didn't get to the gardens? What were your favourite attractions?

My plan for tonight had always been to watch the Garden Symphony show at the Supertree Grove. I had been disappointed last time we were in Singapore that we didn't get to see the gardens light up.

We still had a couple of hours to kill. None of us were feeling hungry enough for dinner, but we decided to go to Satay by the Bay in search of drinks and maybe some snacks.

Along the way we passed some nice wetlands.

At Satay by the Bay, the boys got some drinks, Mum got a coffee which was much too sweet for her, and I got a grape soda (always wanted to try one :rotfl:). It was a nice place to sit and relax, once we found a table.

Soon enough it was time to get back to the Supertree Grove. I had no idea what the deal was and whether it would be hard for us to find a spot or anything, so we got there about 15 minutes before the show was due to start.

The sun was setting as we made our way back across the wetlands to the Supertree Grove.

When found a seat at the base of one of the Supertrees, with the intention of moving if we had to once the show started. In the meantime, we enjoyed the regular lighting of the Supertrees.

The Garden Rhapsody show ended up being pretty much what I thought it would be, some colourful lighting effects on the Supertrees set to music. Nothing particularly special, but a nice little show and I'm glad I got to see it.

After the show we were all well and truly ready to head back to the hotel. We made our way to Bayfront station along with the crowds (it was really surprising how many people there were!).

We got some ice-creams from a nearby 7-11 before hitting the hay.
Hmmm. Is it worth seeing or is this something like Hong Kong's Symphony of Lights?
Wow those night time shots look fantastic.
It's funny I've been through Singapore airport 6or 7 times, yet never stepped outside the airport,:eek: will be back there again soon and you guessed it, just going to see the inside of the airport again, I always want to maximise my time in Europe hence me not making the time, but I may just have to think again, next time...
Oooh a week! And you still didn't get to the gardens? What were your favourite attractions?[/QUOTE]

Love the food in Singapore. That's my favourite attraction!!
Went to the zoo which was great. Went back again another night for the night safari. Had a day at Sentosa visiting the aquarium. Gee Sentosa has changed since I last saw it. Went to Universal with the kids. I like how easy it is to get around on the subway. Love visiting the different little suburbs. Did find it quite expensive though (apart from the food).
Wow those night time shots look fantastic.
It's funny I've been through Singapore airport 6or 7 times, yet never stepped outside the airport,:eek: will be back there again soon and you guessed it, just going to see the inside of the airport again, I always want to maximise my time in Europe hence me not making the time, but I may just have to think again, next time...

I always struggle with that too, trying to make the most out of our destination. But I do enjoy a stopover on the way home. And if you go through Singapore a lot, and only stay one or two nights there each time, eventually you'll get to see most of it :thumbsup2

Love the food in Singapore. That's my favourite attraction!!
Went to the zoo which was great. Went back again another night for the night safari. Had a day at Sentosa visiting the aquarium. Gee Sentosa has changed since I last saw it. Went to Universal with the kids. I like how easy it is to get around on the subway. Love visiting the different little suburbs. Did find it quite expensive though (apart from the food).

Completely agree on the food! Yummo, and such great prices! And the trains. So easy, and great prices for that too :thumbsup2 We have yet to take a taxi over there, and probably never will.

I'd love to try the night safari, as well as the river safari. I think it's something a bit different than just the zoo.

We thought about going to the aquarium, but decided not to thinking we could go to the aquarium in Melbourne if we wanted to. Was it particularly different to other aquariums you've seen?

I couldn't believe how expensive the hotels are over there! And the attractions aren't cheap either.
I agree. I got huge sticker shock when I was doing some research into Singapore late last year. I loved Singapore, but the prices could just stop me going back.

We were pretty lucky with such a great price for our first trip. We definitely got sticker shock looking at the prices for hotel rooms this time around :sad2:
We were pretty lucky with such a great price for our first trip. We definitely got sticker shock looking at the prices for hotel rooms this time around :sad2:

I wonder if prices have increased massively over the last 8 or so years?

We stayed in a 5 star place on our first trip and I don't remember it being priced anything out of the normal. For the trip this year (now changed to the USA) we were looking at the YMCA as it was expensive, but within budget.
I wonder if prices have increased massively over the last 8 or so years?

We stayed in a 5 star place on our first trip and I don't remember it being priced anything out of the normal. For the trip this year (now changed to the USA) we were looking at the YMCA as it was expensive, but within budget.

Yeah I think prices have gone up dramatically in the last few years.
Thankfully, my best school friend lives in Singapore, so we were able to stay with her in October last year (in her $2.5 million - but rented - apartment!). We loved the Zoo, and the Gardens. I loved Satay by the Bay, my DD went back for seconds of the skewers we'd bought for lunch. But boy was it hot and humid the whole time we were there! Walking around the Gardens, then to lunch, then back through the Gardens to Marina Bay Sands nearly killed me (I admit to having a little meltdown on the way :rolleyes2 ).

I think we saw enough that we would only go back again if it was as a stopover to Europe or if my friend invited us back for a specific reason. It was a great introduction to my husband into the world of international travel though, as by the age of 48, he'd only ever been out of the country once before, on a Pacific cruise, at the age of 12!
Thankfully, my best school friend lives in Singapore, so we were able to stay with her in October last year (in her $2.5 million - but rented - apartment!). We loved the Zoo, and the Gardens. I loved Satay by the Bay, my DD went back for seconds of the skewers we'd bought for lunch. But boy was it hot and humid the whole time we were there! Walking around the Gardens, then to lunch, then back through the Gardens to Marina Bay Sands nearly killed me (I admit to having a little meltdown on the way :rolleyes2 ).

I think we saw enough that we would only go back again if it was as a stopover to Europe or if my friend invited us back for a specific reason. It was a great introduction to my husband into the world of international travel though, as by the age of 48, he'd only ever been out of the country once before, on a Pacific cruise, at the age of 12!

Wow that is lucky! I wish we had more internationally based friends ;)

We were there for Melbourne Cup weekend last year, and I know what you mean about the humidity - it was really terrible! The kind of heat and humidity where you step outside the hotel and immediately feel like you need to go back and have another shower :sad2: I'm glad to say that it was much more bearable for this trip :thumbsup2

We will probably never spend a lot of time in Singapore, but will definitely be happy to use it as a stopover location.
Today we decided to spend some time exploring Sentosa Island. I'd been disappointed that we hadn't been able to do the cable car on our last trip, so we thought we'd start with that. First though, was breakfast at our favourite little food court :thumbsup2

After breakfast we caught the train to Sentosa. I didn't know exactly where the cable car station was, but we managed to find it quite easily following the signs. We were surprised to see a huge line at a window just before we left the train station area, and we thought it might be the line for the cable car tickets. Turns out it was just the line for train tickets! We wondered why on earth all those people didn't just use the ticket machines :confused3

Eventually we found the real cable car ticket office and bought our return tickets. The tickets included a trip up the mountain behind the cable car station as well as across to the island. We decided to go to the island first, and made our way up in the lift to that platform. The lift was cool, all glass, and we got a great view going up.

Most of the cable cars that came through from the mountain had people in them who wanted to continue on to the island, so even though we were the only ones in line, we still had a bit of a wait.

Eventually we got into our car, and set off across to the island. We enjoyed views of the island, shipping yards, city, and even people sunbathing naked on cruise ships docked in the area :rotfl2:

When we got to the island station, we decided to stop at the Starbucks there for coffees before continuing our exploration. It took forever to get the coffees! This peacock was waiting in line for the viewing tower at the station.

We decided that we'd had enough views from the cable car. And the views from the station weren't bad either.

When we finished our coffees, we headed down the hill. All the escalators going down the hill reminded me of Universal Studios LA. There were all sorts of other attractions going down, but we decided none were worth an additional cost.

Dad was keen on the idea of riding a few rollercoasters, so we headed towards Universal Studios. Mum enjoyed some of the shops on the way.

Once at the gates, we spent a while trying to decide whether it was worth heading into Universal. They really need to sell a half day ticket there :rotfl: We ended up deciding that it would be worth it, because let's face it, rides are always fun :goodvibes It helped that the rest of our trip was going to be relatively budget friendly ;)
Looks like an impressive place. I like many gave been to Singapore a few times but never left the airport !

How did you rate Universal ?
hi zanzibar! It seems every time I decide to swing by the Other Lands section of the board I'm treated to a zanzibar TR! :goodvibes I'm currently living in SG so your trips there always interest me, but I was hoping to catch the Cambodia portion as I'm headed there in a few days myself. oh well, I'll enjoy catching that section with fresh memories on my mind.

As for prices in SG, they have definitely gone up. Singapore was just named Most Expensive City to Live in on the Worldwide Cost of Living Survey from Economist Intelligence Unit. Here is a link of you're interested. Melbourne is in the top ten, as is Sydney.


@PIO- a drink at Max Brenners is 9.90 last I was there, about a month ago. :sad2:


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