Poll for Canadians Edited... I got one dose of ... and I got the my second shot (two votes allowed)

What vaccination type did you get?

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Happy to change my vote today! I am under 40 in Ontario (not in a hot spot) but managed to snag an appointment for this morning at one of the pharmacies now offering Pfizer/Moderna for anyone 18+.

Walmart? Can you share your info?
My husband and I got our Pfizer vaccines on May 6th. In Quebec it is very easy to get an appointment on the government website and the vaccination cliniques are well organized. I was in and out in about 15 min. I had a sore arm that evening but the next day it was gone. My second dose is scheduled for Aug 26th. Can't wait!
I am anxious for the borders to reopen so I can travel again soon.
Walmart? Can you share your info?
A smaller pharmacy in Durham. I was lucky and filled out the registration form for their waitlist within an hour of the announcement so I was near the top of the queue for an appointment.

I got my husband an appointment at a Walmart pharmacy, just luck and a lot of checking the website over and over.
I posted this in the other vaccine thread but i wanted to copy it here as well. Just a quick note to everyone, deep breaths, count to 10, step away from doom-scrolling, pause for a few minutes and give your head a chance to absorb the new information.

We need to remember that this is still a NEW virus, science is and will continue to be fluid surrounding how it functions and what methods we have to combat it. There are no hidden agendas by either government or the "big pharma" (gawd i loath that term!) the only true villain is COVID-19. We haven't been tricked, experimented on, kept in the dark or deliberately lied to.

We WILL get to the other side of this but we need to give the scientific and medical communities a chance to study and deal with this virus, they have one item on their agenda, public health & safety, period. We know what our part is in this battle because it really hasn't changed: stay at home as much as possible, wear a mask when you do go out, keep your distance and wash your hands. The light is shining bright at the end of this very long tunnel, we are almost there, don't give up hope.
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I've heard the "if you got really bad side effects it meant you had COVID" theory too, but I believe it's fairly unproven. I'm more prone to believe that we have robust immune systems that are working the way they are supposed to. :)
I was really sick with AZ. There is no way I’ve had Covid. I’ve literally barely left my house beyond curbside groceries a couple of times. I’m sure that’s a myth.
I truly do not believe that there is an agenda and I know this is an evolving situation and that new data will bring new recommendations but I will say this ( and just said it to my family who are all in health care ).. not one person who told me to get Astra Zeneca and how low the risk was got it themselves. It’s a different thing when the news keeps changing and it’s in your body. I know that the risk is still relatively low but I will be honest , its worrisome . The risk of rare clotting disorder went from 1:100,000,000 to 1:50,000 - 100,000 in short order . I’m feeling really bummed.
I truly do not believe that there is an agenda and I know this is an evolving situation and that new data will bring new recommendations but I will say this ( and just said it to my family who are all in health care ).. not one person who told me to get Astra Zeneca and how low the risk was got it themselves. It’s a different thing when the news keeps changing and it’s in your body. I know that the risk is still relatively low but I will be honest , its worrisome . The risk of rare clotting disorder went from 1:100,000,000 to 1:50,000 - 100,000 in short order . I’m feeling really bummed.

just my two cents...i think that it’s fair to feel bummed. i think there’s a lot about vaccine rollout here to feel bummed about. from all the threads here, we all know that eligibility, our records, the space between doses, and everything else is wildly variable.

from what i understand, the risk of blood clots is within 20 days of the shot. once you pass that window, i think you’re good.

it also sounds like a lot of people who got AZ for their first dose will have an mRNA for their second. in my area, i know that this is primarily because of supply. there’s a big study in the UK that shows mixing vaccines could actually provide superior protection.

i think scientific knowledge evolves over time. we thought masks were not essential until they were. we thought 2 layered masks were fine until we realized we needed 3. i think AZ was the right shot for a lot of people. it’s going to keep some people alive and out of the hospital. i’m sorry, though, that as we learn more it’s bringing up bad feelings for you. that’s a tough place for anyone to be.
just my two cents...i think that it’s fair to feel bummed. i think there’s a lot about vaccine rollout here to feel bummed about. from all the threads here, we all know that eligibility, our records, the space between doses, and everything else is wildly variable.

from what i understand, the risk of blood clots is within 20 days of the shot. once you pass that window, i think you’re good.

it also sounds like a lot of people who got AZ for their first dose will have an mRNA for their second. in my area, i know that this is primarily because of supply. there’s a big study in the UK that shows mixing vaccines could actually provide superior protection.

i think scientific knowledge evolves over time. we thought masks were not essential until they were. we thought 2 layered masks were fine until we realized we needed 3. i think AZ was the right shot for a lot of people. it’s going to keep some people alive and out of the hospital. i’m sorry, though, that as we learn more it’s bringing up bad feelings for you. that’s a tough place for anyone to be.
Thank you . I think you’re exactly right , it all just gets a little overwhelming at times . This too shall pass and like Donald said, we are in the home stretch. We will get there .
anyone who thinks that the whole 20 days post vaccine and you are good is far too trusting at this point. With all the flip flopping they have done on this I would not feel good until its actually proven because at this point the whole 20 days thing is just a guess they are saying to make people feel better for getting AZ instead of waiting a couple weeks. Presumably this VITT is because you are having an autoimmune attack on your platelets. If you have trained your body to attack your platelets that is a huge problem. Will be interesting to see how many who had VITT and didn't die will have other issues later on
Just changed my vote...got Pfizer yesterday. My husband got it a few days ago. Just waiting for when my children can get it. My son has an appt, but my daughter isn't eligible yet. Our region was prioritizing those who cannot work from home but we don't live in a hotspot, so no pop up clinics here but we're getting there.

It was nice to see people in great spirits at the location I went to. The woman who greeted me at the door was so perky...it really makes a difference. I was telling my husband that it was like walking into Disney...they even had a section to take photos to post on social media...good idea.

Strange thing is when I got home, I received an email notification from the pharmacy I registered with. I thought I would never hear from them. I was actually going in to cancel my registration after I got home.
DS got Pfizer last Friday so that makes all of us now with one dose on-board. Now it's just me sitting on pins-and-needles (no pun intended) for news of how second doses of AZ will be handled. Mine will officially be due the first week of July. :rolleyes1
I truly do not believe that there is an agenda and I know this is an evolving situation and that new data will bring new recommendations but I will say this ( and just said it to my family who are all in health care ).. not one person who told me to get Astra Zeneca and how low the risk was got it themselves. It’s a different thing when the news keeps changing and it’s in your body. I know that the risk is still relatively low but I will be honest , its worrisome . The risk of rare clotting disorder went from 1:100,000,000 to 1:50,000 - 100,000 in short order . I’m feeling really bummed.
I felt the same way you are! You are NOT alone in this and I had to think about this. Sooooooooo here is my thinking on this.

It is kind of a catch 22 really. We could get covid, and rarely get very sick requiring hospitalization (because remember this virus still have a VERY VERY high survival rate) or we could get the vaccine and have some serious side effects from it. In my thinking, we take calculate risks everyday. We get up, go about our days, do activities that have calculated risks. We take all different medications that has associated risks. We live life styles that are not the healthiest...those all have calculated risks. Heck...I could be like my MIL and fall down the stairs, hit my head and pass away from that. Everything we do has a calculated risk. This is just another one of those risks.

For now... I am willing to get a covid vaccination. I am willing to do this to help get our lives back to some sense of normalcy. We will see how this all unfolds in the future about vaccine passports or boosters of the vaccine. We will decide about those decisions based on what is currently happening.

For me...this was how I had to look at it. Heck...we are Generation X. We are the " different generation ". We are showing the rest of the world, just how resilient and amazing we can be to embrace and conquer so many different aspects of today.
it also sounds like a lot of people who got AZ for their first dose will have an mRNA for their second. in my area, i know that this is primarily because of supply. there’s a big study in the UK that shows mixing vaccines could actually provide superior protection.

i think scientific knowledge evolves over time. we thought masks were not essential until they were. we thought 2 layered masks were fine until we realized we needed 3. i think AZ was the right shot for a lot of people. it’s going to keep some people alive and out of the hospital. i’m sorry, though, that as we learn more it’s bringing up bad feelings for you. that’s a tough place for anyone to be.

It will definitely be interesting to see how the rest of this roll out works.
I'm copying a post i made in the other vaccine thread:

For those who have been asking about what now regarding 2nd shots at drug stores and will we be lost in the shuffle here's a screenshot of an email i just got from Rexall. It tells me 2 things, yes I am actually in their system as needing my second jab AND they are going to be following up with me when it's time. Now I can just sit back and wait :D

I truly do not believe that there is an agenda and I know this is an evolving situation and that new data will bring new recommendations but I will say this ( and just said it to my family who are all in health care ).. not one person who told me to get Astra Zeneca and how low the risk was got it themselves. It’s a different thing when the news keeps changing and it’s in your body. I know that the risk is still relatively low but I will be honest , its worrisome . The risk of rare clotting disorder went from 1:100,000,000 to 1:50,000 - 100,000 in short order . I’m feeling really bummed.

It's actually higher than that. There's a news article I read today that says "In announcing its suspension, Ontario said it now believes the VITT incident rate is roughly 1 in 60,000 shots administered - a rate that is much higher than the figure previously cited by Health Canada."

Personally, I believe the real rate is even higher.

Honestly, when I read about all the European countries who were suspending and/or cancelling the AstraZeneca shot I was upset to find Canada was not going to stop it. It's my belief Canada pushed it (and possibly lied) from the get-go because the government couldn't obtain other shots in large quanities quick enough and they could get their hands on AZ because few other countries wanted it. Canada was desperate to get vaccines here and probably hoped the VITT incident rate would not be an issue.


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