Possible Sub-Forum for disABILITIES! Please Read Carefully and Comment

kaytieeldr said:
I respectfully disagree with this suggestion. I think it's actually excellent support FOR creating a subforum. While, sure, a lot of people who use these boards don't visit Disney World, it really is the primary focus of the boards.

While I still don't have a suggestion for a subforum name, the description could be something like "Discuss non-travel-related special needs (and other) issues here".

That's fine it is all about opinions, personally the main reason I visit these boards is to discuss Florida, not necessarily WDW. In addition I do not think of WDW at all when looking on this forum, I just feel it is a general forum for disABILITIES, although I appreciate Disney does play a large part in the threads as a whole.

All said and done we all have a different viewpoint which is good, would be very boring if we all said exactly the same things.
You're not kidding, Johnny Boy! When something like that does happen (somebody trying to get everyone else to act or think like them), I always drag out the old Twilight Zone episode: "Number 17 Looks Just Like Me"! :teeth:
I love the fact that on this board, we have been able to talk about things at Disney and just general disability questions, etc. (actually, I'm kind of surprised that some people have not been happy about that). I'm also someone who just looks at the thread titles and read the ones that apply to my ds. I don't have a strong opinion either way about the sub-forum (because like others have said, the board doesn't move super fast), but I *DO* like the comfort zone here and would be sad if we couldn't ask a question unless it had to do with Disney. I know that there are other special needs forums out there, but hey, I'm on the DIS a lot, and it's super easy to just pop over to this section of the DIS and check in with others or get a couple of quick answers from people that we have TWO things in common with...special needs AND disney. :thumbsup2
I agree I like being able to discuss park related stuff and non park issues also. The special needs community is very open to sharing ideas and I have found tons of info where you would not think to look for it.
I think subs would be a good idea. I like to have things organized. Something like "Disney related" and "everythig else" could be the subforums.
Just to reiterate again...these are the DISBOARDS, hence Disney-related. I don't see a general disabilities section being appropriate to a site that people go to for Disney related issues or that was set up for that reason. Since Dreams Unlimited sponsors this board, I don't see them wanting or needing to get involved with running a forum for disabilities. Why not run forums for those who have other special interests? It could get hairy. That said, when we branch off and go OT, I don't have a problem with that and would try and support anyone who came here with a general question whether it relates to Disney or not. It's usually easy to tell from the thread title and if it doesn't pertain to me or I have no input, I skip it. There are plenty of forums, for instance, for my specific disability and if I want to discuss that or get opinions, I go there. Since there are so many disabilities anyway and variations, I don't see "general disability discussion" to be pertinent to enough people to generate an entire forum. ---Kathy
Sounds like a great idea to me! Some people may feel discouraged from posting here b/c their problem isn't directly Disney-related, but could really use some help and encouragement.
This weekend I'm doing an anaylsis of all the comments so we can go forward with the request. If anyone has not comments and wants to do so, please do.
I'm more distracted by the whipsadi threads than anything else. I suggest those get pinned or something else out of the way - some other posts may be dropping off page one as the participants look for support.

I probably would NOT check another board. I realize as an infrequent visitor my view may be skewed.

All the best and bring on the holidays! :wizard:
I didn't want to post on this thread until quite a few people had an opportunity to give their opinions. This looks like a good time to step in since Cheshire Figment is doing the counting and tabulating.

Like many of the people who have already posted, I have mixed feelings.
I can see advantages and disadvantages of having a disABILITIES sub-forum.

I have seen people post questions on other boards sometimes where they say they know there is a disABILITIES Board, but didn't want to post here. Some said they didn't feel comfortable posting their question here because they looked at the discussions on this board and felt they were not 'disabled enough'. A disABILITIES Board just devoted to park/travel discussion and a disABILITIES sub-board devoted to more general discussions about disabilities might be quite helpful for those situations.

On the other hand, I agree with the posters who like only having one board and think a second board might not be read much.

I DO want to thank you all for sharing your frank opinions and some very good ideas. I know Cheshire Figment is compiling all the information/suggestions in order to figure out whether or not we should go ahead with a suggestion to the webmasters for a sub-forum. Even if we do suggest a sub-forum, we don't have any more power to make it happen than any other posters to this board. The Webmasters may feel not feel that one is not needed or may not the resources available to make one.

And, just some final words about the history of this board......

I joined the DIS Boards in Aug. 1999 and quickly found that there were very few posts about touring WDW with a disability.
And most of those were on the order of "You are so lucky you broke your leg. Now you'll get to use a wheelchair and go to the front of all the lines."
I started posting our experiences traveling with a person with multiple disabilities, using a wheelchair. I quickly learned how to use the SEARCH function and responded (or at least read) every post that had anything to do with wheelchairs or disabilities in general (being a nurse and having worked in schools and in Public Health, and having traveled to WDW a lot, I felt like I had some information that might be helpful to someone).

Sometime early in 2000, the idea of a disABILITIES Board came up. A poster named Wheelsie and I were asked to be moderators for this new board. I guess the Webmasters noticed I posted a lot - you might notice I currently have something like 12,926 posts - but (like a lot of real 'old-time' DIS posters), I lost several thousand posts several times in server crashes - luckily, we haven't had one of those in years.

As it started out, sometimes this board went 2 or 3 days without anyone posting. In order to get the board going, Wheelsie and I decided that nothing would be 'off-topic' for this board. As long as it had something to do with WDW, Disneyland, travel or disabilities, it was good to go.
That's pretty much the way it is still. I've never told anyone their topic was off-topic. Because the board doesn't move so quickly as some like the Theme Parks Board or the Community Board, we have had the luxury of not needing to stay on topic. That was good when we were starting out, but now might be a good time to think about making a change.

After a while, Wheelsie had to step down because of changes in her life and I was the sole Moderator until just recently, when Cheshire Figment joined me.
As I looked at the board just before writing this, there were 15 threads that had been posted on today (some with more than one post today). Some of the threads have hundred of views and some have thousands.
Quite different from when it started out. Quite a lot more than I ever expected when I was asked to embark on the journey as a moderator.

Pete (the owner of the DIS Boards) and the Webmasters gave us considerable freedom. They never interfered or told us what to do. As long as we abided by the general guidelines set for posting, we were free to make this board whatever it evolved into. For that, I thank them. This board has become a little community. Without the place to do it and the freedom to let it happen, this community would not exist.

Whether the disABILITIES Board stays as one board or develops a sub-forum, I hope we don't loose that feeling of community.
I have been the hostess in the disABILITIES virtual living room. You have all been the valued guests and you are the community.
Here's to you. :thumbsup2 :grouphug:
Thanks for the interesting background! This board is my main focus on this site - I used to hang around others, but simply don't have time anymore!! I too, lost a few thousand posts here and there, but what 3,000 among friends?!

I was very glad to find this particular board - it's been so helpful! I remember Wheelsie fondly and hope all is well.

I do waiver on this subject - I'm quite confident that whatever you two decide on and submit to the dis lords will work out perfectly fine! The people on the disABILITIES board have always been there for me, and I hope I pay back in kind once in a while! Either one board or two, this community is a good one.
I too have a husband with a disability. He was born with Spina Bifida and is confined to a wheelchair. Most comments and questions I might have would be related to Disney as we love to go and have had lots of experiences there.

I think that a sub-forum might be a good idea for those of us who just have some general thoughts/questions on disability issues, however, if no sub-forum is created, I think that the general disAbilities thread is enough too!
Thanks for all the info! Thanks, too, for a place to ask questions, get answers, and just find friends! :love:
How have other forums that divided out fared? Have their users commented?
I know when the DVC divided up it took me a while to get comfortable but I did and I now know(I think) where to look for and where to post. I'm happy with whatever is decided. A big thanks to all the moderators!
I wasn't going to reply here as I thought I would be okay either way, and I wanted to read through after more people had posted their thoughts. But I just finished responding to someone who asked about a medical procedure her DD is about to have, and while our disability backgrounds are probably not the same, I do have experience in this particular medical crisis......and she was comfortable enough to ask here, among her DIS friends. But is was purely medical and non-Disney related. Was she wrong to post, was I wrong to answer ? :confused3

In reading the responses, my first thought was ~ do people want this board to be strictly related to travel to Disney and not allow folks to ask for help, like this mom did ? If that is the case, then I guess there should be an sub-board where folks can ask general disability questions. I realize the technical location should be on the Just for Fun section, but I think it would get lost down there. Even after years of reading this board, I've yet to make the step to read there. I would like to see it with the disAbilities board.

If people want this board to allow Disney travel related and Non-Disney questions to stay together, then maybe change the description of the forum to encourage more people to participate. This is a diamond in the rough, an opportunity to encourage discussion among those experiencing hurdles, and to inform those who may drop in to lurk. All with the same love of Disney. Many will not post since it is a described as specifically for Travel to Disney. Maybe a compromise is to remain one board, change the subtitle to something like "Sharing tips on touring Disney, and daily challenges for those with disABILITIES". ???? If you find that the number of posts begins to increase then maybe you ask about a sub-board then.

To the folks who want to send people to search out forums specific to their disability...........not always a positive experience. I have tried several disability specific forums, and what I found was......they function in a way that if you don't Accept, Refer to, Agree with ideology of that board in reference to your disability, then you are not treated well. I am at a point where I have little connection to folks whose children have my DS's primary disability because he is now out of school and I have found no forum that is open to the fact that we are all different, even with the same diagnosis. I have found through reading this forum, that I have a great deal in common with folks of all disabilities, that my DS has issues that many of you all experience, even though the primary disability is not the same. At this point, his primary disability is a non-issue with his current challenges.

What a hidden treasure this community is........come to read because we have the common love of Disney and the role it plays in our lives, yet find our day to day challenges are similar as well. I have not posted questions (although I have many) but have answered and have learned so much by reading your reponses.

I hope to continue to read, share and be a part of such an inclusive community whether on one board or two. :goodvibes
HopperFan said:
But is was purely medical and non-Disney related. Was she wrong to post, was I wrong to answer ? :confused3
Not a problem.
I realize the technical location should be on the Just for Fun section, but I think it would get lost down there. Even after years of reading this board, I've yet to make the step to read there. I would like to see it with the disAbilities board.
If (and that is a big if) a sub-forum is made for the disABILITIES Board, it would stay with the disABILITIES Board and not be in the Just for Fun section. I think the only place it would get found would be by keeping it connected to its 'parent' board.
When this thread was originally started I read it and did not comment because I thought "I don't see the need for a sub-forum but who am I do deny people a place to talk." But now I see a twist in the proposal and the change does affect me.

I'm against changing this forum into something that becomes a forum for Disney and Non-Disney discussions. I don't get upset when a Non-Disney discussion takes place but I don't think we should encourage them. Instead please either leave the situation as it is now or make a sub-forum for Non-Disney discussions. But please don't make this forum a primarily Non-Disney forum.

DISAbilities. I actually have thought for years that the forum name was DISAbilities and not disABILITIES. To me the DISNEY was much more important then the disability part.
BillSears said:
When this thread was originally started I read it and did not comment because I thought "I don't see the need for a sub-forum but who am I do deny people a place to talk." But now I see a twist in the proposal and the change does affect me.

I'm against changing this forum into something that becomes a forum for Disney and Non-Disney discussions. I don't get upset when a Non-Disney discussion takes place but I don't think we should encourage them. Instead please either leave the situation as it is now or make a sub-forum for Non-Disney discussions. But please don't make this forum a primarily Non-Disney forum.
I can only speak for myself and my thoughts, but having been the moderator of this board since early 2000, I think I would get a big say.

I had not thought of having a sub-board until Cheshire Figment brought the idea up to me, so it's not something I had put a great deal of thought into until just before this thread started. Here's what I think (at least now)

If we don't get a subforum, this board would continue as it has since it started.......
mostly Disney stuff, but no one will be told they can't discuss other things related to a disability.

If we do get a subforum, this would be the parent forum (the first one) and would be devoted to Disney discussions.
The other forum would be under it in the 'menu' and would be devoted to non-Disney discussions.
DISAbilities. I actually have thought for years that the forum name was DISAbilities and not disABILITIES. To me the DISNEY was much more important then the disability part.
Actually a group of DIS posters (including Wheelsie, the other original Moderator) came up with the name. I have to say I was not that fond of it at first, but it's grown on me.

There were a lot of people at the time this board started who thought there was nothing they would be able to do at Disney because of their disability. The idea of having ABILITIES in the name was to focus on everyone having the ability to enjoy WDW (we wanted to focus on ABILITIES rather than disabilities). dis came from the name of the boards, the DIS Boards.
We played around having it be called DISabilities (but thought that emphasized the disability part too much) and DISAbilities (but thought that was kind of confusing because you couldn't really tell which part the 'A' went with.

We settled on disABILITIES and that's the way it has been since it started. When this board started, I had no idea that it would evolve into a place where people asked non-Disney questions. Some of the other boards have evolved in the same way - specifically, the Family Board has kind of a similar mix of Disney related family questions and general family/parenting questions.
NOTE FROM MODERATOR: from this point on, some of the posts in this thread were originally on a new thread called :New Name for Forum? I merged the two threads together. When that happens, the 2 merged threads arrange themselves to merge in chronological order. So some posts may be out of order compared to when you last looked at this thread.
Thanks, Sue

I was just thinking...instead of establishing a new forum, perhaps this one could be renamed to invite more people to join. Perhaps something like "Special Needs at Disney" ? This might let people know they don't need to be disabled to participate in this forum. Anyone have an opinion?
Please, oh please, don't rename this forum anything with "special needs."


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