Pre-trip COVID anxiety - advice/anecdotes welcome!

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Mar 15, 2016
I know this is a touchy subject - but we are less than 2 weeks out from our trip and I am having so much covid anxiety. Could anyone share any anecdotal stories of recent trips where you didn't come home and test positive?! Or just any positive vibes in general? Please be kind and do not tell me to cancel, "just wear a mask" or that covid is mild, etc. I am genuinely just looking for some words of support.

Backstory: I am super covid conscious in real life, vaxxed/boosted, and this trip was booked during hot-vax summer last year and is a DVC rental. I obviously always knew the risks and I knew it was non-refundable, but I didn't think covid was going to be on the rise this time of year, more contagious than the measles, and with zero masks/precautions come time for the trip. I am terrified to catch covid before we go (though we do have trip insurance) so there's that, but then once I get past those mental gymnastics I am then so so afraid we will get sick on the trip. I am aware that it's mild for boosted/vaxxed/young people - this is really just me being afraid to get sick AT ALL. Obviously we will be wearing N95s on the plane and in crowded spaces that we can't avoid, I have hand sanitizer and wipes etc, and the germaphobe in me knows what to do. BUT this is also our wedding trip and unfortunately my partner is adamant about some indoor dining and is not nearly as concerned about covid as I am (though he is understanding). Right now I am just dreading the entire thing and incidentally my facebook feed is full of friends/family who recently returned from WDW with covid so I am just looking for some advice/stories/support.

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My family just got back from Disneyland. We masked all the way through. We choose to do outdoor dining. We did not fly, we drove. None of us got COVID. We had a wonderful time. We were using N95’s (we have been fit tested) and my teens wore KN95’s.
I went twice during height of delta unvaxxed. Wore KN95 everywhere indoors and out and was fine.

I went in Jan vaxxed but not boosted. Kept KN95 on and didn’t get sick.

I wear two masks in the airport and plane only btw. Just because that’s all indoors with no fresh air and tons of travelers can bring different strains. Everywhere else I wear one.

We didn’t do indoor dining unvaxxed, but we did do indoor dining in January. I was never close enough to anyone to worry much. However if I was near someone that coughed or sneezed I put my mask back on.

There are really no guarantees, but especially if you’re taking all the precautions you mentioned in your post I think you should be fine. You sound quite vigilant.
I know this is a touchy subject - but we are less than 2 weeks out from our trip and I am having so much covid anxiety. Could anyone share any anecdotal stories of recent trips where you didn't come home and test positive?! Or just any positive vibes in general? Please be kind and do not tell me to cancel, "just wear a mask" or that covid is mild, etc. I am genuinely just looking for some words of support.

Backstory: I am super covid conscious in real life, vaxxed/boosted, and this trip was booked during hot-vax summer last year and is a DVC rental. I obviously always knew the risks and I knew it was non-refundable, but I didn't think covid was going to be on the rise this time of year, more contagious than the measles, and with zero masks/precautions come time for the trip. I am terrified to catch covid before we go (though we do have trip insurance) so there's that, but then once I get past those mental gymnastics I am then so so afraid we will get sick on the trip. I am aware that it's mild for boosted/vaxxed/young people - this is really just me being afraid to get sick AT ALL. Obviously we will be wearing N95s on the plane and in crowded spaces that we can't avoid, I have hand sanitizer and wipes etc, and the germaphobe in me knows what to do. BUT this is also our wedding trip and unfortunately my partner is adamant about some indoor dining and is not nearly as concerned about covid as I am (though he is understanding). Right now I am just dreading the entire thing and incidentally my facebook feed is full of friends/family who recently returned from WDW with covid so I am just looking for some advice/stories/support.

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Hi, I just wanted to say I’m in a similar-ish boat, going the same time as you after booking a DVC rental last year when I was more optimistic. I’ll be there with my parents who are in their 60s who, though vaxxed/boosted did catch Omicron (not at Disney), but it was very mild for them! I fortunately haven’t gotten covid and am concerned about getting sick too. So we’ll also be masking indoors, taking advantage of Genie+ to hopefully spend less time in lines/around people, and maybe just taking more pool time if it feels too crowded. If it makes you feel any better, I work at a huge university in the South that has zero covid precautions, but My KN95 plus my triple covid shots have kept me healthy so far (even being exposed to my parents when they were contagious). The vaccines work. KN95s work. Nothing is 100%, but hopefully that offers some peace of mind knowing that you’re not the only one worried and you won’t be the only one masking up too! Sorry I don’t have any real advice, just hopefully some positive vibes. I hope you have an awesome trip!
P. S. I hope you don’t get any snarky comments. Some people really need to learn when it’s ok to comment and when it’s ok to stay quiet IMO.
I'm also headed down in a couple weeks and really really looking forward to it (first visit in several years) but can totally relate to your worries surrounding covid...I'm feeling much the same way. It feels very strange to hear about the total lifting of mask requirements and the elimination of distancing and such at Disney when here in Canada we're still wearing masks everywhere and many businesses are operating the same way they were a year ago in the height of lockdown. I'm definitely worried about my party catching covid and occasionally catch myself wondering if I was crazy for suggesting this trip a year ago, but I'm optimistic now that by making good choices (masking up when it's crowded, utilizing genie+ to reduce time in densely packed lines as some other posters suggested, skipping fireworks crowds, etc.) we'll be able to enjoy an excellent trip that is sorely needed after multiple years of on-again-off-again lockdowns. I think that as long as you do what you can (and it sounds like you have with your vaccines, mask plans, excellent hygiene, etc.) to minimize your risk you'll be fine. Unfortunately I can't speak directly to the covid-era Disney World experience just yet, but perhaps knowing that there are others visiting right now with similar safety concerns might help- I know it does on my end! It's nice to remember that just as there are many people who are unconcerned about covid at Disney there are lots who are still taking precautions to protect themselves and others. We deserve the chance to visit our happy place and to feel safe doing so :) Also, not a Disney anecdote but I DID go to a big sold-out sporting event here in Ontario a month or so ago when the Omicron variant was raging (fairly anxiety-inducing but it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity) that included sitting packed into bleachers and navigating largely unmasked shoulder-to-shoulder crowds. I was sure that if anything would give me covid it was that, but masking, vaccing, boosting, and good hygiene apparently worked because I didn't catch anything and tested negative afterwards. You have more control over your covid risk than you think, even in high-risk situations like that one (and I don't imagine a Disney trip will be half as hazardous as that game was! :p)

Anyways, not sure whether any of that is helpful but I really hope you get to enjoy a fantastic and low-stress trip; in all likelihood most of those folks you've seen coming back and testing positive probably didn't exercise the degree of caution and good sense that it sounds like you're planning on utilizing. I'm sending lots of good vibes your way to manifest a covid-free trip!
I’m very Covid conscious but life is short and I figure after 2 years we need to live. We are going to universal end of May and I am going to enjoy. It’s gonna be what it’s gonna be. But I don’t want to get 10 years from now and be Covid free but have missed 10 years of memories. I gave it a solid 2 years of safe and now I’m gonna travel.

You got this. Enjoy every second. and know you vaxed and boosted so you gave yourself the best chance. Make memories. And if you test positive when you get home just stay hydrated - you got this.
We went in December 2021 for ten nights and did not test positive. We are vaxxed and boosted but wore masks inside and on transportation as were the rules at the time. I hope you have a great trip. If you feel more comfortable in certain situations with a mask, there is nothing wrong with that.
We were there for a week in mid-November, wore masks as required which was practically everywhere. We're both over 50 and are high-risk so were pretty worried even though boostered about a month before.

Supposedly, guests were to wear masks in restaurants unless "actively eating or drinking." That translated as "Wear mask until seated, remove immediately and replace only when leaving the table." Unnerved us both, but we ate in numerous crowded restaurants and came home feeling fine.

I remind myself when feeling covid-paranoid now after a 2nd booster that we drove to Disney through Tennessee and Georgia where virtually no one else was masked anywhere. Sat in crowded restaurants in both states.

I wouldn't be at all surprised if you end up doing as we did--going maskless most places and hoping for the best. So many more people are mega-vaccinated now that the risk of serious illness is quite low, and my doctor told me recently that most cases currently are sniffles and feeling unusually tired.

Whatever you decide feels right for you, do have a magical trip--and tons of FUN.
We went to Disney and Universal for Spring Break March 14-18 and didn’t catch Covid. Didn’t wear masks anywhere, except on the monorail/bus where it was still required. My daughter and I had Covid in January but my husband and son never did.

But, I think the timing is important. My husband and I were supposed to go back to Universal this weekend for a couples trip. My son tested positive on Tuesday after an exposure at school. So we didn’t get sick in Florida in March, but cases are definitely up right now. If you are vaccinated/boosted and not high risk I would not hesitate to go on vacation now, but I might take a few more precautions than we did last month if it helps you feel less anxious. My son is doing fine, just tired and mild cold symptoms.

Honestly I would be more worried about testing positive beforehand and having to cancel the trip than I would catching it while on the trip. :)
I know this is a touchy subject - but we are less than 2 weeks out from our trip and I am having so much covid anxiety. Could anyone share any anecdotal stories of recent trips where you didn't come home and test positive?! Or just any positive vibes in general? Please be kind and do not tell me to cancel, "just wear a mask" or that covid is mild, etc. I am genuinely just looking for some words of support.

Backstory: I am super covid conscious in real life, vaxxed/boosted, and this trip was booked during hot-vax summer last year and is a DVC rental. I obviously always knew the risks and I knew it was non-refundable, but I didn't think covid was going to be on the rise this time of year, more contagious than the measles, and with zero masks/precautions come time for the trip. I am terrified to catch covid before we go (though we do have trip insurance) so there's that, but then once I get past those mental gymnastics I am then so so afraid we will get sick on the trip. I am aware that it's mild for boosted/vaxxed/young people - this is really just me being afraid to get sick AT ALL. Obviously we will be wearing N95s on the plane and in crowded spaces that we can't avoid, I have hand sanitizer and wipes etc, and the germaphobe in me knows what to do. BUT this is also our wedding trip and unfortunately my partner is adamant about some indoor dining and is not nearly as concerned about covid as I am (though he is understanding). Right now I am just dreading the entire thing and incidentally my facebook feed is full of friends/family who recently returned from WDW with covid so I am just looking for some advice/stories/support.

Mods, please remove if you need to!!
No advice; I just want to say HUGS to you and I hope once you arrive safely (which you will), you have a truly magical time. The last two years have been absolutely horrible and you and your family deserve this :love:
We also have a trip coming up and it worries me too. Our trip is six park days plus a break and I really worry about getting Covid mid-trip and it messing everything else up. Most of us are vaccinated but my four year old is only in the Pfizer trial and while I think he got the vaccine (redness at injection site and 99.4 temp) it's possible he only got the placebo. Plus he only has two and that was found to be ineffective. I figure since most kids have mild symptoms being partially vaccinated should mean he won't have a bad case.
We've been to WDW 7 times post-covid and have not gotten sick once. The first few trips were masks almost all the time. The last couple of trips we didn't have to wear them much. I think with the precautions you are planning to take you should be in good shape.
My biggest worry is always to try to not get sick right before the trip, so that is where my little bit of "paranoia" happens. I turn into a bit of a home-body that week before the trip so I don't pick something up before I go. Once I'm there, I'm fine. If I get sick, I get sick. Even pre-covid there was a chance of picking up some kind of bug.
I've been somewhere around 10-12 times since 2020. We flew each time and each time took various levels of precautions (we have personally become more relaxed as time has gone on and we've gotten vaccinated). We have not gotten sick at all on any of these trips. Pre-covid I always came home with something I picked up in the parks.
We went in August 2021 with a group of 9 all adults were vaxxed (before boosters) kids were all not as they were not yet approved. Disposable standard masks when required (on planes, indoors) and open faced whenever not required (outdoors, seated at restaurants) and all came back covid free.
My DH was nervous about it at the time. Until I pointed out that based on the numbers at the time we were statistically more likely to get it while we were in our home state!
May I pose a question, feel free to not answer but please consider...prior to 2020 did you ever travel during flu season? I know 19 is different than the flu but did you let flu stop your life? Any other outbreaks of any illness in your home state prior to 2020? There have been some nasties for sure out there but common sense approaches (as OP listed above) have allowed life to continue.
Look at the numbers in your state vs your destination? Are you "safer" in your local super market?
Enjoy your trip. Take precautions. When you get home you may actually feel better about the whole thing knowing you did something potentially scary for you and came out on the other side just fine...if you are like us you will notice this shift in thinking helps in MANY areas of life.
We went in November - vaccinated but not yet boosted. We only did indoor dining once and wore masks inside as required and outside in crowded shows. Thankfully, we did not get COVID.

I know this is easier said than done, but if you can, try to manage your stress/anxiety the best you can in whatever way(s) work for you before and during your trip. I tried to do that myself as the constant stress only weakens your immune system. Think positive - as evidenced by many of the replies, many have gone to Disney and not come back with COVID!
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I've been to WDW 3 times in the last year and didn't contract covid. However, disclaimer: every time I was there there were masks required on buses and I'm not sure if that's still the case right now.

I always wear a mask indoors, even if it's not required. Outdoors, as you know, is not a problem. I'm fully vaxxed and boosted 2x, and I intend to wear a KN94 mask on the plane and indoors at WDW.

Also, I wash and sanitize my hands a lot. I learned how to do this pre-covid since for years i'd come back from WDW with some kind of cold/flu thing and once I started being OCD about washing and sanitizing my hands, the trend stopped.
Quick reality check:

Vaxxed people
1. Do not get severe disease
2. Are less likely to catch Covid (even O-B)
3. Antibodies are usually present in most people at least 6 months, T cell immunity is longer (but unknown how long)

So if you are vaxxed, and boosted for your age group, you have done what you can.

If a person is not vaxxed, well they are playing with fire. There is almost no legitimate medical reason, backed by science, to not be vaxxed.
We are very Covid conscious. We have never had Covid. We don't mind wearing masks when no one else around us is. We have visited WDW twice in Covid: August 2021 during Delta and March 2022 during Omicron. None of us got Covid. So we continue to believe that N95 masks (not fabric or surgical) work and when in close proximity to others, will help to keep Covid at bay. A couple of points...we did not do any indoor dining. We did do outdoor patios (like the Boathouse, Disney Springs and Enchanted Rose patio at the Grand). When walking outdoors if no one was within six feet, we would take off our masks. But we always wore them indoors. We would not wait in any line longer than 20-30 mins. So for us, masking has worked and we totally enjoyed both of these last two trips. August is our next one, so we'll see what Covid is like at that time to determine masking or not.
This is being helpful, the OP or you might not want to hear it, but this is being helpful. To me this sounds as more severe than regular anxiety. This is not something to be ashamed of, and there is nothing wrong with asking for help in these times.

What can we, strangers on the internet, tell her that her understanding husband hasn't told her? Her friends who came back from WDW with covid probably have told her the consequences as well. I doubt what we have to say will help the OP. We can give all the facts in the world, but the OP sounds like she knows the facts about covid, vaccinations and the risks. That doesn't change the feelings or emotions she has about the trip.

Therefore, yes, I think it would be good if the OP looks for professional help. Especially because this is her wedding trip, I would like her to go on this trip relaxed and enjoy it, and not look over her shoulder constantly.

OP here - I am sure this will get locked soon, so I wanted to say THANK YOU to each person that's commented with their experiences and kind words. Truly appreciated.

I did want to reply to this comment directly only to say that I completely agree with you. It is 100% without a doubt more than anxiety, and I am receiving professional help. Comments like yours and the person who asked if pre-covid I avoided traveling during due to the flu (because the answer is YES) are helpful if only to make me remember that I have to calm the heck down.

Only 2 more wakeups until Disney!!! :love:
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