Quarantine and chill and kindness chatty clubhouse: Jump in and join the conversation! All is welcome!

Thanks for all the well wishes and prayers. I've had quite a few serious surgeries in the past, but this is the most painful ( or maybe I just don't remember.) Hopefully a few more days will make a big difference. I spent 5 hours today on the machine, they suggest 6-8 (maybe tomorrow)
The machine isn't that bad, but I have such a hard time lifting my leg into it. The drain area is bleeding a lot too, but is starting to slow down somewhat. I wish they would have warned about this, and I would have had more supplies on hand. I've been using the walker to get around unfortunately it doesn't fit through the bathroom door.
I like that idea, PollyannaMom, thanks. Can we see a picture? :)

:hug:🙏DazedX3, I'm sorry to hear you are going through all that. Please take good care!

I may need to go see my dentist who is retiring in a couple weeks on Monday. I just saw him a few weeks ago but one of my upper fillings, after flossing, feels off...I feel a bump of sorts like perhaps it's loose...I don't know. This has never happened before. Something is there that wasn't earlier, let's put it that way. I realize this may not make much sense. Have any of you experienced anything similar? I hope you haven't, of course! IIRC this filling was redone last year so it's not old. Thankfully it does not really hurt but my TMJ is becoming affected which probably does mean my bite is somewhat off. It could also mean too much time in this awful computer chair, too! I'd appreciate your prayers.

On a brighter note, prayers all of you sleep well and have a good Sunday tomorrow.
Good Sunday morning, fellow Quackers! We are back to the 30's again today, high temp will be low 40's. Near 60 for the middle of the week? Crazy weather!

Did a whole lot of nothing yesterday, plan on starting cleaning the cellar today, while Mr L is watching football,,I am tired of football season already.

Have to figure out something different for dinner,,,getting tired of the same old same old

Have a nice morning, back later to check inOIP (1).jpg
@dazedx3 I hope each day gets better in your recovery. I did not have the CPM as my surgeon didn't use it and at the time I did my replacements they were not used much. I did not have a drain so I don't have experience with that. I hope you are able to use ice and keep up with the meds. The first 2 weeks are the toughest but it should get better each day.

@flyingdumbo127 Your nativity scene looks very nice. Great idea for the lamb. I hope you get your tooth looked at soon.

Back to the house today with older DS. He wants to bring the mattress from his old room back to his house for his younger DS. Hopefully it helps DGS sleep as the grandkids do not get to bed until 1-2 hours after going upstairs and getting ready. They run around and scream instead of going to sleep. We are talking about looking at different ideas for cleaning out the house. I think once we fill this dumpster we may look at a local company that is similar to Got Junk. They take away junk and also do house cleanouts. What we are spending on dumpsters may be better on spent on having a company come and take the stuff out to their trucks. We have already sorted through most of the stuff we needed. So once we get to the brunt of the junk to just be tossed, we may call them. Plus it will get it done quicker and I can figure out things quicker. This company appears to be less expensive than got junk and gets better reviews. We have to weigh the cost versus the time and effort put into the monumental task.

I am back to work tomorrow, working from DS's house. I m not thrilled with having to go back but I do need to pay bills and need medical insurance. I could have gone on medicare and a supplement but my company's plan is less expensive and the coverage is good. Plus it will keep me busy 6 hours a day. I am still going to the house on Wednesdays to put out the trash and do whatever I can in a shorter period of time. Plus of course I will be there on the weekends. I need to go to keep in touch with the house if that makes sense. Once I get all the finances finalized I can take a look at my options. By Spring I hope to have that done. Since I don't have anything else to do really, working will fill up some time.

Have a nice Sunday.
Here is the Nativity set:
It's on the top of a bookshelf and the angel is on a photo box that's usually there with some other frames.

And here's the tree:
(not the best angle, because of the door, but there are still boxes of decorations in progress all over the living room)
Good Morning Everyone,

Thank you all for your tooth prayers and good wishes. Thank God, there is no pain at all and it most likely is nothing. I just did know upon flossing last night that area that something had changed. When I call the dentist’s office tomorrow anyway to ask them to please send my records to the new dentist, I’ll mention it. I don’t think it’s anything to be concerned about.

As I said yesterday, dear Lynn, hooray you had a do nothing day! Lol, I have zero interest in football so can absolutely relate! That is crazy weather indeed. You just please stay well!

Hug, PollyannaMom. Simple, to me, is always best especially in terms of a Nativity because that usually means it is more reverent which is what matters. Aw, that’s special that it’s been with you for so long. Beautiful set and Tree, thank you for sharing with us.

Thank you so much, Snowysmom. Big hugs always, my friend, and much continued prayers, of course, too! Sounds like your grandkids need a new bedtime routine! Sometimes kids need to start winding down in the evening earlier or at least transitioning to quieter activities. I am so sorry to hear they are running around screaming for that long, doesn’t sound pleasant or restful for any of you, including the kiddos. I pray getting back into the routine of working helps you to feel a bit more grounded. Having a weekly house plan that you know in advance and that works overall for you, you know I extra pray that brings you additional peace.

May this season of Advent bring each of you additional peace!

I'll check in this afternoon.
Good morning all. I couldn't find us this morning, we were 1/2 way down on page 2! l Its snow flurrying here, and that better be all it amounts to. Mr L is already telling me there will no shoveling for me this year (like I didn't already know that?), but normally I just sweep the snow off the walks and driveway anyhow, lol!

Used our Ninja Foodie for the first time last nite, and loved it. Made a teriyaki marinated pork tenderloin, and it came out perfectly, best we've had in a long time. Will have to start using it more often now.

Hopefully we can get the new cabinet for the kitchen we got to replace my potato/onion/spice one that Mr L made years ago and is falling apart, finished today. Summer put it together but the door won't close right unless you lift it up from the bottom corner, and that won't work! She went to take her son to work at Walmart yesterday, and her car decided that it wasn't going to move in any direction. She's had issues with her tranmission 'bucking' for awhile..and did nothing about it, but she had to leave it on the side of the road, and call my sister in law to go and bring her home. Now it's been towed to aR.gif garage to see if it's worth what its going to cost to fix it. She has an older Explorer sitting in their driveway..she has to put tires on it and something else I can't remember..so hopefully she can get that on the road in a day or so..it's always something!

Have a nice morning everyone
Happy Monday morning! :cheer2:

Haven't been on since last week but I did get myself caught up with everyone's posts. Glad to hear everyone had a nice Thanksgiving. I had to work and we couldn't believe how busy we were. We all thought it was going to be an easy day, out of 5 patients 3 of them were getting discharged but then we had 3 more come in an had their babies within hours. The hospital provided us with a free Thanksgiving meal which we all had to take turns running down to get since we were busy. I finally ate around 2:00 and we were all wishing we would have brought our own food in. Ds2 and his girlfriend had Thanksgiving in their little apartment with Ds3 and her parents. Ds3 brought a plate home for me, the food was really good, they did a good job on the turkey with it being their first time. Ds2 came over to my house early in the morning and put the food that I premade the day before in the oven and then he baked the pie.

Got a lot of Xmas shopping done last week, I have 5 people to buy for and I only have 2 more to finish up. I have a separate Xmas account at work so I took some money out of that and went crazy. Needed to get a bunch of gift cards for St. Nick stockings so that's done. The boys got up in the attic while I was at work and got all my decorations down (they forgot to grab the tree :confused3) so I was able to get the house decorated. Before Ds3 went running around, he got back up there and got the tree so I was able to put that up. I started to decorate the outside yesterday but ran out of lights for the landscaping so I'll be headed to the store today. I had to throw out 6 strands of lights, I was not very happy.

Snowysmom - good luck with getting back to work today.

We've been eating out way too much so I am determined to get back to making dinner each night. I'm going to try the BBQ cauliflower tonight as my main dish. Hopefully it's good, never had it before.

Well I have to get back to work so everyone have a great day. :thumbsup2
Good morning all. Nothing new to report here, really. I cook, I clean. I'm hovering at the 232 lb. mark; back to walking at least 4 days a week, 2+ miles each. I have been splurging on calories, keeping at around 1500, but I need to go lower to get the weight moving again. My back still hurts if I sit in one position too long, and that is here to stay, I'm afraid. As long as I move around every hour, it's fine.

Tonight we are trying a new recipe: chickpea soup. I have 3 recipes that I'm going to take a bit from and combine to make my own. One has the carrots, celery, onion; one has the tomatoes and the Moroccan spices that I want; and the 3rd has some toasted chickepeas to put on for garnish, which I think will help with some needed texture. I'll toast some flatbreads (no pitas) and I have some crema to put on top if needed (out of sour cream). Hopefully it comes out! I could do a black bean and corn soup, but I think I'll save the beans and make bean burritos later on in the week. We are trying to do meatless at least 2 days a week. I didn't make it to the store this weekend (I was not going to deal with those crowds!) so fresh veggies are low in the house.

I have to go shopping this weekend for fresh veg, dairy, some frozen veg, lunch stuff, and bread. I have enough meat for 2 weeks (maybe longer, with us doing the meatless thing), plus DH was gifted a gc to Hello Fresh and a gc from Honeybaked Ham from work; so we are doing the 2 weeks of HF (using the gc, for 4 people/5 meals, we're paying about $70 each week, so that is ok) starting Dec 7th, and buying a ham with the gc (3 meals at least)...so that will put us thorugh to the end of the year without having to worry about dinners!

Presents are all done. DH and I are not buying for ourselves; upgrading our power supplies on both computers. DS got his bike, and we are upgrading his power supply, case, and getting him a water cool system for his computer as well. DH's bonus will pay down credit cards/medical bills (I have $1400 left to pay for DS's stay in Oct, plus whatever the ER bill is, which is a whole issue in itself); and then pay for us to move. If we rent, it'll be first month/deposit/moving boxes, tape, wrapping paper/movers/utility setups. If we decide to buy, it'll be moving boxes, tape, wrapping paper/movers/utility setups/down payment. We have to decide by Dec 19th what we are doing, so that's going to be fun.

Have a good day all
Good Morning friends,

I am so glad Summer is okay, Lynn! Definitely no fun to have your car break down like that. One time my dad and I were in his Hyundai which he got as a second- hand gift, it was older, and caused nothing but trouble from the beginning (but of course the relatives who gave it to him meant well) when it finally quit on a freeway off ramp. Thankfully all was A-ok but that was definitely a memorable experience. :) that Mr. L made you a cabinet years ago, how special truly. I'm sorry it's showing wear now.

Hug, Footballmouse and thank you for the care you give to all your patients, my friend. Lol, sometimes it sure is easier to let someone else do the cooking (and clean up)! I do hope you enjoyed Thanksgiving.

Hug, B&B and always good to see you! We are all in your corner always!

I just called my dentist's office and spoke to his wife (also the receptionist). She is always so kind and said I can come in tomorrow morning. Just for my own peace of mind that will be great. Thank you all for your prayers and good wishes.

Happy Monday, Quacker Family :)
Good afternoon.

I missed all day yesterday. Not sure what I posted last and too lazy to look so I may repeat myself.

Saturday we decorated the church then had carry out pizza for dinner.

Yesterday, we went to church a little early because DH signed up to usher and this was his first week. I worked on finishing a hat I made for Carter before the service started.

After church and lunch, we met DD and her family at Longwood Gardens to see the Christmas displays. It is a spectacular display and sells out nightly. We got tickets a few weeks ago and have another reservation for December 17 in case the weather had been bad. The weather was perfect though. The kids were so good as we were there for 4 hours. Can I just say that hot chocolate with Bailey's Irish cream is my new favorite hot chocolate, from the one who said she didn't drink it. I may post some pictures later. I have to post from my phone or ipad but prefer to type out the post on my laptop.

Today, just catching up and starting to decorate for Christmas.
🐥 Well we all made it through the weekend! :goodvibes

I worked a stretch so can finally take a breather. Wound up serendipitously taking care of a close friend’s relative so that was neat. Lots of food left around but lots of junk so I tried to stay away. (Saw a whole beautiful pie thrown away due to fruit flies so that seemed a shame.) We ordered out yesterday just for something different. It was funny because DD’s unit got pizza and I got salad, so DD brought a piece of their pizza over to me, and it was good, lol.

I mentioned before that we weren’t doing our own turkey dinner at home (as we usually do even when we go elsewhere for Thanksgiving) because basically DH was the only one home this weekend, but we really missed the leftovers! :lmao: So we are doing one tonight and I am really looking forward to it!

@footballmouse That was very sweet of your DS3 to bring you home a plate. I loved that. 🥰 And funny the boys got everything down but the tree. How was the hospital dinner? We usually get a free meal when working, too. My holiday to work is Christmas this year, so I will find out then. (Not a big fan of our hospital’s food since a food vendor took over. And really miss the older lady who used to pile the food on people’s plates at the end of the day so it wouldn’t go to waste, we’d take it back to the units and everyone dug in, it was fun. Now they portion out everything exactly (and at times it seems it can barely fill a thimble). I generally bring my own food but do enjoy ordering out sometimes if others are putting in an order. At any given time there are food delivery people outside the hospital, even in the middle of the night - one thing nice about being in the city, lots of options of every type of food (and desserts like frozen yogurt or warm Insomnia cookies) imaginable. What’s funny today is seeing more people getting themselves a meal through Uber Eats or something similar - not something really seen until a few years ago.

I’m taking a page from Carol’s book and saying I’m too beat to respond to all posts individually, but thinking of you all, and hoping those going through rough times or surgeries are all doing well, etc. Hoping those who haven’t been by lately are doing ok, too. Looking forward to seeing DS in a few when he comes home from work as I haven’t seen him since Friday, and that was only for a minute.
Good afternoon 🌸

I enjoyed being an usher at one church for a time, Carol. Pre pandemic, I was a Deacon which I really enjoyed, too. The Longwood Gardens Christmas display sounds great. I just saw your pictures! They're great as always, thank you for sharing and great job on Carter's hat, too. I love the Nativity scene that was front and center of worship along with the two banners. Glory to God indeed!

Hooray that you'll get to see your DS, Pea. God works in a mysterious and lovely way indeed bringing us into contact with those we really do most need to meet or vice versa. That is really special that you got to care of someone who means a lot to a close friend. As always, my friend, I thank you for all the love and care you provide to all.

Quiet afternoon here. Dad just finished seeing his financial guy and is on his way home :) I'm working on more Christmas cards and waiting for the mail and Amazon. My friend Terri will deliver the stocking to our friend Barbara tomorrow. I'm excited about that and thankful to have gotten to be a small part of making that happen for a special lady.

:hug: to all.
Good morning all. I want to know why its snowing outside, and sticking to the top of the car? Its supposed to go to 50 today, so at least it won't stick for long-lol!

Younger stepson called yesterday and said he's planning on coming down this weekend. He will take apart the old , heavy coffee table, and assemble the new one for us. Too bad the granddaughters have plans for the weekend or they would be coming down with him.

Summer managed to get her husband to the pick up spot for the work van, guess they used one of his Dads cars. She says that her car needs a transmission, but the only one the place can find has more miles than hers does, and costs $2000, so she can't afford to get it fixed. She's going to put her old Explorer on the road for now, at least all it needs is 3 more tires. Everyone in the family has helped her so many times, and she just doesn't seem to learn to save money when they have it :(

We need to get those nightstands put together today, while we can use the old coffee table to put them together on so we aren't trying to bend over on the floor. Also have to gather trash for tomorrow, and pass the swiffter wet jet over the kitchen floor. The molding for the new floor came yesterday via UPS, from Home Depot, and it's a pretty close match. I told Summer to message the installer and tell them its here, and ask him when he might get to it,,we want it done before Christmas!

have a nice morning all--@Snowysmom,,glad you have work as a distraction, will keep your mind busy part of the time!183f3915cf875cd0e727e5a788fee5e2--trouble-fun-day.jpg


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