Quarantine and chill and kindness chatty clubhouse: Jump in and join the conversation! All is welcome!

@Pea-n-Me Love your renovation story. It sounds like work but fun work. I will have to look at Smith and Noble. Trying to figure our where to get shades for the new condo. There is a place called Budget Blinds nearby but they seem to not so budget and involve a decorator. Not for me. I didn't want to have to ask the kids to put blinds in for me after I order on line but Kenny has offered. He even offered Jeff too.
I think you will like Smith and Noble @Snowysmom. We measured and installed ourselves, but they do, I believe, offer a service where people can come to your house and help you with them if you want. (Or maybe Kenny or Jeff could do it with you, trying one room first to see if you like them.) I think they’re a step above what most others are offering, from what I’ve seen. (I don’t like the boxy thing at the top that many of the shades have; some might like it more, but I don’t, it’s too formal for me, we are far more casual type people and enjoy cozy, yet colorful and simple spaces at home.)

They also have some really nice colors and fabrics to choose from. If I remember later I will show you a picture of the ones in our family room. There we put stained fir wood on the walls (completely) and it’s got a pitched ceiling (with the same fir) and a flagstone floor, so I wanted something for the 8 windows and slider that was a natural, or looked natural, fabric, yet very simple, and these totally fit the bill. They’ve held up great. They came with metal pull cords for raising up or down, and we use those a lot as it gets full sun in the afternoon and can get hot out there. When down, they block the sun nicely, yet they haven’t faded at all. On cooler days I put them 3/4 of the way up so it lets the sun warm up the space. So quite versatile but easy to operate. I’ve seen some motorized ones which I think would be great for certain spaces that are hard to get to, or if people have trouble opening and closing them themselves.
Good morning. It's sunny but windy and cool and feels more l like a late fall day, than an early spring one. I wanted to mow today, but unless it warms up a lot more, it won't be getting done.

I love your renovation story @Pea-n-Me , looking forward to see finished pictures

Off to gather the trash, clean and change out litter boxes, then dust and vacuum

Have a great day

Good morning. Chilly here today in the 50's after a week of high 70's and 80's.

I have read your responses and thank you all for the input.

Anthony got his revenge yesterday by having an awesome game. He managed one hit, one fly out and 1 strikeout, The hit drove in a run and he went to second on the throw to try and get the runner out. No one called time and they weren't paying attention so he stole third. I was thrilled as it was a really smart heads-up play. He also managed a couple of plays in the outfield. His knee brace is still bothering him a bit but he definitely played like the old Anthony, before his injury. There are 2 sets of parents who were talking negatively about Anthony so he quieted the negativity. The son of one of them walked 4 straight batters and gave up a hit that cost us the game in the bottom of the last inning. The mom I mentioned, who is friends with this boy's parents, started her negativity towards him. I took the high road and stayed silent, happy in how well my grandson played.

As far as the classmate, I am still working on a response. I do wish him/her well and hope that there is some peace in their life since they transitioned BUT I really am not comfortable with the comments directed towards me. For one thing I have never been good with comments about my looks. I never considered myself to be pretty although my husband disagrees with me. I am also happily married for almost 42 years. I have a family that I adore and dote on and would never do anything to jeopardize that. Writing this I think I found my answer. I would be happy to be an "old friend" as I am with several former classmates but that is it.

@Pea-n-Me - I like you decorating ideas and the panels. We are replacing the patio doors this summer but I am getting the kind with built in blinds. The back door leading out from the basement will be the same thing. The patio doors are in the living room so I am looking at valences just to dress it up a bit. That may take me most of the summer.

@Snowysmom - So sorry your son's family are all fighting illnesses. It's that time of year. Hope they feel better soon.

Have a good day everyone.
Hi! Have not been feeling well. Negative Covid tests on Sunday and yesterday, but + today. I have been taking the tests because I have had appointments and didn’t want to pass Covid on. So, I am hoping for negative tests next week, when I have dentist and urogynecologist appoin.

Am tired…will rest and work on puzzles. Canceled my Houston trip. Tom still plans to go, his tests are negative. We are staying apart.

Safe hugs to all of you. I have caught up reading her, and especially happy you saw a pair of cardinals, Snowysmom. :)
Quick Good Morning from me with so very much thanks for all of your prayers. I will be relieved to have today's dentist appointment behind me. I also take comfort in the peace of knowing all is already well thanks to God. I will update later.

Meantime, Snowysmom, so very much prayer for your family to feel a whole ton better! I'm so sorry Baby Sam especially is still ill. Of course, their being sick isn't easy on dear you either you either. Please take care and stay well.

PollyannaMom, prayers your son is continuing to enjoy college and staying healthy, too!

Pea, your renovations do sound like a lot of work but fun as well. Love the idea always of lighter and brighter especially with Summer eventually coming. may your new spaces bring you and your family extra peace and good memories to come.

Have a good day, Lynn, too and please don't try to take on everything!

Taz, you are a lovely and kind person. Anthony and all of your grandkids especially are so very blessed to have you in their lives. I pray for peace for all of you and the awkward classmate situation, too.

Feel better dear Bobbiwoz and to Tom, too!

Have a great Tuesday, friends. I will check back in later. :grouphug:
I'm so thankful so truly humbly grateful extra to God. By His Grace and Love, all went very well at the dentist. I'm very glad the filling is taken care of and behind me. An added blessing is having had this done, I feel more comfortable with Dr. E. On our way to Dr. E's office, dad and I stopped by church to drop off our food pantry donation. I got to see Gabriela for the first time in 3 years. Blessed Tuesday for sure. Thank you all again and always for your love and prayers. 🐥❤️Have a great rest of the afternoon, dear friends.
@flyingdumbo127 So glad all went well and you feel more comfortable with the dentist. Nice that you could see your friend.

@bobbiwoz Hope you feel better soon.

Chilly windy day today with sprinkles here and there. I haven't done alot of walking. I am feeling like the grandkids now so trying to take it easy. It was inevitable as all 6 are or have been sick in the last week.

Have a nice evening.
Thank you both so much!

Snowysmom, get some rest and stay warm. Feel better big-time prayers to you and your family, too.

Lynn, I sure hope you get a 4 day break! Prayers you are staying healthy!

Bobbiwoz, please take care and feel better, too!

Dad and I finished The Blessing Bracelet. Beautiful story of faith, community, and God's love and connection to us all and how much like He did our Quacker family, He brought a small town together in support of one another as they grow together in and to Him. Highly recommend :)

Have a great rest of the day everyone.
Thanks for the get well wishes. Still not feeling great. Yesterday I did mostly rest after work. I did walk a bit but no where near as much as usual. Jeff's family has 5 on amoxicillin and Kenny is taking his youngest to get tested for strep as he has been sick and really tired for days now. 3 of Jeff's kids and DDIL have strep. He recommended Amoxi for me based on my symptoms and all the kids illnesses. I was sneezed on, coughed on, hugged, and kissed by all the grandkids so close contact. He does not prescribe antibiotics lightly but he worries due to my age. Of course he likes to tell me I am so old just to get me mad.

Thoughts and prayers to all.

It is 40 here now which is colder than it has been. The temp is supposed to go into the 50s. I like that temp for walking.

Have a goo day.
Happy Wednesday!🐪

Feeling much better but I still have that dang cough 😷. Worked night shift this past weekend so I was exhausted Monday and Tuesday. Dozed off a bit during my lunch both days 😴. This is why I eat by myself in an empty office, I know I'm going to fall asleep.

Yesterday after work I got outside and cut the backyard. It needed it so bad. I had a couple more rows to go and my lawnmower stopped running 😫. I changed out the spark plug before I started, I'm wondering if it was in there tight enough. I'll check again today if I think about it.

That's about it for me, just a quick check-in. Have a great day! :wave:
Good morning all. Down to 34 overnight and 75 later. 90 again tomorrow.

Today was trash day and it's grocery day in a little bit. I'll be glad to get out of the house and not have to do anymore yardwork. I keep looking at the garden that needs tilling and saying 'maybe tomorrow', but it's not going to be tomorrow at 90 degrees, lol

I hope all that are not feeling well, get better very soon

Have a nice Wednesday morning

@bobbiwoz @Snowysmom @footballmouse and any of our other friends under the weather, sending healing vibes your way! 💐 Take care of yourselves and get plenty of rest and fluids! Bobbi any idea where you picked it up? Plane? Restaurant? Line queue? It’s very possible your husband can still test positive. This happened to my sister last year when she and her boyfriend tested positive almost a week apart. Fortunately he stayed home from work as he wasn’t feeling too great.

@tazdev3225 Glad Anthony had a good game! Our french doors and the windows in our sunroom all have panes built into the glass. It makes it so easy to clean them. The windows are Harvey and I really love them. They open really easily too. We have an Anderson slider and some new Anderson windows in the house and the wooden panes (am I saying that right?) are on the outside, but removable. I don’t like those at all. I mean, it’s nice to be able to take them off, but they’re hard to remove and they break easily. One rung is broken on the bottom of our slider and it bothers me. The older windows in our house have the individual panes of glass and it’s a pain (pun intended) to clean them and they have to be recaulked from time to time, etc. If I got all new windows I would get the Harvey ones without hesitation. As it stands we’ll probably have to do the Anderson on some replacements in the bedrooms eventually so they all match. Our builder showed DH how to do them so he can do the replacements, thankfully. They’re just regular windows.

Had some fun last night. DH wanted to see the “funky carpet tiles” for himself, so off to the store we went. And he loved them! DS was at work but we sent him some texts teasing him about it. Next thing I know, DH is lifting them up and putting them into our cart! :laughing: We bought what they had in stock and will have to get some more, too. They work for our space for a lot of reasons. This morning I laid some out in the living room and had DS come down and he was like, omg, you bought them! :lmao: I said nope, Dad did. As I said before, I think I’ll be forever teased about this but they’ll grow on him, lol .(The rest of us love them!) Btw DS got deliberately kicked in the head at work the other night, and has a concussion and a swollen face. I was upset. 😭 He had to go to the ER and undergo a CT scan, etc. The general public doesn‘t understand the abuse that hospital personnel have to put up with. 😬 I hope there are no further problems with this but I worry. We see so many crazy things.

It was too late to cook dinner being out shopping and we were starving so we decided to get a bite to eat at a place we always go to. I got a soup and there was a large piece of hamburger in it. I bit a little of it off and chewed and swallowed it. Then I looked down at the spoon and it looked like it wasn’t cooked all the way. 🤢 We know the waitress pretty well and I let her know, saying sorry, I don’t usually send things back, but I can’t eat this. (We’ve had food-borne illness in our family before.) She tried to say that it was cooked, but for some reason the soup was making the hamburger a funny color. Idk about that, but bottom line was there was no way I could eat it. She gave me a piece of banana bread instead and it was delicious, but it filled me up so then I couldn’t eat my food. I got so tired on the way home (unrelated to food issue, just after working the weekend and not enough sleep) I had to go to bed early. We had also cleaned the renovation space before we left it was a mess. I have a lot of books to sort through and probably get rid of. I still have all my books from nursing school and it’s impractical to keep them but it’s also going to be a little hard to let them go. DH had some stamp books he collected and DD asked him what he wants to do with those. His reply: “You can get rid of them when I croak”. 😳 (Losing his filter in his old age!)

Going to keep the cleaning going a bit today, probably over in the apt which has a lot of things being stored right now. I can’t stand the mess! But hopefully by the end of the year most of what we want to get done, will be done. It’s a tall order but we have to do it. DD and I did pick out the colors for the house the other day we‘re going with a very light grey and navy blue shutters, and will switch out our brown Adirondack chairs on the front porch for barn red ones (that we’re going to buy today), so a little Americana look. I can use the brown ones on the back deck (I have to finally get rid of my mother’s swing seat that’s broken). Paid a lot for those years ago, but this time going for the cheap plastic ones.
They’ll still look good and be functional.

Forgot to say before that over the weekend my brakes were scraping so I had to drop my car off for new brakes on Monday. Thankfully they were able to get to it right away and I was able to pick my car up Monday night. Always something.

Enjoy the Wednesday, everyone! 🐥
@Pea-n-Me , I mentioned to my friends, and yes, I think DH could still come down with it. I have no idea where I caught it. I was in fewer places than usual because I had UTI and wasn’t feeling well.

I have fewer body aches today, but a very runny nose.

@Snowysmom , feel better soon!

Thank you for asking!
Wow, weird. The germs in the body multiply over and over until they become detectable by the test. Every body is unique so that might not happen at the exact same time for everyone even if they contracted it on the same day. Or, maybe because your reserves were low you were more susceptible to illness at while you were there. Who knows, but ugh! Glad the body aches are lessened and the runny nose is the worst of it now. I actually stick a tissue up my nose when that happens, lol. You always know when I’m sick!
:grouphug:with a ton of extra to all Quackers this Wednesday and extra those under the weather! Please stay warm and take care! Lynn, send me some 90s please, too :)

Sandro, our regular Sparkletts delivery man has already come, grateful for his kind and great service always. Dad thank God is staying home today. We're looking forward to enjoying a relaxing Wednesday. I will call Hallmark Channel to share how touched I was by The Blessing Bracelet. To those who haven't yet seen it, I checked and it will re-air Sunday April 30th at 5. I really do think all of dear you would love it.

Have a great day, friends. I will check back on later:flower2:


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