Quarantine and chill and kindness chatty clubhouse: Jump in and join the conversation! All is welcome!

Unfortunately dealing with medical issues especially serious ones can be so frustrating and daunting. Alot of perseverance, faith, and support are needed. Sending prayers to all who are in need.

Lynn Poor Summer just can't catch a break. It does sound like she needs a new doctor. She was so lucky to find those dresses. It is so sweet that they are coming by to see you all dressed up. And you are so kind to give them gift cards for hair and nails.

@flyingdumbo127 So glad your Dad enjoyed his birthday surprises. You made his day!

Judique Your Disney trip sounds relaxing (after the first day) and fun. I hope you have fun with your family. I like BCV but in May I will be at Boardwalk Inn. I am looking forward to time away from reality and it helps that my wonderful NH friend is coming along. She doesn't care what we do as long as we don't walk all day. I have a solo trip planned for Dec.

Our condo complex has a meeting tonight just for the residents. They want to discuss moving over to taking charge of the affairs of the community once the builder leaves. Thankfully there are several residents who like to do that kind of work and are willing to step up. I just know things need to be fixed before the builder can go anywhere and I am sure that will come up.

I was in the office then at the dentist. Back at the condo now. Thankfully the dentist appt went well.

Have a good rest of the day.
Good morning everyone
Sunny and going to be mid 50's again.

Summer wanted to go shopping with me yesterday after her MRI, so we never left here until almost 3. It was a good thing, she really needed to talk. She didn't want to go home and tell her husband or kids right away. The MRI of her spine was very very bad compared to the one she had done last year. Her spine has deteriorated badly. They're telling her the only option is surgery, which might leave her paralyzed. She told them she's not letting anyone touch her back. That she'll live with the pain and hopefully still be able to move.

I swear it's one thing after the other with her. She's waiting for her doctor to read the results (which Summer already had by the time she got to the parking lot to leave the hospital). Her doctor never believes that her pain is as bad as it is. This is the same doctor who told her not to let her pain get unmanageable, yet when Summer called there last week before going to the ER, the doctor has yet to even acknowledge the 'urgent message' the nurse sent her. The same doctor who wasn't even there when she had her appointment on Friday. I say it's time for a new doctor!
I've been getting mild headaches lately, and finally realized that it was because my hair had gotten too long. I tie it up on my head every night before I go to sleep, and I think that's what's doing it. So when I was at Walmart yesterday I walked down and made an appointment for a haircut with my stylist today. At noontime, it's getting cut to where it belongs, lol.

Lily and Gracie and their respective boyfriends are going to a school dance this weekend. Lily's going to drive them all here for me to see how they look. She says it would mean a lot to her, and they always used to come and show Granddad, and she doesn't want me to think anything's changed. That made me cry, it was so sweet.

Believe it or not, Summer got their dresses at Goodwill. She found 2 brand new dresses with tags still on, $250 each. She paid $9.99 for one and $4.99 either. It's nuts that people give stuff to Goodwill that they never even wore. She got their shoes there too.
I know things are tight right now with her husband being laid off, and I wanted to do something for the girls to make the dance a little more special. While I was in Holiday Hair I got them each a gift card to get their hair done, and then stopped at the nail salon and got them gift cards to get their nails done. Summer is even making their corsages, and the boutonniere's.

I don't remember if I told you about the water leak they had. It was leaking for at least 3 weeks, and it wasn't until the snow melted that her husband could dig and find it. She got the water bill yesterday. $933,,isn't that insane?

I guess that's all I have to say this morning. Have a great day

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Have they tried asking for a one time adjustment on the bill? I've not had one but have heard of it happening when there is an unusually high bill due to a water leak.
@Pea-n-Me , our trip to WDW was great. Three nights in a one bedroom at SSR and 4 night in HA studio at BCV. The weather was so cold though, and so, on this trip and our December trip I didn’t swim at all! There were some folks in a pool, so maybe I’m just a sissy, but I don’t think so. My mobility isn’t very good and there is no way that I can run back to the room! I can’t hurry back to the ECV, no, it was too cold.
Our focus was to be together, enjoy what we could do. Tom’s heart attack is extremely sobering to us.
Lunch at Woody’s Barbecue!
Some of the announcements were hard for me to understand, but when someone yelled “Andy’s coming” Since we were all TOYS, everyone in the restaurant played “statues.” The food was barbecue, three courses. We enjoyed the food, the brisket and chicken were the favorites. It’s an expensive meal, $132 for the two of us…it didn’t feel like an $132 meal, but it was fun. No discounts yet, too new. This is not a character meal.
An “extra” dessert.
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I go during Festival of the Arts because of the Broadway Singers. We went to 3 shows. Our favorites were Ashley Brown with Steven Taylor. Each and every song they did we were familiar with and they were fantastic!

Kissy Simmons and Josh Strickland were excellent too, but they sang some songs we were not familiar with, or maybe not ones we like. However their energy and voices were spectacular! We saw their show twice.


Some other things to see and do regarding Festival of Arts

chalk art

Painting the mural…
Photo pass pictures
Good evening.

After stressing all day we finally got some good news - the chest x-ray was clear so no lung cancer. We are waiting on the MRI results on his neck where he has the lump. Keep the prayers coming to get over the next hurdle.

@lynxstch - so sorry that Summer is going through all that. I agree with others, I would be looking for a new doctor. That was a fantastic buy on the gowns. I will admit when my oldest grandson was little his mom would send him to us in rags. I would go to the thrift store and get him brand new clothes for pennies on the dollar. His whole summer wardrobe would cost me under $20 and the clothes were all brand new with tags.

Thank you again all for the prayers and kind words. They were and are much appreciated
:grouphug:HUGE dear Taz and so very much extra praise to God, thank God! What beautiful, wonderful news! Thank you for sharing.

Bobbi, as always I love your pictures! The 3 sheep are adorable. Are they in the Toy Story ride? God Bless you and Tom indeed. Prayers for your health and a whole lot of happy years together, Gus of course, too, you know that:dogdance:

Snowysmom🙏all went well at the condo meeting! I think it's wonderful the residents have formed a support group like that. Thank you so much on my dad. I haven't forgotten to share more, btw. This week has been flying by!

Judique, hug and prayers you are still having a fabulous time at ::MickeyMo

Lynn, Pea, Easyas, PollyannaMom, SpaceMan and everyone all my love and prayer always you know that. Sweet Dreams.

From cold LA, it absolutely warms my heart to share God's continuing amazing mercy and extra love to dad and me. Dad got a wonderful health report today.

As a P.S. Last Call for IHOP and Wendy's. Please PM me by tomorrow mid morning if you enjoy visiting either restaurant or know anyone who does. Thank you so much, extra hugs.
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Tazdev I hope the good news keeps coming.

@bobbiwoz Nice pictures. Glad you had a good trip.

Good morning. 27 now but heading into the mid 40s today. I may try to get to the park to walk. The meeting last night was interesting. In fact it was sobering. They are looking into hiring an attorney to get the HOA set and running. The builder is currently thinking about leaving the complex ins May/June time line. His rep claims he will address all the punch list items for each condo but no one really believes it. If he doesn't do so basically each individual condo owner will need to get their own attorney to chase him down. Even with the one year warranty he does not have to honor it. It is not legal but again we would have to take the steps legally to hold him to it. We all know how expensive that can be and how long it could take to go through the court system. For me, it would probably be cheaper to just get a basement company in myself to do the fix and it would probably be done the right way. I will just try to have faith that he will do the right thing. The conservation commission is now just focused on clear water going into the land. The lawsuit the builder brought against the town made that clear. One guy mentioned having the same water issue I have with the window wells. I talked with him after the meeting. He said he no longer allows any builder workers to do things in his condo. In fact many people are just having things fixed themselves and paying out of pocket for it. I did ask him to let me know how he fixes his issue. I truly regret buying here for the issues, not the people or the neighborhood itself. If I could get all the issues fixed I could find this a nice place. I just wish I could catch a break in life.

Off to work. Have a good day.
Happy Friday!:sunny:

My bosses have a team building meeting all afternoon so guess who's sneaking out at noon ... yep, it's me :banana:. Since I work this weekend I can get the house cleaned today. I was supposed to take Jacob & Mitchell (and the girls) to dinner tonight for their birthdays, Jacob's was yesterday and Mitchell's is Tuesday. Well Mitchell keeps saying no to all of our suggestions but he doesn't offer any suggestions so I told them that they're on their own if a decision isn't made by today 😠. I think this is the last year I'll do this. They're either married or have a girlfriend so the girls can take them to dinner.

Updated the pictures at my desk at work, still had baby pictures of Mia so I added a couple of recent pictures. Bailey took her to the zoo yesterday since it was such a nice day. She was so excited to watch the penguins.🐧

I put a living room armchair out for the garbage last night . Usually The rule is that you have to call the trash company and arrange a "special pickup" which cost an extra $50 and it's only 1 item a week. I noticed last summer that my neighbor set out loads of furniture for the regular trash pickup for 3 weeks in a row and they took everything. I decided I was going to try the same thing last night and wouldn't you know when I left for work this morning it was gone. I'll definitely do this again, unless it's something like a couch.🛋️

Off to get some breakfast, have a great day! :wave:
Good sunny morning. I have no idea where the weathermen got their forecast yesterday. They said today would be 73 with rain. The sky is blue, it's sunny, already and not one chance of rain now. I'll take it!

I got my haircut yesterday (feels so much better and no headache this morning from having it tied up overnight) and it was so nice out I didn't want to go home. I decided to drive to the farm market in WV. I think I took every twisty turning road there was. I went the back way, just to relax and spend some time away from the house. This market has farm stands all over in summer time. In winter they have a little store, where they sell local produce, and they have all kinds of things that they make themselves and sell in jars. I got jars of marinara pasta sauce, blueberry balsamic vinegar, peach bbq sauce and something called Traffic jam. It's strawberry, peach, red raspberry, cherry and cranberries. I'm going to try it on toast this morning. I got fresh spinach, salad mix, and a few different kinds of apples.

I'm going to vacuum and wash the kitchen and bathroom floors and get that out of the way. Planning on baked garlic butter cod, maybe some minute rice and fresh spinach for dinner.

@bobbiwoz Loving your pictures, glad you're having a good time!

Have a nice day everyone

This morning, Tom and I went to Vertus meeting To Protect God’s Children, since we could come in contact with children within the home visits we may do as part of St. Vincent Society. We learned about what to look for, and what to do.

Thank you to all who liked my pictures, and the best part of the trip was yet to come. I have mentioned Beverly, whom I met in kindergarten, and she and “her” Tom visited us last Tuesday to Wednesday. We went to a character meal at Artist Point in Wilderness Lodge. The appetizers and desserts are family style, and we all picked Prime Rib as our entree. One end cut, one well, and two medium rare, and they all were delicious! I had the leftovers from DH’s end cut for breakfast the next morning.

After the picture, Tom tried to convince her that her life would be better if she would just be nicer, but she didn’t want any such advice.

Bev’s Tom loves Beaches and Cream, so after Thursday morning in Epcot, we ended their stay as usual with lunch at Beaches and Cream!

We went to see “Happily Ever After” at MK. We have watched it so often on the resort’s TV, but it’s even better in person! My picture doesn’t do it justice,

On our last day, we caught up with fellow Disboarder Simba’s mom. We had breakfast together, in the Solarium at Beach Club, and we chatted about what we’ve done in the year since we’ve seen each other. We both take the reading Challenge on the Disboards, and I have enjoyed many of the same books that she does. We had lunch together at Chef de France, another very delicious meal. She had Ratatouille, we both had the Boeuf Bourguignon, linguine. That’s my favorite thing on the menu!

We had this picture taken together.


We met at the 5:30 Broadway Singers show and then said goodbye. I do hope we meet again next year. We also both love DVC at HHI, and we have met there as well!

Back at the room Tom and I were both tired, but it seemed less cold than other nights and we did decide to see Luminous. There was a tree that blocked our view of high fireworks, but what we saw we liked! We decided to take a fireworks cruise with my DSis when we go back to WDW for Flower and Garden next month. We think it will be terrific when seeing it all WITH the high fireworks!


We usually fly American from Philly, and we had no problems going home, and we were early enough to get Gus before the kennel closed at 6. ( Our next flights to WDW are on Frontier, I hope we don’t regret that. We were late booking air for that trip, and Frontier had seats we wanted. )
Lynn, I also love your morning pictures and thank you always for them. Hooray for 💇‍♀️God-willing one day sooner than later what a blessing it will be for me to get my own hair cut again. Prayers you had a peaceful Friday! Thinking of you and Summer and her family, too.

PollyannaMom, you are such a thoughtful lady! 🙏your DH and DS have better days ahead. One thing is for sure and that is how blessed they are to have you in their lives and of course, vice versa, you know what I mean :)

Bobbi::MinnieMo(many) hugs and continuing prayers for your safe travels and wonderful future ::MickeyMotrip. I am not a fireworks fan at all but so grateful that you and Tom enjoyed a special cruise. I love your pictures and hearing about the lovely friends you meet at WDW, too. God willing one day, dad and I can meet dear you at DL!

SpaceMan:hug:so glad you joined our kind group! You absolutely make a lovely difference. Thank you.

Sweet Dreams with love to all, always.


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