Question about nail fungus treatment?

Tea Tree Oil works wonders on fungus. I used it on my cat when I brought him home and had ring worm. Ive also used it on a toe fungus that wasnt in the nail but the skin underneath and never came back.

Ive seen it at CVS and Target. Small .5oz bottle with a dropper, dont buy creams and stuff that have the oil in it.
Soak them in vinegar. The white vinegar you buy in the store is 5% glacial acetic acid. We use GAC in the lab for all kinds of things and it's pretty effective against a variety of fungi. When I worked for Hickory Farms, we'd soak the cheese planes and knives in vinegar to cut down on cross-contaminating the cheeses (because, you know, cheese molds regularly…). Good luck!

BTW… apparently this question is "going around" Facebook these days, but I am not sure what the deal is. People have commented things like "yeah, I know it's a joke, caught me again" and stuff like that. :confused3

I don't know about the facebook question reference, but it seems this is more common than people think, nobody wants to admit it, though :blush:! It is embarrassing to have infected nails. I have read that you can mix equal parts Listerine and vinegar and treat with that, I know vinegar is very acidic, so that seems it could work. The hard part is the time it takes for any remedy to work. You can get tired of waiting and quit before the nail is fully grown out.
Try treating the shoes as well as the nail. Spray anti fungal stuff in the shoes each evening, and try not to wear the same pair every day. It cuts down on the chance of re-infection.

I did the laser treatment (with a Groupon coupon). It helped, but not a total cure. The Listerine has made a big difference.
You can also try treating your nails holistically or with at home treatments such as apple cider vinegar (ACV).

One of the best ways to treat it is using a blend of essential oils like oil of oregano and tea tree oil.

For more info about how to do this check out this website.
I battled nail fungus for years. I finally got rid of it and it took a lot of trial and error to do so. I used every topical cream. gel etc. that was available for 2 years and some looked hopeful but didn't work in the long term. The only thing that worked was a product called Nailner. You can find in on the internet but it comes from europe. (The funginail brand of nailner available in the USA is not the same). It's a clear liquid you brush on 2x daily for the first month then once daily after that. It took a year but the fungus is gone. I still use it once a day to keep it away. At the same time I started wearing Teva forebay shoes and going barefoot at home so my feet are never enclosed.
I battled nail fungus for years. I finally got rid of it and it took a lot of trial and error to do so. I used every topical cream. gel etc. that was available for 2 years and some looked hopeful but didn't work in the long term. The only thing that worked was a product called Nailner. You can find in on the internet but it comes from europe. (The funginail brand of nailner available in the USA is not the same). It's a clear liquid you brush on 2x daily for the first month then once daily after that. It took a year but the fungus is gone. I still use it once a day to keep it away. At the same time I started wearing Teva forebay shoes and going barefoot at home so my feet are never enclosed.
How did you get this product? I just looked on-line and don't see anywhere you can order it for international shipping. It would be worth a try - we've tried everything else and both me and my husband are thinking of trying the oral fungus drugs.
The Dr took my husbands nail off. He said it was the cheapest and most effective way to get rid of the infection. It looks great now. It was tender for a few days but not painful.
Do they freeze it?
He remembers they sprayed it first. It didn't hurt he could just feel the pressure of the Dr touching it. Only a few tiny droplets of blood. That's pretty good considering DH is a bleeder.
Do they freeze it?

No. My doctor numbed the area and then removed the nail.

I get runner's toe a lot - the toe nail turns purple and gross. The last time I had it removed he put something on it so it wouldn't grow back. He said that there was still a small chance the nail would grow back, but most people it doesn't. Because I like to be different, I will be having that same toe nail removed after my next race. Yup, it grew back.
No. My doctor numbed the area and then removed the nail.

I get runner's toe a lot - the toe nail turns purple and gross. The last time I had it removed he put something on it so it wouldn't grow back. He said that there was still a small chance the nail would grow back, but most people it doesn't. Because I like to be different, I will be having that same toe nail removed after my next race. Yup, it grew back.
Curious - do they usually grow back after they've been removed to treat fungus?
Curious - do they usually grow back after they've been removed to treat fungus?
I had a podiatrist try and talk me into doing that procedure. He, however, said that I wouldn't grow back but since we all wear shoes now, the nail really wasn't needed. Since I could not picture myself as nail less, I just kept trying over the counter and home remedies to absolutely no results. I did that for years. I hesitated to do the pills because of the possibility of liver problems, but, finally a doctor told me that the chance of having any problems personally were very, very small, so I gave it a try. I had to have follow up blood tests every month to be sure that my liver was doing fine and it was. Now my toe nails look like they are brand new (I guess technically they are new). Even though I very seldom go around barefoot, I know they are better, my toes no longer hurt because of the pressure of those thick nail and I am a much happier camper.
Curious - do they usually grow back after they've been removed to treat fungus?

I've had the same toenail removed about 5 times now, so yes, they do grow back - even when the doctor puts the special medicine that is supposed to prevent them from growing back. I do have friends who have had the medicine put on, by the same doctor I have, and their nails did not grow back. They still paint their toes just as they would if they still had a nail there. If you didn't know they had the nail permanently removed you would never know the difference.
There are effective properties to all of these approaches!!!
Double up and use two of these... I think it might work.

As mentioned... the nail that has been affected does not heal or regenerate... It is not like you will SEE results right away.
The infection might be cured, but that nail has to grow out until it is all trimmed away.

If your doctor will give you an Rx, my son has skin issues, and had a prescription for Clotrimazole and Betamethazone cream.
I think that this might be REALLY effective.
I would apply any topicals/creams very heavily, trying to get them up under the front of the nail... and maybe cover with a band-aide so that it really soaks in.
My DSis had toenail fungus.:sick: Her Dr. wouldn't prescribe the oral because of the side effects (she was 1 year post-chemo for lymphoma), so she religiously soaked her toes in Listerine mouthwash for 15 minutes every night! By the time the nail grew in totally, the fungus was gone. It took almost a year though, and she never, ever skipped her soak.:thumbsup2
I filled a spray bottle with 1/2 Listerine (the original one) and 1/2 apple cider vinegar. I spray my nail 2-3 times a day. It’s clearing up really well after just a few months
I had a podiatrist try and talk me into doing that procedure. He, however, said that I wouldn't grow back but since we all wear shoes now, the nail really wasn't needed. Since I could not picture myself as nail less, I just kept trying over the counter and home remedies to absolutely no results. I did that for years. I hesitated to do the pills because of the possibility of liver problems, but, finally a doctor told me that the chance of having any problems personally were very, very small, so I gave it a try. I had to have follow up blood tests every month to be sure that my liver was doing fine and it was. Now my toe nails look like they are brand new (I guess technically they are new). Even though I very seldom go around barefoot, I know they are better, my toes no longer hurt because of the pressure of those thick nail and I am a much happier camper.
This is great information - thanks! I’m going to pass it along (asking for a friend ;) ).
My son battled toenail fungus for about 3 years after an unfortunate escalator accident where is toenail got caught and bent backwards. He tried every remedy under the sun, including oral meds, Vicks, Tea Tree Oil and all over the counter remedies. The only thing that worked was a high quality Oil of Oregano essential oil. He used Young Living brand, I think. He put it on twice a day, and it did get rid of the fungus, but you do have to wait for the new nail to grow in.


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