Race week--Wk of Jan 1--2006 Disney Half-Full Marathon Info/Training

Carrie- You are not alone! DH and I leave tomorrow morning before dawn. Can't wait! I still have to finish packing tonight. All of my race clothes are packed but now to figure out what to throw in for the rest of the trip. Still working out my strategy for where I am going to watch the marathon on Sunday. I will let all you Marathoners know tomorrow at TE so that you can look for me along the race course. :cheer2:

Have a safe trip everyone! See you tomorrow. :moped:
Is it just me here now? :guilty:

I'm so mad I could just SPIT! I could scream! I could throw things! UUUUGGGGHHHH!

I can't go. I'm mad at myself for not thinking of this earlier. DAMN TARNATIONS! I'm an IDIOT! WHY didn't I think of this two weeks ago??? I have too many things going on this weekend that APPARNTLY I can not reschedule because I get NO cooperation from ANYONE! (Where's the hissy fit smilie!?!?!?)

I'm probably venting to myself since all you guys are mostly already gone. :sad1:

I'm a total loser. :sad2:

And now that I log-on and read all your messages looking for me, well, too bad I didn't put on waterproof mascara this morning because you guys are all soooo sweet you made me cry. :o THANK YOU all so much, all of you who are looking for me.

I'll be sitting here at my desk....sulking all day.

Where's the kicking rocks smilie??

You are not alone Carrie. We leave tomorrow morning at 7:45. I am getting lots of grief from my cheering section about having to leave for the airport at 6:00 AM. Too bad for them. This weekend is all about ME! ;) I have been freaking out about the temperatures at race time for the half. I have decided on pants for sure. I hope everyone has a safe trip down. See you all on Saturday I hope!


Honeibee - Soo soryy you can't come. That stinks!!!!

Heather, that was really good thinking. I wish I had deciding where I'd be cheering for teh half so you could tell people at TE, as I won't be there. I'm gonna wear my LS WISH shirt, though.

Susan - You bet this weekend is about you! Do they know when they have to get up to watch you?!!! :teeth:

Tomorrow's gonna' be such a long day. :guilty: Everyone will be meeting at TE when I finally leave work.
wtpclc said:
Honeibee - Soo soryy you can't come. That stinks!!!!

Heather, that was really good thinking. I wish I had deciding where I'd be cheering for teh half so you could tell people at TE, as I won't be there. I'm gonna wear my LS WISH shirt, though.

Susan - You bet this weekend is about you! Do they know when they have to get up to watch you?!!! :teeth:

Tomorrow's gonna' be such a long day. :guilty: Everyone will be meeting at TE when I finally leave work.

Hey Carrie, do you know what time everyone is meeting at TE?

I know, I'm very depressed today. :guilty: I'm trying to immerse myself in actual real work to not think about it, but it ain't working.
They're having a meet & greet at 4 and dinner's at 5.
Greetings from Walt Disney World all!!!

Checked into the Yacht Club yesterday morning and everything has been great. I had a really nice run first thing this morning doing the Crescent Lake loop with all the other crazy marathon people up at that hour.

You know, it's weird..when I started my run and was looking at all the people going by in the opposite direction, I started to freak out a little bit. I was down right intimidated. But then it hit me: I'm part of this little club now!! I have "paid the price of admission," so to speak.

My roomate sent a nice gift basket to my room this afternoon with water, Powerbars, fruit, etc. So nice!!! I've already bought a bottle of champange to toast my finish with as well.

Anyhow, safe travels to everyone travelling today and tomorrow. I have to go get things ready and get to the Expo soon.

Can't wait to meet you all!
Solotraveler :earsboy:
solotraveler - Thanks for checking in! While it's not exactly like being there, hey,it's the next best thing! Thanks so much! That was really thoughful of your roommate. :goodvibes

Carrie - Thanks very much for the info! :teeth:
Whoo Hooo! I'm leaving work to do some outside errands for work then it's home and wait til we leave tomorrow a.m.
Glad things are going well solo! You are part of them now! Very cool of your roommate!!

Lily :cool1: !!!!

Is it Friday yet???!!!!
It feels so lonely here in Charlotte, knowing that most of us are going or already at WDW. Will be flying out tomorrow after dropping DDs off @ school! Had a scare this morning...DD7.5 woke up with a 102.7 temp. My mind went racing to "am I a bad mom if....." Dh said all would be well and she would be better by the time we leave. She is doing great now. Send extra prayers and :wizard: my way. You all understand.

Solo - Cool roomate. My DS and DM did that for me the 1st year. YOU ARE A RUNNER!
I can't go. I'm mad at myself for not thinking of this earlier. DAMN TARNATIONS! I'm an IDIOT! WHY didn't I think of this two weeks ago??? I have too many things going on this weekend that APPARNTLY I can not reschedule because I get NO cooperation from ANYONE! (Where's the hissy fit smilie!?!?!?)
Honeibee - So sorry you won't be there. Just think, you will be next year. And you will be in our hearts this year!

If anyone is reading....I will not be @ TE tomorrow night. Don't want to talk about it. :sad1: But Bree will be and I hope to see you all at the 1/2 and full. That is the good thing about running them both! :love:

I know that lonely feeling Christa!!! Sending payers for your dd. What awful timing! SHe will be fine, though!

Nice to know I'm not the only one not going to TE. ;) I'll Look for you from teh half sidelines and maybe we'll cross paths on the full!!
KeenerCam just called me! :banana: I was so excited I was practically in tears! :Pinkbounc Oh man, you could hear the excitement! :bounce: She wanted me to tell everyone she said hi :wave2: and she will try to get online from WDW.

Lily - :banana: You go girl! Have a safe trip!

Christa - First off, :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: for you and DD. Thanks for your kind thoughts. I will be checking the boards all day tomorrow and I'll have my cell phone on all Saturday morning (I'm tracking Cam.) So...it will almost be like I'm there....NOT. :rolleyes:

But, you're right...I WILL be there in spirit with you guys. I am going to call Cam when everyone (oops, not you Christa.... :grouphug: ) is at TE so I can say hi!
Well, I'm signing off. Got work to finish an dwill not be able to get online tomorrow from wrok.

See everyone soon!!!!!
Just some more :wizard: and :cheer2: for the Wish Team!!!!

Good luck everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My last post! Will not have time tomorrow morning. DM is OK with DD7.5 not feeling well. She may or may not go to school tomorrow. If not is OK.
Later all!
Honeibee - If you want to track our little group. Here are the #s and web site! I am Christa, DH is Matt, Bree is zoegirl, Ron is the man...he trained us all! The email paisted here is from Ron.
Here are the numbers in case anyone is completely bored next Sat 1/7 or Sun 1/8 - you can track us online.

Here is the url to set up the tracking (you can do this now):


They can send times to a pager, text messaging, or email. Be aware messaging rates will apply if you are charged for such.

Runner Donald # Mickey #

Bree Horton 18594 6241
Christa Phipps 17747 4351
Marc Deluca 17929 4992
Ricky Scott 16578 3175
Ron Horton 17730 4300
Sharon Scott 25436 9564
Matt Phipps 18703 6642

Evil Queen signing off until after the race....how sad is that!
We leave tomorrow a.m. This too will be my last go 'round.

DH is now feeling sick. Told him to stay away from me til Sunday afternoon! Hope it works. We're all packed, I've got a teensy bit of last minute worring and sorting. Going to do the last minute check for cell #s via PM. Then it's hang out with family and rest til a.m.

Be back on the 15th!
Hey everyone, I'm here. What a cool place. I'm so disoriented. Can't wait until tomorrow night. Appearantly, lime green is a very popular color these days, b/c I keep seeing it. I was stalking everyone in the airport and on the busses who had a hint of green. I am sure I'm going to run into one of you guys!!!!!


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