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Bianca---$80-$13081-150-VWL-Oct-0/15, 0/16, 65/17, 150/18- sent 3/3, passed 3/11

Adding to our SSR and AKV contracts. After seeing the new CCV rooms, we are happier than ever with our choice to add on at VWL!
Great choice, congrats :flower:!
hi all, just joined so I could post my contract in case this helps anyone since this thread has been such a big help for me.

ArtieC---$83-$14686-160-SSR-Dec-240/16, 160/17, 160/18- sent 2/27, passed 3/9
Congratulations and :welcome:
Thanks for this thread! It was very helpful as I was determining what we were going to buy. Started looking at BTL and SSR, but ultimately decided on VWL (BRV) for our home resort due to the 11-month booking window.

We put our name in the ring late last week and the contract was submitted to ROFR today:
Lana224---$90-$15056-150-VWL-Aug-0/16, 300/17, 150/18- sent 3/13
Best of luck and :welcome:
Roxyfire---$118-$12705-100-BLT-Jun-17/16, 73/17, 100/18-split pay of '17 MF- sent 3/14

So my contract is a bit weird, but 17 points were banked into 2017, some from 2017 were borrowed, and 2018 is untouched. I'm not sure the best way to handle these but I figure I can book a split stay and have it be a continuing reservation. Also I feel like maybe it wasn't as good of a price as others have gotten, especially for how tangled the points look. Maybe that'll keep disney from taking it! :)
Best of luck :)!
Can I ask are most of these contracts bought through a broker or more direct with individuals people know? Reason I ask is prices on here are consistently $10-$15/pt less and generally loaded/normal contracts vs stripped that are listed for sale on most places I have been looking. I am working on our first purchase but every deal available looks pretty poor in relation to what has been going through here. Just trying to make sense of what is a good price.
Can I ask are most of these contracts bought through a broker or more direct with individuals people know? Reason I ask is prices on here are consistently $10-$15/pt less and generally loaded/normal contracts vs stripped that are listed for sale on most places I have been looking. I am working on our first purchase but every deal available looks pretty poor in relation to what has been going through here. Just trying to make sense of what is a good price.

Most are going to be through resale sites. You will need to be patient, wait for the right contract, move quick when a deal comes along, and be willing to negotiate. Negotiating also means being willing to walk away if it doesn't get to what you want. In order to get the best deals you will want to watch a number of different sites, sign up for email notices, like their FB pages to see new listings, and keep stalking the sites for the newest listings to show up.
Most are going to be through resale sites. You will need to be patient, wait for the right contract, move quick when a deal comes along, and be willing to negotiate. Negotiating also means being willing to walk away if it doesn't get to what you want. In order to get the best deals you will want to watch a number of different sites, sign up for email notices, like their FB pages to see new listings, and keep stalking the sites for the newest listings to show up.

Ok, I have been doing those things and granted I am pretty early into it. Just thought maybe I was missing something.

Do you think most sellers are willing to accept less than asking from the very first day they list? Most of the ones I have been watching only lasted a few days to a week before showing sale pending, yet the asking price was well above contracts quoted on here.
Can I ask are most of these contracts bought through a broker or more direct with individuals people know? Reason I ask is prices on here are consistently $10-$15/pt less and generally loaded/normal contracts vs stripped that are listed for sale on most places I have been looking. I am working on our first purchase but every deal available looks pretty poor in relation to what has been going through here. Just trying to make sense of what is a good price.

I've checked 2 or 3 different sites. Basically I found out from my broker that the good ones get snatched up pretty quickly, especially if they are low points and loaded/semi-loaded. I cannot tell you how long it takes to get them loaded onto their website but it's possible they contact confirmed leads with contracts that match before posting online. I basically went with the broker that had a listing that worked. Depending on how much spam you're willing to tolerate, you could reach out to any of the resale companies and tell them what you're looking for, maybe they can keep you in mind when a good one comes across their desk.
I've checked 2 or 3 different sites. Basically I found out from my broker that the good ones get snatched up pretty quickly, especially if they are low points and loaded/semi-loaded. I cannot tell you how long it takes to get them loaded onto their website but it's possible they contact confirmed leads with contracts that match before posting online. I basically went with the broker that had a listing that worked. Depending on how much spam you're willing to tolerate, you could reach out to any of the resale companies and tell them what you're looking for, maybe they can keep you in mind when a good one comes across their desk.

The contract I have in ROFR right now I offered on just as they had put it on to their site. I received a call immediately to ask me a few questions and she stated that she was about to email it to a few buyers that she had in mind. Within an hour they already had another full price offer so I'm glad I didn't hesitate.
Ok, I have been doing those things and granted I am pretty early into it. Just thought maybe I was missing something.

Do you think most sellers are willing to accept less than asking from the very first day they list? Most of the ones I have been watching only lasted a few days to a week before showing sale pending, yet the asking price was well above contracts quoted on here.
If you are looking to buy a small contract (say 100 points more or less) they typically do get taken quicker than larger contracts. However, as it's your first contract you aren't tied to any specific use year, so you have more potential listings to consider.
The willingness of the seller to accept a lower offer may depend on a number of things, my first contract the sellers were unwilling to go below a certain number because they still owed money on the contract and didn't want to have to bring money to the table to close the deal. I went with that one as the price was about as low as AKV was going for at that time and it was pretty loaded.
The biggest factor is probably supply and demand, if you want a resort with lots of listings then you have more bargaining power.
If, on the other hand, you want a resort that has fewer listings and you want a specific use year and fewer points, etc. there will be less supply and you may have to pay more.
You can also negotiate closing costs, and maintenance fees and in the case of the Fidelity brokerage, who pays the $195 admin. fee - those items all add to your net cost per point.
There are only a handful of DVC brokers, the Timeshare store is a sponsor of DIS and I'm using them for my current purchase & loving the communication I'm getting from them so far. Fidelity DVC is another broker and I used them for my prior purchase (wasn't so crazy about their failure to communicate - but that was a few years ago.) There are 4-5 more brokerages which you should be able to locate via googling DVC listings. I followed them all as well as an aggregating site to get a sense of the market and to locate the contracts I was interested in.
The last thing is that the ROFR listings reflect offers made & accepted in the past - so what was a good deal in January may be different from what is a good deal now.
Personally I was happy paying what I considered to be a fair price for the points I wanted & I wasn't too hung up on getting the lowest possible price, because paying a couple hundred dollars more or less for a particular contract as the initial buy in is really just a drop in the bucket of what I'll be paying in MFs & for Disney trips over the life of the contract.
Good luck w/ your bidding & purchase.
The contract I have in ROFR right now I offered on just as they had put it on to their site. I received a call immediately to ask me a few questions and she stated that she was about to email it to a few buyers that she had in mind. Within an hour they already had another full price offer so I'm glad I didn't hesitate.

If you offered full asking price that makes sense, but all I'm seeing are asking prices well above what goes through here. But like Roxy said maybe the best deals aren't even making it to the website listing. I did finally sign up with a broker yesterday and told him what I was looking for, so maybe that will help.
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