Root canal or not?

I had a ton of back teeth pulled as I was terrified of a root canal. As a kid we had an awful dentist and it took me years to get over that fear. Had one in a front tooth about 6 years ago. I was shocked by how easy it was. I have since had another with the same tesult. Luckily my teeth never shifted due to having so many pulled.
I had always heard about how awful root canals were but frankly that was a long time ago. When I had the first one done I really dreaded it but my fantastic dentist made it practically painless. The worst part was having my mouth jacked open for what seemed like an eternity, but the actual procedure wasn't bad at all.

The same dentist did an extraction for me and frankly that wasn't bad either. It was similar to the root canal but it didn't take as long.

I think dentistry has come a long way in my lifetime, find the right doc & you'll be fine. But it's still expensive.
My DD had a root canal on Wednesday. The procedure was fine. But afterwards she got a really bad headache and had some residual soreness from the numbing injection and keeping her jaw open for so long.

I had one 3 weeks ago and this is my experience. The actual root canal procedure doesn’t hurt-it’s similar to a filling where they numb you up and while it’s unpleasant to have drills and hands in your mouth it’s not painful. Once I got home I had pain mostly from the numbing injection site, some swelling, and holding my jaw open. I took a prescribed pain pill, 3 ibuprofen, and went to sleep for 3 hours. Regular ibuprofen for 2 days helped keep the pain down (and the pain isn’t horrible toothache level just so dull ache like any swollen injury).

I used it as an excuse to stay in bed a day, be pampered a little, and catch up on Netflix.
I've had 3 root canals, all just with local anesthetic. To me a regular filling is a lot more comfortable.
I've had lots of root canals. Bad dental care as a kid but that's another story. I am also a huge baby and I found a wonderful dentist who knows I am scared and is really great about it. I think thinking about it beforehand is worse than the actual root canal. As others have said keeping your mouth opened for that long is uncomfortable but my dentist gives me breaks. I will add I have fibromyalgia so am in pain 24/7. It really isn't as bad as it sounds.
I also had an implant and that I will say was painful. I would have a root canal if it would avoid another implant. For me saving my teeth is worth the root canals.

You have to do what's best for you. Having a good dentist is key. Best of luck!
Root canal. Ibuprofen helps tremendously...reduces inflammation and swelling therefore less pain.
I actually had 3 root canals in one day and it was no big deal. Thanks to no dental care as a child and genetics, my teeth are absolute garbage. Fortunately, I have a dentist who was willing to work with me fo go through root canals and crowns, even on the front teeth. I've got so many crowns, I'm practically royalty.
I had a root canal almost three years ago (actually, two root canals, on the same tooth, about two weeks apart.) I saw an endodontist for it, and I was terrified- it turned out to be nothing to worry about for me. I almost fell asleep during it. I didn't feel any pain, thanks to the novocaine. It was annoying to keep my mouth open for so long, but that was it. I went on a six-hour flight two days later. I was given Tylenol with codeine but didn't really need it; I had some pain for a few days after, especially due to the flight, but Advil helped. Unfortunately, my pain returned and the endodontist repeated the procedure in hopes that he had missed a bit. He found nothing.

More unfortunately, I'm having pain now, and will be having the tooth extracted. I was given the option to try another root canal first, but was told it probably would not work, and financially, can't swing the root canal and then extraction and implant. I wouldn't hesitate to do a root canal again on another tooth, though, as I found the experience to not be painful and not so bad. The extraction, on the other hand... I'm right back in that terrified place!
I had a filling done last month on one of my bottom front teeth. My dentist said it was a pretty deep filling almost, down to the nerve. She put a medicine on top of it and then did the filling. All has been well except this past week. I'm now starting to get dull aches, some throbbing, some pain that moves from one tooth to the other or parts of my jaw to the other. I went back in to see her and she took an x-ray and it came back that I have an infection in that tooth. She said down the line after the infection goes away if it keeps coming back then I have two choices. I could either pull the tooth or get a root canal. Over the years I've heard many horror stories on root canals and it doesn't make me want to get one. But then again I don't want to pull the tooth because it's my bottom front tooth. What have been your experiences with a root canal. I'm assuming they're a lot better now with the technology than they were years ago. I'm hoping

I've had 5 root canals. I had childhood without much in the way of dental care and despite fairly obsessive oral hygiene, it seems I have weak enamel.

They are no sweat. For perspective, I have a serious anxiety disorder and absolutely dread being in doctors offices, but I slept through most of the root canals. Get the gas. The experience should be practically pain free.

A couple times I got very brief flashes of pain for a few hours after the shots wear off.
I was talking with my dentist's office about this a few years ago. Apparently a lot of the standard amounts insurance will cover for procedures has remained the same for 30 years. Obviously the dentists' cost of doing business haven't stayed anywhere near those levels, so their charges can't either. It's so strange dental insurance premiums haven't stayed at the levels of 30 years ago either.
Insurance plan fee-schedules here are often way beneath the price dentists charge for procedures. In that case, you can either try to find another dentist or pay the balance (on top of your deductible) OOP. Option #1 is unlikely as most dentists in any given locale have fairly uniform rates. Dentistry is one of the very few non-regulated, for-profit health-care sectors in Canada and dentists rake it in. Dental care is not included in our public-health care system and more and more it's becoming out of reach for average families; many of whom do not have supplemental insurance. And orthodontia? Even with insurance we couldn't afford it.
I had a ton of back teeth pulled as I was terrified of a root canal. As a kid we had an awful dentist and it took me years to get over that fear. Had one in a front tooth about 6 years ago. I was shocked by how easy it was. I have since had another with the same tesult. Luckily my teeth never shifted due to having so many pulled.

Hello there, I guess it is a problem that can be cured by a root canal. I had an experience one night when I had to get to the emergency dentist because of a sudden toothache. It was swelling up the day before and it was gone down after a splint I used with an ice-cold bag and the next night It suddenly started to hurt badly.
My dentist did a checkup and suggested I get a root canal as my tooth was infected. After 3-4 sessions, it was of great relief for me.
I suggest you get it over with before it gets worse.
I had one, and that did me in. They gave the max for numbing and no way it took. She went ahead and did, in 2 different appointments. I wanted to hit her so bad. I did not go back for the 2nd one. The whole tooth fell out. I would just get the tooth pulled for me.
I've had a couple of root canals. No problems. Just make sure your dentist is qualified. You might consider an oral surgeon. The only horror stories I've heard involved your run of the mill dentist who really didn't know what they were doing.
So here's the thing about root have to get a crown after a root canal. Did your dentist explain this to you? When you remove the nerve the tooth dies, and the dead tooth, which now has a big hole in it, will eventually fail. It may take a few years, but your tooth will eventually break, and if the tooth breaks open you will have to have your root canal redone, and it costs more the second time around.
I have had six of them done over my adult life, the last three being by an endodontist. It is not pleasant at all but not horrible. Once the soreness goes away (from the lidocaine jabs and having your mouth open for so long), you have no more dental pain which is a very good thing. My own dentist, then, does the follow-up crowns. I have also had two extractions (with an oral surgeon) and then my own dentist prepares and makes the bridge. I would much prefer having a root canal.
Hello there, I guess it is a problem that can be cured by a root canal. I had an experience one night when I had to get to the emergency dentist because of a sudden toothache. It was swelling up the day before and it was gone down after a splint I used with an ice-cold bag and the next night It suddenly started to hurt badly.
My dentist did a checkup and suggested I get a root canal as my tooth was infected. After 3-4 sessions, it was of great relief for me.
I suggest you get it over with before it gets worse.
Welcome to the dis, daniel.
I've had 9 ! well, 8 different teeth, plus 1 re-do years later, but same procedure. Find a good endodontist , and it'll be fine. They do those all day, and know how to get in/get out, in about an hour. I've actually chosen dental insurance based on if my endodontist is on the list. He's done 5 of mine. I often freak out in the chair too, takes awhile for me to calm down, Get the laughing gas! it's not the needles, sounds, and all that, it's the strapped in/can't get up, loss of control feeling.. I'm sure I have a note in my chart similar to Elaine on Seinfeld.....I've had some moments, but when all is said and done, I would do a 10th if it meant stopping the terrible tooth pain, and saving the tooth. good luck to anyone considering.
Hello there, I guess it is a problem that can be cured by a root canal. I had an experience one night when I had to get to the emergency dentist because of a sudden toothache. It was swelling up the day before and it was gone down after a splint I used with an ice-cold bag and the next night It suddenly started to hurt badly.
My dentist did a checkup and suggested I get a root canal as my tooth was infected. After 3-4 sessions, it was of great relief for me.
I suggest you get it over with before it gets worse.
I think you replied to the wrong post. I've had 2 with 0 issues.


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