Seth's First Adventure to Disneyland! TR starts on page 5! Completed 5/3/12

I'm glad you made your destination all in one piece (maybe not the car......) I hope you got some rest last night & today is a wonderfully *+*+*Magical*+*+* day at Disneyland.

Gotta love the LA traffic....ugh-a-roni!!! It doesnt' matter what time of day you drive thru either. The only time I've seen a small break in the chaos is Sunday mornings.

Can't wait to hear all about your day!!!!!
How stressful. Also glad to hear you made it ok to your final destination. What happened during the accident? I don't think I understood what happened. It's always been my greatest stress during road trips, is making the drive down safely.
Looking forwards to seeing some photos :goodvibes
popcorn:: Still waiting for a pic or two...... :rolleyes1 Been enjoying the updates via will patiently wait for some visual action on here!! :surfweb:
Sorry, I would LOVE to post some photos, but the wifi here isn't very good, and we are using Dillon's phone to get internet and photos are too much bandwidth at the moment. :( Might not be able to load any until we get home.

Yesterday was a totally awesome day! So tiring though. You don't know what exhausted means until you've done a 15 1/2 hour Disney day after only 4 1/2 hours of sleep! But even after so many resting moments, we still got tons done! And so far we've started and finished both days on Space Mountain!

We also had dinner at Blue Bayou last night. As most of you who are on my Facebook can only guess what happened there! :):):):)

The food was just amazing too! I had the Beef Strip Sirloin. So good!

Well my mom is waiting to get on the computer, so more updates later!
Andrea that is so awesome!!! Congrats!! I can't wait to hear all the little details with the proposal!! I'm so excited for you both & had goosebumps when I read it on FB!!

Bummer about the WiFi.....I guess we'll just have to wait to see all the awesome photos!!

Continue to have fun & make more memories!!! (not sure anything can top that memory though.......) :hug:
We finally made it home! I am hoping to start the TR tomorrow from our awesome trip. Seth is getting his first immunizations though, so it all depends on how he is doing afterwards! Looking forward to going through all our pictures! :)
We finally made it home! I am hoping to start the TR tomorrow from our awesome trip. Seth is getting his first immunizations though, so it all depends on how he is doing afterwards! Looking forward to going through all our pictures! :)

Hi Andrea!! Welcome back I have missed you.
I cant believe you're back already! its sick how fast it went! I hope you'll be posting us some photos my dear! cant wait to see them.
Well, we are back from our trip, and I have to say that it was simply amazing. Despite a LOT of time in the car, we managed to have a great time. Now I am here to share with you all our photos and the details I can remember from:


Friday August 12th was a busy day. Seth had some more photos taken in the morning, taking up a good hour or so. Then it was time to pack up the car. The plan was to pick Dillon up from work, and our hopes were that if I were to show up at 3, he could duck out a little earlier than his usual 4:30 so we could get on the road. Well his boss showed up that afternoon to hook up a new phone system, so that didn't happen, much to my impatience! But at the least, Seth enjoyed getting lots of attention from Dillon's coworkers.

We finally got on the road at about 4:45. By the time we made it to Calgary, it was already time for a bottle for Seth. So we decided to stop for dinner ourselves.


No one can pass through Calgary without a stop at Peter's! Yum! Best burger place in town. Too bad we didn't think about the fact that burgers were going to be our main food of choice for most of the trip. :rolleyes:

We were so anxious to get moving, that we ate while we drove. Our goal was to make it to Butte, Montana for a stay at the Motel 6 there. It was going to be a loooong night.


The rolling green hills of Alberta


A revolving restaurant in Lethbridge, AB


A quick pit stop at my favourite place!

Finally we made it to the border at about 10:45.


We had to stop for smokes for my mom as she wasn't liking the American brands. :headache:


We never anticipated how long of a night it would actually be. We did think we would be stopping lots for Seth's bottles and diaper changes, but weren't expecting to pull up to the hotel as late as 3 in the morning! :scared1: We had a longer day of driving in the morning and wanted to be on the road by 7, so we only got a few hours of sleep.


I was surprised that we managed to get ourselves up on time and out the door. I think we were just excited to get going. Our next stop for the night was going to be Las Vegas!








Not long after we crossed into Arizona, as we were going through all the windy mountain roads, a trucks blown tire that was left in the middle of the road, snuck up on us so fast that Dillon could do nothing but drive over it. Luckily, we managed to stay in control, but my car started making some pretty strange sounds. I started to panic with worry that my car was ruined and that we wouldn't make it any further. Thank goodness it was just a piece of my cars body kit and a fog light. I was still sad that my car wasn't in tip top shape anymore, but so thankful that there were no engine issues.



Doesn't look THAT bad, but still makes me sad.

In Las Vegas, we booked another Motel 6 because we just wanted something cheap. This one, located just off Fremont Street, was pretty sketchy. I was kind of nervous staying there, especially with Seth. But we made it through!


Continued in next post...
We arrived in Las Vegas pretty late. I think it was about 11pm. But I really wanted to see what Fremont Street was all about, so we loaded Seth up in the stroller and walked over to check it out.











About the extent of what Seth saw :upsidedow

The show they put on was pretty cool, but otherwise Freemont Street seemed kind of run down and slummy compared to the Strip. We really wanted to get something to eat since we hadn't had dinner, but there was nowhere there we wanted to stop. What we really wanted was Earl of Sandwich which was at the Planet Hollywood hotel on the Strip. Do you think the fact that it was after midnight and we had a 2 month old stopped us from going? Of course not. He was asleep in his seat, so we just loaded him back in the car and headed over there!




When we finally made it through all the Saturday night traffic on the Strip, we walked all the way around the mall, trying to find Earl of Sandwich, only to find out the line was 3 miles long. Seth was due for another bottle soon so we didn't have that much time before we had to get back to the hotel. So we grunted and decided to eat at this mexican place close to where we parked. I don't remember what it was called, but I do remember the quesadillas were only so-so. Not as good as a sandwich, that's for sure!

We finally made it back to the hotel for about 2am. We got to sleep in a bit this day as our only plans were to check out the Pinball Hall of Fame before finishing the last of our driving. Since it didn't open until 11, we took that chance to sleep in. Well as much as Seth would let us anyways!

The Pinball Hall of Fame is pretty cool, even if you're not totally into that kind of thing. I managed to enjoy myself in a few games while Dillon was in his version of "Disneyland".




I really enjoyed this one! ;)


After Pinball, we decided to stop at McDonald's for lunch on the way out of town.


We didn't eat at this one, but I had to take a photo of it cause I thought it was cool how it was designed like the first ever location.


This is supposed to be a photo of the New York, New York Hotel, but you can see the traffic....little did we know this would be the start of a reeeeeally long trend. Whenever there was a major exit on the highway, there was stop and go traffic for miles before we reached it.


The last stretch was supposed to take us just over 4 hours. It took us 7 thanks to this mess!





We just want to get there already!

Unfortunately, we were so excited to get to the house, that we completely forgot to take any photos of it. Here are some that my mom sent me a while back while it was still under construction.





I know it doesn't look like much, but it really is a beautiful house in Sherman Oaks Cali.

That is the last of the photos of our trip down. Next post: First Disney day!

I apologize for the large photos. I adjusted the sizes in photobucket, but for some reason they aren't registering that I sized them on here. :headache:
Good stuff Andrea, even with me following you on FB....getting to see pics of some of the things you were talking about brings it all to life!!! Seth is so darned cute!!! What a good little traveler he was.....the younger you start them, the better they are as they I say you got yourself a winner!!! Can't wait to see your Disney photos!!


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