Sick? - I Don't Feel Sick


If only the world could be like WDW every day!
Sep 7, 2003
2 weeks ago my left leg was swollen and painful so thankfully I went to the doctor as it turned out to be a potentially life threatening DVT (Deep Vein Thrombosis). It just happened - I couldn't point to any event such as long flight, in bed for lots of hours, or injury. Through the process of deduction we determined it was either related to birth control pills or I had a hereditary issue with my blood. Each of these possible as my mom took coumidin to thin her blood and my grandfather died of a pulmonary embolism.

A week later, my doctor called and said the results were back from the blood tests, uirine test, and XRay's I had in late January. These were done as a part of my 50 year old check up and not related to any issues I had and was before the blood clot incident. I feel healthy, decent weight, high performing job and doing fine. No aches and pains other than tired some days due to not enough sleep.

The January, pre-clot blood test showed my glucose level (or whatever they test for diabetes) at 102 - not high but borderline, my cholesterol levels were great, my thyroid level great (I do have hypothyroidism but have been on medication for years). No other issues. But, my urine did have a trace of blood and my XRay had a spot, so she decided to run the full battery of tests again.

This Monday she called me at work and asked me to come in Tuesday because my urine still showed a trace of blood and my recent blood test showed elevated liver enzymes. It's possible the liver enzyme issue is due to the Lovoxen I was taking for the blood clot. But blood in the urine is more concerning.

On Wednesday, while at the hospital clinic to check my blood viscosity to ensure the thinners are working, the gal said the results of the blood test from my hospital ER visit (for the DVT) were in. She said there was no sign of any hereditary factor but I tested positive for possible Lupus. yikes!!

I read the Lupus symptoms end to end, inside out, and I don't have any. Other than the blood clot incident and a bad cold during the holidays, I've felt fine.

However, my body fluids are giving out signals that something is wrong. I'm still waiting to hear back from my doctor regarding the latest tests she did this week but honestly, am not overly stressing about it.

Usually, I hear those with Lupus go for a long period of time without a diagnosis though they have many symptoms, seemingly unrelated. That's why I'm having a hard time believing that's the problem. I am not suffering any aches and pains on an ongoing basis.

Oh well, the weekend is here and I'll relax and enjoy and catch up on some of the work I neglected due to too many doctor visits this past 2 weeks.

Lastly, I want everyone to know the thought of Avery and his trials helped me through mine. if that little guy can do it, I sure can.
You know what TL.. I agree Avery was inspirational for all of us. Everytime I have to go through something pretty powerful medically I think of the little guy's courgage and it gets me through and helps me get Tom through.

Now, what about you? Wow, that is just bizarre. Is there such a thing as real early diagnosis with lupus and that is why you did not have many symptoms...I am beyond words here, how will they treat this is now that they have this diagnosis??

Please let us know how you are doing, sounds like you feel ok other than having to go through that barrage of tests....I will be thinking of you and keeping you covered in good thoughts..

I feel fine, at least as fine as any 51 year old would with an intense job, a 13 year old teenage son, and a husband who periodically suffers from the symptoms of bipolar disorder :eek:

I've been thinking through any possible symptoms I might have experienced over the past few years and can't come up with much. Never a joint ache or pain - one big indicator of Lupus. I don't have the energy level I had when I was younger but I consider this part of the normal getting older process. In fact, relative so many people my age, my energy level is probably higher than the norm. I believe my brain functioning is pretty good other than forgetting people's names now and then (I hear that is normal as well!).

The only signs of possible autoimmune disorder I have are dry mouth and eyes. There's a disorder called Sjogrens Syndrome and dry mouth and eyes are a primary indicator. This one hit me as a possibility because as I thought through this dilemma, I recall my opthamologist mentioning my eyes were dryer than normal and there's a disease called Sjogren's where dry eyes are an indicator. In fact, my eyes were bothering me last night due to dryness and at times are blurry - even after cleaning my glasses.

As I read through the possiblities for my blood test results, this came up as it's in the autoimmune category. When I talk to my doctor, I suspect next week, I'll raise this concern.

In the meantime, I'll turn my thoughts elsewhere as I've got some lingering work to get caught up on and need to think more about our Hawaii trip plans since we're headed there the end of next month.
Wow, this is interesting. Do you have any of the classic lupus rashes on your face or anywhere else. Red looking face that you thought might be rosacea?

I know someone with lupus and one thing that was clue to them was that they also had Raynaud's in the hands. Their hands would get so cold and turn white. That was the first indicator.

Lupus can affect the kidneys which is why you may have blood in your urine. I guess you will get it all figured out test by test. Good luck with that and I'm glad you feel great in any event!
I agree with Christine here.. good luck on your tests and keep working on those plans for Hawaii, feeling good is what it is all about......let us know how you make out at the doctor's too...
travellady ((hugs))
Keep asking questions and do follow your intuition when talking with your docs.
I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
And ENJOY the trip planning...Hawaii sounds wonderful!!
Unfortunately I have no update to offer as I haven't heard back from the doctor since last week's tests. So, still sitting in limbo but as I said previously, feeling fine and thankful for that!

Christine, you asked about things like a red rash on my face that might have been diagnosed as rosacea. Guess what, the answer to that is a resounding yes. In fact, I was diagnosed with rosacea and hypothyroidism at approximately the same time. That was almost 14 years ago, just after I had a baby with a genetic disorder who lived just 3 months. I held up through the stress but my body sent me some signals that maybe I wasn't holding up as well as I thought.

But, no medical problems or aches and pains at all since that. My dematologist firmly believes it's Rosacea and the treatments have worked pretty well. Really no rash or acne on my face but a reddish tone most of the time. Also, I have not sensitivity to the sun and thankfully when I visit the tropics, the redness decreases some and i look more tan-like.

But, it could be Lupus though possibly a case that hasn't manifested itself in debilitating ways?? Well, time will tell and I'm thankful for each day I have feeling good.
Hugs TL. I hate the waiting, why is it they make you wait so long. Please let us know when you have a second. I know they have lots of other patients, but can't they get the results back in a timely manner..
Travellady, I hope that they figure how what is wrong. Been there, done that with the blood clot in the leg. Sending hugs and prayers.
Quick update. I don't know much of anything yet, but my doctor sent me for a CT Scan this past Friday and I see her tomorrow for the results. She sent me because I had blood in the urine after 3 urinalysis and an "artifact" in my lung that showed up on 2 xrays. She didn't seem real concerned about that - the blood in the urine is the biggest puzzle.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the CT scan results don't show anything that isnt' curable.

The hematologist I visited last week and my doctor have ruled out Lupus. Evidently, the original reading was incorrect and they should have looked at the ratio vs. one specific value. I can't recall what exactly it is they look at in the bloodwork for possible autoimmune disease but I'm now breathing easy about this one.

Time to get a good night's sleep and deal with tomorrow when it comes.
TL.. you are moving in the right direction and hopefully will find a diagnosis after these tests.. At any rate, you take care of you and keep us updated..

I got my CT scan results and good news - they didn't see anything to cause concern. Despite microscopic blood in my urine, a blood clot in my leg, and a shadow on my lung that showed up in 2 XRays, I am fine! No wonder I feel good. Lupus ruled out as well.

I feel pretty darned lucky as I know not everyone gets the results we are all looking for. But a month plus of wondering certainly caused me to think closely about life and appreciate it even more. Thanks all for your support!


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