Snow to 80 in 8 days–A spoonful of Holiday Cheer (2/5 update Ch 36 - Final Thoughts)

Judy, normally I would be giving Marv TOTAL grief for how long this TR is still going on...well, it's not really going on as nothing has been posted. But I'm giving him a little break because of the kindness he showed your family. Marv, despite his Trip Report flaws, has a good soul. ;)

:rotfl2:I thought maybe the mods had closed out his TR due to inactivity or something...:rolleyes1 Though I must agree, it's very sweet what Marv did, who knew that under all that tough, sarcastic exterior lies a heart of gold? Despite the Grinch comments he made towards me of course on your TR.:sad1:
Marv, Merry Christmas to you and your family.

Thanks to everyone who posted Christmas wishes, and sent us all the beautiful Christmas cards! Sorry I haven't posted much lately, but it has been a whirlwind few days.

After duty coverage for work, and working our designated holidays, we were preparing for my family to assemble at our house for our Christmas get together. Matt also got to come home right after Christmas and he really wanted to go to the Capital One Bowl for part of his Christmas present, so right after everyone left we (Matt, Jon and myself....Ali and Drew had school the next day) made a whirlwind trip for an overnighter in Orlando.

No visit to Disney, but we did eat again at House of Blues in DTD for dinner the one night we were there. They totally changed the menu (since we were there for Lisa's wish trip and Rachel's premiere performance on their stage) and no longer had the VooDoo shrimp appetizer, which disappointed Jonathan and I greatly! :mad:

(While I was there I had to get some pictures of Ragland Road and the Lego Store, just as a reminder of my days working Security for Disney! Have spoon, will travel.....right Rosie???):lmao: Sadly I wasn't able to meet up with Poolrat Pat while we were there......maybe next time Pat!

Then this past weekend Ali and I followed Matt back to Virginia for his report back to the Navy. We had some furniture for him to use in his apartment that he couldn't get in his car, and we got to help him shop for some other stuff while we were there to finish off his Christmas. :santa:

Now that I am finally back and getting into a routine following days off after Christmas, it is back to the tight schedules and extra hours at work in preparation for the second installation this spring of the big project I am working on. Hopefully since it is the second time around, it won't take me away quite as much as I was last spring.

I know it has been over a year now since we took the trip that is the subject of this TR, but I promise to finish it up really soon! (Okay, like THAT is going to appease some of I do have most of the final update written, so............ :rolleyes1 And I promise to also make it back to so many of you guy's TRs and PTRs that I have been absent from. BTW, I also made a promise at New Year's to lose some weight, and be a lot nicer to my friends too, so you should all know now how serious I am about all these promises....... ;)
sounds like you had a fun and busy holiday! yay for getting a little disney fix!

I for one know you are a good guy! and hope we get to meet up again this summer when we visit Judy and family!

good luck with the project and weight loss, I'm trying to do the same :thumbsup2 I need to get an update and our xmas DLR photos posted too!

I told the boys when we left them the night before that the plans were to check out of Kidani by 10:00am the next morning, stop by Mara to have breakfast and use up our final dining credits. When we got back to the room, Alison and I packed a lot of our stuff so we wouldn't be so rushed the next morning.

I awoke early the next morning like I normally do. I got up, took my shower and got dressed. After I got ready I woke Alison and she headed to the shower while I continued to get things packed and ready to go, setting everything near the door of our room as I finished getting it together. I sent a text to the boys and got a response that they were up. Jonathan and Andrew had already been in the shower and were getting dressed, and waiting on Matthew to get moving. :rolleyes1

As Alison got dressed, I started taking some of the larger items down to the car that needed to be loaded first. I stopped by the boys room and Matthew was in the shower so I told them that they needed to start taking their stuff down also as I continued down the hall to get more of our stuff. One of the things I truly love about Kidani is being able to park near an elevator that is in the general vicinity of our room, so you can easily take trips down to load as things are packed. :tiptoe: Eventually everything was done, and loaded in both vehicles for the trip home. Matthew and I headed down the hall to the front desk to check out while the rest of the family went to wait for us at the cars. We quickly checked out and joined them.

We made the short drive to Jambo House for our breakfast at Mara before we headed home. :coffee: I was surprised when we got there that the Christmas decorations were still up, but I didn’t take any more pictures since the camera was packed away in the car. When we got through eating we still had 3 Counter Service credits and 5 Snack credits left on our dining plan. We looked through all the available items and chose things we could easily eat on the trip home so we wouldn't have to make so many stops and we could get home a little quicker. We got some pre-made sandwiches, containers of fresh fruit, and bottles of water.

We left our DVC home behind and found a place to get gas for the ride home. We finally headed out for home about 11:30. :drive: I let Matthew lead the way with his GPS, which put us on the Toll Road headed for the Florida Turnpike. After an anxious moment at the first toll booth we finally made it to the Turnpike. Time to get serious about the ride home as every glimpse of Disney hotels and parks was behind us. We hadn’t gone but just a short distance when we reached an area where they were doing construction and there was a slight lane shift to the right. The SUV in front of Matthew must not have been paying attention because when the lanes all shifted to the right, he decided to continue going straight ahead……..right through one of the barrels. :eek: The driver tried to swerve and hit his brakes, which made him almost lose control but luckily he was able to come to a stop without causing a major pileup. It seems that almost every time we head home at some point there is a wreck that causes a long delay. For now at least, we weren’t in for a repeat. :rolleyes:

We made pretty good time for a while. We left Florida behind and hit the part of the drive I really hate…….the long stretch in south Georgia between the state line and Macon. A lot of traffic had picked up around us as we kept hitting areas where they were doing more construction and we kept going from 3 lanes to 2 lanes and back to 3. I was following Matthew in the center lane when some cars ahead of us in the left lane decided they needed to share the same space on the Interstate. :scared: As a sick version of bumper cars began just ahead of us, I quickly moved to the right lane as Matthew hit his brakes hard to slow down. As I went by he managed to pull over behind me as traffic all around us slowed. With a number of cars damaged on the left side of the road and into the concrete barriers, we managed to slowly pass all of the mayhem on the right and soon return to normal speed. I’m guessing a lot of traffic not far behind us wasn’t as lucky getting past the mess.

After we drove for a while to escape the traffic that would soon be coming we pulled into a rest area and took a quick break. While we were there we distributed the food we had gotten at Mara that morning, plus some of the stuff left over we had taken with us on the trip and headed out for the remainder of the trip home.

The rest of the trip was fairly uneventful. Our traffic problems usually occur the final two hours between Atlanta and home. We were still using Matthew’s GPS since it would constantly update the time we were expected to get home. When we got to Macon we stopped to get gas and as we headed out the GPS took us on a different path than what we typically travel, avoiding the Atlanta area altogether. I know it is supposed to reroute you when there are traffic delays, so we wondered if there were the typical problems near Atlanta that it helped us avoid. We finally made it home about 8:45, which was pretty good considering all the excitement along the way. :cool1:

Coming Up Chapter 36 – Some Final Thoughts

WOW...what a crazy drive home you had, so lucky you didn't get hit :goodvibes

miss seeing you around the DIS....not that it hasn't been hard for any of us with the SLOWWWWWWWWWWWWNESS for the boards lately have been very frustrating :headache:

hope all is going great! we should be getting our NC trip plans together in the next few weeks, hope it works out you can join in on the fun!
:rotfl2:I thought maybe the mods had closed out his TR due to inactivity or something...:rolleyes1 Though I must agree, it's very sweet what Marv did, who knew that under all that tough, sarcastic exterior lies a heart of gold? Despite the Grinch comments he made towards me of course on your TR.:sad1:
You know I love you Mols!!! :hug:
sounds like you had a fun and busy holiday! yay for getting a little disney fix!

I for one know you are a good guy! and hope we get to meet up again this summer when we visit Judy and family!

good luck with the project and weight loss, I'm trying to do the same :thumbsup2 I need to get an update and our xmas DLR photos posted too!
Well, not much of a Disney fix involved, but any Disney fix is a good Disney fix!!! :thumbsup2
Knock Knock...
Who's there??? :confused:
WOW...what a crazy drive home you had, so lucky you didn't get hit :goodvibes

miss seeing you around the DIS....not that it hasn't been hard for any of us with the SLOWWWWWWWWWWWWNESS for the boards lately have been very frustrating :headache:

hope all is going great! we should be getting our NC trip plans together in the next few weeks, hope it works out you can join in on the fun!
To be honest I really haven't had the desire to spend too much time on the DIS lately. I guess when you don't really have any plans in the works to return soon, it is hard to get motivated! I guess I need to start planning again so I spend more time here with my friends! :goodvibes

Hope to be able to at least see you again when you travel to the East Coast! We will see how much time work will let me spend with you!
Who's there??? :confused:

YAY :yay: Marv's home!!!

I have had the sam e excitement on the way home. I thik we were coming home from a trip to the "other" attraction in the Orlando area and we would cruise along and then all come to a screeching halt .... for no reason. :headache:

Someone would not be paying attention and then car were flying the median. It is a wonder we did not get hit.

Glad to have you back, even if it is just to finish up. I am eager to hear you final thoughts. Don't make me finish this years report before you do that. :rolleyes1
Trip home sounds gruelling !!Judy just drove to Erie Pa today thru a snow storm !!! I was relieved to receive the phone call they had made it Okay!! They are having a Ball at Splash Lagoon for Kyle's birthday !!!!
You know I love you Mols!!! :hug:
Well, not much of a Disney fix involved, but any Disney fix is a good Disney fix!!! :thumbsup2

Who's there??? :confused:

To be honest I really haven't had the desire to spend too much time on the DIS lately. I guess when you don't really have any plans in the works to return soon, it is hard to get motivated! I guess I need to start planning again so I spend more time here with my friends! :goodvibes

Hope to be able to at least see you again when you travel to the East Coast! We will see how much time work will let me spend with you!

you just need to keep up with everyone else's threads....Tim's new one should be fun and Kat will be home in a few more days too!

will let you know as soon as we have dates!
Hey Marv!

Good thing you checked to see what you had left for dining credits.. wouldn't want those to go unused.

What a crazy ride home! Glad you made it in one piece! :eek:

Nice to see you back.... I know how hard it to DIS sometimes. Look at the bright side- by not DISing you aren't getting frustrated with how horribly slow they have been for the last week and a half. :headache:
Marv, that sounds like not such a pleasant drive home! Even though you avoided Atlanta. I hate those near misses on the highway. Make me all nervous and remind me that a lot of things happen on the road every day. So I am glad that you made it back home without any incidents!

I will be looking forward to the final chapter. So there is no trip planned in the future? Aren't you going this summer?
YAY :yay: Marv's home!!!

I have had the same excitement on the way home. I thik we were coming home from a trip to the "other" attraction in the Orlando area and we would cruise along and then all come to a screeching halt .... for no reason. :headache:

Someone would not be paying attention and then car were flying the median. It is a wonder we did not get hit.

Glad to have you back, even if it is just to finish up. I am eager to hear you final thoughts. Don't make me finish this years report before you do that. :rolleyes1
It is very seldom we make a trip to Disney that we don't hit a delay somewhere on the Interstate from stupid drivers who are in too much of a hurry to pay attention around them.

I won't make you wait long for the final thoughts. I pretty much have them written, I just want to read through them again after a couple days and think about anything else I may want to add.
Trip home sounds gruelling !!Judy just drove to Erie Pa today thru a snow storm !!! I was relieved to receive the phone call they had made it Okay!! They are having a Ball at Splash Lagoon for Kyle's birthday !!!!
Snow Storm? Splash Lagoon? Sounds like a potential new Blizzard Beach to me........ :rotfl2:

Glad they made it safely!
you just need to keep up with everyone else's threads....Tim's new one should be fun and Kat will be home in a few more days too!

will let you know as soon as we have dates!
I actually HAVE been keeping up with everyone else better than people know. I just usually only have enough time to read and catch up, with no time left to post. The DIS quicksand lately has definitely added to that! :sad2:
Hey Marv!

Good thing you checked to see what you had left for dining credits.. wouldn't want those to go unused.

What a crazy ride home! Glad you made it in one piece! :eek:

Nice to see you back.... I know how hard it to DIS sometimes. Look at the bright side- by not DISing you aren't getting frustrated with how horribly slow they have been for the last week and a half. :headache:
I've been around enough to see how slow things have been. They have definitely added to my inability to have time for responses when I do get time to read along. Thankfully I am friends on FB with a lot of you so I can keep in touch now and then! :thumbsup2
Marv, that sounds like not such a pleasant drive home! Even though you avoided Atlanta. I hate those near misses on the highway. Make me all nervous and remind me that a lot of things happen on the road every day. So I am glad that you made it back home without any incidents!

I will be looking forward to the final chapter. So there is no trip planned in the future? Aren't you going this summer?
Thanks Magdalene! Yes, there is a trip to plan, but right now I just can't put anything definite to a schedule. Matthew's ship deploys in July and he will get some time before that to come home. :banana: When he does he really wants us to go on a trip, and of course he would like to go to Florida again. Right now we just don't know when that will be so I can't start the planning process yet. :confused3

Then at some point, just before he leaves, we would like to go up to where he is and see him off when they sail out of port. We will probably try to take in a couple of days in DC sight-seeing while we are there since I have been owing Jonathan that trip for a long, long time now! :rolleyes1

I still have a couple more trips to write about, so that will keep me busy once I finally finish this trip up. I wasn't wanting to get to those too fast and get ahead of jenbear (who we spent time with during the summer trip) and your TR (with Katharina) since I didn't want to cover the common parts of our trip until you had time to get to them also.

After jenbear did her TR recap recently, I guess I can go ahead and finish this one and move on too! :rolleyes:
Glad you guys made it home safely! Sounds like there was quite a bit of adventure on the roads. Where's the DOT when you need them? :confused3 :rotfl2:
wow sounds like an interesteing traffic patterns on the way home...glad you made it safely.

at least you didnt have any birds hanging from your ride when you got out to rest.
You know I love you Mols!!! :hug:

Aw, thanks Marvie.:goodvibes And I know you mean that because you didn't attach any sarcastic smilies to that comment.:laughing:

To be honest I really haven't had the desire to spend too much time on the DIS lately. I guess when you don't really have any plans in the works to return soon, it is hard to get motivated! I guess I need to start planning again so I spend more time here with my friends! :goodvibes

I know exactly what you mean. We were originally supposed to be at Disney right now, this week, but cancelled it back in late summer due to my father-in-laws health. But it is sooo much more fun to be here on the DIS when you've got a trip queued up.:thumbsup2

Holy cow, your trip home sounds crazy! Thank goodness you weren't involved in that mess. The drive home seems so monotous on I-95, doesn't it? Ugh, it takes forever. One time, we were behind a semi in the middle lane and he decided that he wanted to exit when he was right on top of the exit. Well, he jack knifed acrosss the lane and I hit the brakes and moved into the left lane away from him. Luckily there was little traffic so we had room to move out of his way but seriously, what an idiot.:headache:

Looking forward to your final thoughts. Maybe you could get to them before the summer? Maybe?:rolleyes: Seriously, I am looking forward to them though and hope to glean some tips from you.:goodvibes


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