So what is the coolest suggestion / idea that you got from the Disboards?

I gave him the Disney Dine number and told him to call as soon as he got back to his desk. I did make the suggestion to try for lunch.

Great minds think alike Mindy.

That should frighten you JUST a little, Kathy.:lmao:
One of my best tips learned was that you could use Fast Passes after the time window printed on the ticket has expired. I had no idea you could do that and had several visits in the past where we couldn't make it back to the attraction on time and just threw the FP's away!

We also use the "extra bun" tip with double burgers quite a bit as DD and I can usually do that and split whatever the side is and both have plenty to eat.

There are just so many's difficult to even think of them all!
If he has no luck with CRT tell him to try 1900 Park Fare at the GF for dinner. Cinderella and the gang are featured at dinner, it's not CRT but I think it's a great substitute!
Or tell him to try the "walk up" approach. He'll need to know when the seatings begin...but it's a shot and as Bob always says...."they cant hit you."
If he has no luck with CRT tell him to try 1900 Park Fare at the GF for dinner. Cinderella and the gang are featured at dinner, it's not CRT but I think it's a great substitute!

Thank you, I'll mention this to him. I don't do character meals, so I appreciate the suggestions from you all. I really want for his daughter to have a great time. She can't help that while daddy has a Ph.D., he's really dumb.

Or tell him to try the "walk up" approach. He'll need to know when the seatings begin...but it's a shot and as Bob always says...."they cant hit you."

Thanks Kevin. I did suggest trying a walk-up. Given that they are going Easter week, it may be tough to come by.
I have to post this. Only you guys will understand.

I just had a co-worker walk in my office and asked if I knew anything about WDW. I need to have knower of all things Disney added to my business cards. Think my boss would go for it?

I just had the same experience Friday. A coworker and her DH and 2 kids are going in April and she said "I understand you know Disney stuff..." Fifteen minutes later I was still talking and she looked like this :eek:

They had nothing planned except one ADR-at Coral Reef !! :scared1: I offered her a barf bag and ear plugs, told her to stay away from the Sad Little Crab Cakes. I told her she might enjoy it, but don't make that their focal point.

The next day, she said to another coworker (referring to me) "Maybe I should leave DH home and just take him!! :woohoo:
I have to post this. Only you guys will understand.

I just had a co-worker walk in my office and asked if I knew anything about WDW. There is a rumor in the hallways that I know, "stuff" about Disney. After I stopped choking on my coffee, he proceedes to ask a number of questions.
:goodvibes I can top this, I think. Someone at DH's work asked him last Tuesday about a trip he wanted to take on FRIDAY -- yes - Friday of last week. He had plane tickets to leave Friday after work to go to Disney for PRESIDENT'S DAY WEEKEND :scared1: and wanted to stay onsite but didn't make any hotel reservations or ADRs anywhere!!! and came to DH and I for advice. I'm all about Disney and helping people plan, but even I have limits. Since he wouldn't take my advise to reschedule, I directed them to the Swan/Dolphin. All of the good restaurants were taken so they ended up at counter service but I can't help that. It worked out anyway because they didn't have much time (they were flying home Monday - short trip) and since neither had been to Disney before, they had a lot to pack into a short amount of time. No time to eat!!! Some people are just nuts. :upsidedow
My co-worker who introduced me to the DIS is known around here - she gets email referrals from other co-workers whom she has helped. She will include me in the emails occassionally. It can get crazy for some of the expectations out there.
I have no problem with people stopping by and asking questions. Most folks who ask me for info are already well informed, have read the different guide books on WDW and have visited the various web sites. But, when you spend the kind of $$ to get there, stay on site and for park passes and not not do any research on what you are getting yourself into, well, shame on you!

In the age of the internet, informational DVDs that Disney will send free and let's not forget those things called books, how people cannot obtain one piece of information before getting on a plane, is beyond me.
Hello everyone,

I have been a lurker for quite a while, actually ever since I was planning our First Trip to the World, Christmas 2007.

I have to say that these boards gave me some of the most fantastic ideas that we were able to use on our trip and made the trip so much more than it could have been if it wasn't for these boards.

We had a rather large group that went, and we all stayed together throughout the whole trip, nobody ever got lost or seperated, and we had a 2 year old and an 12 year old with autism and it was because of these boards that helped with that.

Anywho, one of the best ideas I got from this was to make matching zip up jackets for everyone. Instead of putting something disney on them though, I put our family crest on them. Then I put our names on them. So if my kids would so happend to get seperated they not only had their first names but they also had their last name. Also I attached a tag on the inside of the jacket that had all of my information on them. This was such a fantastic idea.

Another great idea that I got from these boards, enables my eldest daughter, who has autism to ride in the front of the monorail. OMG....She thought that was the greatest things ever. Made her feel so special.

I just want to thank you all again, I am addicted, and planning for my next trip. I need to start posting more, just a little shy.
Dont be shy.....we're just a big family....dysfunctional like all the rest.

Welcome to the family!
OMG OMG OMG....:banana:

Now I really feel welcomed. If you could have only seen my face when I read your reply to my post :woohoo: . You have just completely made my day. Someone I have been listening to for a while now actually welcomed me. You are now my HERO. Love you guys so much. And now that I feel completely welcome I will most deffinately start posting more and more and more. Want to get to know everyone.

I got a very nice email from his wife thanking me for the info. She has done her homework and knew what they were going to be getting into by going at Easter. However, with school, it was the best time to go outside of the summer.

She's been to a number of websites. They are staying at POFQ. She has a couple of ADR made. While she wanted CRT, she knew it would be impossible. She plans on trying to see if they can do a walk-up but is not saying anything to their daughter. She does have ressies for the Princess breakfast in Norway. She has her planning sheets already made and knows when EMH are for all the parks when they are there. She knows about FP. I did tell her about this site and the podcasts. She's goning to check us out.

She apologized for her husband and his stupidity (her words). As she stated, this is typical him. Decides at the last minute they need a plan and goes about it not thinking she has taken care of everything.

Thanks all for the help.
I got a very nice email from his wife thanking me for the info. She has done her homework and knew what they were going to be getting into by going at Easter. However, with school, it was the best time to go outside of the summer.

She's been to a number of websites. They are staying at POFQ. She has a couple of ADR made. While she wanted CRT, she knew it would be impossible. She plans on trying to see if they can do a walk-up but is not saying anything to their daughter. She does have ressies for the Princess breakfast in Norway. She has her planning sheets already made and knows when EMH are for all the parks when they are there. She knows about FP. I did tell her about this site and the podcasts. She's goning to check us out.

She apologized for her husband and his stupidity (her words). As she stated, this is typical him. Decides at the last minute they need a plan and goes about it not thinking she has taken care of everything.

Thanks all for the help.

Wow, does this sound typical, or what?
Wow, does this sound typical, or what?

I thought the same exact thing. This was so my ex-husband. Started running around like a chicken with it's head cut off a week before we were leaving for the UK. Mean while I have a binder full of every bit of information we could possibly need.
Needless to say, I've pointed him here along with Disney's web site. If you see some who registers as Clueless Chemist, he belongs to me. I'll be running home at lunch and picking up my WDW 101 Kit. Yea, I have one, park maps, some other guides Disney gives when you check in and my 2008 Unofficial Guide.

I have a binder of Disney info too! I gave it to my friend and he had the nerve to call me annal! :)

Another friend, who has never been to Disney, called me and asked me a bunch of questions, and she insisted that fast passes had to be purchased. I lost patience and gave her the website for Dreams Unlimited...she needed professional help!

BTW, she said a nice guy emailed her right back...I told her it was probably John or Kevin. She asked me if I knew them...I lost her on the word "podcast." Some people:goodvibes
One day I hope to give someone else useful info around here - but for now it's just take, take, take.

Anyway, the best suggestion I got on the boards was help with getting my daughter over her fear of rides. In 2006, on the first night of our first family trip she cried on the Winnie the Pooh ride. She was 6 1/2!!! I never expected that reaction, and sadly she was VERY unsure about experiencing anything else during the trip. In one of the threads where I was lurking, someome suggested viewing some of the rides on YouTube before our next trip. It's nothing like being there for real, but at least she knows what to expect - and I think that was the big problem to begin with.

I thought this was genius! Let you know how it turns out.
Over The Years....

-To take the train to Toontown and be there when it first opens an hour later than the rest of the park.

-What Hidden Mickeys are

-Requesting an area at a resort

-Birthday Button (went for my birthday and DH's birthday before we heard about this)

Actually, there are so many things I have learned on these boards. I have told anyone I plan a trip for. I firmly believe that anyone can walk up today and decide that tomorrow they are going on a Disney vacation. When they return home, they will have said that they had a great trip. Of course they did, they were at Disney. But you can have a magical trip if you plan a little bit. That's the best suggestion I've gotten from these boards.
So many things- so little time.
Back in 2000 I copied a list of tips that I still am trying to get through

Telling friends that they need to check out Dreams Unlimited for really good advise and prices on rooms and packages. Triple A is not the only answer.

If you visit the Tinker Bell shop in the MK and are among the first there- they let a child open the box to let Tinker Bell out- I just love this

Sand Trap Restaurant at the Eagle (whatever) golf course offers a great breakfast and lunch and takes the DDE card.

The Transportation Board offered a discount web site that I use all over the US for discounts on Rental Cars.

I am such a dork when I just a few months ago realized that my favorite Dreams Unlimited agent is a moderator of the Camping Board. Perhaps all of the agents are moderators. Can't believe it took me that many years to see that- of course I believe if God wanted me to camp he would not have invented puffy beds in hotels. So I didn't utilize that board.
Wow, does this sound typical, or what?

Did you happen to mention Photo Pass to them? I mostly take my own pictures, but we usually like to have a couple taken by the photo pass people so that we are all in them. Anyway, when I gave my sister in law information about Disney I never mentioned photo pass and she said she realized halfway through their trip that what it was all about. I felt bad that I never thought to tell her about it.

Just thought I would mention that.


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