Something About Nothing............ #14

Good morning. Woke up far too early today. I think I see an afternoon nap in my near future.

One more day of work and then I am off for 5.

Sometimes I miss being in an office large enough to do pot lucks. We had some good ones at my old job in North Carolina.

I'm off to finish getting ready for work.

For those of you observing taco Tuesday
Happy Taco Tuesday! We always have turkeys in our backyard on and off, but it's always more amusing to see them out and about more when it's holiday season, especially when sometimes it feels as if they are coming to show off more so during this time. In the past week I've seen them twice already.

As for Black Friday I never have participated in it. I was either too young to be involved, or as I got older, always working. Last year they did "short" shifts (half days) and this year they are promoting the idea of that as well. It's for those who meet certain deadlines by Weds. It's then they'll announce who's doing which shift. However, I didn't participate in Black Friday last year even though I did a half day and I wouldn't this year. I cannot handle crowds and I feel it's unnecessary. If I really need it there is always cyber Monday now.
About to head out to Publix for some groceries
It’s closer than Walmart is from my house

Have to buy bacon and bread and other basics for this weeks meals at home

Today our high will be 65 and low 54
Tomorrow will be 69 but bottom drops out during the night to 40


Once end of November happens, our night temps drop
Day temps go up and down but it’s a guess when it’s a steady cold here

Been watching the weather channel and pay attention to which homies have been hit by cold and snow ❄️

Hope it does not interrupt any of your travel plans for the holidays

Mr Mac never gets tired of Taco Bell
Lately, I have had a sandwich an hour before we go out to TB and just get nachos
Except for tonight I won’t eat before we go as their rolled taqtitos are back

I hate it when spell check changes my words!
Bored at work again. Thankfully I will be off in a couple of hours.

Yesterday dh “decorated” the front of our house. We have those things that project lights onto the house. Dh loves them. Me, not so much. I prefer traditional lights. One of the projectors wasn’t working, so I am afraid that he will go buy another.

I guess we will put the tree up on Friday.
Also have pattyw and (the other homie I can’t remember) will be chomping on turkey at the darkside Thursday

Just back from grocery shopping
Walmart has lots of peeps in it and only picked up bread and cleaning supplies

Then went to Publix and hit the bakery section first
No blueberry pie so took a pass on desserts
Was looking for something sweet to get for lunch
It was a bust shopping day as walked out with only 3 things there

Publix is never busy except when you check out at the registers
They usually only have two lanes open during the day, rarely 3

Charade, when I worked, I had some boring days
I know that makes days go longer
I always looked forward to the weekends
Oh my gosh, so much food. Coma and full feeling. Sigh, no nap this afternoon.

May bring some cookies home for the kids.

Joining you with boring afternoon, Charade.

And yep, forgot Patty will be South too. Patty hope your trip is wonderful, and lots of fun.
Happy Tuesday!! Busy week for me but glad today is my last day of work until December 10th. Leaving for our cruise on Saturday. Can't Wait!!!

Thankfully, no Thanksgiving at my house but instead we have to hit to road to go to my husband's family's Thanksgiving and then to my family's Thanksgiving. It will be a whirlwind day. I usually cook the turkey for my family's dinner but not this year. Just baking a couple of pies (chocolate chess and pumpkin), cranberry sauce and maybe mac and cheese.

Not planning to do any Black Friday shopping this year. I am going to meet a friend and have our mani/pedi done before our cruise. Then it is off to Miami Saturday morning.

Hope everyone celebrating Thanksgiving has a joyous day and to our friends to the north, have a great weekend.

Safe travels to everyone hitting the roads or the wild blue yonder!
@cam757 A mani/pedi sounds a lot better than some Black Friday shopping. Almost there for the cruise!

Man... All this food talk is killing me.

This is random, but do you guys think it will still be very busy this Monday coming up at the parks? I know to avoid this week and weekend if I do not have EP, or anything, but would it die down more by Monday?
:wave2: Finally getting to stop in again!

Wow...I have just been busy with nothing really....but still busy none the less. Been trying to get my sister's quilt done. I had picked what I " thought " was an easy pattern...and OH MY has been a complete pain in my side. It has not gone smoothly at all. Thank god this sister will look at it and love it with all the imperfections in it...and just love it for what it is. Just about ready to sandwich it together and finally quilt it together. I will be very happy to get it done and gone to it's new home. I'm just trying to put a boarder around it now to make it bigger, as I like them to be nice so you can tuck it and wrap it nicely all comfy cozy around you.

Sounds like the turkey day holidays for everyone will be fun and food filled. I love these holiday days. Days off, family and some tasty food...and probably a beverage or two :drinking1 are the best way to spend holidays. I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday weekend!!!!!

Well...I'm off to plan some warm holiday getaway we won't be going on lol ( well not at least until the new grandbaby arrives ) It's cold...grey, snowy and just plain old gross here. I've caught up with paperwork, and not much left paper to shred in the office. The slow days can be painful...but I'll amuse myself with pictures of dreaming of warm sandy beaches, ocean waters, and unlimited beverages

Have a great day everyone!!!!!
I’m using my phone and can’t get the OI listing to copy to this message

Check the Orlando Informer for the predicted crowd level

If I remember correctly, next week won’t have crowds
Weekend will have the 4 day vacationers
Happy planning for the new baby and your next trip

I’m sure the quilt is beautiful and the person you made it for, will adore it!
Thanks, @macraven! I didn't want to make a post when I had a feeling it'd be a short, quick answer. I knew the week would be horrible and the weekend would be even busier than that, but wanted to check to see if it would disappear by Monday. At least according to Orlando Informer it seems to be. I had a few days left to take off and I had not many choices and that was one of the dates I took.

@Pumpkin1172 you may not get to have a getaway soon, but at least you can plan it and have something to look forward to. Sorry you're having miserable weather.
Charade, I don‘t like those projector things either......traditional all the way for us.....hope he didn’t buy a new one!

mac....blueberry pie sounds good about now! Someone on tv mentioned peach cobbler the other night....Tom and I both looked at one another and said......Cracker case I miss you, have a wonderful time on your cruise, hope it‘s just fabulous for you!

pumpkin.......quilt will be much appreciated I’m sure.....when someone takes the time to make something like this, it is special......sorry you’re weather sucks, hope it improves for you.......

Had a lovely night out with one group of friends. Had a lovely meal and good company too. We missed the Christmas menu starting by three nights....but regular menu is good. It really was a fun night. And a late one too!!

This morning is waxing, shopping and a quick pop back into salon as I’d like maybe a little bit more off the cut from the other the colour, but maybe just a half inch more off. Won’t take long.......

Pizza takeout tonight......always our meal of choice before we set off the next day.....

Packing later today at some point too. Think we’re all set.....

Bacon for breakfast today and tomorrow........:lovestruc
Ooh bacon, cruise news, park visit, baby on the way, quilt fun, and blueberry pie. Lots of fun news to read from all the homies.

Cloudy commute, so very dark out. But a bit warmer, so you know what that means. Yep, chances of rain today. Eh, better than that snow this past weekend.

And woot! Target had some of its BF prices this morning. Score an online order for me.

Ah, did pick up the rolls last night, and got blonde before that, quick in the store, but oh the almost full parking lot. Yeah, you will not find me in a grocery store today. Last minute shopper is not me. Late packer for vacation, yeah most of the time.

Oh yeah, and it’s a Wednesday.


Hapoy Hump day to you all.
Started my day early
Cats got me up

The joy of owning a pet.......not

Waiting to get a text to pick up Mr Mac

He took his car in for a brake job
It’s one of those places where it’s first come, first served

I’ll pick him up and then take him back when the car is ready

For a few here in the San, your trip count down has begun!
About 48 hours from now you will be on your way or maybe there in sunny Orlando


Lynne, Like your camel pic !
Good morning, homies! Happy Almost Turkey Day! Some of you are also having vacas soon! Which I'm sure you all are excited about.

Soon a lot of customers are going to be calling in for last minute holiday greetings and forwarding their lines to an answering service due to the holiday, so that will be interesting. However, after that, a day off! Won't have confirmation until noon today on whether I'd be doing a short shift, or not and if so, what time. It won't be needed for shopping, but I won't mind coming in late, or leaving early on a Friday. 😉

This is going to be my mom (Hermione) and I (Ron) tomorrow:
Happy day before Thanksgiving. Today I will be making pumpkin pie and peanut butter chocolate pie.

Cam - Hope you have an awesome cruise.

Pumpkin - You are a great sister for hand making a quilt. Some of my favorite gifts are the ones someone made for me.

Schumi - He did buy another projector, but then got the old one working again, so he will be talking the new one back. Next year I think I need to be in charge of decorating.

Hello to everyone else that stops in today.

Safe travels for all of you who are going somewhere soon.
Our thread made the Dis Daily Updates again this morning

If you are browsing through, do stop in and tell us about your holiday plans

If your turkey dinner sounds better than mine, give me directions to your house .....
My house smells like pumpkin pie. 🥧

I've decided I'm going to be lazy for the rest of the day.

I'm trying to cone up with ideas for Christmas gifts for B. So far all she has asked for is an iTunes gift card. I'm thinking about getting her a nice pair of gloves. She never seems to have any when it gets cold. I also ordered her this cute ID holder for her school ID.
Thought about doing some shopping today, but talked myself out of it.


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