Something About Nothing............ #14

Lynne, hope your chicken is nice later........we did enjoy ours, now deciding if we have room for an apples crumble......I made the apples earlier, won’t take long to make the crumble and some custard.....but still deciding.

Keisha........hope the mattress gives you a fabulous sleep tonight!! A good mattress is bliss!!!

lol.....yes, funnily enough I know a couple of big blokes who are like you can’t tease him about it as he doesn’t think it’s he gets double teased!! One of these who can hand it out.......but cannot take it back!

Yes, smokers aren’t something I’d bother with......

Anything Hawaiian and I’m there!!! Really starting to think about a visit there in the next few years.......::yes:: With maybe a stop of at some wine regions.......:rolleyes1

Not a beer fan, but every now and again I do fancy one....but with the ingredients they have......not worth it for me!! Tom quite likes Miller Lite......first beer I ever tasted was Labatts.......I did like that but it was many years ago! I remember, it was in Disneyland Paris the year it opened, which was 1992. We went for a week in August just before we got married in the September......everyone said we were crazy as we had the wedding coming them everything was fine and not much to do by then anyway......early wedding present from Tom!

Robo.......lovely pictures of the animals!

I agree, we all, have our favourite hotels......and yes, nothing wrong with that. It’s nice to have so many choices......and the TM there make the trips extra special!

Hope your grand daughter gets to move into the new home today.....

I love ribs, but the ones we get over here just aren’t as good. They are ok if you get them specially ordered from our local butcher, but folks that buy them from the grocery store, they might as well not bother.......

Have a good weekend......well, what’s left of it now......:)

Charade.....glad your husband is home now. Glad he feels ok and I’m sure you’ll get on your trip soon. Although that’s probably the last thing on your mind.

Dinner over, sun is shining but, it is blowing a hoolie out there!!!

Smaller trees are almost doubled over! The bigger ones are just swaying a lot. Not overly warm, but no plans to go anywhere anyway.

Been watching 70’s music channel on tv most of the day in the background,......there was some amazing music around then too!! It was on in the background when I zoomed a couple of friends and as we’re all around the same age we all enjoyed it!! We ended up chatting about the first school disco‘s we all had aged around 11! There was a lot of long hair in men back then!! Edison Lighthouse and Steely Dan alone had enough hair for everyone!!

We did have some apple crumble, and made up some custard for us. Don‘t always bother with dessert, but felt like it tonight.......

Happy Sunday evening......
Felt myself a bit off center today, took a bit of floating mindlessly in the pool today to convince myself that things will indeed pass in their good time. Now time to hope the shrimp has thawed for the mr. Maple/mustard salmon for me, maybe corn on cob or a salad. Had so much bacon this am, night of us not very hungry, that’s rare lol

My stomach just flipped lol. Phew, that sounds rough.

Adorable little deer. Think i saw a couple peeking out of the woods yesterday. If see my bushes ahem trimmed, soon, I’ll know why.
Great to hear the mr is bouncing back so well!

At the risk of sounding especially weird, I love my step ladder. First one I tried that didn’t make feel as though I was going to topple over. had me at shrimp and maple mustard anything!!! Never tried it on salmon I have to admit.

And floating mindlessly sounds good!!!

And hope you get a good sleep tonight on the new mattress!!!

Quiet on here tonight.......guess everyone is having fun!!

Still nice and cool here tonight so a good sleep is guaranteed.....need to think of something to do tomorrow is it’s not raining!!!

Ah, a new week has started and back to routine, with a holiday weekend to end it. And, a change of month too.

Just chilling, chicken was tasty, carrots and fresh corn. Trash out, and still oh so muggy out. And that thunderstorm line, we have yet to have it rain yet.

Pool was lovely, and like bathtub temp. So pleasantly nice. Hope to repeat this coming weekend.

Have a peaceful night homies, and a good night sleep. But warning, going to sleep tonight will make it Monday tomorrow.
Good evening. I managed to get everything on my list accomplished except for working on the puzzle. Maybe tomorrow. Poor dh has spent a good option of the day dealing with a student who has been plagiarizing her assignments. He is just not having a good weekend.

Thought I would share some pics of the visitors we had that came for their brunch. They were eating apples and peaches from the trees in the back yard.
You can see the little buck’s cute antlers cute. We have a lot of deer around here, but rarely see any males.

At the risk of sounding especially weird, I love my step ladder. First one I tried that didn’t make feel as though I was going to topple over.
Not weird at all. I just get really nervous after the second or third step.

Charade.....glad your husband is home now. Glad he feels ok and I’m sure you’ll get on your trip soon. Although that’s probably the last thing on your mind.
Actually he is already talking about rescheduling once he meets with his doctors.

Been watching 70’s music channel on tv most of the day in the background,......there was some amazing music around then too!
The 70's had some really fun music. B is even enjoying some of it thanks the to Guardians of the Galaxy movies.

Have a peaceful night homies, and a good night sleep. But warning, going to sleep tonight will make it Monday tomorrow.
I am really not looking forward to going back to work tomorrow.

I will leave you with a pic of tonight’s sunset.
Charade it sounds like your husband is eager to get on with life and back to his work with the students

Too bad first thing he is dealing with now is a student that is not honest.

Hope he improves each day and your trip can be rescheduled.

Both of you will have a great get away trip in the near future.
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Ah, a new week has started and back to routine, with a holiday weekend to end it. And, a change of month too.

Just chilling, chicken was tasty, carrots and fresh corn. Trash out, and still oh so muggy out. And that thunderstorm line, we have yet to have it rain yet.

Pool was lovely, and like bathtub temp. So pleasantly nice. Hope to repeat this coming weekend.

Have a peaceful night homies, and a good night sleep. But warning, going to sleep tonight will make it Monday tomorrow.

Lynne, it`s lovely you have your sisters pool to use and that she lives so close!!! So nice.

Yes, can`t quite believe it`s July on Wednesday!!! June seems to have vanished quickly.......

Good evening. I managed to get everything on my list accomplished except for working on the puzzle. Maybe tomorrow. Poor dh has spent a good option of the day dealing with a student who has been plagiarizing her assignments. He is just not having a good weekend. cute. We have a lot of deer around here, but rarely see any males.

Not weird at all. I just get really nervous after the second or third step.

Actually he is already talking about rescheduling once he meets with his doctors.

The 70's had some really fun music. B is even enjoying some of it thanks the to Guardians of the Galaxy movies.

I am really not looking forward to going back to work tomorrow.

I will leave you with a pic of tonight’s sunset.
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The last thing he needs to be dealing with this weekend......really should be resting completely. But, hopefully it was an easy deal and nice you will have a trip planned soon.

And hope your husband keeps improving.

And like a bad penny, I’m back.

Have missed you all and spent this evening trying to play ketchup on many pages to see how you all are doing

Do know I have missed all of youse.

Always good to see you post......and thank goodness for emails!!!

Cloudy and dull with sunshine is our weather today......not warm either. Can it really be turning July in 2 days!!! I think the spiders are moving inside too......killed two last night and one this morning....well, the Dyson took care of them! Huge things too!!!

No walk this morning as I had a few things to catch up with.....but might go out this afternoon if it doesn`t one knows what they want for lunch. Kyle just came down for a break and said.....anything will do for lunch......Tom said the same thing.......will have a look and see what`s there.

Spicy bbq pork steaks for dinner, non spicy for Kyle. Easy dinner.

Sunshine has just completely burst through, so hopefully it`ll stay.....a bit of sunshine is always lovely!!!







Happy Monday

Ah, no need for a rooster. A loud enough chicken clucks to say, yep, it’s morning, and right around our 5:30 am sunrise. And oh what a beautiful day it is going to be. Per our weather lady’s report this morning, full day of sunshine, lower humidity from that cold front that gave others around me very windy rainstorms. Still to see 90, as Mother Nature said, yo it’s summer, hot temps you will have from the start. I don’t remember such a hot June. But hey, I am loving the heat.

My Dsis lives about 45 minutes from me, and part of the drive is through a state park on one side, and many tree lined homes on the other. To see all the green as we came down that street’s hill, all shades of green, all looking so lush in color. And yeah, the car’s AC was on. Just way too muggy yesterday, to even just open the windows.

And yeah,

Ah yes, as Schumi is always up before me. Hehe, that is what time zones do, so I’m early morning, Schumi’s afternoon. I hope even with not a full sunny day, you got out some today, Schumi.

Yeah, that student was not what your DH needed, this weekend, Charade. I hope he gets some rest today, and you get to relax too, with some puzzle time. Beautiful sunset pictures.

Ack, Keisha. I saw the Florida no open bars, but around you, oh my. I will say, I have seen most with masks in the stores I have been in. And yep, our local bar down the street had lots of people in and outside enjoying a drink. Me, nope, even with my local restaurants saying they are open, come, come. I just don’t want to take that risk of sharing air with no masks for the customers. So, we will continue to do take out, or drive through for this new normal time.

Thus, as it’s a Monday, note reminders are needed, Ah yes, a


Thus, awesome homies, enjoy your Monday. And smile. Some of us homies have a Friday federal holiday, so bonus 4 day work week. Woot!

Stay safe and healthy, and wash those hands frequently.

Off to make more tea. Oh yes I am. It’s Monday.

Good Morning homies, find that tea and coffee mugs and keeping them full. ::yes::
Happy Monday! Super muggy day here today too. We rarely turn on the AC during the day but its necessary right now - going to be a high of 86. My brother and his family are visiting from out of town this week so I'm taking off Weds- through the weekend! Love a two day work week - only one day till the weekend for this gal!

Coconut honey almond granola and yogurt here - although I wish I helped Schumi eat some of that bacon. Trying to eat a little lighter today and tomorrow because once the family gets here I will be a cooking machine and who wants to eat only healthy stuff when you get together? :confused3 Not how we roll.

Glad everyone survived the weekend - hugs to all who need them.

Aww, Elsa, that’s awesome to have a very short week, indeed. So, I am like:

Well, I thought cannot take Monday off, as it is when some will be called back to office. Thus, still a four day weekend, or three day work week, as Thursday seemed like a no brainer to take off. So did.

Big Woot! For Elsa and me!
Happy Monday! Super muggy day here today too. We rarely turn on the AC during the day but its necessary right now - going to be a high of 86. My brother and his family are visiting from out of town this week so I'm taking off Weds- through the weekend! Love a two day work week - only one day till the weekend for this gal!

Coconut honey almond granola and yogurt here - although I wish I helped Schumi eat some of that bacon. Trying to eat a little lighter today and tomorrow because once the family gets here I will be a cooking machine and who wants to eat only healthy stuff when you get together? :confused3 Not how we roll.

Glad everyone survived the weekend - hugs to all who need them.

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Completely agree!!!! Visits with family are all about indulgences of excellent food......we are exactly the same!!! Two day work week sounds just about right....and a family visit to look forward to is always lovely.......

Still dull here with a threat of rain.....big black clouds seem to be hanging over us before heading out to sea very slow. Not very warm, only around mid 50`s today......drove into village instead of walking and were glad we well as carrying 12 pints of milk, we picked up a lovely new bottle of gin the local store were carrying........


Another little suggestion for @J'aime Paris ...........::yes::


Tried a little sample of this gin today Lori.......and I keep saying I don`t like gin other than pink gin......:rolleyes1 Had this with lemonade, fizzy of course and it was lovely......still cannot get the taste for tonic!

The Bombay Bramble is also very lovely too!!!!

Another quiet night in front of the TV......Monday nights are sometimes rather uneventful. Few folks have been asking if I`m starting up the Book Group when this virus isn`t quite as disruptive.......said I had no idea. Will see if the interest is there when we are all allowed back together again.

I had just recieved stock before this virus hit of our next book, thankfully they accepted them all back without any issue.

But, we`ll see.......I hope so as we all enjoy it a lot.
Oh Carole, you know me well!
I'll be on the hunt for those too!
Summer, sun, lounging on the patio, and gin....sounds really nice to me:flower1:

lol.....I thought of you as we were looking at it.......

The little one I was so surprised I liked as it`s "real gin" But, it was very refreshing.......might need to look for some more now.......will definitely let you know if we find anything that little bit different.

There`s a company called The Edinburgh Gin Company, they produce some very interesting ones!!!!
ENT called me at home saturday with my CT results. After a meeting of the various dr’s minds today, wednesday’s oral surgery revision was cancelled, as I need to have sinuses done first.

Charade that’s another winner of a sunset. It’s so mountainous here & we live up on the first ridge, so really don’t get to see many full sunsets. One thing I really miss about FL is the spectacular sunsets thanks to the flat topography. Especially, when viewed from high up in the Contemporary/BLT buildings overlooking Bay Lake, you get the reflection on the water...just stunning.

you had me at shrimp and maple mustard anything!!! Never tried it on salmon I have to admit.
Normally not a fan of maple or mustard unless they are ingredients in a recipe, then they just seem to shine.
And like a bad penny, I’m back.

Have missed you all and spent this evening trying to play ketchup on many pages to see how you all are doing

Do know I have missed all of youse.
Right back at ‘ya, glad you found your way home

My Dsis lives about 45 minutes from me, and part of the drive is through a state park on one side, and many tree lined homes on the other. To see all the green as we came down that street’s hill, all shades of green, all looking so lush in color. And yeah, the car’s AC was on. Just way too muggy yesterday, to even just open the windows.
It was hot here today but not humid. Hip, hip, hooray! That sounds like a lovely drive. Today, I tried not to count the animal carcasses on the side of the highway. Clean up duties must not be a high priority in those more far flung counties, ewwwwww
I just don’t want to take that risk of sharing air with no masks for the customers. So, we will continue to do take out, or drive through for this new normal time.
alfresco dining usually not my 1st choice, but had to admit it was very enjoyable when at the beach. Most places had impromptu tables set up with social distancing. A nice sea breeze makes everything just a little bit better.:)
Tried a little sample of this gin today Lori.......and I keep saying I don`t like gin other than pink gin......:rolleyes1 Had this with lemonade, fizzy of course and it was lovely......still cannot get the taste for tonic!
Cut my teeth on gin & tonic with the obligatory lime twist. After a few years the ‘pine’ taste became stronger & quite offputting for me. Starting to think It may have just been the brand they used for their ‘well’ drinks & of poor quality.
hi everybody :wave2:

glad to see that mac is back :flower1:

Charade...good to hear that your hubby is doing better, I know it was scary.

Janet...sorry about your delayed surgery...hopefully your sinus stuff will get fixed quickly so you can get some relief.

Good news on Trey's test came back negative :cool1: so our trip is on and everyone else tested negative too!

Robo...I'll chime in with my rib recipe too...I parboil them until they're tender and sprinkle soy sauce on after draining then I grill them with bbq sauce...delicious and fall off the bone.

Speaking of grilling...Trey grilled out steaks and chicken breasts tonight for dinner. I made roasted herbed potatoes and a salad made with fresh veggies from our garden...I'm so stuffed.

Hope everyone has a great night and hugs to all that need one.


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