Songs that people eat in them

This one is in memory of Abuelita, my next door nabe's Cuban refugee grandmother, who lived in an apartment at platform level of the Metro North on Park Avenue in Spanish Harlem (always felt like I could reach out and touch the train),

I visited an apartment like that when I was looking for a new apartment after college. It was the N or the R train in Queens. The landlord was explaining how close we were to the train - just as one went by. First, the passengers could look right into the window if there were no curtains or blinds. Second, we could hear the bad brakes on the trains as they stopped. Third, we could feel the whole building shake as the train speed by. :eek: Some people get used to it. But I knew I wouldn't, having that happen every 15-20 minutes day & night. Nope. Nope. Nope.


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