Spectrum Moms Take on The World! Our Last Day...Multiple Posts!

I would have never acted as goofy as that w/ the kids around...I would have been the one clicking the camera at my kids having all the fun or recieved some "MOM!" rolling eyes...:laughing:

Amy I didn't even realize we had some of those group shots or the ones of us kick-lining down the end of the parade route...that was so fun! got us all warmed up for the rest of the night :thumbsup2


I'm the same way - usually watching everyone else have fun!

It's so much fun to look back through all of our pictures!
That was the best time I ever had at a parade! Waiting for it was fun, the parade itself was cool and dancing down the street behind the parade was a hoot! Not to mention Amy shared her popcorn with me, now that's a good friend!
That was the best time I ever had at a parade! Waiting for it was fun, the parade itself was cool and dancing down the street behind the parade was a hoot! Not to mention Amy shared her popcorn with me, now that's a good friend!

I agree that it was probably one of the best nights at the MK for me!! It was FREEZING but we were having so much fun! I think the CMs got a chuckle out of our antics in the backstage area. ;)

It was the perfect parade viewing spot. The parade came right at us and then turned right in front of us. I did get in trouble though. :blush: See I had a new "smart" phone and thought it would be cool to video the parade. A fair bit into the parade a CM told me to stop filiming because the light was and issue for the floats. Here I am insisting with her that I didn't have a light on my phone only to discover later that there IS a tiny light when fliming. :rolleyes1 Boy did I feel bad for giving the CM a hard time.
I love the pics of the castle during the memories show. It will be nice to have some pictures of the castle that don't look like every other trip


I LOVE THESE PICS! How very, very fun! I've been directed back through that route a couple times, and one time there was a CM very loudly saying "NO PICTURES!" Perhaps they have let up on that a bit! :thumbsup2

Here we are, grown women, playing in the queue and being very silly!​

I just love, love, love it! Your entire night made me grin. That's what Disney is all about! :goodvibes
I love the pics of the castle during the memories show. It will be nice to have some pictures of the castle that don't look like every other trip

I agree :goodvibes, it was very impressive!

I LOVE THESE PICS! How very, very fun! I've been directed back through that route a couple times, and one time there was a CM very loudly saying "NO PICTURES!" Perhaps they have let up on that a bit! :thumbsup2

they didn't try to stop us...I bet we were the only ones...they could tell how much fun we were having :rotfl:

I just love, love, love it! Your entire night made me grin. That's what Disney is all about! :goodvibes

So after we giggled and laughed through the WTP queue, held our spot and had a grand time waiting, watching, and joining in the MSEP…it was time for a few more rides before we finished off this last night at Disney…

BTMRR was in our sites…we were ready for some rootin-tootin time on the “wildest ride in the wilderness”!

This is a favorite ride by all, and even more fun in the dark I feel…there wasn’t much of a queue line…


We got paired up and waited our turn:


I think we rode two times in a row and boy it was COLD…brrrr the wind whipping at our faces, it made for an exhilarating ride though…I think I was laughing since it was so cold, my eyes teared up and that was cold too.

I honestly don’t think we thought we could laugh any more or any harder on this trip…but we were proved wrong…we couldn’t pass up a nighttime Jungle Cruise. There was hardly anyone down at the docks…either it was too cold or they were too scared for the treacherous waters that lay ahead…but we boarded our little boat, w/ 3 other passengers and our Skipper Sam.


Doing my Princess wave saying good bye to dry land…


And off we go…oh no DUCK you don’t want to get sprayed by the elephants:

Our Skipper hands down was the BEST! It was the BEST ever JC any of us have ever experienced…He was just so great.


End of the night, a little tired and a great group of guests aboard…made for the priceless combination of laughter to those time ‘ol jokes plus some great news ones and banter that he shared as he not only cracked us up…but himself. As we disembarked our ride…we applauded and bowed we weren’t worthy of such Disney greatness!

Up next we backtracked to the Haunted Mansion. You can never get enough of the spooky haunts here and we were ready to have some thrills and chills.





We hung back in the stretching room as Heidi prompted us so we could hear the gargoyles chat…

A little more fun still awaited us as we caught the final show of MPHM that night:


Ever notice how cool the carpeting is in here?


We chatted as we waited for the doors to open…and then got ready for the show:


We all sang along, laughed and had a great time! It was now sadly time to say “good-bye” as we headed down the beautifully lit up Main Street…



Sweet Dreams…

Up NEXT: Our photo Scavenger Hunt finds and our final Day at WDW…
That night was so much fun!! And there wasn't even any alcohol involved like the night before. :laughing:

I could never tour like that with my family - rope drop to park closing two days in a row! :scared1: Really three days in a row if you count waking up at the crack of dawn to get to the airport on our arrival day.

Way back during the pre-trip portion of this report, we asked you for some interesting ideas for a photo scavenger hunt. Here was the final list of our assignments that we posted before the trip:

1. Attraction starting with same letter as name (Jessica)
2. Having a sword fight (Kathy)
3. Finding a CM from same state (Tracy)
4. Picture with DiVine (Anne Marie)
5. Autograph/photo with street performer at DHS (Heidi)
6. Picture of ToT from Epcot (Amy)
7. Mom in an interesting hat or a kimono (Julie)

Some were harder than others, but most of us did pretty well!

Attraction starting with same letter as name (Jessica)
J for Jessica & Jungle Cruise:


Having a sword fight (Kathy)

Finding a CM from same state (Tracy)


Picture with DiVine (Anne Marie)





Autograph/photo with street performer at DHS (Heidi) – Unfortunately we couldn’t find any street performers since we got there later in the day. So this picture will have to do:


And an autograph:

Picture of ToT from Epcot (Amy)
This is what I was supposed to be looking for:

This was my first attempt – it was tough in the dark:

So I gave myself a re-do in March:

I think they moved it??? :rolleyes1

Mom in an interesting hat or a kimono (Julie)


We had a lot of fun completing our tasks! Thanks for playing along!!
I agree with Amy, the photo scavenger hunt WAS fun! I especially enjoyed finding DiVine since I had never seen her before! Hard to believe, but true! She was so graceful and her show so mesmerizing...


Add that experience to having my first DOLE WHIP and that makes two really big items I was able to off my Disney Bucket List on this trip! :thumbsup2

Our night in MK was a blast! I don't know when I've laughed so much.

Here we are doing "I'm a Little Teacup" and the "Hokey Pokey" to keep warm while waiting for the Electrical Parade! (I believe "The Macarena" was in there too somewhere!)


And after the parade, linking arms like schoolgirls and marching our way to Frontierland. (I'm surprised I didn't fall over since I was walking backwards to take these pictures!)



The Jungle Cruise skipper we had was hilarious... and it helped that our boat-mates were into it, too! :laughing:

One story I must tell...

When we went back for our 2nd ride on BTMRR in the dark, one of us opted out... can't remember who, but who could blame her? It was really cold and windy out there in the Wilderness! :cold: Anyway, the line was short because of it so we soon came to the CM directing us to our waiting stalls.

"How many?" the CM asked.

Tracy held up five fingers.

Well, she thought she did.....


LOL!!! Get it... she was wearing MITTENS! Oh my goodness, I laughed so hard I almost peed my pants!!

Thanks to my fabulous Spectrum Mom friends for turning our MK evening into a rollicking good time! :grouphug:

So what is DiVine about and where can you find her?! I hadn't heard about her til I saw your pics tonight
So what is DiVine about and where can you find her?! I hadn't heard about her til I saw your pics tonight

No, kudzu has not taken over Disney's Animal Kingdom® Theme Park. But there is a strange new "vine" that's been transplanted around the park and we have to warn you, it has caught quite a few visitors by surprise. Why? Well, "DiVine" isn't your ordinary run-of-the-mill, ten-foot tall plant. In fact, "DiVine" is really performance artist Priscilla Blight who has brought her expressive talents to Disney's Animal Kingdom® Theme Park for an exclusive engagement after travelling all over the globe. A gifted performer of the "new vaudeville" genre, Priscilla cleverly conceals herself in a towering, hand-made foliage costume. It is only when she moves that guests realize they are not looking at nature but at "DiVine." And that is the message "DiVine" has for us all - really look at nature. Take time to visit soon and look out for "DiVine!"
10:00, 10:50 & 11:40am, 12:30, 1:20 & 2:10pm
(45 minute sets)

We found her on the path leading from Africa to Asia! Try to catch her show; it's amazing!

I love your last few updates!!!!! Awesome - what a fun evening in MK! The glove story on BTMRR was cute! It's called....can the CM guess how many people are REALLY in our party!

Your scavenger hunt idea is GREAT! I love it and I love that you each accomplished your task! So fun!
I'm caught up with your trip report and loving it! I especially enjoyed the Scavenger Hunt. The photos of DiVine (DeVine?) are fantastic!

Okay, how many fingers am I holding up Tracy? So cute!
One story I must tell...

When we went back for our 2nd ride on BTMRR in the dark, one of us opted out... can't remember who, but who could blame her? It was really cold and windy out there in the Wilderness! :cold: Anyway, the line was short because of it so we soon came to the CM directing us to our waiting stalls.

"How many?" the CM asked.

Tracy held up five fingers.

Well, she thought she did.....


LOL!!! Get it... she was wearing MITTENS! Oh my goodness, I laughed so hard I almost peed my pants!!

Thanks to my fabulous Spectrum Mom friends for turning our MK evening into a rollicking good time! :grouphug:


OMG I totally forgot that...yes that was so funny :rotfl2: we had some great laughs I tell you that night...one to go down in the books :thumbsup2
So this brings us to our last day... :sad2:

My memory of the details is pretty fuzzy at this point but I took notes so hopefully you'll get the idea of how my day went. The other moms will chime in about what they did.

I was up around 7am and packed up my things. My plan was to head to Magic Kingdom with Jess, Julie & Anne-Marie but I was running a bit behind them so they headed off without me with the plan that I wouldn't be far behind.

I finished packing up, said good-bye to Tracy & Kathy (though I hoped I run into them at MK). I knew I'd be seeing Heidi since we had plans to eat dinner together at the airport before flying home on the same flight to NH. Finally ready, I took my bags downstairs & did airline check-in & left my carry-ons with bell services. I think I had good bus mojo because in no time I was at Magic Kingdom! I remember texting with Julie, Jess & Anne-Marie, and knew I was right behind them. After making my way through bag check I caught up with the other girls just in time for the opening show!





After “rope drop” we made our way up Main Street in style! We got to ride the trolley!


Then a few castle shots:


We knew we wanted to say good-bye to ToonTown but we had some time to kill first so off to finally ride Winnie the Pooh!

Then IASW:

Then it was time to head to ToonTown to meet some mice (this was a first for me too - not my first time to ToonTown but first time visitng M&M there):




















After meeting Mickey & Minnie, and posing for some pictures with their houses, we jumped on the train (yes, another first for me… at least the first time since I was a little girl):









We took the train over to Frontierland so we could ride BTMRR. But this time it really was a wild ride… we stopped for a few minutes here:




After making it off of Big Thunder Mountain we noticed these characters wandering around:


And realized they were getting ready for a show. We decided to hang out for a few minutes & check it out.





Julie & I got pulled into the show:



I think there was some hokey pokey involved:

Up next, we headed to Adventureland to ride Pirates & bumped into Tracy watching Captain Jack:

We said a quick hello then moved on. I seem to have a gap in pictures at this point, but after Pirates, we rode Jungle Cruise (which wasn’t nearly as good as the previous night) then said good-bye to Jess & Anne-Marie. Julie & I headed to Pecos Bills for some yummy lunch. I know I had a taco salad. And guess who we bumped into? Kathy!! Actually, I believe she texted one of us so we knew to be on the lookout for her.

Up next - the rest of our MK day! Plus the other ladies will chime in with what they were up to. :goodvibes
Great scavenger hunt pictures! I think the Incredibles count as street performers, they are in the parade, right? At least a couple of them! :goodvibes Close enough!

So glad you got to see Toon Town one last time!


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