State a completely random fact about yourself.

My body winds watches - old school analog only last a week before they're dead. I also erase credit card strips - I have to keep them in a special pouch in my purse - if I carry them close to my body the strip demagnetizes. When I was growing up and we had regular tv with rabbit ears, everytime I got close, the screen would turn fuzzy.

Apparently I have some weird magnetic field around me. I looked out up years ago, but a bunch of people were debunking it. All I know is it's been a pain in my hiney for years.

Oh my goodness there is someone like me. Wind up watches go backwards and battery ones just go dead really fast. Anytime I hold anything that has a battery I kill it. No one will let me wear or carry their watches now.

Now as for me I have never drank alcohol, smoked anything, and going into a casino gives me a panic attack. Saves money that's for sure.
My Oral Surgeon said I am more evolved than the average human because I only had 2 wisdom teeth come in instead of 4.

Modern man doesn't need wisdom teeth anymore.
I am double jointed in my knees and I can bend my legs in a way I've never seen another human being be able to do.
Just lie and say you're 90, and everyone will tell you how great you look for your age!! ;)
I've spent the last two days (since my birthday) doing some research. I'm pretty confident that I can sell 45. I'm going to hold at 45 for a few years...
I have a red birthmark that covers about 1/2 of the palm of my left hand (with a tiny bit wrapping around my index finger to the back side). People I have known my whole life still don't realize that I have it and ask me if I burned my hand. I guess people really don't notice the palms of other people's hands ;)

On a more fun note, I am not a pilot but I have piloted both a helicopter and open cockpit biplane (both with instructors right there to take control back if needed). I also have no fear of doing aerobatics in said open cockpit biplane. The pilot told me that I should get my pilots license because I couldn't wipe the grin off my face during that ride :D
Not regular microfiber, like the soft, smooth cloth for cleaning eyeglasses, right.

I know those ones with a "dobby" finish with those little bumps feel unusual. Most polyester microfiber feels almost like silk.

The ones that you use to dust with or to detail your car are the ones I can't stand. They are a weird texture, not silky
I had my tonsils removed at 30 and the doctor told me he was sending
them off to be studied because he had never seen such big ones before.
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The ones that you use to dust with or to detail your car are the ones I can't stand. They are a weird texture, not silky

The best photo I could find was from Amazon.


Microfiber can be almost any synthetic fiber, although typically it's polyester. For clothing it's going to be small solid or hollow fibers. The ones for cleaning use a split fiber that looks kind of odd. Normally synthetics resist picking up stuff, but the extrusion of the fiber makes for this odd shape that traps particles:

The best photo I could find was from Amazon.


Microfiber can be almost any synthetic fiber, although typically it's polyester. For clothing it's going to be small solid or hollow fibers. The ones for cleaning use a split fiber that looks kind of odd. Normally synthetics resist picking up stuff, but the extrusion of the fiber makes for this odd shape that traps particles:


Yep those are the ones! Hate them lol
Since graduation college I've only worked for one company. Been there 16 years.
Same here. 20 years on Easter. I am top 5 seniority of non-management.

Also, we've had State police cadaver dogs search our property for a body shortly after moving in.
I won't eat fruit of any kind. In fact, the thought of even touching a piece grosses me out. Can't even stand the smell of the produce section of the grocery store.

Yet I drink a big glass of OJ every morning.
I played bagpipes all through high school (years 7-12 here). I'm thinking of starting up again actually.
I won't eat fruit of any kind. In fact, the thought of even touching a piece grosses me out. Can't even stand the smell of the produce section of the grocery store.

Yet I drink a big glass of OJ every morning.
I have heard a few times that there is some sort of relationship between fruit and OJ.
Who knows for sure though? Enjoy your morning glass of sunshine! :D
I have heard a few times that there is some sort of relationship between fruit and OJ.
Who knows for sure though? Enjoy your morning glass of sunshine! :D

I'm definitely an odd duck LOL. The aversion to whole fruit is a texture thing for the most part.


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