Strollers at security


Earning My Ears
Mar 31, 2019
Sorry if this has already been asked- I can’t find anything when searching!

This will be our first trip with a toddler so I’m trying to plan as much as possible to make life as easy as we can!

When you go through security, do you need to remove everything from a stroller? We have a clip on stroller organiser with wipes, water bottle etc on the handle. Will this need to come off? What about the ponchos in the stroller basket?

Thanks for your help
Just take everything off, it's faster. The stroller clogs up the security line for yourself and everyone behind you. Strip it down and offload your gear to someone else, then take the stroller through the no bags line. Technically there's no rule that you have to unload everything, but if you're loaded up they're going to need to search through your piles of crap. (As the father of three, I don't say this to be disparaging. I too travel with piles of crap.) Ponchos in the basket are the worst offender because they're bulky for the security guards to dig through and they have to squat down to do it.

Better yet, don't load the stroller up in the first place until you're through security. That way it's more compact and easier to manage through buses, cars, trams, etc.
They will do a quick check, just don't bunch things up to where you can't easily see what you have
We go through with a stroller all the time. There’s a separate line for strollers. They show you where to park and then ask to put down the canopy and show them that there’s no bags underneath. Any bags have to go through the screening separately so my husband always carries the diaper bag first. Then we clip it back on the stroller. We have an organizer that’s attached to the handles and that stays on the stroller, but sometimes security asks me to unzip it or they feel it to make sure there’s nothing inside. So far my toddler has stayed in the stroller the whole time, but I’m not sure if they’ll ask him to walk through as he gets older.
Sorry if this has already been asked- I can’t find anything when searching!

This will be our first trip with a toddler so I’m trying to plan as much as possible to make life as easy as we can!

When you go through security, do you need to remove everything from a stroller? We have a clip on stroller organiser with wipes, water bottle etc on the handle. Will this need to come off? What about the ponchos in the stroller basket?

Thanks for your help
We go through with a wheelchair in the stroller/wheelchair line all the time.

If your stroller organizer pops on/off easily, I'd pop it off and carry it through the scanner separately.

If the ponchos are easily searched I would think you can leave them in.
Another tip I learned...I kept getting flagged for a manual bag check and they finally told me it was the handheld fans that were battery operated. From them on I had them in my hands outside the bag and that was much faster, no manual bag check!
If it’s the thing that goes across the top of the handles with two places for drinks and maybe a tiny zippered pouch in the middle, no, we never remove that. If it’s a big thing that hangs down the back of the stroller and Carrie’s a ton of stuff then yes.
You don’t have to take everything off, but they do want to see the contents of the bottom basket/storage, so we typically only put like a sweater or water bottle or something light there. organizers/caddies strapped to the stroller can stay on it (some check the zippered compartments, some don’t). Any bags hanging on to the stroller has to be brought with you through security.
Just got back and yes there is a separate stroller line and they do want the bottom visible so i would have to remove plastic bags and what not but it was very easy and quick.


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