*Surprise* Trick a Treaters INSIDE the house!


<font color=purple>Caused the first ever Tag Fairy
Jan 26, 2004
DH and I had gone out for dinner. A nurse was left to care for my mom (yes she lives with us and has round the clock nurses). Anyway, the first shift nurse came and brought her children in their costumes for mom to see. Apparently, as they were leaving, the second shift nurse left the door unlocked for DH and me to return shortly. She and mom...in a room a good distance from the front door, are talking when they hear ""Twick-a- tweet" from 2 small children they'd never laid eyes on before. Apparently they saw the first shift nurse's children leaving with candy and decided to walk in and find some for themselves. An incident that could have gone soooo wrong but turned out to be funny this time.
In general, I will say I am shocked by the boldness of trick or treaters. Even kids who are old enough to know better. Many kids tonight crossed the threshold of my front door and put their hand in the candy bowl and told us what they wanted. One reached in and took handfuls....my husband made him give some back.

Really we are not crabby, and give out very generous portions, but really?

And what happened to saying trick or treat?
DH and I had gone out for dinner. A nurse was left to care for my mom (yes she lives with us and has round the clock nurses). Anyway, the first shift nurse came and brought her children in their costumes for mom to see. Apparently, as they were leaving, the second shift nurse left the door unlocked for DH and me to return shortly. She and mom...in a room a good distance from the front door, are talking when they hear ""Twick-a- tweet" from 2 small children they'd never laid eyes on before. Apparently they saw the first shift nurse's children leaving with candy and decided to walk in and find some for themselves. An incident that could have gone soooo wrong but turned out to be funny this time.
Lol...i think you left out an "f".
Glad it all worked out and turned out funny instead of scary.

(I bet you had a typo in the bleeped out word. It's only showing four asterisks. I bet you missed the "f" in "shift".)
In general, I will say I am shocked by the boldness of trick or treaters. Even kids who are old enough to know better. Many kids tonight crossed the threshold of my front door and put their hand in the candy bowl and told us what they wanted. One reached in and took handfuls....my husband made him give some back.

Really we are not crabby, and give out very generous portions, but really?

And what happened to saying trick or treat?

I know what you mean. We didn't have a lot of trick-or-treaters, and the majority were adorable, and said trick or treat and thank you, and loved what candy they got. But one group of little boys - I'd guess they were 5 years old- tried to grab the candy out of my hands as I was giving it out, then they told me I had a big butt. That was fun.
I guess you're going to have to keep the candy well in the house and just bring it by hand to the door now. Wow.
Oh my. I'm glad it turned out okay but how scary for a second I'm sure! Where were the parents???

Oh no. As I parent I would be MORTIFIED if my kid did that. Trick or treating would be over.

Sadly, mom and dad with them probably didn't hear them - they were standing at the bottom of the driveway.
We had the same thing happen to us. We live in a neighborhood out in the country so we get truckloads of kids not from our neighborhood. I had the candy bowl I was using then a backup bowl on a table. Our Yorkie was in costume and greeting everyone, she was being really well behaved but I still had to have an eye on her. A group came to the door with 2 or 3 parents, "supervising", one kid almost as big as me but probably only 7 or 8 just barreled into our hallway and was taking handfuls out of the spare bowl. I was trying to give candy to the other kids and keep an eye on the dog and finally one of the parents (who was in full costume including a clown mask, I couldn't help thinking they were casing the place) told the kid it was rude to go into other people's houses. We had a number of kids step over the threshold tonight, so many in fact that DH decided to stand at the end of the hallway sort of looking mean to discourage them. Even growing up in a small town in Georgia in 60s where everyone knew everyone and you actually got candy apples and popcorn balls and it was ok. to eat them, we didn't go into the houses. We've always been a little afraid of opening the door and have considered sitting on the porch since you can see all the way into our house and have a great view of our big screen TV.
Just got home from my parents house with our kids. They live in a huge neighborhood & lots of kids. Many get brought in to trick or treat because it's a huge neighborhood. I always pass out the candy and my dad and husband take the kids around. We had infants right thru young adults trick or treating. Lots of fun! Most (almost all) were polite, chatty and happy :) Halloween is truly one of my favorite nights of the year.
Whatever happened to saying "Trick or Treat"? I had lots of kids just hold open their bags & stare at me.

Also, I was giving out 2 pieces of candy - a Twix & another piece of candy from an assorted bag. 2 girls came to the door, & I handed the first girl a Twix & fun-size bag of M & M's. On top of the candy was a ring pop, & she said (after I had already given her candy), "Ooh.. a ring pop!" I gave her sister a Twix & something else (a Fun Dip maybe?), & she said, "But I want the ring pop!" And I replied, "Well, I only have 1 left" (since I knew that her sister also had wanted the ring pop). And so the little girl just said, "So?" & grabbed the ring pop out of the candy bowl - after I had already given her the Twix & another piece of candy.

And, w/o missing a beat, the other little girl said, "That's okay!" & just reached into the bowl & grabbed something else.

Alrighty then!

Oh, & we had one Darth Vader come by twice.
Wow! I had one try to open the door and come right in, but fortunately, it was locked. Some of these stories are pretty crazy. I think I was lucky tonight. We had about 20 trick or treaters, and they were all very sweet and polite.
I was just coming to post how bold some of the kids at my house have been. I'm holding a cauldron filled with candy and several kids have stuck their hand in and grabbed more after I've given them their pieces. I always expect a few kids out of the 200 or so we get to complain about what I have or ask for more, but about 1/4 to 1/3 have just grabbed right at the pot that I'm deliberately NOT holding out towards them. Even yesterday I was talking to someone who buys a bag of candy because they said some kids always knock, even with the lights out. Someone else was telling us it's reenforcing bad behavior. I think if their parents aren't monitoring that their kids are taking candy from strangers in dark houses then that's a parent issue, not an issue for the stranger with candy.
I had a trick-or-treater come right into the house tonight. Someone's cute little dog came bounding in and took a tour of the living room. The owner was mortified. I thought it was adorable. He was wearing his Superman costume. Fortunately, I had a bag of dog treats on hand and Rocky was willing to leave with a treat. All of the kids tonight were polite. It was a range of just barely walking to early teens. No one took more than their share. No one complained about their treats. I usually see 75 - 100 kids but this year I had 175. It was a blast.
I had a trick-or-treater come right into the house tonight. Someone's cute little dog came bounding in and took a tour of the living room. The owner was mortified. I thought it was adorable. He was wearing his Superman costume. Fortunately, I had a bag of dog treats on hand and Rocky was willing to leave with a treat. All of the kids tonight were polite. It was a range of just barely walking to early teens. No one took more than their share. No one complained about their treats. I usually see 75 - 100 kids but this year I had 175. It was a blast.

I'd have loved this. paw:
I only had one little girl come in. I had a table beside the door with my bowls of candy and plastic rings. I asked her if she wanted a ring and she came right in to make her choice. Then a few minutes later she was back with her Dad - he was a little embarassed and said "she REALLY wants me to have a ring too" so I opened the door and she came in again to make her choice. She was sooo cute - I didn't mind at all. Most of my 162 trick or treaters were polite. At least to me. I had several groups of little kids that were shoving each other. Lots of older trickortreaters but they were all in costume and all polite and said thank you.
I had one funny incident, I bought enough candy for 300 kids. I had an assortment of cans of pop (which was evidently really popular as that went first), juice boxes for the little ones, suckers, sour war heads candy, sweet chilli heat Doritos. I ended up getting about 275 kids and at the end all I had left was the Doritos. One girl aged about 10 said in a sarcastic tone "spicy Doritos, yum" followed with "don't you any other favours". Sorry but when you come after 8 pm you get what's left!
OP, that's s hoot! Kids don't know boundaries at all when there's candy involved. Glad it turned out as a funny story.


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