Survivor 30 **Feb 25th**Cast link added

I pretty much always watch the reunion show, but I had to FF through most of the Dan segment & half the Will segment. No interest in all that drama after it's all over, Jeff.

Glad to see a non-beach for next season, still wish it was somewhere cold though LOL
Yay Mike!

I'm thrilled for all the second chancers except "Kimmy" Kappenberg. I hated her when we were in college together, I hated her in Australia, and I'll rejoice when she gets voted out this coming season.
I was scared too that Carolyn would win (which wouldn't have been awful since she played a decent game too). But, I LOVED how delusional Rodney was. LOL. How can someone be THAT blind to how they were perceived.

Mike did a great job and deserved to win. Glad that he did.
I'm really glad that people got called out for their behavior at the finale. I liked how the blonde (can't remember her name) called the jury members a bunch of bitter people and reminded them it was about the game. I think she single handedly shifted the vote, rightfully, in Mike's favor. I like how Mike apologized to Dan for the auction, and I LOVED how Dan got called out for his awful attitude throughout. I also believe Will never apologized at Ponderosa to Shirin.
Dan is a jerk- but that other lady, what is her name serine or something, she REALLY should get some major therapy, she really needs it.

Did anyone else notice how Will was blaming Sharin for HIM not apologizing. I agree with her. He meant what he said. He didn't care that it hurt her and he's only trying to make up for it now they he looked like a big jerk. Let's roll the tape Jeff.

Seems to me that she has her own agenda and is playing this up to benefit herself. She was never going to accept his apology and now we have to watch her again.
So glad Mike won. I thought he made a "million dollar mistake" taking Carolyn but I agree I think Jenn's speech may have helped. I would have liked to see him next season too. I liked Shirin's speech about Will being a "dead fish" I recognized/remembered more of the past players last night. When I looked online I couldn't remember who most of them were. Should be an interesting season.
Overjoyed at the outcome! I love Mike - seems like a very good, genuine person and he played the game SO smart! Bummed that he will not be on next season..

I love Shirin, too, so glad to see her back! And Keith!!!!!

Thrilled to see Dan put in his place...what an ***.
While I agree that as of late she's been a bit over the top with her family history, she grew on me. And she definitely did NOT deserve to be treated so poorly by the other contestants. There's no need to be cruel. It's a game. And I think she would accept his apology...she just wants it to be sincere and to me, it did not appear to be so.
While I agree that as of late she's been a bit over the top with her family history, she grew on me. And she definitely did NOT deserve to be treated so poorly by the other contestants. There's no need to be cruel. It's a game. And I think she would accept his apology...she just wants it to be sincere and to me, it did not appear to be so.
::yes:: I know that she got on other people's nerves with all of her talking but she never deserved to be attacked personally by Will. It would have been nice to see the clip where she got the blame for saying that Will didn't share all of his treats. Wasn't it someone else that actually started the rumor and Shirin got caught up in the backlash?
:yay: for Mike. Glad that it turned out that the truly deserving one won.
Loved Jenn's speech!

I didn't watch the reunion show.
Is there a list of the people playing next season listed somewhere?
Will was a lazy slug who portrayed himself as a kindhearted, loveable guy, but who was, IMHO, a bully. He picked the most isolated and emotionally vulnerable member, whom he thought NO ONE would defend (didn't count on Mike) and went after her full force. Horrible behavior. Despicable. He only halfway "apologized" when he saw that the public saw him as a bully. True colors, folks.

If Will was the parasite, Rodney was the marginally more worthy host. And my marginally, I mean perhaps .000001%. If Will was the dead fish......and he was....Rodney was the fish on his last obnoxious breath. How delusional was that fool? Was he truly THAT stupid? As a Texan who has been watching the nonstop flow of people flooding into Texas from both the US and other countries for at least 35 years now, I had to laugh every time he said, "Who even wants to LIVE in Texas?" I guess Rodney doesn't watch the news much. I get the feeling that he thinks wherever HE lives is the center of the universe. The ONLY person who made Rodney look good was Will.

Dan. Boy, I hated that blowhard. I told DH that I think Dan, Will and Rodney all look down on women but don't have a clue that they do. They would tell you the women in their lives are the best, but the truth is, men rule in their world. Dan thought he was smart and eloquent and instead, he was rude and condescending. He hated Mike and let it consume him.

If those three were on a deserted island, Will and Rodney would be too lazy to do anything but starve to death and Dan would live off their carcasses, telling the rescuers that his buddies begged him to cannibalize them, and live on to tell their amazing story of friendship to the world.
Will was a lazy slug who portrayed himself as a kindhearted, loveable guy, but who was, IMHO, a bully. He picked the most isolated and emotionally vulnerable member, whom he thought NO ONE would defend (didn't count on Mike) and went after her full force. Horrible behavior. Despicable. He only halfway "apologized" when he saw that the public saw him as a bully. True colors, folks.

If Will was the parasite, Rodney was the marginally more worthy host. And my marginally, I mean perhaps .000001%. If Will was the dead fish......and he was....Rodney was the fish on his last obnoxious breath. How delusional was that fool? Was he truly THAT stupid? As a Texan who has been watching the nonstop flow of people flooding into Texas from both the US and other countries for at least 35 years now, I had to laugh every time he said, "Who even wants to LIVE in Texas?" I guess Rodney doesn't watch the news much. I get the feeling that he thinks wherever HE lives is the center of the universe. The ONLY person who made Rodney look good was Will.

Dan. Boy, I hated that blowhard. I told DH that I think Dan, Will and Rodney all look down on women but don't have a clue that they do. They would tell you the women in their lives are the best, but the truth is, men rule in their world. Dan thought he was smart and eloquent and instead, he was rude and condescending. He hated Mike and let it consume him.

If those three were on a deserted island, Will and Rodney would be too lazy to do anything but starve to death and Dan would live off their carcasses, telling the rescuers that his buddies begged him to cannibalize them, and live on to tell their amazing story of friendship to the world.

I agree with almost all of what you said but I won't label Will a bully based on one incident.


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