Survivor 30 **Feb 25th**Cast link added

Ok this is driving me crazy. I think it's Jen - wears a red bikini. Has a big dark colored streak on her bikini bottoms in her crotch area. Can she not wash her suit. Seriously it's just really grossing me out :crazy2:
Ewwww, I had NOT noticed that, but it'll be impossible not to notice now :(
I don't think I've noticed the stain on Jen's bikini bottoms because I'm too distracted by the fact that the bikini top supports absolutely nothing and doesn't cover her adequately. Looks like things are going to fall out any minute. One of the things that bothers me most about Survivor is the fact that they all claim to watch it regularly but don't seem to ever be fully prepared for actually participating, which extends to their wardrobe choices. A bikini or any other type of swimsuit that you're popping out of just doesn't seem practical for extreme physical activity, but it seems to be a popular choice for ladies of all ages and body types. Same with ill-fitting underwear for the men, who parade around in it proudly. Then they all lose weight and things are falling off of them. I wonder sometimes if they're told to dress the way they do, because it can't be comfortable.
I don't think I've noticed the stain on Jen's bikini bottoms because I'm too distracted by the fact that the bikini top supports absolutely nothing and doesn't cover her adequately. Looks like things are going to fall out any minute. One of the things that bothers me most about Survivor is the fact that they all claim to watch it regularly but don't seem to ever be fully prepared for actually participating, which extends to their wardrobe choices. A bikini or any other type of swimsuit that you're popping out of just doesn't seem practical for extreme physical activity, but it seems to be a popular choice for ladies of all ages and body types. Same with ill-fitting underwear for the men, who parade around in it proudly. Then they all lose weight and things are falling off of them. I wonder sometimes if they're told to dress the way they do, because it can't be comfortable.

I think I remember reading an interview with a past contestant. They are told what to pack and then the producers (or something like that) pick what gets packed for the island. I don't think they care about comfort or support. LOL
I always like when they show someone who thinks they have the game under their control only to be blindsided. I wish they would have gotten rid of Rodney also as he is sooo annoying. I'm looking forward to seeing him back at camp after tribal. I wonder why they decided to keep him instead. It seems like Joaquin caused less drama and was more likable.
I always like when they show someone who thinks they have the game under their control only to be blindsided. I wish they would have gotten rid of Rodney also as he is sooo annoying. I'm looking forward to seeing him back at camp after tribal. I wonder why they decided to keep him instead. It seems like Joaquin caused less drama and was more likable.

I think Joaquin was the brains of the duo.
I always like when they show someone who thinks they have the game under their control only to be blindsided. I wish they would have gotten rid of Rodney also as he is sooo annoying. I'm looking forward to seeing him back at camp after tribal. I wonder why they decided to keep him instead. It seems like Joaquin caused less drama and was more likable.

I wish they would have gotten rid of Rodney too!
Finally able to watch it.
I was laughing away watching Rodney's head swivel back and forth. Hilarious!
Didn't he look at one point like he wanted to say, "Uh, Jeff? I think there was a mistake, 'cause my bromance was supposed to last all the way to the end."

But it was a smart move to get rid of Joaquin and not Rodney.
Joaquin was definitely a much bigger threat.
I also was laughing hysterically at Rodney at tribal. He looked like a lizard with his eyes bugging out and the way he kept swiveling his head.

I also would have liked to see Rodney go....but Rodney is predictable and not very bright, so I think they all figured there was a chance to keep him around. At the very least, he is great cannon fodder at a merge. Juaquin was more likeable, and had Tyler in his back pocket, plus was a strong physical threat and had more brains as well, so definitely a bigger threat to keep around.
Dale said that he was told to send in several articles of clothing - I think about 12 different shirt/shorts combinations. For his season he was told to have orange shirts. The producers pick what they will wear.
I hate their new tribal name!I hate when people think it's cute to call America, merica.

Can I mention how much I don't like Jenn LOL
I hate when they throw the challenge.
Ordinarily, I'd agree. But what I hate MORE is when they mix up the tribes. If part of your alliance is in a bad spot on the other tribe & you have the numbers, throwing the challenge makes sense.
Jennifer & company were pretty smug after that idol play considering they are still down 6-5.
Last night's show was so good. I just love it when plans go awry. First they can't vote out Joe because he gets immunity and then they don't get Jenn out because she plays an idol. Love it.

I also realized last night that I am not pulling for anyone in particular, which is strange this late in the game for me.

It should have been Murica anyway....that's how we've seen it written and how it sounds. And yes, worst tribe name ever....even worse than the one that was named after someone's mother or pet (what was it?) without the rest of the tribe knowing.
While I agree that Jenn & Co were pretty smug after the idol last night, I think that I am pulling for that group the most. I can't stand any of the blue collars.

I actually really like Jenn. I think she is playing a really good game both physically and mentally. Plus she does seem to be a pretty nice person and really wanted to help the people that have gotten injured with the sting rays. I didn't really care for any of the no collars at the beginning, but they are all growing on me except Will.. I hope they can figure something out to get numbers.
It should have been Murica anyway....that's how we've seen it written and how it sounds. And yes, worst tribe name ever....even worse than the one that was named after someone's mother or pet (what was it?) without the rest of the tribe knowing.

Wasn't it Boston Rob who convinced them to use some made up name for his daughters stuffed animal or something like that?

ETA...looked it up:
"You had to laugh when Boston Rob made up a phony Spanish word to serve as the name of the new tribe: “Murlonio.” He told his tribemates it meant “from the sea united,” and they bought his story -- hook, line and sinker. (The word was actually a goofy code word between him and his wife, Amber, something to describe Amber’s big collection of stuffed animals at home.)"
While I agree that Jenn & Co were pretty smug after the idol last night, I think that I am pulling for that group the most. I can't stand any of the blue collars.

I actually really like Jenn. I think she is playing a really good game both physically and mentally. Plus she does seem to be a pretty nice person and really wanted to help the people that have gotten injured with the sting rays. I didn't really care for any of the no collars at the beginning, but they are all growing on me except Will.. I hope they can figure something out to get numbers.
The no callers are definitely the most likeable aside from Will & 2 wackos they sent packing. And yes, smug or not, I did really enjoy how that played out last night. :) I'm also struggling to find that one person to root for.
While I agree that Jenn & Co were pretty smug after the idol last night, I think that I am pulling for that group the most. I can't stand any of the blue collars.

I actually really like Jenn. I think she is playing a really good game both physically and mentally. Plus she does seem to be a pretty nice person and really wanted to help the people that have gotten injured with the sting rays. I didn't really care for any of the no collars at the beginning, but they are all growing on me except Will.. I hope they can figure something out to get numbers.

I'm kind of pulling for that group too mostly Jenn I guess. Hopefully they can bring in Tyler and Carolyn and start picking off the blues.


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