Susan's Quest for Good Health After a Celiac Diagnosis (comments greatly appreciated)

larry's girl

Dead last finish is better than did not finish, wh
Dec 12, 2003
I guess I should introduce myself first. My name is Susan. I am 42 years old, married for 23 ½ years to the love of my life – we have one daughter who is 19. They are the heartbeat of my world and I try very hard to be the best wife and mother I can possibly be for them, but I have come to a point in my life where I must focus on my needs and listen to myself a bit more to figure out what will help me to become a healthier person and what won’t. This journal will be where I record my food choices, my exercise efforts, my attitudes (positive and negative), my triumphs, my failures, and anything else that I feel the need to type out so that I can understand my journey towards good health more fully. I am sure this initial post will be a VERY LONG one, so feel free to bow out now if you don’t want to spend a ton of time reading it – I completely understand.

I think I will start with a short chronicle of my life’s challenges up to this point, beginning with my mother’s death when I was 3 years old and ending with how my medical diagnosis this year has provided me with a new beginning. After my mother died (she had pancreatic cancer and died one month shy of her 28th birthday), my grandparents cared for me while my father worked. I come from a long line of wonderful Southern cooks, and I learned very early that eating foods that I liked made me feel better when I was sad, frustrated or just generally out of sorts. I also learned that lots of the fun events in life (like family gatherings) involved mountains of food, and so food became a friend of mine from childhood on. When I was 7, my father remarried and I had to get used to a new mom and a new schedule. We all had some adjusting to do, and I would “escape” to my grandparents whenever I could and eat whatever I wanted for the time I was there. I truly viewed food not just as sustenance, but as love and comfort when things were tough. When I was in high school, my sister and brother were born and I learned all about how to care for babies! (In fact, my sister is the one who encouraged me to check out the WISH board and use the inspiration and encouragement here to muster up the courage to try this weight loss thing again. Her username on the boards is postesf – hi, sweetie!)

Moving into adolescence, I began to see that I was heavier than the accepted “norm” and began to try every diet known to man – chemical combination diets, Slim Fast, the Cambridge diet, eating nothing but Lean Cuisines and apples – you name it, I did it (or so it seemed). I would always lose weight, but was never able to keep it off for any length of time. When I was 18, someone who had been a friend of mine for many years expressed an interest in being more than friends and, lo and behold, I was married a year later to a man who made it clear that he did not find “skinny” women attractive at all and preferred someone with “meat on her bones.” Boy, I knew he was a good guy to be around!! Anyway, we began our life together and, four years later, we had a new baby. This was a miracle in and of itself, because I had struggled with hormonal imbalance issues since puberty (I was diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome at age 18) and had to have medical help to get pregnant (I mention this because it will be significant in my story later). During our daughter’s early childhood, my husband began to have significant medical problems (which I will not go into here) and I noticed that I was having episodes of considerable muscle aching, terrible fatigue and just generally feeling unwell. This would go on for a few days and then disappear, only to reoccur a few weeks later. At first I thought it was just the stress of raising a child, caring for a very sick spouse and life in general, but after some detective work on my part, I decided that it was time to see a rheumatologist since I suspected I did indeed have a medical problem – and I was right! I had fibromyalgia. I was 27 years old when I received this diagnosis, and in the beginning it wasn’t really a huge deal because I only felt really bad sporadically. There wasn’t anything specific that could be done at the time, just medication for the pain and extra rest for the fatigue. The problem was that as I got older, my fibromyalgia symptoms got worse – and worse – and worse. The flares became more and more frequent over time, and eventually I began to see that fibromyalgia was taking over my life.

By this time, we had moved from Raleigh, North Carolina to Atlanta, Georgia so that I could work nights while my husband worked days. (He had recovered enough of his health to be able to work again by this point.) We did this so that I could be home with our daughter during school breaks and over the summer, and eventually we decided to home school her. I worked nights for nine years (up until this past March) and as the years went by, it got more and more difficult to sleep – and when I did sleep, I wasn’t getting any benefit from it so I woke up just as tired as I was when I went to sleep. My weight continued to climb, despite multiple attempts at Weight Watchers and dieting on my own. The only thing that stopped me from trying programs such as Jenny Craig or Nutrisystem was that they were too expensive to fit into the budget. In the past two years, I have been diagnosed with sleep apnea (I use a CPAP machine), type II diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Last year I had trouble fitting into the seat on Expedition Everest – I managed it, but it was a near thing – and I was horrified that I might not be able to ride anything I wished at my beloved WDW. So I joined an organization called TOPS (which stands for Take Off Pounds Sensibly). They are similar to Weight Watchers, except that they are nonprofit and therefore the meetings are much cheaper. I loved TOPS and did very well there, losing 40 pounds in about six months. I felt like I had finally found the answer – and then I had a MAJOR fibromyalgia flare, the worst one of my life. I was so sick there was no way I could make the TOPS meetings on a regular basis, much less shop and cook healthy foods (so of course I gained back all that 40 pounds I lost). I was barely able to put one foot in front of another and feared being unable to continue doing my job (and since I carry all our health benefits, that would have been catastrophic). I knew I needed help, but didn’t know where to turn to get it because I had already exhausted everything traditional M.D.’s had to offer. I was at the point of giving up, but my DH wouldn’t let me. He was determined that he would find someone who could help me feel better – and he did.

In January of this year, I became a patient at a medical practice that integrates traditional medicine with naturopathic medicine, nutritional therapy, Chinese medicine, behavioral modification, etc. and they specialize in chronic illness. My DH saw an advertisement for them and insisted that I schedule an appointment – he even went with me to the first visit. I had extensive blood work done there and they discovered that I had a list of severe nutritional deficiencies a mile long. I began a regimen of I.V. infusions with vitamins, minerals, enzymes and amino acids, as well as lots of supplements in capsule and powder form. I was found to have several food allergies, and modified my diet to avoid those foods. I was also instructed to stop working nights and go to a “normal” daytime schedule because third shift work is so terribly hard on a healthy person’s body, much less someone like me who has such severe health issues. I was fortunate enough to be able to switch to a daytime position at my place of employment and reestablished a normal sleep pattern within a few weeks.

After making all of these changes, I went back to see the M.D. at the integrated practice and she asked me if my fibromyalgia symptoms had improved at all. I told her that my pain level was much better, but that I was still extremely exhausted all the time. She asked me a few questions, including whether I had difficulty getting pregnant with my daughter (which I thought was odd at the time). She said that she thought she knew what the basic cause of all my health problems was. Turns out, I have something called celiac disease. I had never heard of celiac disease and was immediately alarmed at what it entailed and how serious it was. She reassured me, explaining that celiac disease is a genetic illness that you have from birth. Your body does not have the ability to digest the gluten (or protein) in wheat, barley or rye (or oats unless you get special gluten-free oats, because practically all oats in this country are contaminated with wheat during processing). When you eat it (and we eat a lot of wheat in the U.S.), you are trying to digest something that your body does not have the ability to handle, and therefore (over time) your digestive system becomes less and less able to function, until it pretty much stops. PLUS everything that you have eaten has turned into toxins in your body – you are literally being poisoned from the inside out – and that is where the health problems begin. As she went on to explain, polycystic ovarian syndrome, fibromyalgia and type II diabetes are all autoimmune disorders – my body was turning on itself because it was being bombarded with toxic substances all day long, every day, for years – and these are common health problems in patients with celiac disease. On top of that, the food that you eat can’t be utilized because your digestive system has pretty much stopped functioning, so you don’t absorb any of the nutrients you eat and you don’t get any energy from the food – thus the pain and exhaustion. She told me that for many years, it was thought that the only presentation of celiac disease was in people who are emaciated with large stomachs (sort of like the pictures of malnourished children we have all seen). But it has been discovered in recent years that there are variants of celiac disease, one of which is that you have the same nutritional deficiencies and digestive tract damage, but most of what you eat turns to fat. And all of a sudden, a lightbulb went on in my head. THAT’S why it is so hard for me to lose weight. Of course, I learned that this doesn’t mean I can’t lose weight, just that it is much harder for me than it is for the “average” person. And since it is hard enough for the “average” person (if there is such a thing), it is difficult indeed for me. At the end of that visit, the M.D. gave me information on how to get gene testing done (for a definitive diagnosis) and said that we would move forward once the results from that were back.

So I had the tests done and researched celiac disease on the internet while I waited for the results. And when they came back, sure enough, I had a severe case of celiac disease – and since it’s genetic, my daughter had to be tested, too. When her test came back, she also had a severe case of celiac. Since there is no cure for this, the only way to treat it is to adhere to a gluten-free diet, and we knew that we would both have no choice but to learn to eat a brand new way. It became evident quickly that it was important to do so, not only for our health now, but also because if celiac remains undetected or is ignored, it causes severe damage in the digestive tract – sometimes resulting in cancer or other potentially terminal illnesses. This was scary stuff, but I was just grateful that I finally had an answer and it was something I could DO something about. We also learned that it takes about 1 ½ to 2 years for the damage from celiac disease to heal once a person begins a gluten-free diet, so we knew it would take some time for our systems to recover from the years of damage we had unknowingly been inflicting on ourselves.

So, for the past six months, my daughter and I have been concentrating on learning to eat gluten-free. That means we have had to replace or eliminate things like pasta, bread, crackers, pizza, cake, pie (because of the crust), cookies, anything with malt (which is made from barley), anything with MSG (which has gluten in it), and so on. It makes grocery shopping an adventure, because you have to read the ingredients list for everything that you buy to make sure you don’t end up eating something you shouldn’t. If we do accidentally eat a gluten-containing food (or even food that has been prepared on the same surface as food containing gluten without proper cleaning in between), we will become very ill within about six hours, with severe nausea, diarrhea, vomiting and feeling like we’ve been hit by a truck – not fun and one big reason why we try hard to make sure we don’t eat gluten or gluten-contaminated food EVER!! There are some gluten-free products available at health food stores and some grocery stores, whether packaged or in mixes, and we have learned to use those when we need to substitute. They cost a little more than the regular stuff, but we are just glad to be able to find gluten-free products if we need them.

So that’s where I am today. Only here’s the problem – I am 5’4” tall and weigh 326 pounds (as a comparison, I weighed 145 pounds when I got married and the insurance charts say I should weigh 130 pounds). I am so big now that I can’t bend down to put on socks or tie my shoes. I can’t fit in a normal chair with arms – even if I can get myself into it, it is so uncomfortable that I can’t sit there for long. Seats in the movie theater are almost impossible for me to sit in now. I started riding the bus to work about two months ago, and that has been a rude awakening as to how big I have become (as if I needed one). I have to sit in the seats at the front of the bus that are three across because they are the only ones big enough for me (they are supposed to be reserved for disabled riders, but we don’t have any of those on the bus when I am riding in to work, so I can sit there). If the only empty seat is between two people, I can’t sit in it because I will crowd them so much that we are all uncomfortable (and when I did this anyway because I needed to get home, I was told in a loud and rude manner how much room I was taking up – I won’t be repeating that experience because it was terribly humiliating). I have trouble moving around – I waddle when I walk because I am so fat. In short, I am miserable and very frightened that if I don’t find a way to stop this weight gain, I won’t be able to function in society at all before much more time goes by and I will be housebound. I have considered surgical options, but find I don’t have what it takes to submit to a surgical procedure – in truth, the idea of surgery scares me more than the weight does. So I have to find another path that will work for me. Since I started riding the bus back and forth to work, I can’t get to the TOPS meetings any more – they start too early and there aren’t any other meetings that start later in my area, so I have to do something else.

I admit I was reluctant to even start down this road one more time, even though I know it is imperative that I do. I wasn’t sure I had it in me to try again. After losing and gaining weight so many times, I just wasn’t sure I could deal with the whole process again – but my sister convinced me I could do it. She was so enthusiastic about the great people here on this board and how much they had helped her (she is training for the 5K marathon at Disney in January) and she was sure that I could make this work with your help. So, here’s what I have decided to do:

1. I joined on Friday because they have a wheat-free eating plan that I think will work well for me. They provide menus and shopping lists, as well as exercise plans, and other e-tools to track your progress. I am looking forward to exploring how their system works. I have also bought extra measuring cups and spoons this weekend so that I can measure out food portions correctly.

2. Starting tomorrow morning, I am going to prepare my meals and clothes the night before so that I can get up at 4:45 a.m. to get on the first bus out (at 5:30 a.m.). This will put me at work by 6:45 and I can work out in the gym we have here for about 45 minutes, shower and dress and eat a quick breakfast before work. I am planning to alternate between walking on the treadmill and lifting small hand weights (ediets has a virtual trainer to show you how to lift correctly, which I will watch first). I will start out slowly and then gradually increase the intensity of my lifting and my walks (hopefully).

3. The naturopathic doctor at the practice where I am now a patient told me that we should each drink half of our body weight in ounces of water each day. So that means the bigger you are, the more water you need. In my case, that is 163 ounces of water a day. I am going to make it my goal to drink that much every day (and hopefully adjust accordingly as my weight goes down).

4. I did not have a scale, so I bought a digital one online that arrived last week. I will weigh in once a week (which is required on ediets anyway). I will also measure myself in a few key places so that I can track inches lost as well as pounds.

5. I am going to remember that weight loss will more than likely be AGONIZINGLY slow for me, and that it’s okay to go slow – just as long as the numbers go DOWN slowly instead of UP.

6. I am going to join every thread I have seen here on WISH that speaks to me, hoping to receive encouragement, support and inspiration from others and give some back as well.

7. I am going to use this journal as a tool to help me figure out myself and how I can successfully fight back against this monstrous amount of weight that I carry around every day. I am tired of it. I am ready to get rid of it. I am not looking for perfection, I just want to feel better and be able to move around and sit in a chair like a normal person without it being such an effort. PLEASE HELP ME HELP MYSELF!!!

To those of you who have read all of this (I truly didn’t mean to write a book, it just came out that way), thank you SO MUCH for your time. Your comments and suggestions are more than welcome – I will treasure each and every post that anyone chooses to make to my journal because I know that it means you care enough to take the time to offer your compassion and kindness to someone else who desperately needs it. Thank you again – I hope each of you has a lovely day! :flower3:
Hi Susan! :hug:

Thank you for sharing your journey here! I think your plan sounds absolutely perfect and I give you so much credit for getting up early to exercise! Just putting it down on paper makes a big see that it's manageable and that you are absolutely capable of making those changes! :goodvibes

I wish you the very best of luck as you continue to get healthy! Your story is very inspiring and I can't wait to see your success, because I really think your goals are realistic and totally attainable :thumbsup2 .
Best of luck to you!

I understand your reluctance to try one more time. I gained approximately 90 pounds when I was pregnant with my daughter in '95. I think I tried WW 3 times, Atkins once or twice and I'm sure one or two other diets with some success but in the end would gain back the little I lost. It was discouraging. When I joined WW in January '06, for the 4th time in 11 years, I remember crying to my husband one day. I asked him if he, in his mind, thought I was just going to quit again because I was afraid I wasn't going to be able to do it. I had a minimum of 99 pounds to lose at that time. The doctor's told me that actually what WW wanted me to reach wasn't enough. For my age they wanted me to lose about 110 pounds. It seemed huge and I felt there was no way I could do it. I was 5' 6-1/2" and I weighed 261.5. He said the 160 pound range for my weight was based on women 48 years and above...I was 38 at the time.

But I did and you can too. I now maintain a 118-120 pounds lost. I generally weigh in at around 142-143 and I still calculate my points daily even in maintenance.

Here is something that I did that kept me might want to consider it. Set up a system of small rewards. I did mine for every 10 pounds lost. Nothing huge or expensive just things you would like. For me it was a new WW cookbook, a new set of measuring cups (you already bought yours!), a manicure, a pedicure. But adapt it to things you would like. For me the biggies were at 40 pounds I replaced my old food scale with a new digital WW food scale, at 50 pounds I rewarded myself with a massage. But it doesn't have to be that expensive...heck it can be a new fingernail polish. The key is to focus on smaller amounts. With an extreme amount of weight to lose you can get lost in that large number. Make it smaller...give yourself mini goals! It makes you feel like you are accomplishing something.

Can't wait to hear how you are doing over the coming weeks!
Hey there!!! I am the little sister! I am so glad you posted! I know you can do this!!! :thumbsup2 I will be here to encourage you and I know the folks here on this will be here to push you and encourage you too!!! Keep us posted and keep up the good work!!! :hug:
Thanks, everyone.

AmyBeth: I appreciate you calling my story inspiring, although I can't for the life of me imagine anyone being inspired by me at this point in my life. Still, it is wonderful to finally be able to put a name to the basic problem that is causing all my other health woes, and now I have to concentrate on losing this weight.

Stitchlover (my husband is a Stitch lover, too!!): Thank you for sharing your experiences. It gives me hope that I can really do this. I like the idea of rewarding myself for small losses. My husband has told me that when I lose 20 pounds, he will pay for a pedicure (which is one of my favorite things to do and one I don't do very often because it seems extravagant right now, especially when I can barely see my feet!!). Anyway, thanks for the support and the suggestions.

Hi, Stacie! You are the one that gave me the courage to try this, so my greatest thanks are to you. Hang in there with me and I'll do my best to support you, too! Love ya!

BigMama (I love your user name - I wish I'd thought of it first!!): Thank you for the suggestion to write down what I eat. Following the ediets menu makes that easy, because it is computerized. As long as I don't deviate from it, I know what I ate that day!

Today was a good day. I got all my water in, stayed on my eating plan and did not cheat even when my bus schedule got all screwed up and I was frustrated - big victory for me!! Tomorrow morning I start my exercise routine, so keep your fingers crossed for me - and thanks again to all of you for your help. Have a good night!
Susan :) You *ARE* inspiring girl :thumbsup2 . Anyone who has the courage to face their problems head on and strive to make a big change in their life is inspiring in my book :hug: . It would be SOOO easy for you to sit back, feel sorry for yourself, and choose to let all the challenges life has thrown your way define who you are. But instead YOU are defining the challenges and taking them on! You've stayed tough through a lot of hardships. Now you can focus on YOU and becoming healthy! Hang in there...and be sure to celebrate each and every victory along the way.
BigMama (I love your user name - I wish I'd thought of it first!!): Thank you for the suggestion to write down what I eat. Following the ediets menu makes that easy, because it is computerized. As long as I don't deviate from it, I know what I ate that day!

Today was a good day. I got all my water in, stayed on my eating plan and did not cheat even when my bus schedule got all screwed up and I was frustrated - big victory for me!! Tomorrow morning I start my exercise routine, so keep your fingers crossed for me - and thanks again to all of you for your help. Have a good night![/quote]
good morning i know i love that name but maybe one day i will change it to TINYMAMA!!:rotfl: i just weighed in and i lost 4 pounds this week!! i am so excited! i worked hard! and made good choices all week(well, except for 2 beers!!hehe!)buts thats ok. have a good day remember stay focused![/quote]
AmyBeth: Your last post brought me to tears. Thank you for helping me see myself in a different, much more positive light.

BigMama: Congratulations on your loss! Be proud of yourself - I am proud of you!

My first big challenge: Last night, I brushed my teeth so I wouldn't be tempted to taste things while I was making my breakfast and lunch for today. That went well, but then I went to bed and found myself REALLY hungry. I don't know if that was in my head or not, since I had eaten dinner only two hours before (I know that was late, but I don't get home from work until late so I have no choice), but I was REALLY hungry and I can't sleep when I'm hungry. Before now, I would have gotten out of bed and gone to find something to eat. But since I had eaten all my food for the day, I knew I couldn't do that, so I just laid there and thought about why I was doing this and what will happen if I don't make it work. Failure means death - either literal, physical death or the death of my life as I know it - and neither option is acceptable. So I made myself stay in bed until I finally fell asleep.

Then this morning, my next big challenge: The alarm went off at 4:30 a.m. for my first morning of exercise and my back was KILLING me. I have lots of back pain, anyway, and it is the time of month when my back pain increases (if you ladies know what I mean), so I was REALLY hurting this morning. I got up, drank a glass of skim milk (which I counted as part of my breakfast) and took three Excedrin Back and Body Pain. I got dressed, caught the 5:30 bus, came in to work and walked on the treadmill for 45 minutes!!! I am SO proud of myself. Two big hurdles and I cleared both of them - and you folks were the ones who helped me do it!

So now I am ready to take on my day. Thanks again to all of you who have read and posted here. I am going to try to spend part of my lunch hour reading some others' journals and posting to them to "get to know" some of you better. Have a great day!
Good Job on the self control!!! I am so proud of you!

I walked/ran last night for 35 minutes. I decided 3.2 miles per day is too much. I did 5 walking/1 running until I did 35 minutes...

I got up this morning and did 10 minutes on the treadmill. I ran about 4 of them... Today is weigh-in day for me... I am down about 1.4lbs. :banana: I'm going to try to do 35 minutes of walk/running tonight again too.

I'm so happy you were able to push through the pain and get up and get to work on time to be able to work out! 45 Minutes!!!!! FANTASTIC!!! :cheer2:

Amy is inspirational isn't she! (and GOOFY!!!! Good Luck Amy! )

Hope you have a great day!!! I'm so proud of you! Keep up the good work!!!
:cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: SUSAN!!! WOW...look at you go girl :hug: . You deserve to be proud of yourself and we're all so proud of you too! I cannot imagine the dedication it takes to get up soooo early and not feeling well on top of it! :thumbsup2 Amazing job today :). You are doing so awesome. That calls for another HUG!!! :hug:

Have a wonderful day :sunny:
Well, yesterday evening and this morning have not been good for me so far. I was already not feeling great yesterday, but was doing okay until I started walking to the bus stop yesterday evening. Half-way there, I tripped, lost my balance and fell (REALLY HARD) on the cement sidewalk. Not only was I hurting and embarrassed for having fallen for apparently no reason on W. Peachtree St. in front of God and everybody, but I couldn't get myself up. I am so heavy now that I could not lift myself up off the ground. Thank goodness there was a chain link fence next to me and I managed to hang on to that and finally, FINALLY get up, but it took a good little while - and all the time I'm doing that, people are staring at me like I am a beached whale. One young man did come up and ask if I was okay (after I got myself up), but I was still terribly humiliated (and in a great deal of pain). So by the time I got home, I was in a foul mood, hurting and generally out of sorts. And what did I want to do? EAT - and I mean eat everything I could find. That has always been my response to stress, and yesterday was no exception. I was supposed to cook last night, but just didn't have it in me to stand at the stove, so here's what I did: I had prepared a couple of meals ahead of time in case I had to work late or something else happened where I didn't have time to cook, so I grabbed one of those, heated it up with some leftover vegetables, ate that and some fruit and called myself done. I wasn't full - and I still wanted to grab the jar of peanut butter and a spoon (or whatever else I could find that was edible and wasn't nailed down), but I resisted. I took some painkillers and went to bed early.

This morning, I was in so much pain that I decided to compromise my exercise plan. I didn't get up as early this morning, deciding I needed the extra rest, so I just got in to work - however, I am going to do about 30 minutes of light toning exercises on my lunch hour. I think that will be a good balance between doing nothing (which is not a good option) and doing too much (and increasing all the aches I have today). So on the whole, I think I handled everything okay.

I am still working on reading other people's journals - my time is limited through the week, and just when I get interested in someone else's story, I have to stop reading to attend to something else (strange how real life interferes with DIS'ing, isn't it?). But I am going to get to know the others who post here and provide as much encouragement for them as I can, even if I have to do it mostly on the weekends. AmyBeth: I did manage to read a few pages of your first journal (how did you post those links in your siggie? I'd like to post a link to my journal in mine) and you are one amazing person. No wonder my sister finds you so inspiring!

Thanks to everyone for continuing to read and posting - it truly helps me stick to this. Hope everyone has a great day!
Hi Susan, I WISH you all the best. This is a wonderful place to come for support and encouragement, so post regularly! We're here for you! Denise
Oh no Susan :sad1: , you poor thing! Are you ok? Just make sure that you aren't seriously injured and DEFINITELY just do a light workout today.:hug:

You HAVE to take this awful experience and look at it as a victory girl! I know it's hard to see now b/c of the emotional and physical pain of what you just went through, but what I see is one heck of a determined woman who is not going to let obstacles get in her way. I am SO super proud of you Susan, for resisting temptation last night, for planning ahead and having those meals ready and for moving forward and trying to make the best of your day.

I would say definitely spend those 30 minutes at lunch with a light workout, you will feel so much better afterwards. Just don't push it. You are doing so great!

Hang in there. Stay strong!!!!! :hug:
Hi Susan! So sorry you had a bad experience last night. Try not to let it get you down, continue on with your plan and try to stay focused I know it gets hard but be strong and continue to move forward. Have a good day and make healthy choices:hug:
Sorry you had a bad night last night!!! I feel awful for you!!! :hug:

I say DItto to AmyBeth and Big Mamma!

I'm really proud of you for hanging tough last night after such a discouraging experience! You can and will get through this! Stay posisitve! You can make it!!! :thumbsup2

Hope today is a better one!
Thanks, DisDee, AmyBeth, BigMama and my little sis for the encouragement. The only reason that I was able to resist the urge to eat everything in the house Tuesday night was because I knew I would have to come here and type out that I have only been at this for three days and I already screwed up! Also, I am going to try to remember that feeling - of falling to the ground and not being able to get up without pulling up on the fence. If the fence hadn't been there, I don't know what I would have done. That was scary, and I don't want to be so heavy that I find myself in another situation where I am helpless like that ever again, so I am going to use that to help me stay on track.

I tried to do some toning exercises yesterday, but it caused me so much pain I had to stop. This morning, I tried to get out of bed and get in here early to walk, but I am more sore today than I was yesterday. My DH encouraged me to take it a little easier today, so I slept an extra hour and walked slowly from the bus stop to the office. So I am moving a little bit, but hopefully by tomorrow morning the worst of the pain will have abated and I can get back in here extra early!

Did really well with my eating plan yesterday and my water consumption. Still finding I am not really full when I finish a meal, but I just try to think about other things and remember that feeling full when I finish every meal is one of the reasons that I am at this point! Tomorrow morning is my first ediets weigh-in, so I am hoping for a good first week.

Thanks again for reading and posting - hope everybody has a good day!


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