thanks to winotracy for the Virtual DCL party


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May 21, 2004
I had to come and go because I was also bidding on ebay tonight (and I won my item - it's not a cruise but I'm still happy - those commercials are right - it is better when you win!).
The chat was reslly fast and hard to keep up with but for us that made it exciting, especially since we never did anything like that before so we really didn't know any different. I can't imagine how winotracy managed to keep up with everything but it was fun - thanks.:grouphug:
I agree...Tracy and Regina did a terrific job on that "house party". I couldn't keep up at all, and I had been practicing (with a few friends) in the chatroom for 2 hours before the party started. My head was spinning by the end...I can't imagine how their heads feel!
the last three hours are a blur :lmao: :lmao:

Thanks everyone who came and made it a party!
A great big Thank You to Tracy and Regina for all their hard work tonight.

Kevin and I were out to dinner with some friends and I checked in with Tracy to see how it was going. I am positive we broke a record with the number of folks in chat tonight.

I also want to congratulate all of our winners from tonight.

I'm sure we'll be doing more of these....well, as soon as Tracy and Regina recover....

I can only imagine the patience that took! Great job to you both for running it smoothly! You had a lot of obvious first timers in there, and I was one of them! But, hey, it paid off....not as well as :cool1: Ursula:cool1: , but it paid off!
I used to host the pin chats during the height of the pin trading craze. I thought those were busy but nothing compares to what tonight's chat was like. :faint:

Thanks to all for coming and mostly for your patience. I apologize if someone asked me a question which I didn't answer. It was so busy that I missed a lot of what was being said.

Still, it was fun to spend time with so many DIS friends. Congrats to the winners!! :cool1:
Thank you guys sooooo much for doing the chat. It was quite a whirlwind!! It was hard to get a sentence in before we were on to another subject. :scared1:I've never seen the chat replies move soooo quickly! Thanks again!!
sorry i wasn't at the party!!
i was fast asleep....(it started at 2 AM my time)....

i had planned on staying up for it, but what can i say.....maybe next time...
Major kudos to Tracy & Regina for hosting the chat! I was very impressed with the number of questions they answered! Things were moving so darn fast, I don't know how they kept up!

Congrats to all the winners!
I echo the kudos - I've participated in chat rooms before and this was the busiest one I've ever seen. I am sure it was really a challenge to moderate - great job in keeping things on task. You both did an amazing job at keeping up with the comments and responding.

I've never taken a cruise and I participated to learn a little more. I actually learned a lot so thanks much!!

And congratulations to all the winners!
Boy...that was crazy, wasn't it!

Tracy and Regina: Did you ever realize each of your eyes could read in different directions? :teeth:

Thank you so much for organizing such a fun event for us!!!


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