The ABCs of a New 'Ohana Adventure-G is for: Greetings From Teppan, Good-Byes, and Good News!!! - COMPLETED 1/7

I'm a little late but I'm here and caught up. I also remember when you were All7ofus. I think we met on one of Jordy's trip report.

We don't have a meal we do every time but we have some family favorites that we kind of rotate. We like 'Ohana's, Akershus and Be Our Guest. I certainly have lots more restaurants to try and there have been a few we've only done once and not because we don't want to do them again just haven't made it back there yet. The only place I've done once and don't care to do again was Tusker House for dinner. We did breakfast and I really liked it but didn't for dinner.

I haven't stayed at many Disney Resorts but I have a soft spot for our first which was All Star Movies. I think our favorite so far is POR. It just has such a lovely feel. I enjoyed PORFQ too but overall liked POR more.

We don't have an arrival tradition for every trip but for the first few it was going to DTD. Since we drive for some trips and fly for others the arrival feel is different. When we drive it's seeing the Disney welcome sign and when we fly it's ME. I know this is weird but Disney has lot of different smells and one of the smells that tells me I'm at Disney is the smell in a Disney restroom, it must be the air freshener they use. When I walk in I know I'm home.
D is for: Daily Do-ing's- Day 1

Busy week! But I will try to sneak in a badly written, rush job of an update series because time marches on and Trip Reports don’t write themselves. Luckily, I have tomorrow off and will try to get this “series” of Daily Do-ings out in rapid fire-style. Prepare to be overwhelmed…

We’ve covered the Who and we’ve covered the When, but an equally important question to answer is the HOW. If you’re here and reading, you likely enjoy the planning part of a Disney Vacation just as much as the next reader. Some might call it a hobby and fun, others will call you nuts, addicted, silly, <insert your own mocking voice here>. When you get to be my age, you really have very few flips left to give. So strap on your spurs Ladies and Gents and let’s get down to the nitty gritty of what this gang put together. Don’t let that fool you, I planned most of this itinerary myself and the kids were kind enough to nod their unknowing heads and smile. They are wise.

I LOVED hearing all of your Arrival Day Traditions and firsts and what it is that sets you into the Disney Mood. So much variety!

I didn’t hear any that matched mine (except @vamassey1 that just chimed in a few minutes ago. ;) ) and that’s okay! For me, I do love to step off the plane and get my first glance of a palm tree, feel the humid, warm air, and ride the fake-o-rail. I love to arrive at my resort and hear the background music which totally gets me in the right mindset of “I’m really at Disney!” BUT, for almost all of my trips, the last one quite possibly being the first exception to my arrival tradition, I get checked in and make my way to DTD. (For my new readers, I am aware it’s Disney Springs now, but DTD is easier to type, and I like to give its former iteration a hat tip when I can.)

I admit, it’s devoid of a castle or any other “wienie” and there are no rides (well kinda) but it’s just what we’ve done and has become a good way for us to arrive late in the day, not waste a ticket day, have a great meal, start to unwind, and get into our vacation groove. When the kids were little, we’d spend hours at the Lego playplace, have dinner, wander, watch the Streetmosphere and take a Disney bus back “home”. So, that’s how we’ll begin this trip as well. After checking into CBR around 4:30, we’ll board a bus and head to DTD for our first dinner at a place we’ve done before- Raglan Road. My son fell in love with it last time we went in 2016 and wants to go back to his favorite meal to start the trip. Frankly, I love it too. What’s not to love about Irish Dancing and amazing live music??

Before dinner, depending on how long ME and check-in takes, we’ll probably have time to squeeze in a drink and appie at Jock’s. Love that place and it’s right across the way. I think the kids will enjoy the theming there as well.

After dinner, the sky’s the limit! Legos, WOD, Streetmosphere, live music, aimless wandering, Goofy’s…. who knows!!! BUT!, we probably can’t, nor won’t, stay out late. We’ll have been up perhaps all night with pre-travel excitement non-sleep, be up and out to the airport via Uber at 3:00AM, and have a RD the next morning.

Arrival Day Must-Do's- None really, although I might see if Jock's has a souvenir mug.

And now.... your turn! What is your favorite thing to do or place to go at DTD?
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We use to love to eat at Wolf Gang Puck Express as our first meal but now there are so many more places to try in DTD. DH loves to eat at TREX for a sit down meal. I'm going to have to work on getting him to try some more new places. Our must stop at DTD are WOD, Goofy's, Trend D, the LEGO store & the Christmas store. Again there are so many places we haven't been in yet since DTD has transformed into DS. Now that everyone is older I want to try Jocks.
Trip Reports don’t write themselves.
They don't? You sure? I've been phoning it in for years.
will try to get this “series” of Daily Do-ings out in rapid fire-style. Prepare to be overwhelmed…
Oh, Lord. :eek:
When you get to be my age, you really have very few flips left to give.
:laughing: "flips", huh?
the kids were kind enough to nod their unknowing heads and smile. They are wise.
Either keep up or get out of the way.
not waste a ticket day,
Well.... now that I've got an AP, I don't "waste a ticket day" so plan on hitting a park ASAP.
Raglan Road. My son fell in love with it last time we went in 2016 and wants to go back to his favorite meal to start the trip. Frankly, I love it too. What’s not to love about Irish Dancing and amazing live music??
::yes:: I went and really enjoyed it. :)
we’ll probably have time to squeeze in a drink and appie at Jock’s. Love that place and it’s right across the way.
I need to see this place some time.
we probably can’t, nor won’t, stay out late. We’ll have been up perhaps all night with pre-travel excitement non-sleep, be up and out to the airport via Uber at 3:00AM, and have a RD the next morning.
Adrenalin only lasts so long. :)
What is your favorite thing to do or place to go at DTD?
Something that I can no longer do, unfortunately. I used to go to DTD just to go to the magic shop and watch them perform simple magic tricks.
Teach me not to answer the question. DTD is our arrival day tradition, as well. Honestly, I thought a lot of people had similar strategies and that's why I didn't chime in. In my mind, heading to the shopping district makes the most sense for the exact reasons you mentioned. You can begin to immerse yourself in the Disney bubble without paying for a ticket, it has an abundance of restaurants to grab food, and it doesn't require a lot of thought or time.

I hope your return visit to Raglan Road is just as good as the last one, for your son's sake. Looking forward to hearing what spots you guys decide to hop inside while you're there.
And now.... your turn! What is your favorite thing to do or place to go at DTD?
For the most part, my family has gone to DTD for shopping. That’s probably a bit sad considering all the restaurants there now, but we’ve never hit a “must do” restaurant. Homecomin’ was good last trip but I don’t think it’s a must do every trip for us. I would like to try Raglan Road though.
DW and the girls like to go to World of Disney. Yes it’s mostly the same carp that you get in the parks, but it’s so big you sometimes find something different.
I actually like to check out the Marketplace and see if they have any unique men’s clothes at 28 & Main. I have a Big Thunder Mountain shirt that I love. Sadly most of it is too pricey and I just window shop.
But I will try to sneak in a badly written
So different from normal how?

Luckily, I have tomorrow off and will try to get this “series” of Daily Do-ings out in rapid fire-style. Prepare to be overwhelmed…
Is overwhelmed the same as underwhelmed?

We’ve covered the Who and we’ve covered the When, but an equally important question to answer is the HOW. If you’re here and reading, you likely enjoy the planning part of a Disney Vacation just as much as the next reader.
all teasing aside, love your TRs and writing, so while I enjoy planning, enjoy reading as well.

Some might call it a hobby and fun,
Some might.

others will call you nuts
People call me nuts all the time...has nothing to do with Disney.

So strap on your spurs
Oooh...that was something I wasn't expecting to see in a TR.

I am aware it’s Disney Springs now
It is? Not for me.

I admit, it’s devoid of a castle or any other “wienie” and there are no rides (well kinda) but it’s just what we’ve done and has become a good way for us to arrive late in the day, not waste a ticket day, have a great meal, start to unwind, and get into our vacation groove.
Castle or "wienie"????
Getting into vacation groove...yipee!

head to DTD for our first dinner at a place we’ve done before- Raglan Road.
Yay! Love me some Raglan Road.

My son fell in love with it last time we went in 2016 and wants to go back to his favorite meal to start the trip
Good taste.

And now.... your turn! What is your favorite thing to do or place to go at DTD?
I'm not a big fan of shopping, so DTD is not my favorite place. With that said, my favorite thing of DTD is gone now. It was Disney Quest. I grew up on all the (now vintage) video games and it was great being able to spend a day there with my kids. :sad:

I like the Lego store, but almost never buy niece works for Lego and can get a discount and since the prices are so high, I'll take the discount every time.

When I'm not doing keto, my favorite place is Vivoli il Gelato. They only have two stores...the other is in Florence Italy and we've been to both. When i'm doing keto, blaze pizza is one of my favorites because I just don't eat the crust. For sit down meal, I'm like your son...agree on his choice.
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When my parents, kids, and I went together DTD was our first thing to so also . We drive so I told them the more we stopped the less time there so don’t drink too much and there is a snack bag in the car ! We usually went to Wolfgang Puck Express with an occasional switch to Earl of Sandwich. Now that I have been going solo , I try to eat somewhere new. Last time I went to Chicken Guy one night and Pepe ( quick service by Jaleo ) another . I still haven’t tried Blaze pizza or Dluxe burger so they are still on the list. Oh and I had the bubble waffle cone - delish - and a Frozcato at basket at wine bar George ! Before , we would only be there for 4 park days so first night was only time we hit DTD. Now , I stay a little longer and try a slower pace that includes more time at DTD .
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I'm a little late but I'm here and caught up. I also remember when you were All7ofus. I think we met on one of Jordy's trip report.

Never too late, Vanessa!! :) Ever. Everyone's welcome ( :welcome: ) and will be here when it's the right time. :hug: Yes, I am sure you are right! Seems like a lifetime ago, doesn't it?!
We don't have a meal we do every time but we have some family favorites that we kind of rotate. We like 'Ohana's, Akershus and Be Our Guest. I certainly have lots more restaurants to try and there have been a few we've only done once and not because we don't want to do them again just haven't made it back there yet. The only place I've done once and don't care to do again was Tusker House for dinner. We did breakfast and I really liked it but didn't for dinner.

Interesting about Tusker. I guess the food options just didn't work for you? ?

I haven't stayed at many Disney Resorts but I have a soft spot for our first which was All Star Movies. I think our favorite so far is POR. It just has such a lovely feel. I enjoyed PORFQ too but overall liked POR more.

I wonder if all of us have that certain soft spot for the first one we stayed at? Ft. Wilderness for me although I don't know if I'd ever stay there again unless I was in a camper with a bed.

We don't have an arrival tradition for every trip but for the first few it was going to DTD. Since we drive for some trips and fly for others the arrival feel is different. When we drive it's seeing the Disney welcome sign and when we fly it's ME. I know this is weird but Disney has lot of different smells and one of the smells that tells me I'm at Disney is the smell in a Disney restroom, it must be the air freshener they use. When I walk in I know I'm home.

Now that is certainly a first! I guess I didn't notice a particular signature scent of Disney bathrooms! LOL!! I definitely know it's possible because our bathroom at work has a smell too, and I'm pretty sure it's the hand soap used. I like it!
I really love heading to Disney Springs on arrival night! Especially now with all of the awesome options. My fave is definitely the Edison for a drink!
We use to love to eat at Wolf Gang Puck Express as our first meal but now there are so many more places to try in DTD. DH loves to eat at TREX for a sit down meal. I'm going to have to work on getting him to try some more new places. Our must stop at DTD are WOD, Goofy's, Trend D, the LEGO store & the Christmas store. Again there are so many places we haven't been in yet since DTD has transformed into DS. Now that everyone is older I want to try Jocks.
That's the WONDERFUL "problem" with DTD, isn't it? There are SO many loads of great places there now, and I haven't tried a good many of them. I used to love Earl of Sandwich and it was our go-to first meal for several trips, but now I just want to try other places and haven't made it back there. Your shopping list is very similar to mine as well. :) I'm not a huge shopper and would rather spend my time watching the excellent music acts, but do enjoy at least a little browsing.
They don't? You sure? I've been phoning it in for years.

Can I get that number from you?

:laughing: "flips", huh?

It was as family friendly as I could muster this time around.

Either keep up or get out of the way.

Beep beep.... :drive:

Well.... now that I've got an AP, I don't "waste a ticket day" so plan on hitting a park ASAP.

Mine expires the day after I leave Disney. And I won't be renewing.

::yes:: I went and really enjoyed it. :)

So much energy!

I need to see this place some time.

I think you'll love it, especially if you are an Indiana Jones fan!

omething that I can no longer do, unfortunately. I used to go to DTD just to go to the magic shop and watch them perform simple magic tricks.

OH man, that sucks! I had no idea there was even one there, but I DO know that there was one under the castle at Disneyland that I grew up going to. I think it's still there, but moved to Main Street. As kids we'd always talk our parents into buying us a set of Magic Rocks and we'd come home and grow them. LOVED that!
Teach me not to answer the question. DTD is our arrival day tradition, as well. Honestly, I thought a lot of people had similar strategies and that's why I didn't chime in. In my mind, heading to the shopping district makes the most sense for the exact reasons you mentioned. You can begin to immerse yourself in the Disney bubble without paying for a ticket, it has an abundance of restaurants to grab food, and it doesn't require a lot of thought or time.

YAY!! Another vote for DTD as the vacay launch point! :dancer:

I mean if you can't get there til late (and don't have an AP, or even do now, but it's become a tradition) it's the perfect solution!

I hope your return visit to Raglan Road is just as good as the last one, for your son's sake. Looking forward to hearing what spots you guys decide to hop inside while you're there.

My kids know that they will have to be patient as I WILL wait to sit near the stage; otherwise, what's the point? My short list is coming up!
For the most part, my family has gone to DTD for shopping. That’s probably a bit sad considering all the restaurants there now, but we’ve never hit a “must do” restaurant. Homecomin’ was good last trip but I don’t think it’s a must do every trip for us.

I remember you said the chicken was SUPER salty, correct. That sounds nasty! But, I do hear good things still and that their brunch is good. I think that for many a "must-do" restuarant stems from a particular memory or certain set of circumstances: first time to Disney, special occasion, something like that, that cement is as place they want to go back to re-live in some way. It may not even be as good, but it helps to re-live that specific time or memory. If that makes sense. ??

I would like to try Raglan Road though.

Totally worth it!

DW and the girls like to go to World of Disney. Yes it’s mostly the same carp that you get in the parks, but it’s so big you sometimes find something different.

Sometimes since it's all there in one place, and I'm looking for a very specific item, it's a good place to get the shopping "over with". For example, one year, I was looking for a a specific park bag to bring some stuff home in as a carry on, and knew that they'd probably have the best selection. They did and I found it and my shopping was over.

I actually like to check out the Marketplace and see if they have any unique men’s clothes at 28 & Main. I have a Big Thunder Mountain shirt that I love. Sadly most of it is too pricey and I just window shop.

I like the more unique places that have cropped up lately- the exact ones you mentioned. And like you, I window shop mostly cuz... $$$$$$$$$


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