The ABCs of Another Steppe Into Adventure!- Last Africa Ch. + World Showcase Pt. 2

I'm finally caught back up. I know you'e getting really close to your test. I'm praying for you and sending all my best vibes. You GOT this!

I missed so much fun chatter. But I also missed some great updates. Your Africa updates are so heart wrenching. Such a different world for ours, but also very interesting. I was in tears reading your update when you arrived in the village. Tears of joy and frustration. I can't imagine being ill, not having enough to eat and no sleep. Looking from the outside I don't thing I could have handled all the difficulties and the bugs too. But I also know once you live in a situation you learn you can always handle more than you thought you could. You also look back and think "How did I every do that?" because you're too busy doing just what you have to do and not thinking about it. "This too shall pass". I'm looking forward to more inspiring stories.

I'm also enjoying the Disney side too. We spent way too much time in Africa in the AK in February.

I'm so glad you added some updated from your Disneyland trip too. I know I'm supper curious about all things Disneyland since I've never been and like to live through you. I also love hearing about the Dismeets.
Hey! I'm here and caught up! I can't remember exactly when your test is, but I'm thinking today??? Hope it went well if so. I know you'll do great! I'm lovin' the DISmeet report inside your report! Looks like such a good time, and your photos are amazing as always! I'm really looking forward to being able to head to SoCa more often very soon! We had a great trip with our Oregon/Calif. family at WDW, just went by too quickly as always and the crowds were really too much. Fastpasses gave us 30-40 minute waits, and we skipped alot because of long lines where there are usually not. I'm thinking I want to stick to DLR if we do busy season again. FP+ is no bueno during the busy season, even with touring plans, which usually works great.

Melting Pot looks so fun and delicious! I have always wanted to try it, but it never seems to end up on our final list. I'm going to try to make a point of it next chance we get.
I'm busy setting up some trips for others and packing. I got my contract signed for my distance job so I will be working from home 4 days a week (most weeks) and getting 3 weeks of paid vacation, which is a huge improvement on what I have presently. Jim will be moving back into our house on Tuesday and he has paint brush in hand, chomping at the bit to get started on our refurb we need to do. We will only be able to do paint and floors at first I fear, but at least that will be a start. I guess the yard is going to need a huge makeover too. We will be busy for the next couple of years just trying to put things back in order and do some upgrades.

I'm looking forward to more of your adventures, both near and far, and hearing how your test goes! TTFN
A much needed study break!! Need some DISTime and the best way to spend it is to catch up on replies. :)


Poor potatoes!

While they may have been sad, my poor, over-filled and bloated stomach thanked me! LOL!

Hmmm...seems to me like an appropriate group name that won't be misconstrued in any way! :laughing:

Oh no, not at all! :lmao:

I'll be thinking of you and sending some good vibes your way! I can only imagine how intense this kind of exam can be. As someone who just recently finished writing a handful of challenging exams—though none to do with flight!—I have an idea of what you're going through!

Thanks, Meghan! It's just so much knowledge to pack in this lil old brain of mine. So. Much. It's certainly not as "high stakes" as Nursing School was- if I don't pass, I won't be kicked out of a program- and can re-take- but still... just done. I want it to be over, so I can move on. Keep on trucking, Girl, you are doing so well and the end will be here before you know it. Those letters at the end of your name = nice paychecks and a fulfilling career!

I'll have to try and find the K and L chapters again. But if the images aren't working, will that mean I can't make any guesses?

ETA: found the chapters. Photos worked fine for me.

Good! I think the issue was that I was at work and we all know how work can be twitchy about some websites. Or the fact that I was on an unsecure site/connection and SM was being stupid. Anyway, I"m back on track!
This is Wendell & Randy. Wendell wants to be a lap dog so badly!! These were the best I could get of them, they sure wouldn't hold still for pictures. LOL!! Excuse my fat legs. :-)


They are absolutely adorable and I'm sure you're having so much fun with Puppy Time! The top one looks like it will grow up to look a lot like our doggy, Davey. Bundles of joy, Kim!! Thanks for posting. I needed some cute puppy pix after my busy week!

I'm going to try during my lunch break! Just been so busy with life lately. Here's a link to my post over in the "man cave".

Good Lord!!!! You guys seriously went all out! I am... okay....hugely impressed! Your DSD looks amazing; just so, so beautiful. Of course you are proud!!

1) well, I remember them saying it as you leave the safari truck, so I figured it was some kind of goodbye. Honestly, I googled and says it's "go well" or "farewell"
2) I like the giraffe wreath made from bottle caps. I think I said that was my favourite decoration as well, but I really do like it. It's a giraffe made from bottle caps. It shouldn't be Christmas-sy, but it works.
3) Balloon ride mural - no. Africa gats, yes. If I'm not mistaken, I watched Mickey's Jammin' Jungle parade standing next to those gates.
4) I think it's slow walkers, or those who stop mid-stride right in the middle of the walkway. I can't say I've never done it on occasion myself, but I always try to be mindful of those behind when walking around in crowds. If you need to stop for discussion, it's just polite to drop off to the side when you can.

No one said you could't Google! ;)

Answers noted :) Hopefully, my update will go up soon. I have some private tutoring at the airport tomorrow, but I have a few night shifts this coming week so should have some time. :)
Oh??? You didn't mention anything I don't think?

I did. You just don't remember. But I think you'll get a giggle when I share it here. At the time, I about died.

I don't remember that either, so must have been with your other (non-Disney) friends. Hope you were okay!

Stories coming. I'm really hoping that after this exam, my free time will increase some.

Ah yes... I may have followed suit! :laughing:

I imagine the race venue had its share of fat and carb loaded crap. I have no doubt you did some damage there. ;)

Remind me to never travel to/from Portland. I don't do lattes.

But you would buy new boots! ;)

Wasn't that weather wonderful? I did not miss wearing a parka.

Practically perfect in every way. Now if only my practice exam scores could be the same.

Sounds very nice. Glad you had a nice time meeting up (again, I presume) with a good friend. :)

I really did!

It just made sense to me... and to you too, apparently. :)

Absolutely. And thanks again!

Um.... I haven't looked yet, but... I'm not sure if I did or not.

I'd think by now you know. You said you'd been editing...

I loved that view. So foreign from what I'm used to.
Namely... Plains.

So, flat and covered with snow (most of the time), or flat and brown (Summer/early Fall), or flat and green (a few brief weeks in spring/early summer).

::yes:: Man that was fun!

It was fun!!!

Where did you take that? I didn't notice a tank?

There was a tank just to your right, Silly Goose. ;) I took it as we were being seated.
Never was I more disappointed.

Still.... the food and company was good, so I shouldn't be too sad.

So you're saying the company would have been better (less disappointing) in Alison's jacuzzi? ;)

:laughing: I did notice that of the two restaurants we picked, they both had "pot" as part of their names.

HAHA!! I only really realized it later even after I got home.

I've done it once before (just the meat one, not cheese or chocolate) and have had fondue at home several times (both meat and chocolate), but never had a cheese one. I really enjoyed that.

Me too!! Only the meat- and we've always done oil.

That was okay. Gave us a chance to sit and chat in the lounge before they arrived. That was nice. I enjoyed our chat very much. :)

It sure did. :) I did too!

I remember you mentioning that. I didn't mind it, but it did make seeing what you were eating a bit more problematic. Maybe that was their goal all along?

Maybe! LOL!!

Yep. We tried them both and liked them both. But I too might have picked differently. Still.... I certainly didn't dislike what we had. :)

That's how I felt too. Maybe we'll go back someday, and I'll recommend the Triple Cheese one.

Nor do I.

Salad? There was salad? :rolleyes:

:rotfl2: Just adds what you need to take care of the other parts of the meal... so to speak.

Broth. Why do oil when you can do broth???

Because deep fried food is generally better?

Ouch. Well, glad you could get a respite from that. Always nice to have a little escape from reality.

Me too. I need some "me time" every now and then.


I didn't know beforehand... but I do now... and will use it in the future, at home!

I don't do fondue often enough. As in like every 5 or so years. Should more often, and will use that too.

::yes:: The sauces make a fondue. Otherwise it's just.... meat.

True dat!

No kidding! I was afraid to move when he was around. No... really!

I"m surprised he didn't drop more stuff.

That was hilarious! I remember the mischievous look on her face as she slowly showed them to us. :laughing:

Is she not so funny?! @Malia78 thinking of you. :hug::hug::hug:

:eek: Is that why???? :faint: I didn't figure that out until you just said it!!!

Okay... (no surprise).... I'm dense.

No, I think we'd talked about it at the table but maybe it was only Kari and I?

God, that was good. So decadent..... Let's do it again!

yes. please.

That's actually quite clever.
I wonder if it would be too risqué for Disney?

Maybe unless it was at the Edison? Can't WAIT to try that place!!!!! Been waiting forEVER for it to finally open!! It's on my Oct plan.

Sending good thoughts your way! Although it sounds like you've gotten a handle on it. Good for you!!

THanks! I'm getting there. After tomorrow, where I hope a private tutoring session with a CFI can help me tackle this last HUGE piece of knowledge (navigation), I am down to reviewing. Lots and lots of reviewing.
Wonderful! Glad this was everything you needed.

Thanks! Gave me a nice re-charge from my busy and at times stressful life.

Where did you leave your camera and underwear this time?

Well, ummm, I was JUST reminded that I left out a very important story. I will have to add it to the next chapter. :blush::blush::blush:

Looks like a really nice place to hang out!

Super peaceful little oasis they have there.

Not if you're lazy. You know, like me.

Hey, you're a lot like me.

This is why I usually don't order ribs. Too much work for too little meat.

Ribs for me are different because the taste/flavor of the meat MORE than makes up for the work. LOOOOOVE me some ribs.

So, a standard DIS Meet, then.

LOL! Pretty much. :lmao:

:rotfl2::rotfl2: Great line!

Once in a while, my striving to be as funny as you work out.

You might be amazed to know that I've been to the Melting Pot before--we have one in Wilmington, DE. It's fun to do something "different". Julie likes it more than I do. I really like the cheese and chocolate courses. Salad is salad, of course. And the meat is essentially boiled meat, which is not really exciting. You need the sauces to kind of cover that fact up. :rotfl:

I am!

And the cheese course made it worth it for me. I can take or leave the meat, and just spoon the sauces into my mouth straight up. While the stuff to dip the choco in was all nice, I actually preferred the fruits over the other stuff. Otherwise, it was just too rich.

I always wonder why they have a "head chef". I'm cooking my own meal! :lmao:


Pyrotechnics make everything better!

Unless it's Illuminations.

You got this!

We shall see.... May 7th.
I'm finally caught back up. I know you'e getting really close to your test. I'm praying for you and sending all my best vibes. You GOT this!

I really hope so, Vanessa. I'm tired of studying for it, TBH. Kinda just want it behind me at this point. Just scored an 86% on my 1st practice exam and we need 70% to pass. So I'm hopeful.

I missed so much fun chatter. But I also missed some great updates. Your Africa updates are so heart wrenching. Such a different world for ours, but also very interesting. I was in tears reading your update when you arrived in the village. Tears of joy and frustration. I can't imagine being ill, not having enough to eat and no sleep. Looking from the outside I don't thing I could have handled all the difficulties and the bugs too. But I also know once you live in a situation you learn you can always handle more than you thought you could. You also look back and think "How did I every do that?" because you're too busy doing just what you have to do and not thinking about it. "This too shall pass". I'm looking forward to more inspiring stories.

You are right, very interesting, but so hard. I saw many things that are so completely foreign to us. While it was hard, it was certainly rewarding and I'm glad I went. If only to help save Abu's life.

You are right, I think faced with difficulty, most of us can reach down deep and find strength we didn't know we had. We do what we have to do to get through it.

After my exam on May 7th, all the stories will continue. :) Stand by.....

I'm also enjoying the Disney side too. We spent way too much time in Africa in the AK in February.

Can one actually spend TOO much time in Africa at AK? ;)

I'm so glad you added some updated from your Disneyland trip too. I know I'm supper curious about all things Disneyland since I've never been and like to live through you. I also love hearing about the Dismeets.

I have a LOT more to tell from that long weekend of shenanigans! Some will make you LOL, guaranteed!
Hey! I'm here and caught up! I can't remember exactly when your test is, but I'm thinking today??? Hope it went well if so. I know you'll do great! I'm lovin' the DISmeet report inside your report! Looks like such a good time, and your photos are amazing as always! I'm really looking forward to being able to head to SoCa more often very soon! We had a great trip with our Oregon/Calif. family at WDW, just went by too quickly as always and the crowds were really too much. Fastpasses gave us 30-40 minute waits, and we skipped alot because of long lines where there are usually not. I'm thinking I want to stick to DLR if we do busy season again. FP+ is no bueno during the busy season, even with touring plans, which usually works great.

That just does NOT sound fun. I know when you're with a group and especially with kids, you kinda have to have rides in the plan. When you're an adult solo, it's easy to find other things to do or use the Single Rider Line.

Exam is May 7th, coming up soon!

I have a lot more coming up for all 3 TRs here, and will be doing a goodly amount of writing once this silly exam is over. Unless I don't pass, then it's more books. :(

Melting Pot looks so fun and delicious! I have always wanted to try it, but it never seems to end up on our final list. I'm going to try to make a point of it next chance we get.

I would recommend it. If for nothing else, just something unique and different.

I'm busy setting up some trips for others and packing. I got my contract signed for my distance job so I will be working from home 4 days a week (most weeks) and getting 3 weeks of paid vacation, which is a huge improvement on what I have presently. Jim will be moving back into our house on Tuesday and he has paint brush in hand, chomping at the bit to get started on our refurb we need to do. We will only be able to do paint and floors at first I fear, but at least that will be a start. I guess the yard is going to need a huge makeover too. We will be busy for the next couple of years just trying to put things back in order and do some upgrades.

You sound very busy, Tammie! Yikes!!

Working from home is going to be so nice, so commute and minimal getting ready each morning. Cool! And 3 weeks vacay is very nice!! Soooo much better!

Paint and floors and the yard is a good start, Tammie! Keep at it and you guys will get there! :hug: I know it seems overwhelming now, but little by little, right?

I'm looking forward to more of your adventures, both near and far, and hearing how your test goes! TTFN

I'll keep plugging away at it. :) Sorry it's taking me so long to post stuff!
I did. You just don't remember. But I think you'll get a giggle when I share it here. At the time, I about died.

Hmmm... Standing by to be reminded. :)

Stories coming. I'm really hoping that after this exam, my free time will increase some.

Busy lady!

I imagine the race venue had its share of fat and carb loaded crap. I have no doubt you did some damage there. ;)


But you would buy new boots! ;)

Well, of course!

Practically perfect in every way. Now if only my practice exam scores could be the same.

I’m sure you’ll do great. :)

Absolutely. And thanks again!

You’re welcome!

I'd think by now you know. You said you'd been editing...

Yep! All done, too.

No photo.

So, flat and covered with snow (most of the time), or flat and brown (Summer/early Fall), or flat and green (a few brief weeks in spring/early summer).

Half the time.

There was a tank just to your right, Silly Goose. ;) I took it as we were being seated.

There were three beautiful women at the table... you think I’m going to notice a fish????

So you're saying the company would have been better (less disappointing) in Alison's jacuzzi? ;)



That's how I felt too. Maybe we'll go back someday, and I'll recommend the Triple Cheese one.


:rotfl2: Just adds what you need to take care of the other parts of the meal... so to speak.


Because deep fried food is generally better?

If it’s battered. ;)

I"m surprised he didn't drop more stuff.

That guy was fast!!

No, I think we'd talked about it at the table but maybe it was only Kari and I?

I think so. At least I wasn’t part of that conversation.

Maybe unless it was at the Edison? Can't WAIT to try that place!!!!! Been waiting forEVER for it to finally open!! It's on my Oct plan.

I’ve heard of it. Looking forward to hearing all about it. :)

THanks! I'm getting there. After tomorrow, where I hope a private tutoring session with a CFI can help me tackle this last HUGE piece of knowledge (navigation), I am down to reviewing. Lots and lots of reviewing.

Good luck!
“Thank you very much for letting me know! That is certainly good news! Let’s keep in touch…”

“Okay, have a great weekend! Good bye.”

That was how the phone call I had with Ahmed on Wednesday ended. I was ecstatic! Really, no news could have warmed my heart more.

Abu has been on my mind for a quite a while, but life has been quite a bit busier than usual with my trip to California, a heavy work schedule and, the extra time I’ve put into studying lately. I’d dropped the ball on getting regular updates on this precious child whose life was turned upside down with the grotesque disfigurement of cancerous tumors. When I first met Abu and his dad in the village of Makeni, I was not very hopeful, to be honest, that we could find treatment for him, let alone find it in time.

Sometimes, God has a purpose that isn’t made clear to us until much later. Now, more than 5 months after returning from one of the least developed and impoverished places on earth, I am certain of the reasons Rebekah and I were sent to Sierra Leone. How much is one life worth?

Invaluable would be the correct answer, but one fateful day last December, a little 9-year old boy was brought to me; I was asked what could be done. Could I help this sweet little boy? With a heavy heart, I told his father that he needed to be taken to Freetown where there might be hope for him- that there was no medicine or treatment that would help him in his tiny little village. Our team collected his contact information and headed back to Freetown and at our next team meeting discussed what might be done. Money was given on the spot for his transportation and initial expenses, and countless hours of trying to find the right care and course of action for him were poured into those efforts. Tireless days, late nights, long, long weeks and months of waiting on answers and tests and treatments by an incompetent and inefficient system were spent by our faithful, dedicated staff in Freetown. Thousands of dollars were raised by YOU, my friends here on the DIS and other social media, for this precious little boy, who without the MIRACLE of your generosity, I’m almost sure, would not have made it. Because of your donations, both large and small, he was able to have several surgeries, and chemo.

And now for an apology and a correction to you….

I was mistaken. I thought (lost in translation, in hindsight) that he LOST the eye, as in they removed it. That was not the case. Today, I am humbled and ecstatic to tell you that Abu is completely healed except for a last couple of issues. The tumor under his eye rendered him blind in that eye, and he needs a surgery to repair the surrounding eye tissue. His doctors are quite hopeful that sight can be restored. The tumors are almost 100% gone and one last little bit on his neck will also be removed. I was told, when I asked point blank what they think the chances are of the cancer returning. I was told… “Zero”. They are wanting the last treatments/surgeries done soon so they can begin to make plans to get him back to his village where he belongs… playing soccer with his friends, learning in school, running and jumping, and living LIFE!

So, from the bottom of my heart, I want to THANK YOU if you played a part in making a miracle happen in West Africa for a little boy we’d never have met if our car hadn’t broken down, if we’d not decided at the last minute to go to Makeni, if we, 2 very ordinary nurses, hadn’t stepped out of our comfort zones and given a bit of our time to make the world a better place. Sure, we delivered massive amounts of medical supplies and taught basic healthcare while we were there, but perhaps, just maybe, we were sent there for a young boy who needed a Divine meeting. You are part of something bigger. Be thankful with me.




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“Thank you very much for letting me know! That is certainly good news! Let’s keep in touch…”

“Okay, have a great weekend! Good bye.”

That was how the phone call I had with Ahmed on Wednesday went. I was ecstatic! Really, no news could have warmed my heart more.

Abu has been on my mind for a quite a while, but life has been quite a bit busier than usual with my trip to California, a heavy work schedule and, the extra time I’ve put into studying lately. I’d dropped the ball on getting regular updates on this precious child whose life was turned upside down with the grotesque disfigurement of cancerous tumors. When I first met Abu and his dad in the village of Makeni, I was not very hopeful, to be honest, that we could find treatment for him, let alone find it in time.

Sometimes, God has a purpose that isn’t made clear to us until much later. Now, more than 5 months after returning from one of the least developed and impoverished places on earth, I am certain of the reasons Rebekah and I were sent to Sierra Leone. How much is one life worth?

Invaluable would be the correct answer, but one fateful day last December, a little 9-year old boy was brought to me; I was asked what could be done. Could I help this sweet little boy? With a heavy heart, I told his father that he needed to be taken to Freetown where there might be hope for him- that there was no medicine or treatment that would help him in his tiny little village. Our team collected his contact information and headed back to Freetown and at our next team meeting discussed what might be done. Money was given on the spot for his transportation and initial expenses, and countless hours of trying to find the right care and course of action for him were poured into those efforts. Tireless days, late nights, long, long weeks and months of waiting on answers and tests and treatments by an incompetent and inefficient system were spent by our faithful, dedicated staff in Freetown. Thousands of dollars were raised by YOU, my friends here on the DIS and other social media, for this precious little boy, who without the MIRACLE of your generosity, I’m almost sure, would not have made it. Because of your donations, both large and small, he was able to have several surgeries, and chemo.

And now for an apology and a correction to you….

I was mistaken. I thought (lost in translation, in hindsight) that he LOST the eye, as in they removed it. That was not the case. Today, I am humbled and ecstatic to tell you that Abu is completely healed except for a last couple of issues. The tumor under his eye rendered him blind in that eye, and he needs a surgery to repair the surrounding eye tissue. His doctors are quite hopeful that sight can be restored. The tumors are almost 100% gone and one last little bit on his neck will also be removed. I was told, when I asked point blank what they think the chances are of the cancer returning. I was told… “Zero”. They are wanting the last treatments/surgeries done soon so they can begin to make plans to get him back to his village where he belongs… playing soccer with his friends, learning in school, running and jumping, and living LIFE!

So, from the bottom of my heart, I want to THANK YOU if you played a part in making a miracle happen in West Africa for a little boy we’d never have met if our car hadn’t broken down, if we’d decided to not go to Makeni at the last minute, if we, 2 very ordinary nurses, hadn’t stepped out of our comfort zones and given a bit of our time to make the world a better place. Sure, we delivered massive amounts of medical supplies and taught basic healthcare while we were there, but perhaps, just maybe, we were sent there for a young boy who needed a Divine meeting. You are part of something bigger. Be thankful with me.

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I think I'm FINALLY caught up and what a fantastic way to catch up!!!!!

What brilliant news about your beautiful little friend, Abu! He has crossed my mind many time since you first told us about him. How amazing that he prognosis looks so great now, and thanks to how you went out of your way to get him the help that he needed. Bless him and the doctors who've changed his life!
“Thank you very much for letting me know! That is certainly good news! Let’s keep in touch…”

“Okay, have a great weekend! Good bye.”

That was how the phone call I had with Ahmed on Wednesday went. I was ecstatic! Really, no news could have warmed my heart more.

Abu has been on my mind for a quite a while, but life has been quite a bit busier than usual with my trip to California, a heavy work schedule and, the extra time I’ve put into studying lately. I’d dropped the ball on getting regular updates on this precious child whose life was turned upside down with the grotesque disfigurement of cancerous tumors. When I first met Abu and his dad in the village of Makeni, I was not very hopeful, to be honest, that we could find treatment for him, let alone find it in time.

Sometimes, God has a purpose that isn’t made clear to us until much later. Now, more than 5 months after returning from one of the least developed and impoverished places on earth, I am certain of the reasons Rebekah and I were sent to Sierra Leone. How much is one life worth?

Invaluable would be the correct answer, but one fateful day last December, a little 9-year old boy was brought to me; I was asked what could be done. Could I help this sweet little boy? With a heavy heart, I told his father that he needed to be taken to Freetown where there might be hope for him- that there was no medicine or treatment that would help him in his tiny little village. Our team collected his contact information and headed back to Freetown and at our next team meeting discussed what might be done. Money was given on the spot for his transportation and initial expenses, and countless hours of trying to find the right care and course of action for him were poured into those efforts. Tireless days, late nights, long, long weeks and months of waiting on answers and tests and treatments by an incompetent and inefficient system were spent by our faithful, dedicated staff in Freetown. Thousands of dollars were raised by YOU, my friends here on the DIS and other social media, for this precious little boy, who without the MIRACLE of your generosity, I’m almost sure, would not have made it. Because of your donations, both large and small, he was able to have several surgeries, and chemo.

And now for an apology and a correction to you….

I was mistaken. I thought (lost in translation, in hindsight) that he LOST the eye, as in they removed it. That was not the case. Today, I am humbled and ecstatic to tell you that Abu is completely healed except for a last couple of issues. The tumor under his eye rendered him blind in that eye, and he needs a surgery to repair the surrounding eye tissue. His doctors are quite hopeful that sight can be restored. The tumors are almost 100% gone and one last little bit on his neck will also be removed. I was told, when I asked point blank what they think the chances are of the cancer returning. I was told… “Zero”. They are wanting the last treatments/surgeries done soon so they can begin to make plans to get him back to his village where he belongs… playing soccer with his friends, learning in school, running and jumping, and living LIFE!

So, from the bottom of my heart, I want to THANK YOU if you played a part in making a miracle happen in West Africa for a little boy we’d never have met if our car hadn’t broken down, if we’d decided to not go to Makeni at the last minute, if we, 2 very ordinary nurses, hadn’t stepped out of our comfort zones and given a bit of our time to make the world a better place. Sure, we delivered massive amounts of medical supplies and taught basic healthcare while we were there, but perhaps, just maybe, we were sent there for a young boy who needed a Divine meeting. You are part of something bigger. Be thankful with me.

Wow great news about Abu. Thank you for what you all did for him and are continuing to do. Are they still accepting donations?

is for: Making Music

It’s no secret I enjoy music. Especially Disney music. And even more especially LIVE Disney music. If I come across a band or vocal group or individual performing, I’m probably going to at least pause, if not plop my bum down on the nearest bench and listen. Or stand very nearby and do a little be-bop. Preferably with something tasty in hand. It’s how I roll. Not to be confused with what you might see when I leave Prime Time or the Hoop.

Life is just far too short to not take the time to slow down and enjoy the finer things in life, and often that includes, at least for me, the glorious sounds of talented people doing what they do best. It really doesn’t matter if it’s the sound of Big Band, Jazz, Show Tunes, or Piano. I grew up learning to love the performing arts. It is a gift my parents gave me that you just can’t put a price tag on, and I’m forever grateful for their love of theater and music they passed along.

I thought I would share a few of the music groups I enjoyed on my last trip. I’m sure all of you have caught at least some, if not all, of these groups at one time or another, but they are always a highlight for me. In a no particular, random order let’s start with VOL. I was actually thwarted this last trip only having caught the last few notes of their last song, so they almost don’t even count. Nevertheless, the little bit that I did get to hear was a little slice of Heaven. They are so pitch perfect it sends chills. They are pretty high up on my priority list for October.

I wasn’t in the park early enough to see the Jammitors, but they are a fun group as well. EPCOT also has a German Oom-pah-pah both outside and in the Biergarten if you enjoy a good romping polka. I adore Mariachi Cobre in Mexico as well, but sadly missed them this time too. That rounds out EPCOT.

Moving onto AK, I was able, as you know, to see (AND dance with!) Tam Tam Congo. Need I say more? I was also able to catch 2 new acts. At least new to me…. One, I’ve already shared- the Calypso duo between Pandora and Africa. If you enjoy a Caribbean inspired sound, these are the guys for you. I watched a couple of their numbers and called it good. And yes, they were good. I don’t think I’d stand around in the sun for more than 10 minutes, but they are worth slowing down for.

This last AK group, however, IS worth taking a seat for… I had NO idea who they were at the time, so did some research. It is called the Swotu Waya (with 2 of those funky dots over the last a) Na’vi Drum Ceremony. It combines some drumming… done by people who know what they’re doing. It sounded a lot better than the drumming you hear at the drums set up on the Africa trail- you know which ones I’m talking about, don’t you? You stop and play them too, don’t you? We all have a little bit of 4-year old left in us, don’t we?

I liked that this act combined a lot of high energy dancing into their routine. Their costumes are well done and fit the mystical vibe they are aiming for in Pandora. Well, I enjoyed it anyway; worth a look-see next time you’re in the area.

Let’s Park Hop, shall we? Hmm, next stop MK- home of the best music groups on property. The Dapper Dans are legendary. How can you NOT stop and watch their entire set?! Seriously, the talent of those guys is endless. Not only can they sing but can also play a mean set of hand bells as well. Okay, so their jokes are of the Dad Joke variety, but we can overlook that, right?

I wonder how the marching band members are chosen? I’m sure the tryouts are brutal. I spent a marching band season as drum major one year in high school, and have always had a soft spot for marching tunes. Sousa floats my boat. But I also LOVE their arrangements of classic Disney numbers as well. They follow suit with the Dans and crack ridiculous jokes that, I admit, I usually laugh at.

Another group (that only performs seasonally during the Christmas Party) is the Reindeer Wranglers. They are super group of talented guys playing Western-style tunes intermingled with some comedy spiel thrown in. You can catch them over in Frontierland before the parades for sure. Kinda like the Cadaver Dans during the Halloween Party. They’re a light-hearted trio that is a lot of fun to sit on the curb and watch while waiting for the Toy Soldiers.

I saved my favorite and, IMHO, the best for last- the Piano Guy at Caseys. I could sit and watch this guy all day long and twice on Taco Tuesday. Nothing screams Disney to me more than Ragtime on Main Street. You? Okay, maybe the Trolley Show music (yes, I’m actually listening to that as I write this), but that’s a 5 and half minute show, not the regular BGM of Joplin you’d hear the rest of the time... Okay, I’m getting off track, it’s 4:00 in the morning and it’s getting harder to put words together to make coherent sentences.

Jim, the guy I’ve been seeing for years, can pound out the Maple Leaf Rag or the Entertainer flawlessly, but what I really love to watch him do is pull the kids in and watch their faces as they are opened up to the world of old timey music making a memory that may last a lifetime. Priceless.

I’ve already shared about my evening spent with Bob Jackson, better known as Yehaa Bob, but will include the photo one more time. Cuz I like it, and it’s my TR.

So, in all, I stopped and watched 9 music groups. Not a bad count. And definitely not time wasted. You know what’s also great? I totally get that not everyone finds the music groups worth pausing for. It’s not everyone’s cup of tea or style of music. What is cool is that Disney continues to offer so many, many things that there is always something for everyone. Young, old, teens and tweens. Disabled, blind, deaf, thrill seekers, dark ride goers, foodies, sashayers and saunterers... everyone can find something to enjoy. I’ll be back again this October and am super looking forward to catching a few more Disney’s musical offerings- VOL, Nova Era at DTD, and a few others. Until then, there’s YouTube.

Contest Questions for M:
(Never too late to play! Join in just for fun!)

Post these: (Because it's fun to get to know you all!)

1. Were you in choir or band in school? If so, what did you play? Totally okay if you weren’t! What did you do for electives instead, if not? Sports? Drama? Snacks and a nap at home?

2. Without Googling and on the honor system, how many places can you find something to eat on Main Street (WDW)? Can you name them? (Because food is as good as music. And food WITH music is best of all!)

3. How many music groups have you stopped to watch for more than 5 minutes in Disney World (name them for a bonus point)? And which one is your favorite? (2 points)

PM me these:

4. How many musicians are there in the photos I’ve posted?

5. Where is Letter ‘M’s Mystery Photo?

Letters K and L Contest Questions:

Post these answers (one point for each):

1) Language lessons with Steppe: What does Kwaherini mean? Farewell or Go Well

2) What’s your personal favorite photo from this update and why? Answers vary

3) Honest now? Have you ever noticed the balloon ride mural? How about the Africa entrance ‘gates’ on that side? Answers vary

4) I mentioned two of my pet peeves up there. What is your biggest pet peeve at Disney? Answers vary

PM these answers:

5) NOT including the fish or on the tree, how many animals or parts of animals do you clearly see? A list would be helpful. Answers vary (if you named and listed them, I gave a point for each)

6) There is at least one letter K in this update in the photos. Where is it/are they? (1 pt.)

1 on the title K
1 on the Animal Kingdom sign
2 on the hot air balloon mural/poster
1 in the Kwaherini pic

Letter L Mystery Photo point added in for those of you who submitted a PM guess. It was indeed from The Land.

Captain_Oblivious: “Goodbye”, liked the gates photo, did not see mural, but did see gates, Disney is expensive and has crappy bus service, 17 animals, 1 K, The Land Total: 21

Franandaj: “Farewell”, meerkat photo, mural no, gates yes, people stopping is pet peeve, no PM?? Total: 4

Mom3sonstt: “Farewell”, purple flowers, saw gates but not the mural, people blocking curb cuts, 23 animals, 6 Ks, The Land Total: 28

MeghanEmily: “Go well” or “Get the heck outta my truck! (bonus point!), tortoise, didn’t see gates or mural, sooooo many pet peeves (LOL) Total: 5

Docsoliday: “Farewell”, tortoise and purple flowers, no and no, loads of pet peeves, 24 animals, 1 K, The Land Total: 29

Amazingact: “Goodbye”, giraffe wreath, saw gates but not mural, wifi not working, no PM Total: 3

Pkondz: “Farewell”, flowers, didn’t notice mural but did see gates, had plenty of rant, 22 animals, 5 Ks (bonus for only one getting that right), The Land Total: 29

Poorat: “Go well”, Lion Quilt photo, yes and yes, random stopping, 18 animals, The Land Total: 23

Terra Nova Guy: “Go well”, Giraffe wreath photo, mural no but gates yes, hogging sidewalks, 12 animals, 2 Ks, The Land Total: 17

Totals so far:

pkondz: 72
docsoliday: 69
Mom3sonstt: 60
Captain_Oblivious: 57
Poolrat: 48
franandaj: 47
Terra Nova Guy: 38
Chrystmasangel: 13
Princess Leia: 9
Amazingact21: 6
Rndmr2: 3

I am human and it’s likely there are mistakes there. If I missed something, or didn’t add right, or whatever, do let me know. The judging panel will take it under consideration.
Last edited:
Replies will have to wait a bit. :) I see a few there between my last 2 updates. But, this old gal has to hit the sack or my night shift tomorrow night will suck. Even worse.

Have a great Monday, Friends! Y'all are awesome!
So thankful for the report on Abu! I hope he learns that God reached down through what looked like chance to him, and to you, and saved his life! I'm so excited to know he'll soon be running and playing!
I was in choir in high school, and I took piano in elementary. I used to sit and play however badly, just for relaxation at times.
I really enjoy the bands at Disney! It's fun how they just seem to randomly appear from down a side street and "pep up" the moment. My family is not very music minded, so we don't do much stopping and listening, I'm afraid.
I'm going to guess there are 23 places for food on Main Street
Have a fabulous week!


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