The Daily Grind ~ 2/4/15


Scrapbook Mom
Dec 28, 2005
Good Morning!!

I don't know about you but that night flew right on by!

Prayers and pixiedust: to all in need.

Lots to do today... Hoping the burst of yuck coming in will wait until I get DS14 picked up from school. Only supposed get 1-2" but it's supposed to hit fast and be gone but it's supposed to slickin' up the roads fast.. With the number of foolish drivers I observed yestereday, I want to get home without issues!! I seriously just don't understand where the common sense in drivers has gone.. 1) fool never unfrosted/de-iced/scrapped any (NOT ONE) window on vehicle and was driving blindly.. on my side of the road because he could NOT see... I cherish my life and the life of my loved ones just because they did not feel the same about mine or theirs is ridiculous.. 2) how do you not remember the rules of the school pick up line... there is an exit for cars leaving.. when you block said exit... those cars can NOT leave and those of us in line behind you can not get to our kids to leave either.. and than you get mad because a parent trying to leave gets out and asks you to move.. Seriously!!! Common sense people... All our kids are we are all in the same situation here...

Ok, off my soap box...

Today's agenda:

make lunches x 2
unload dishwasher
load of towels
dust family/entry/hallway
sweep family/entry/hallway
once over the rest of the house
clean up dining room
(just need to put away scrapbooks I was "lifting" pages from yesterday)
DS14 up for mtg
finished 2 extra tasks/ sent emails
walk .25 miles on incline treadmill
DS14 to mtg

walk 1 mile
scrap -- goal to finish DS18's 5-x7 life photos by noon
scrap -- goal 3 MK 2010 LOs -- moved to Thursday
pick up DS14

resize needed photos for an order -- moved to Thursday
upload said photos -- moved to Thursday

I hope everyone has a great day!!
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Nan - common sense/courtesy driving is just about long gone everywhere. While we don't have snow and ice to contend with in South Florida, we have tons of drivers (many illegal!) who view traffic lights as just street décor and signaling a turn or merge as a sign of weakness. Not to mention all the drivers continuing to text and not pay attention to the road, the truck drivers who pass you along the shoulder and the people on motorcycles who decide to drive on the dotted line between you and another driver...I feel your pain!

Morning chores
Steam clean carpet and rugs
Load of towels
Finish up valentines for mailing
Work on grocery list/coupons
Scrap a couple pages
Pork chops for dinner

Stay safe and warm everyone!

Good Morning!

Have a safe day no matter the drivers around you. Here they tend to go unreasonably slow and on the one lane roads clog traffic and cause traffic jams with 10 or so cars. It will get really bad on the bridges and then those frustrated behind them start passing at very unsafe times.

work on scrapbooks with E
school with E
empty load dishwasher
beach and park
walk dogs
dinner- Kielabsi
evening service


PrincessNancy96 & Poppins2000 - totally agree about drivers - everyone is in such a hurry and that second or two they save by being reckless is very important!
rlovew-beach?? That's a strange word this time of year for us - enjoy!

Breakfast with DH and favorite aunt
Get some groceries
Need to sew a tear on DGS's quilt - keep putting it off
Scrap - 3 more pages in my Disney 2014 book!!
Supper - Mexican

Enjoy the day!
Good Morning!

Crazy drivers everywhere! They are talking about letting motorcycles drive between the lanes on our freeways which is so scary, people change lanes without even looking!

Stay safe in the yuck Nan and good luck on that list!
Rebecca enjoy the beach!
Becky have scraping and card making
Chae enjoy breakfast

make lunches
Megan up and out
make a couple cards
work at LSS
p/u Megan
pack up dinners
dance and work at studio - hope everyone remembers to bring their pledges, last day or their kids won't get their prizes!

have a wonderful day ladies :daisy:


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