~The Daily Grind~ 5/20/10


<font color=magenta>My dream job is to be the Fair
Apr 29, 2005

“housework done incorrectly still blesses your family.” ~ flylady
"you can do anything for 15 minutes!" ~ flylady

~The Daily Grind~ 5/20/10

The Day Before Friday!! :dance3:

Counting down till graduation...

My list for today:

Caffeinate- this repeats everyday!!

Keep to my points!

Swish and Swipe...

Work till 3p

Dinner- :confused3

Have a Great Day everyone!! :teeth:
What an awesome day folks had on Wednesday! Hope for more of that for everyone!

DS had his first ever band concert Wed night - did SO great (clairinet)!!!! Went out after to celebrate at the local ice cream parlor - yum! Hope the photos turn out - he's already planning out his scrapbook layout noting the event!

Thursday - my second-to-last day at the office! :banana: Otherwise, a quiet day and I can start plotting my takeover of the house once again. It has gotten so out of control!

Maybe I'll pay off our upcoming DCL cruise today - that would feel so good...:sail:
thursday I'm so happy to meet you. I'm very ready for this week to be over.

Ball practice tonight He's taking his stuffed cat to protect his face:rotfl::rotfl: I told him that's what his glove is for. Oh my the shinner that he's sportin'

usual day here
boys up and out
dinner prep
boys from bus

crash into bed Friday and sat are going to be rough days.

Bible Study
work on funeral service bulliten
work on funeral cards
work on resort swap
dinner- chicken, aparagus, potatoes

Hey, a new day. Good Morning everyone!!!

Feed cats
clean out their stinky pete boxes
Get DD up and ready for school
Pick up a hot chocolate to take to MomE's DH and pay him a visit
Oversee tubby time
early to bed
It's going to be a beautiful here :cool1: Probably gonna want to play outside so I should get some work done early.

take DS13 to school at 6am for trip
take DS15 to school at 7am

vaccum main floor
press quilt fabric and maybe do some cutting
clean kitchen
plant more flowers
work on Catechist certificiation
take books back to church
make sure DD takes job apps to places
dinner - ????

Have a happy Thursday :hippie:
Good morning! Woohooo for Thursday!! 11 more working days (counting today) until Summer Vacation!!

Tonight is GRADUATION!! Normally we have it on Saturday mornings, so I'm already excited that, though I'll be late tonight, I don't have to get up at the crack of dawn on Saturday!

Here's my list for today:

1. Up
2. Caffeinate
3. Wipe down DH's bathroom
4. DS's stuff together
5. My stuff together
6. DS up
7. DS to mom's

8. Work--get through list!!
9. Go to mom's
10. DH picks up DS
11. Get ready again
12. Go back to work for graduation
13. Come home
14. Collapse!!

I hope everyone has an awesome Thursday! We're almost to Friday!! :banana:
I did the get staples pulled up in the exposed half of the laundry room. :thumbsup2 My butt hurts from resting it on my feet. :rotfl2::rotfl2: I couldn't figure out this morning why it hurt :confused3 and then I remembered.

Get kiddos out to the bus.
Pack lunch for me and Little Bit.
Meet bus at field trip location.
Spend all day outside in the rain and fog with bunch of 2nd graders catching frogs and fish and fossils.
Home after school.
Figure out dinner.
Work on poster for Little Bit.
Make cookies with Little Bit for school project.
Clean up from mess with Little Bit.
Eat Dinner.
Go to bed. :thumbsup2
My list is short for today. It's mainly "clean, clean, clean"!! My house is a disaster. I must get it back in shape. After that, I plan to "scrap, scrap, scrap"!!

Have an awesome day everyone!
Morning all.....

Busy day today.

Work-- board meeting day yuck!
Bubba school

spring celebration of learning tonight.
Bubba is reading his book in front of the whole school!!!!

Have a great day everyone!
WTG Bubba!!!:cool1:
Stephanie when you're done cleaning please come to my house. I don't get how this happens we're not here and the dogs don't do it. :confused3
Ann sounds like me I do things then can't figure out how come I hurt
Brooke enjoy graduation!

Prayers still being said for Blythe!

E's shinner is still a doozy how long do they take to start fading? Poor kiddo

hope you all have a great day
Oooh poor E!
Hugs for him.

And if Stephanie is coming up north to clean add my house on the list!!
Please and thank you.
Two weeks. When my little bit split the bridge of his nose open, he had shiners for two weeks. They are much uglier looking when the green comes.

Congrats to Bubba. Hope he totally enjoys his moment today. :yay:
Ann how'd I miss that? hope he's feeling better that must have been a hard hit. We're still in the purple stage. I'm thinking about time for the furneral he'll be green. Great.........................

Holly I'll pass along a hug. His teacher gave him an extra marble for the bucket for coming to school with it less than half open yesterday. when the bucket tips over they get icecream. it's all behavior based.
Yay, Bubba!

Woke up, actually went to sleep, with a sore throat. I'm sure it's my allergies, they were bad bad yesterday.

Got a list a mile long. Starting to look for things for M's birthday party. She wants a mermaid/flip flop theme. :confused3 I think the two are mutually exclusive, but whatever. My sister has just had a pool put in, so we can have it there.

Hope everyone has a great day!

Christy ~ sorry to hear about the shinner..but remind him.. it proves he's a true sportsman! I so remember those days...

Holly ~ congrats again to Bubba.

drive DD & DS13 to school
await call that DD's truck is fixed
finish :laundy:
pull directions for HS for summer basketball league
clean, clean, clean some more
work on some 4-H pages
cut embellishments for 4-H pages
kit pages for 4-H scrapbook committee mtg in June (need this done now so it doesn't get lost in the graduation chaos of the next 2 weeks)
edit PJ's first term paper for English due Friday
pick up N from school
continue cutting embellishments
cut titles for 4-H pages (meeting dates)
journal 2009 4-H Awards page (kit it together for mtg)
make beds x 4
close off rooms (no one wants to pickup their mess; therefore no playing in the rooms today)
elem homework duty
pick up DS13 & DD from school
find out from DS13 how the final day of the Algebra state test went

pick up DD's truck
DS13 ready for soccer practice
DS9 ready for soccer game

await flooring guy HERE!!!!
DD to drive my car to Jr. Leader mtg
bedtime routine (5 school days left not counting today!!!!)
after mtg. make sure DD finishes English term paper
Print interview questions/responses for PJ's health research paper
put books in PJ's room for World Geography term paper
make sure PJ gets to bed early tonight because tomorrow starts the English 10 state test (3 days worth)...
email HS basketball coach
:cheer2: Go Bubba!!!!:cheer2: Holly, I'm sure he'll be awesome!!!

And, Holly & Christy, if I come north, I sure won't waste my time cleaning houses. :rotfl: I'll be visiting with y'all since I'd finally get to meet you!!!!:goodvibes


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