~The Daily Grind~ 7/07/09


<font color=magenta>My dream job is to be the Fair
Apr 29, 2005

“Housework done incorrectly still blesses your family.”
"You Can Do Anything for 15 Minutes!" ~ FlyLady

Flylady links:
Declutter plan http://www.flylady.net/pages/focus_feb.asp
Flightplan http://flylady.com/pages/FlightPlan.asp
Beginner Baby Steps: http://www.flylady.net/pages/FLYingL..._Babysteps.asp
Yahoo Group (reminders sent all day): http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FlyLad...?yguid=9999373

This month's Habit is: Swish and Swipe
This week we are in Zone :confused3

~The Daily Grind~ 7/07/09

It's Tuesday!!

My List for Today:


Work till 3p

Mammogram after work :crowded:

Call Radission about fridge and ressies for CKC...didn't do yesterday

Swish and Swipe the potties

Dinner... :confused3 prob leftovers...

Have a Great Day everyone!! :teeth:
:wave: Hi all!!!

Let's see, I'm enjoying my evening with the family (well, what I can, minus an attitude but hey, it's gone for a while, we will see what it tries in 1 hour when it is supposed to be home for curfew ~yes early curfew b/c said attitude decided to be a smart a$$ and got busted!)

Enjoy day
sort through the rest of the swap items (sharing my wealth w my mom and my friend. My friend and her ds are currently enjoying the world!)Didn't give much away, I'm so stingy!
sort photos again w/ DH
have DH go get ink
print some of the various size photos
take DD out driving
:laundy: started
take DD to XC in AM
take boys to BB in AM when I pick up DD from XC
pick up boys from BB
Hope you all have a great day.

I will be spending the day at the hospital while Dad has BOTH :scared1: knees replaced. Trying not to freak out.

Have a great day everyone
Good luck tomorrow joyah. :hug:

Take boy dog to vet at 9:30 - he has a cough. Hoping it's allergies.
Finish up laundry.
Work on swaps.
Figure out dinner.
Puppy stuff.
Need to find some current photos of them. They are huge. Over 30 pounds.
Joyah, I hope all goes well with your Dad today. :hug:

AWM, I hope boy puppy is okay.

I'm not sure what DH and I will do today. Yesterday was rainy so we just stayed home, but I think today we'll go somewhere. I'll see where he wants to go. Other than that, I'll work on swaps.
good luck joyah! i'll be thinking of you.

morning all!

well i'm off from work again today!!!!! YIPPEE!!!

25 years ago today i married the love of my life!:love:
i can not believe that 25 years has gone by. and i love him more today than i did that day. he truly is a good man. and i'm a lucky girl!:bride:

my list for today......

call mom's dr yet again
call in scripts. -never did it yesterday
go get seafood for dh for dinner. ICKY!
(find something for ds, mom and i to eat!)
pick up pics that i printed yesterday
strip beds
try to clean out ds closet
post office. -never did from yesterday-

ok that should get me rollin' for the day.

have a great july 7th everyone. and have fun.
Happy Anniversary Holly!!!

Hope everything goes well today Joyah!

VBS (8:30-5)
Dinner with VBS crew
finish books for VBS crew
maybe swap work

Happy Anniversary, Holly! Wow, 25 years, what an accomplishment!

Christy, good luck to dad. I'll be thinking of him.

Ann, good luck with boy pup.

Today we are going to the zoo. Unsure which one, because my bratty family is whining because "we just went to RWZ on Mother's Day, I want to go to Southwick's". Bunch of whiny babies. A zoo is a zoo! Anyhow, I love both of them so it really doesn't matter. One is closer than the other, but more expensive. The other is closer to Dave & Busters and I keep thinking about those philly cheesesteak egg rolls Ann was talking about. Looks like the weather will at least hold for the morning.

DH is working this morning, he's so indispensable that he was work during shutdown...While he's there, I cleaned out my trunk of goodies I had to hide until I could get them in. Let's just say that I NEVER should buy another piece of paper or album for the rest of my natural life...Oy, I need to get cracking and start scrapping! Hehe, I'm a poet and I didn't even know it.

Hope everyone has a great day!
thanks everyone!!!!

jennifer-you are so funny!

i'd love to go to jo's and buy the lifes a beach cart today, but not sure if i can fit it in.

i also want to find bubba's pile of shorts and shirts that i bought him to go to disney in 07 and they were waaayyy to big. so i went out the week before and bought him a whole new pile of summer clothes and put those others away. now where in the heck did they go. i had them out last summer and still too big........it is so on my list today.
may i please step up to the microphone and vent.......

my fil just came to drop off a check for our anniversary.
ok that's nice right?????

my mil wrote in the card...
happy 25th anniversary.
they said it wouldn't last, but you showed them!
have a fun time.

OMG are ya kiddin' me??? who said it would not last??? her???
i'm so stinkin' mad right now i could spit nails.

am i being to sensitive, because i have a lot on my plate?
tell me the truth please. would you be mad??

ok thanks for letting me get that off my chest.
i'm stepping off the box now.

where's Nan? i need to hear her say *to the moon with her*!
Well, Holly, first happy anniversary!
Second, is their anniversary coming up? I'd hand write in the card the exact same sentiment and an added bonus of kiss my ###!

Don't let it get to you... chalk it up to her being jealous that you make her son happy. Moms hate that, they won't it but they hate when it happens...

I do have the plane ready for taxi-ing on the runway so feel free to put her on the flight for the "frequent flyers of get the h&LL out of here; you are on my last nerve" non-stop flight to the moon!
Screw her! I can't believe she would write that! OMG, what a WITCH with a B!

Grrrr...it's freakin' raining AGAIN! So, we found an indoor mini golf place. That'll be fun.
thanks Nan. i knew you'd get it.

save her a seat on that flight!
Mornin ladies! Long time no 'see'!

Holly, happy anniversary!! And just pack 'ol MIL up on that flight and been done with it!


sign DD up for horse camp

have DD clean out the piggy cage
figure out YMCA membership
figure out groceries
return Gap stuff
thanks everyone. i thought it was just me!

RAIN again here too Jennifer. & i have a million things to do. UGH!
are you going to the monster golf place on route 1 in Dedham/Norwood? we went to a birthday party there.

ASH- so very nice to see you. i was thinking about you this morning. i was getting an address out of the rolodex and came across yours. pm me your new one. i wanted to send you something.
Hey all!

Happy 25th to Holly and Mr. PO3

Joyah - let us know how it goes with your Dad

Ashley - Good to hear from you! How was the move? I missed the whole thing!

Nan - I might have a few ppl for that plane! When does it depart!?:)


DD up and out to feed pig
Vacuum and clean floors
Work on Door sign for friends upcoming cruise
Meet DH at hemotologist office at 11
PU horse feed
PU snacks for DD 2nd birthday!! I cannot believe how time flies!!

Thats all I can think of for now - I am sure there is more! There always is.:upsidedow

And if you can squeeze in an extra prayer for DH and our family I would appreciate it. We were awaiting bone marrow results and doctor confirmed his suspicions - hairy cell leukemia. DH starts the chemo today - sounds doable - I guess if there is a leukemia to have this one is good - 90-95% cure rate - one shot of chemo each day for 7 days. Shouldn't be too bad...right?? UGH. Just knowing you all are here is such a great thing!!


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