~The Daily Grind~ 7/17/10


<font color=magenta>My dream job is to be the Fair
Apr 29, 2005

“housework done incorrectly still blesses your family.” ~ flylady
"you can do anything for 15 minutes!" ~ flylady

~The Daily Grind~ 7/17/10

:wizard: P&PD for all those needing it.
:tink: extra for Blythe

It's The Weekend... Day #1

Hope everyone got a good sleep! I finally did...first time in a few days!

This evening I'm going to the housewarming party of the girl I went to Vegas with. It's for the people at work with them both...funny thing is, she works with me in the lab at the hosp, and her DH works at the blood donor center who supplies us. So, we are all in the same business, and talk on the phone, just really don't interact. I hope I'll get some faces to put with the voices.

My list for today:

Caffeinate...This repeats everyday

Swish and Swipe... this is the habit of the month for July...

Balance checkbook
Pay Bills


Make some pickies to take to the party tonight. I'm thinking sausage balls w/ sauce and zucchini nibbles

Have a Great Day everyone!!
Have fun at your party, Deb. We have a party today too. DH's friend from childhood has a BBQ every year. Their neighbors have a pool, so I'll stay with Morgan over there while DH catches up with his friends.

I have a few things to do before we go and I need to get a new external hard drive, my laptop is dragging.

Have a good day all!
Good Morning!

Enjoy the parties!

I am headed up to MD today.

finish carry-on stuff
head to airport
get picked up
out for mom's birthday dinner (today's her birthday)
drop SIL at airport (she is going to FL)
head back to mom and dad's

Good morning! I meant to get up at 6 & work on some scrappy stuff, but I decided to sleep in til 7:20--yeesh. Getting up at 4 am on Tuesday is gonna kick my tushie!!

Deb--have fun at your party! Sausage balls. . .yumm!!!
Jennifer--enjoy the pool!
Rebecca--have a safe trip and enjoy the time with your family!

Here's my list for today:

1. Up
2. Caffeinate
3. Shower & get ready
4. My guys up
5. Breakfast for everyone

6. Get DH to fold sheets & blanket
7. Load up car

8. Go to my work and clean my office to get ready to go back
9. Drop off TON of stuff @ my mom's

10. Back home for lunch stuff
11. Nap
12. Back out shopping

13. Work on at least one scrappy group
14. Relax!!!

I hope everyone has an awesome day!!
Morning friends!

Lots on my list again today....

Hair cut and color
post office
pay bills
balance checkbook. - maybe I should do that one first!

And a zillion other things!

Have a great day everyone!!!
Mornin' all!!

We are up and have already load the truck w/ PJ's projects for the 4-H fair... It takes all 3 of us to move her woodworking project... Dad will supervise and tighten down the screws that attach the hutch to the base... It's gorgeous!!! I can't wait to get it home and fill it w/ our goodies!!! I think I'm going to Disney theme it in the entry and it will hold all my scrapbooks. PJ works til 9pm tonight or whenever they got all the projects set up to open the auditiorium tomorrow afternoon.

DH will be home and than we will:
take DS9 is up to turn in his projects.
Make list of the kids' ribbons that they receive first round.... note on their achievement cards.
DH to take boys and get their cleats

I will finish sketch 2 ~ Donald today (I like the way it looks after sleeping on it)
Start sketch 1 ~ Disney theme today (hope to get it done too)
get everything ready for Duke to go to fair tomorrow
make daily feed baggies for Duke.. PJ will feed him in the mornings she has to go to work early... otherwise, DH will stop on the way to work... we always go out about lunch time & then again in the evenings.
Good Morning...

Today we are going to Max's best friend's moving up and moving on "graduation" party. 5 years ago this 14 yrs old entered the school Max is attending (against the advice of some professionals who thought he would be better served by being institutionalized). This fall he will be starting public high school! This boy is amazing (genius) and his family is an inspiration to us. This is such a bright light for us who have a child with Asperger's Syndrome, with proper instruction and education these kids thrive. :cloud9:

Kids are still asleep (really?):goodvibes

Up - coffee
Clear off kitchen table (the bean has had a project on there for weeks now)
Laundry (mine)
Call G.'s mom
Make Guacamole
Maybe play (actually clean up in) the scrap room
Tons of other stuff (but I am ignoring it for now;))

Have a great day everyone
The results are in.. at least the first round...

Woodworking ~ red.. :( She is disappointed..but I figured as much...
Here is the photo of the beautiful piece she made for my entry way..

ETA: The bottom of the unit will hold my 12 x 12 scrapbooks perfectly!!!!
I think I might have her put shelves in the open side and get wicker baskets for each of them to toss their keys, purse, etc in....

Scrapbook ~ blue
Consumer Clothing Outfit ~ blue
Consumer Clothing notebook ~ blue
2 - photography entries ~ both blue

The blues are up for the next round of judging (advance placing)...but we won't have those answers til late tonight (she is working set up so could check her and brothers additional ribbons)....

DS9 received..

Woodworking ~ blue
Collections ~ blue

Tomorrow we take Duke, the rabbit, in for his turn at the fair! He'll be there all week...and his rabbit show is on Tuesday.. LONG day for that one!
Congrats on all the ribbons PN96Family! That unit is amazing? Can PJ give my DH some lessons?

TB - that is a fantastic story! Hope the party was fun!

Worked today. 3 down, 2 to go. Today was a big day because it was my DsD-17's first day of work in my store. Not in my department, but it was neat to have her keep popping by my counter to say Hi. Now I just have to figure out how to get a photo of her at work without embarrassing both of us. ;)

Now I'm at DH's work waiting for him to come back for his supper break and we'll run over to Home Depot to pick out his birthday present (a new drill.)

Enjoy the rest of your weekends, everyone!
Rebecca, can you go to the Timbuktu restaurant near the Arundel Mills Mall and have their crab cakes for me. Delish!! Happy Birthday, MOM! :goodvibes
Very good showing, PNFamily!!

We lost power last night,, so this morning we were going around plugging appliances back on and resetting.
Dh went to NY for the day
Organized paperwork.
Went to J and M's. Our M's has several carts for $19.99.
There are thunder and boom boom's going on, hopefully we won't lose power again.
I had a fun time at the party. Only 1 other person from work came, so I'm glad I went.

I spent the day graphing out a copper trellis for my garden. I planted a trumpet vine, and they get big and heavy, so I need a strong trellis. I thought it would be cool to build one myself. Going to home depot tomorrow to get some stuff to get started.
Great job PN's family!! Be very proud!!

Deb when you talk about your plants it brings memories of Ma. She loved her plants and flowers. Thank you for that!!
Thanks all!!!
We take the rabbit in shortly..

The blue ribbon winner in PJ's division happens to be one of her good friends.... and we are not at all suprised she got it... She made a gorgeous coffee table for her mom. (Seems my friend and I got new furniture from our dd's this year! LOL)... Anyway, her piece was amazing.. even PJ had to admit that... I think what killed PJ most is she did not finish it w/ the sealer that her dad and I both told her too...but you know parents.. we are clueless when it comes to teens knowing it all! ;)


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