~The Daily Grind~ 8/10/09

Congrats Hope!!!

Jennifer- that water thing totally stinks. let me know how Morgan makes out on the rash. poor thing. it could be sun screen. bubba gets that. we have to be real careful what we put on him.
Congrats Hope! How exciting...

A Dis Chat would have been nice, I didn't get to sleep until about 3 am. I am a tad on the grumpy side - but my sister and neices should be here in about a half hour so that keeps me smiling! Yippee...

Jennifer - what a royal pain in the a$$ having to deal with the whole water issue. Oh - and I secound what Holly said about the sunscreen, my ds can't use certain brands - water babies was one of them - totally broke out in a rash...
Congratulations Hope!!! Sending pixiedust that the rest of the process goes smoothly. Have fun designing your craft space!!!!!


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