~The Daily Grind~ 9/15/09


<font color=magenta>My dream job is to be the Fair
Apr 29, 2005

“Housework done incorrectly still blesses your family.”
"You Can Do Anything for 15 Minutes!" ~ FlyLady

This month's Habit is: Before Bed Routine!
Zone of the week - Zone 3 - The Main Bathroom and Your Stash and Dash Spaces

~The Daily Grind~ 9/15/09

It's Tuesday!!

My List for Today:

This repeats every day!!

Stay on points!

Work till 3p


365 pic

Swish and Swipe

Clean in Zone

Kelly Mission 1 and 2 Why #1? Because I didn't do it on Monday!!!

Dinner... not a clue!! :confused3

Have a Great Day!! :teeth
Woah, am I really first? Crazy.

Up (I wish this meant the movie)
Eat breakfast at home for once
Tour of the Boston Athenaeum

I just applied to be on the Moms Panel for 2010. Who am I kidding? I'm not a mom!

But the requirements were only that you have to be 18 or older........ so I tried!

Won't hurt anything.... (just my pride)
Good Morning!!!

My day:
DS up and off to school
Clean up kitchen
Kit page 1 & 2 of paper bag album for class I'm teaching at a cross stitch retreat in October - none of these ladies are scrappers, so I have to do a lot of the prep work for this album. All they'll basically be doing is gluing!
Get Holiday/Seasons Swap and Topper & Tag Swap boxed up and ready to mail
Box up return to Amazon
Go to Junior Parents meeting at school
Go to Court of Honor for scouts

Have a great day everyone!
Good morning, everyone!! It's Tuesday! Woohoo!!! I hope everyone is off to a great start!

Here's my list for today:

1. Up
2. Caffeinate
3. Empty dishwasher
4. Finish thank-you notes
5. Clean kitchen
6. Switch to my new purse
7. DS up
8. DS to mom's
9. Bag of stuff to mom's

10. Work
11. Pick up DS

12. DH--get tea
13. DH--drop off stuff @ my brother's
14. Week of P365 journaling during lunch
15. Clean our bedroom--this has been on the list forever! I have to do it!
16. Get dining wish list together to call Thursday
17. P365 pic
18. Go to sleep sort of early!!!

Everyone have an awesome Tuesday!!!
I have today off. I've got some errands to do and some prep for the Junior meeting this afternoon.

Write note for PrincessM to not take bus home today
PrincessM up, fed, watered, dressed, on bus
Clean kitchen
Adjuster is coming from Ins. Co. to look at ceiling, etc.
Home to prep for GS meeting (nut sale handouts, etc.) - Oooh, bring camera and photo printer to meeting! Glad I remembered to put that down, I *should* remember now.
GS meeting at school

Somewhere in there I've got to get my Shutterfly book done, I got a free coupon and it expires today!

Hope everyone has a great day!

well it's tuesday and i feel like complete crap! my side is still killing me and i have an awful cold. my head feels like is 10X's it's normal size! UGH!

my list....

ds up dressed breakfast bus
prep supper-no clue?
balance checkbook
send in pto paperwork to school
send in phonebook info to school
check on fundraiser due date. (they already have fundraisers.)

ok. i'm done and it's only 6:55 am! good grief charlie brown it's going to be a long day!

have a nice tuesday everyone!
Awe. poor patrick swayze. sad.:hug:to his family & fans.

Feeling puny today.. think it's just tired from tutoring and not having dinner last night til almost 10pm.. :( I know, I know.. I should have ate before I left but was getting dinner for everyone else..

gotten several things done already...so here is the rest of the list

ck boards
ck email
older kids up, routine
older kids on bus
finish cutting France/assembling
cut Gettin' Autographs
empty dishwasher
figure out 2nd element for DHS (as everything I try, I don't like)
index 25 pages of virtual scrapbook (awaiting poll to close on Friday/but trying to get a head of the game)
balance ckbk
pay bills
pay real estate taxes tomorrow (get ck to friend who works there)

I know there is more but I can't think right now...

I hope everyone has a great day..

Holly, hope you feel better soon! :flower3:
okay it's tuesday and I'm already wishing for a weekend not a great start.

boys up
bus (thank god the normal driver is back)
me dressed and ready
dishwasher running
dis,farmville, mafia check in

someone coming to look at scrap stuff any minute
tidy kitchen and living room
follow up on job stuff
check on farmville
finish loading wagon with sugarwood (ugh this hurts and there are snakes in it:scared1:)
kids off bus
eric and tom out door for hunters safety
levi finish homework
kids to bed me to bed

Holly hope your feeling a tiny bit better I think it's time for a different dr.
Jennifer enjoy your day off
Brooke your much to happy this am could you send some extra north please
ZTH enjoy the classes
Deb when you figure out something good for dinner pass the ideas this way
Hope you all have a great day
DH txted me last night w/ the news.. :( I'm so sad..
There are supposed to (I'll ck the channel)... have a special of Dirty Dancing this weekend w/ deleted scenes..

Let me see what I can find; in case any of you have that channel..
finish loading wagon with sugarwood (ugh this hurts and there are snakes in it)

Uh, not on your life.. DH would have to immediately send me to Disney World for that job!
:hug: to you!!! You are a brave, brave woman!
Good Morning!

Holly- I hope you feel better
Jennifer- good luck with getting it done

dinner- finish from yesterday- power went out while I was cooking so DH did hotdogs on the grill (it was out for 3 hours so it was a good thing we didn't just wait)
ATC backs
keep taking puppies outside (I am the only one home)
circle journal
picture of SDV oages
picture CD of bridal shower

finish loading wagon with sugarwood (ugh this hurts and there are snakes in it:scared1:)

Oh my!!!!! There's no way I could do that. I am totally :scared1: of snakes. I saw one cross the sidewalk into a bush in my yard and it was weeks before I'd get anywhere near that bush!!!:rotfl: Good luck to you.

Storms or something else cause the power outage?

Storms I guess- they weren't that bad - just heavy rain but it is the second time in a couple of days- we were without power for about 3 hours some weekend evening too, another rain not thunder and lightning event.

Was just curious, as we haven't had much rain lately.... (storms)... our leaves are already starting to fall! ;(
Sorry about the power outage Rebecca! We finally had really heavy rain last week into the weekend. It was fantastic- of course it only slightly helped with severe drought. The other good news was that it cooled us down- we were only in the 80's yesterday! :banana: It's cool again today!

Nan and Holly, I hope you feel better!

DD's hair
DD and DH out the door

straighten hair
loving movement
figure out where I'm going for the meeting
make bed
DS fed
DS dressed

DS's bed
swish and swipe
run dishwasher
shine the sink
pick up DS

DS nap
finish project in the closet
pick up DD
have DD pick up mess in play room
grocery store list
grocery store?

thanks for the g.w. wishes.

Nan-hope you feel better too!

although have you seen the cuttlekids snake die. he's adorable!
Thanks for feeling my pain ladies. Snakes well it hopefully left I HATE those things. It was weird I just calmly walked to the other side of the pile more like mountian and started working over there.

Unfortunately someone has to do the wood and since i'm out of work and he was working i elected myself:confused3 what was I thinking. but sugaring pays the house taxes and keeps us going when times are slim like now. so I need to make sure it gets done. I can't split these size chunks as I just can't budge them so he splits I throw and then help stack. between the house and sugarhouse we go through about 20 cords of wood a year. I should be as skinny as a rail :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:

Well off to get his bills done and then unload the wagon (it holds a cord when i get it full). guess my list for the day went out the window.


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