The DDA Trouble Free Zone Part 23

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Not such good news from the vet.:sad2: Unfortunately I am the winner of the bet. Amanda has kidney failure due to old age. Her kidney function is currently 25-35%. The vet prescribed some antibiotics and some special food, but her condition will deteriorate over time. I am afraid when she loses bladder control we will have to say good-bye.:sad1: DS was very worried about her, so I am glad she is back home for awhile longer.

Vicki - THANK YOU for the pins!:banana: DS will be so tickled when he gets home! I'll get a check in the mail to you tomorrow!

Tammi - While I am at the post office I will get that box to you, too! Sorry it has taken me so long!:upsidedow

I'm so sorry about Amanda. I hope its not too hard on DS.
Not such good news from the vet.:sad2: Unfortunately I am the winner of the bet. Amanda has kidney failure due to old age. Her kidney function is currently 25-35%. The vet prescribed some antibiotics and some special food, but her condition will deteriorate over time. I am afraid when she loses bladder control we will have to say good-bye.:sad1: DS was very worried about her, so I am glad she is back home for awhile longer.

Vicki - THANK YOU for the pins!:banana: DS will be so tickled when he gets home! I'll get a check in the mail to you tomorrow!

Tammi - While I am at the post office I will get that box to you, too! Sorry it has taken me so long!:upsidedow

:grouphug: It is so hard when a pet gets old and ill.
Elizabeth - I'm sorry to hear about Amanda, our fur babies really do become family members.

I really could use some prayers and Pixie Dust. My youngest brother, who is 38, married and father of two, has been having medical problems, at first they thought it might be Vertigo, the tests proved that it wasn't and now they suspect MS.

Please add him to your prayer list.

Thank you,


Debbie, I am so sorry to hear that. I will definitely add him to my prayer list.
Elizabeth - I'm sorry to hear about Amanda, our fur babies really do become family members.

I really could use some prayers and Pixie Dust. My youngest brother, who is 38, married and father of two, has been having medical problems, at first they thought it might be Vertigo, the tests proved that it wasn't and now they suspect MS.

Please add him to your prayer list.

Thank you,


He is in my prayers.
Well, can I ask for some prayers too?

I spoke with my dad today. Turns out my uncle, his brother, was taking a routine stress test that is needed for his job. It wasn't good so they sent him to the doctor. He has 5 blocked arteries and needs open heart surgery. On Friday he has a consult with the doctor and I think they are going to try to schedule the surgery for Monday. My dad's side of the family is so unhealthy. I hope I don't have his genes!

Prayers for your uncle, Tammi. My father had open heart surgery when I was pregnant with Matthew. I know that it is stressful.
Well, can I ask for some prayers too?

I spoke with my dad today. Turns out my uncle, his brother, was taking a routine stress test that is needed for his job. It wasn't good so they sent him to the doctor. He has 5 blocked arteries and needs open heart surgery. On Friday he has a consult with the doctor and I think they are going to try to schedule the surgery for Monday. My dad's side of the family is so unhealthy. I hope I don't have his genes!

I'm glad that they found it befire anything happened. He will be in my prayers.
:wizard: for your uncle Tammi!

Well, can I ask for some prayers too?

I spoke with my dad today. Turns out my uncle, his brother, was taking a routine stress test that is needed for his job. It wasn't good so they sent him to the doctor. He has 5 blocked arteries and needs open heart surgery. On Friday he has a consult with the doctor and I think they are going to try to schedule the surgery for Monday. My dad's side of the family is so unhealthy. I hope I don't have his genes!

My laptop will last 4 hours using the battery. Only thing I don't like is the screen dims.

On the bad side I now need that outlet.

Thanks for the update Elin!

Update on Aidan:

Well we didn't get a chance to get out and visit Aidan today, but wanted to post information and some new pictures. Aidan has gone off of the ventulator and moved on to a contraption that makes him look like snuffalupagus. He doesn't like it very much so the switch between this and some prongs that go into his nose. This unit he doesn't like either, but at least he gets a change of pace.

All things considered it's kind of calm, which in the eye's of the doctor's is just fine with them.

Today however they did notice a rather unpleasant scent coming from his wound, so they pulled a sample from it to run tests on and see if an infection is brewing. This they will treat with antibiotics focused on whatever may be growing. They are being proactive and that is a good thing but please continue to pray for his wound as that needs all the healing it can receive both inside and out. Infections can be a major setback in his recovery.

They are talking about doing a contrast study next week to see how the rest of his intestine is doing on the inside. If this is positive then they are thinking he will start feeding.

I also got a chance to hold him yesterday. Wow he's bigger then I thought and quite snoozer. It was fun being able to watch him sleep, yawn and stretch in my arms.

:) And with this I bid you all a good morning... 8383 seemed like a good number of posts to stay on for a while. :)
Good morning DDA!

We have inventory at work today. Seems like we just did it! Hope everyone has a great day, chat with you all later!
Good morning everyone! Sounds like everyone is off and running today. I'm just hoping not to have to take Terra to the doctor today. She did something to her eye yesterday morning. She was rolling around on the floor and the best we can tell she rolled so that a sock on the floor grazed her eye. She kept it cosed for about 45 minutes before falling asleep for another hour. After some more tears when she awoke I finally got her to open it. I can't see any scratches on it, but it was definitely irritated and improved over the day. She still complained about bright lights though and would only open her eyes outside with sunglasses.

Then last night Rachel accidentally hit the same eye with her head (don't ask me how) and Terra started screaming again saying that she couldn't open her eye. I held her and she ended up falling asleep (it was almost bedtime anyway). She had a rough night of sleep and woke up this morning at 6:30 complaining that the lights were too bright and saying that she couldn't open her eye still. She fell back asleep on my lap at the computer and has been sleeping ever since. I am hoping when she is fully rested and wakes up, she'll be more calm and can/will open her eye. If not, I guess we may be heading to the doctor. Terra is not one to complain about an injury and usually wants the pain over ASAP so that she can get back to playing so the fact that she's complaining for so long has me a little worried, but at the same time I couldn't see anything wrong after the first incident yesterday. Argh! I hate not knowing what to do.
Good morning, all!:)

Tammi - It was hard to get up this morning, wasn't it? I am going to blow off the lab until Monday. Ha ha! Like it will be any easier to get up Monday than it was today! Anyway, I have already started on my coffee so today is no longer an option. I will take DS to school (in my pajamas) and come back home.

Jen - Have a great day!

Vicki - I hope things are going well!

Beth & Heidi & Elin - Hello!!

I am keeping little Aidan in my thoughts. I hope he continues to recover quickly! It must have been such a joy for Mac to get to hold his little son!:goodvibes

Janet - I hope inventory goes well!:wizard:

Tia - I need to check out those links! OK, not really. What I NEED to do is try to clean up some of this mess. But I would rather check out those links!:rotfl2: Maybe I'll take a bag of trash out when we leave for school. That's a start!

Hope everyone has a great day! I go in at 12:30, then the kids have a party at 4:45. It doesn't end until 6:45. Sister is supposed to have cooking class, but Momboss told me to let her pick party or cooking. She chose party. Well, the party is across town and I am supposed to be off at 6 PM. Momboss said she would come get the kids. Dadboss said yesterday that Momboss is NOT coming to get the kids.:headache: OK. So WHY was Sister given a choice? I told Dadboss I would stay with them until the end of the party and he could pay me overtime. He agreed.:thumbsup2 I like all the families from the preschool, so I don't mind taking them to the party. But they WILL have naps today!
Elizabeth - I'm sorry to hear about Amanda, our fur babies really do become family members.

I really could use some prayers and Pixie Dust. My youngest brother, who is 38, married and father of two, has been having medical problems, at first they thought it might be Vertigo, the tests proved that it wasn't and now they suspect MS.

Please add him to your prayer list.

Thank you,


Prayers said! :grouphug:

Well, can I ask for some prayers too?

I spoke with my dad today. Turns out my uncle, his brother, was taking a routine stress test that is needed for his job. It wasn't good so they sent him to the doctor. He has 5 blocked arteries and needs open heart surgery. On Friday he has a consult with the doctor and I think they are going to try to schedule the surgery for Monday. My dad's side of the family is so unhealthy. I hope I don't have his genes!

And prayers said for your Uncle! :wizard:

Elizabeth -- I'm sorry to hear about Amanda. I hope the medicine works well! Saying prayers for her and for your DS.

I don't think you were rude to your neighbor. She didn't really tell you what she needed and it was pretty late anyway.

:wizard: Here's some PD and prayers for Terra's eye.

Also sending more :wizard: and :grouphug: for all of those who need it today!

Elizabeth, Lindsay and Mac -- I hope the bad weather expected in Dallas doesn't cause problems for any of you.

Mac -- your precious one is still on our prayer list. The offer of help still stands, in whatever capacity it is needed!
Thanks, Marci! Is the weather supposed to get bad today? I have been TRYING to watch the news but I keep falling asleep before the weather comes on!

Tia - Terra may have scratched the cornea, which you may or may not be able to see. My friend did that when he was trimming trees and had a little bit of sawdust blow in his eye. He called me because he thought he had pinkeye and wanted me to tell him the symptoms. The Dr. said he scratched the cornea. It healed on it's own - he might have had some drops to use. Good luck!:wizard:
Good morning everyone! Sounds like everyone is off and running today. I'm just hoping not to have to take Terra to the doctor today. She did something to her eye yesterday morning. She was rolling around on the floor and the best we can tell she rolled so that a sock on the floor grazed her eye. She kept it cosed for about 45 minutes before falling asleep for another hour. After some more tears when she awoke I finally got her to open it. I can't see any scratches on it, but it was definitely irritated and improved over the day. She still complained about bright lights though and would only open her eyes outside with sunglasses.

Then last night Rachel accidentally hit the same eye with her head (don't ask me how) and Terra started screaming again saying that she couldn't open her eye. I held her and she ended up falling asleep (it was almost bedtime anyway). She had a rough night of sleep and woke up this morning at 6:30 complaining that the lights were too bright and saying that she couldn't open her eye still. She fell back asleep on my lap at the computer and has been sleeping ever since. I am hoping when she is fully rested and wakes up, she'll be more calm and can/will open her eye. If not, I guess we may be heading to the doctor. Terra is not one to complain about an injury and usually wants the pain over ASAP so that she can get back to playing so the fact that she's complaining for so long has me a little worried, but at the same time I couldn't see anything wrong after the first incident yesterday. Argh! I hate not knowing what to do.

:wizard: :wizard: I hope she feels better once she is fully rested
I finally have a day off...well kind of. I don't have to work at the restaurant today, but I do have my nephew. Oh well, at least I don't have to work tonight. As of now I'm not working tomorrow night either, but I won't hold my breath as they seem to call me in a lot.

Chris did a great job picking up the house last night so I think I'll jump on the bandwagon and do some more. I need to take the little ones to school in a bit so that will take a chunck out of the day. Tonight we have an event for the Boy Scouts at 7 PM. I'm glad that I will get to attend as after the ceremony they are planning the big outings for this summer and next.

Have a great day.

Well....guess what we woke up to this morning???:confused: SNOW!!! Last forecast I heard said zilch about snow. It's still snowing too. Why oh why can't the weathercasters get something right??:confused3 :lmao:

Tia-I'll be thinking of Terra may want to take her into the dr. anyway because it will help you feel better too.

Elin-thanks for the update on Aidan...I've been going over to the care page often...just hadn't gotten a chance lately. That poor little boy has already had so many struggles. :hug:

Deb-enjoy your time "off"
When I was at the Walmart Superstore yesterday I found the coolest juice bottles. They are made by TummyTickler, but the designs aren't showing on their website yet. They had the disney line.



They are reusable and spill proof. Kind of like a sippy cup but much cooler. They were $5.19 for 3 and they are filled with fruit juice. All 3 of my kids thought they were cool. Those just might be Colby's new WDW cup. They would be pretty cool in the parks. :thumbsup2
Good morning everyone! Sounds like everyone is off and running today. I'm just hoping not to have to take Terra to the doctor today. She did something to her eye yesterday morning. She was rolling around on the floor and the best we can tell she rolled so that a sock on the floor grazed her eye. She kept it cosed for about 45 minutes before falling asleep for another hour. After some more tears when she awoke I finally got her to open it. I can't see any scratches on it, but it was definitely irritated and improved over the day. She still complained about bright lights though and would only open her eyes outside with sunglasses.

Then last night Rachel accidentally hit the same eye with her head (don't ask me how) and Terra started screaming again saying that she couldn't open her eye. I held her and she ended up falling asleep (it was almost bedtime anyway). She had a rough night of sleep and woke up this morning at 6:30 complaining that the lights were too bright and saying that she couldn't open her eye still. She fell back asleep on my lap at the computer and has been sleeping ever since. I am hoping when she is fully rested and wakes up, she'll be more calm and can/will open her eye. If not, I guess we may be heading to the doctor. Terra is not one to complain about an injury and usually wants the pain over ASAP so that she can get back to playing so the fact that she's complaining for so long has me a little worried, but at the same time I couldn't see anything wrong after the first incident yesterday. Argh! I hate not knowing what to do.

:wizard: :wizard: :wizard: for Terra!

Good morning, all!:)
Hope everyone has a great day! I go in at 12:30, then the kids have a party at 4:45. It doesn't end until 6:45. Sister is supposed to have cooking class, but Momboss told me to let her pick party or cooking. She chose party. Well, the party is across town and I am supposed to be off at 6 PM. Momboss said she would come get the kids. Dadboss said yesterday that Momboss is NOT coming to get the kids.:headache: OK. So WHY was Sister given a choice? I told Dadboss I would stay with them until the end of the party and he could pay me overtime. He agreed.:thumbsup2 I like all the families from the preschool, so I don't mind taking them to the party. But they WILL have naps today!
:headache: Have a good day..I don't know how you put up with them!;)

When I was at the Walmart Superstore yesterday I found the coolest juice bottles. They are made by TummyTickler, but the designs aren't showing on their website yet. They had the disney line.



They are reusable and spill proof. Kind of like a sippy cup but much cooler. They were $5.19 for 3 and they are filled with fruit juice. All 3 of my kids thought they were cool. Those just might be Colby's new WDW cup. They would be pretty cool in the parks. :thumbsup2

I love those! My kids would love those! We don't have a Super Walmart & I haven't seen them in my regular Walmart...cute!!!
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