The Middle

Sue and Sean must take a long time to get married for Axl to have 3 kids that old and a 4th in the way...

I didn't take it that way. One scene show Axl coming home to 3 kids (older at that) on the couch. Then there was the wedding scene and he and Lexie (I assume) were in the crowd and she was pregnant. I assumed that was their first (a way to show that Axl and Lexie married). Did they have older kids standing with them?
I cried through the whole thing. It’s our favorite family TV show. My youngest leaves for college this August, so I know how Frankie feels.

It’s embarrassing how many things we can relate to from that show! Going over data happens to us regularly, just for one example.

I think the funniest moment on that show was when Frankie ate Axel’s toenails.

YES.. the toenail episode! And first runner up is the episode where Frankie was irrationally upset about the Bachelor finale and Mike said something like, "Twenty years and I've never once smacked ya... " :rotfl:
Don't know how accurate this is but I just heard on the radio that they ( whoever "they" are) are considering a spin off show about Sue. I'm hoping that this is true and also hoping that even though it's about Sue and I assume Sean, that they would bring the rest of the cast in to it also.
Anyone else have any info about this?
Don't know how accurate this is but I just heard on the radio that they ( whoever "they" are) are considering a spin off show about Sue. I'm hoping that this is true and also hoping that even though it's about Sue and I assume Sean, that they would bring the rest of the cast in to it also.
Anyone else have any info about this?

I saw this story on Entertainment Tonight. Definitely speculation about a spin off for Sue to fill the hole left by the cancellation of Rosanne. But then they showed a clip of Eden, the actor, saying she would love another show, but she is done being Sue.
Ugh, I can't imagine a show based on Sue. She never grew up the entire series. I never understood how she had all these 'normal' boyfriends when she looked, acted, and dressed like a 12 year old girl. It's really creepy.

But on a side note, I love Neil Flynn. I will check out his new show this fall.
Ugh, I can't imagine a show based on Sue. She never grew up the entire series. I never understood how she had all these 'normal' boyfriends when she looked, acted, and dressed like a 12 year old girl. It's really creepy.

But on a side note, I love Neil Flynn. I will check out his new show this fall.

Wait! What? He has a show? Off to google...
Just watched the finale today, so I had to go back and like more posts. :laughing:

I loved how they had Mike narrate the end. I loved Sue & Sean finally getting together. (I figured when she put the snow globe in the bag that he'd miss his flight, but the way they payed it out was even better!)

I am sad too to see it go. I am glad it had a nice send off and the whisper at the end was perfect.

So perfect!

One thing I noticed was at the end when they showed Sue's wedding. They showed Mike and Frankie, Brad and what looked like his partner, Axel and his pregnant wife (although she never turned her head to the camera, it looked like Lexie). But they did not show Brick. I was expecting to see Brick and Cindy. Just thought it was odd they didn't show Brick. I did notice the wedding ring when he was at the book signing, so we can assume he married Cindy, but it was strange he was not in the final shot of Sue's wedding.

At first, I was going to say that Sue probably got married before Brick, so maybe Cindy was still away at school or something, and maybe Brick was supposed to be the one behind the camera videotaping?

Then I read another post where someone said they saw them, so now I have to watch again!
Finally caught up on my DVR, loved the finale. Just one thing bothered me...after all the angst around the time capsule this season, I really wanted the end to include opening it in the future, maybe by Sue's descendants...but no regrets and the door is open for a spinoff!

Maria :upsidedow


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