The Official New Mom Thread Part 2

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Another FYI- there is a .02 click at Sunshine.

Would anyone happen to have a 24 mo/2T red and white or red and black cheerleading outfit/costume that they would like to get rid of? I'm trying to find one for Jenna to wear to my DH's games. I haven't had success at e-bay.

BnBM- Don't forget that the baby care centers have water for bottles.

Alice- Glad you got to speak with your Mom.

SL- Great new pics. Sorry about Lucas' slide. Is there a number that you can call to see about ordering a new piece if they are out at TRU?

ryan- I am so sorry to hear about your Jeep. Glad to hear that your ded is only $400 and not $1,000.

justhat- Good luck with Henry's appt tomorrow.

Valerie- Jenna is a climber as well. She can almost climb out of her crib, and I'm not ready to put her in a toddler bed yet. Can't wait to watch the BB prom! :rotfl2:

GLT- Glad your DD is feeling better. I would be happy to send her a copy of "Going to School" if you think that would help.

Tasha- Glad to hear that your car is running great.

Hi to all other DIS moms!

TTFN! :wave:
Today is all the last minute stuff. I need to finish all the cleaning I didnt get to yesterday and finish packing. I want to be done by 7 so we can relax tonight. Otherwise I start the trip stressed and we end up arguing.

I feel bad for my parents though. THey are driving 1 1/2 hours to my house, picking us up and driving us to the airport and then going home. THe kicker is we need to be at the airport at 5 am and its 20 minutes from thier house.

I love my Mommy and Daddy!

Hubby is crabbing that he may not be able to bring his gameboy on the flight. I"m cracking up... Like Lily is going to let him play it... right. We are going to check and extra bag so we have less to carry on -- one bag for us and her diaper bag. Everything should work out ok. The worst case scenario is that she will drink (eek) full strength and not diluted baby juice if they can't get us water for her formula fast enough. She'll love that, all that sweetness.

SL, about the slide. Call the customer service number on the directions. We had that with several of Lily’s gifts. The companies seemed to have no issue with it. We dealt with Fisher Price, Little Tykes and Step 2

Ryan, your poor baby! :grouphug: That sucks. We have a hard time saving too. Everyone’s situation is different. No one should be judging you. I am so sorry.

Justine, I remember the billi checks with Lily. I was paranoid about her color and everything. Just take it one day at a time. Lily wasn’t eating enough and they made me supplement w/ formula. I’m glad that isn’t a problem with you. The whole formula thing crushed me. Once the formula was on, she was fine. I hope Henry’s levels drop soon. :goodvibes

Vald, Katrina and Lily must be related. Lily climbed onto the dishwasher door yesterday while I was loading it. Her new nickname is Monkey. :chewy:

How cute about Katrina telling you she wants to go to bed. Lily just becomes an impossible stinker. That’s how she lets us know.

Robin, I’m glad you got to talk to you Mom and that everything is ok. It must be a weight off your shoulders. :bitelip:

GLT, we leave for our trip on the 12th and come back the 19th. Normally, we’d stay ‘till the 20th, but hubby has a business trip that leaves the 20th. I think we’ll be ok at the airport. At least Ohare is a huge airport so we can walk around with Lily and not have to stay in one area while we’re waiting for our flight.

T&S, Thanks for the good wishes and good luck at school next week. I'm glad to hear things turned out well with your car. Can you hook Ryan up with your mechanic? It sounds like she could use the help right now.

Kim, I have put your schedule on the back of mine and put your phone # in my cell. I'll probably call you on Sunday in the middle of the day or so. At least that's the plan. If you don't hear from me, call. If something strange happens and my nuber doesn't work, hubby's number is the same only the last 4 digits are 8911 instead of 8910. I can't wait to meet. How fun!

Hi to any mommies I missed JIll, J&D, DisPhD, Gems, FF, BnBs mom... Hope everyon is having a great day. JIll get those questions ready for me when I get home.

I am going to try not to post until later tonight. If I end up not getting back on, I hope everyone has a great week.

TTFN, Gretchen
How cute about Lilly being "monkey" now :teeth: . They sure keep us on our toes, don't they? Good luck getting all the last minute stuff done. I am anal about leaving a sparkling clean house too.

I'll keep my eyes open for a red cheerleading outfit for you :thumbsup2 . I am hoping Will gets voted prom king :rotfl2: .

I'm glad your car is all set :) . If I don't "see" you before then, good luck on Tuesday :teacher: . I can't believe you went to so many schools :faint: ! I was lucky and went from pre-school through 12th grade in the same place.

Thanks for the link. I'll have to have dh take a look at it. The computer stuff is his domain ;) .

I hope all the kids are feeling better today. Luckily my ds was very receptive to starting a new school so I'm sorry I don't have much good advice for you.
Are any of her pre-school friends going to be in her class? Has she gotten to meet the teacher at all? I'm sure she will settle in and be just fine :grouphug: .

My kids were at it again last night. Katie woke up about three times but got herself back to sleep. And then ds came in at 6:15 and woke me up for the day :rolleyes: . I'm starting to feel like I did when I had a newborn in the house. Unfortunately I won't be getting any extra sleep over the weekend. I am watching my dniece on Sat. night and she and ds have a habit of staying up very late at their sleepovers.

Tomorrow we are having a family reunion with my dad's side of the family. My aunt and uncle from Florida are here for a visit and they haven't seen the three new babies yet (Katrina is one of them). We are all meeting for lunch at a restaurant by the lake. I think I'm going to dress the kids in one of their matching Disney outfits. Hey, I need to be dorky while they are still too little to protest right ;) :teeth: ?
Morning. Jimmy was WIDE awake at 6:30 this morning and I was still feeling yucky, so I made him go back to sleep on the sofa with me. I'm not exactly sure when he fell asleep, but he's still sleeping. He was running amuck with his cousins again last night and he didn't wake up screaming at all. Now the tough part of getting him back on a schedule has to begin.

Some sad news here. One of my former students died in a car accident very close to my dad's house on Wednesday night. She was a great girl and I feel terrible for her parents. I'm considering going to her viewing, if there is one, but I don't really do well at those kinds of things. I am going to make a monetary donation in her memory to our school's library.

The builder came and discussed all of the plans with us. We also need to factor in the cost of new windows in what will be our living room, a beam in that room to support the upstairs, and some kind of access door to the outside where we'll eventually put our deck. The cost of the materials has already gone up with the BP oil leak, so we're figuring we're going to need to borrow close to $60,000 when all is said and done. DH has some additional questions I want him to get answered today so we can get the money and get started. He doesn't see the urgency of having this done like I do. Can you imagine us living at my mom's with a newborn? No thanks.

Alice - I'm glad you had a chance to speak to your mom and that she's having a great time. Is the carpet coming?

justthat - I hope Henry improves so he doesn't have to go back to the hospital. I also hope you're getting some rest!

DisKim and gretchen - I hope you all have great trips to WDW!

Btw, on my trip last summer, Eyore (sp?) was being a total perv with our friend at our CP bfast. He was hugging her and smushing her ****s together. Ick!

Val - I hope you have a great time at your reunion.

SL - Sorry about the slide. We got a duplicate gift at Christmas from one of DH's sisters. By the time I took it back (to Wal-Mart w/o a receipt ;) ) it was worth something like $9. It was a $20 toy when I bought it.

J&D - Hope you find your outfit!

Tasha - I'm not really interested in WDW next summer, either. Maybe it's the thought of going with a 2yo and a 4 month old? We're going to do a week at the shore instead. Much more laid back.

ryan - Sorry about the car! I hope some money comes your way soon!

GLT - Sorry, I have no advice for you. I wish I could get my middle schoolers to like school. I hope she gets there, has a great teacher, and loves it. I always loved school. I'm hoping my kids will, too. DH hated going, but he's never going to tell them that.

Hi to BnB, floridafam, hillbeans, zalansky, nucpharm, and all the other moms!

I have to change and feed my boy!
Gretchen - I'm guessing that electronics are still allowed on. I was going to bring the kids' gameboys and the dvd player for Aidan. I would imagine it would be a major news story if electronics were not allowed. This morning I heard that England is not allowing them. In fact, they are only allowing passenger to board witht their travel paperwork and that's it.

Val - Aidan is a monkey too. He figured out how to climb the ladder to Alex's top bunk. Needless to say, we hid that ladder really quick. No one is using that bunk right now anyway.

I'm starting to stress out really bad. I keep forgetting what I have and have not pack. I have stupid packing lists everwhere but I don't look at them. I am not a good traveler. I didn't realize I could have chosen my seats a long time ago. I'm so used to flying Southwest that I forgot other airlines do this. Needless to say, we're in the back of the plane. I figure it's better that way because the noise back there will drown out Aidan's screams and we are close to the bathroom for Alex who has a bladder the size of a pea. Well, I have a hundred thousand things to do.
lissawynn - I would certainly want the addition done ASAP too! I'm really getting disturbed by these stories about the characters! I just had this image of Eeyore being profiled on Oprah :rotfl2: .
Hi mom's.

J&D, I have a cheerleading outfit for Anna (size 4t, it still fits her good) but it is strawberry shortcake and was only around $15. It is red and white and cute. I got it at Mejiers.

I am very excited. A dear friend came over on Wednesday. She was 39 weeks pregnant and I hadn't seen her in a few months. We meant to get together, but she was so busy with the end of her work. So anyway she made it over around 6:30 and we chatted for an hour or so. She looked so great and is doing really well (even with gestational diabetes). Anyway after she was in the bathroom for a while I was joking with her, your water didn't break did it???????? Well it did! She was so calm. We talked a few min, she decided it was best to go home. I offered to drive her but she said she was fine. Later I was freaking out, how could I let her leave with out driving her??????? She didn't even tell her DH her water broke, just that she was coming home. (she didn't want him to worry.) She left and I got a call the next morning. She said she got home with no problems, she even stopped and got gas in the car!. The labor started right after she got home and they went in around 11:00 pm. The baby was born at 6:00 am at the natural child birth center near here (with a mid wife.) This was her 1st baby, 8 lbs 14 oz and all natural child birth. No I.V. no meds, no eppi nothing. She is my hero (but if I ever have another I am not going to try it.) A healthy little boy, the they hadn't decided on the name yet.

Anyway I had to share. I am so excited for her. :Pinkbounc

We were going to go down to Soak City at Cedar point today, (2 hours away.) but it should be partly cloudy, mid 70's and WINDY! like 20 to 30 mile an hour winds. No thanks, so we are off to the local zoo. Great zoo day. (it isn't as windy here in metro Detroit today, 5 to 10 mile winds.)

Hope everyone is doing well! :wave:
Justthat - Is there a way for you to let baby Henry sit by a bright window today in his bassinet? I'm not saying put the sun right on his face or anything, but I remember my doctors saying that if I could let my child sleep near a bright window that it may help with the biliruben levels. It's funny - I am O+ and both of my sons are A+ and so is my DH, so I had thought that it was because our blood types were different that my son had it - but maybe I just misunderstood why?

Diskim and Gretchen and Buzznbelle - please try not to worry about your upcoming trips to WDW. I hope everything is safe and i'm sure everything is going to work out just fine.

I will update everyone else tonight or tomorrow when i'm home from work. I just wanted to thank everyone for your kind words after what that woman said to me yesterday. My one friend said it best when she said that "anyone over the age of 3 should know better than to ask anyone if they're pregnant". Unfortunately the extra baby weight is in my middle (i'm wearing 10's/12's) but I really didn't think I looked that awful until she said that to me. Oh well, what's done is done.

Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
Val- Believe it or not, Olivia still likes to have her hands up by her neck.. she also sticks them in her mouth all the time. When we had our 20 week sonogram we saw her doing that and thought she was sucking her thumb, but she’s an equal opportunity finger sucker.
I’m so glad I didn’t see that Dr. Phil. Things like that wind up bothering me for awhile to the point where I feel physically ill and have trouble sleeping. I just can’t stand anyone who would hurt children.

DisKim- I also hate Newark airport. I’d rather fly out of JFK any day of the week, whether it’s a terror target or not. I feel the same way sometimes about bringing kids into a world that’s so full of hate, but it actuality, there’s always been problems and suffering in the world. I have to believe that our kids will be able to make a happy life for themselves, and that we can help them grow into it.
Sorry about the haircut :(

Alice- ELEVEN pounds! Holy moley! Olivia isn’t much bigger than that now! I was with my mom when she gave birth to DBro(3) and thought he was a monster size at nine and a half pounds, but eleven pounds just sounds massive. My grandfather insists that when he was born he was 16 pounds, but I seriously doubt that. Back then, they had births at home and no accurate way of measuring things, so I’m sure he was a big baby, but he couldn’t have been 16 pounds!
I’m glad your parents are having a nice time. People asked me the same thing about Olivia’s round head.

Buzznbelle- Take a deep breath, you can do this travel thing! I felt the same way on our last trip to Disney with my whole family. We had my grandparents (both in wheelchairs), my two sisters, my youngest brother who was 18 months and in a stroller, my slightly younger brother (who wanted to fight with everyone), AND my aunt and uncle who complained about everything (they wanted to get off the cruise ship at the first port of call and just meet us in WDW afterwards, but when they heard what it would cost stayed onboard and made me nuts). We were in WDW for four days after the cruise, and you know what--- we had a great time. Everyone who went (except my aunt) said it was the best family vacation we ever took. Though I could tell some stories about what it took to get everyone’s luggage and wheelchairs taken care of (this was before Magical Express).

We’ve stayed in the Fort Wilderness cabins, and actually, I really loved them. They’re the best bargain for a family of 4+. They’re laid out really well, and I loved having a full sized fridge and a stove. I’d stay there again in a heartbeat. The only downside we found is that it’s a long walk from the cabins to the main bus stop, which takes you to the parks. There’s also an internal bus, but most mornings we walked to the main bus stop instead of waiting for the internal bus. Personally, I don’t mind walking that much, but I could see where it would be annoying for some people.

Gretchen- I had the same butt-squeezing incident with one of the country bears. It was funny, because he did the same thing to my mom, and afterwards we were wondering what was going on there!
My funniest character experience was at Hershey Park though. There was this guy in a Symphony Bar costume who put his arm around me and then hugged me and then kept waving at me, and finally started following me around the park. It was kind of creepy and ridiculous at the same time. Finally, my dad went up to him and told him enough was enough. You can only imagine how hysterical it was having my dad tell a symphony bar to leave his daughter alone.

Ryan- I never heard of anyone stealing an ignition. That’s so awful.

Justhat- We had the same issue with Olivia’s bili levels.. they went up rather than down, and her eyes looked so yellow. She held steady at 15 or so for a few days, and then it started to get better. It sounds like his liver just has to kick in though. That’s what they said about Olivia, because she was barely 37 weeks.

Lissawynn- So sorry to hear about your former student.

Oh my goodness this is getting to be a long post. Today I’m trying to figure out if I definitely need to get a survey done of our new property. The lowest quote I found for a survey was $625. Grrr! My friend wound up getting to the pier just as the ship was pulling away :( OK, time to make some more phonecalls and maybe stop at BJs.
GM- LOL about your experience with the Symphony Bar freak! Yikes! And kudos to you for making that trip with all your relatives work! Wow! Do you know if your friend made the Disney Wonder yesterday? (or was it Magic?).

Kim & Gretchen- I'm wishing for you the best, most magical trip to WDW with your families, EVER! :tink: :tink: :tink: :goofy: :mickeyjum :donald: I cannot wait to hear all the details from both of you!

Justhat- how is Henry today? Are his bili levels down? I sure hope so. :grouphug:

DisneyPhD- that's very exciting about your friend! Congratulations to her and her family!

lissawynn- glad you got to sleep a bit more. I hope the addition is able to happen very quickly! The carpet is coming on Monday! We had some work ahead of us this weekend, moving stuff.

Val- have fun at the family reunion! I hope your kids start sleeping normally again!

J&D- I will keep my eyes out for a cheerleading costume for you.

Not much planned here today. Just cleaning, paint touchups and maybe, just maybe I will haul my scrapbook out. I got my quarterly order from Creative Memories yesterday. Nothing too exciting, but I was out of tape runner adhesive, so I wasn't scrapping. Now I have no excuse. And I have a box of Disneyland pictures SCREAMING my name. Maybe I *need* to go to the scrapbook store, just to get another sheet or two of Mickey paper. :scratchin ::MickeyMo
Hi Everyone! :wave2:

I only have a few more hours before I need to leave for the weekend and I just wanted to send good wishes to DisKim and Gretchen! :wizard: Have a wonderful trip! Take lots of pictures so we all can see when you get back! I’ll say some prayers that you all have a smooth uneventful flight.

Justhat – I’ll say some prayers that Henry’s bili levels go down. :grouphug: All three of my kids had problems with jaundice due to a blood incompatibility with me. John’s was the worst and required the lights in the hospital. Like Henry, he had to go back for the heel prick at the hospital for many days after his release. I hope that today was the last heel prick for him and that his levels go down.

DisneyPhD – Congratulations to your friend on the birth of her baby! :love: Have fun at the zoo today!

Robin – That is wonderful that you got to speak with your mother! :woohoo: I’m so glad that your parents are having a great trip too. Good luck with scrapbooking this weekend!

Ginamarie – I’m sorry to hear that your friend missed the boat. :guilty: Is there any way for him to catch it at another port of call?

Ryan840 – I’m so sorry to hear about what happened to your car. :furious: You won’t get any flames from me either about saving money. My dh and I could barely scrape two dimes together for the first few years of our marriage. We lived paycheck to paycheck and didn’t really do much saving at all. If we ever managed to save anything, something would break and we would be back to square one. Hang in there and I hope that everything is uneventful for you!

Hillbeans – I am just like you with the blood type! I’m O+ and all three kids are A+. I was told that was the reason why they had jaundiced. Although, in John’s case he was a 36 week birth so that contributed as well. You and I also wear the same size clothes. I have a smaller build on top, but carry all of my weight around my middle. I seriously look like I am pregnant especially after the surgery. :crazy: Like I said before, I think you look great and that woman seriously needed some glasses or something! Have a wonderful weekend!

J&D – Good luck with finding the cheerleading costume! :wizard: I have a purple and gold one that is from my college alma matar. If I can find it and you want it, I’ll send it to you.

Lissawynn – I’m so sorry to hear about the death of one of your students. How terrible for her parents. :grouphug: I hope that your are feeling better today.

Val – Have fun at your family reunion! :goodvibes Yes, you do need to dress them alike now before they can protest. ;) Disney attire would be perfect and so cute! I hope that all the kids let you rest some this weekend.

Gretchen – Good luck getting all of your last minute stuff done before the trip! :wizard: I'll work on my questions!

DisKim – Good luck to you too getting all the last minute things done! I hope that Pluto is nice to you down in WDW! ;) Sorry to hear about the haircut too.

GLT – Do you think your dd had that reaction b/c she still isn’t feeling 100% yet? Does she know any other kids going to school? Will she ride a school bus? I went to at least 4 or 5 different elementary schools growing up and I remember being a little anxious about it too. Change is really hard for young children. Hugs to you and your dd! :grouphug: Do they have an open house where she can meet the teacher? Maybe that will help ease her fears. If it makes you feel any better, Kindergarten teachers see kids all the time who are anxious about starting school. They are prepared for it and usually do a great job making the kids feel welcome and comfortable.

There is a good book called “Ms. Bindergarten goes to Kindergarten.” It is a cute book that the girls’ K teacher reads every year on the first day. I think it addresses kids’ fears about school and helps make them feel more comfortable.

Tasha – That is great that your car is fixed! Good luck with school on Tuesday! I’ll be thinking of you! :wizard:

BNBmom – That is great that you and dh are already planning your next WDW trip! :woohoo: A cabin a Fort Wilderness sounds great. Good luck with your upcoming trip with your MIL. I hope that she is good for you.

About the formula, Isomil makes the sticks so we will just get a bunch of those to bring on the plane. I saw in the paper today about people not being able to bring baby food on board so that it our next dilemma b/c John is not happy unless he has food!

SL – I’m sorry to hear that Lucas’ slide is cracked. I hope that TRU will give you another one or a decent credit for it. :wizard: It is so frustrating when you open a brand new box of something only to find it broken.

Floridafam – Here is the link to SOG with the eligibility requirements. I only get to stay there b/c my dad is retired Navy and he sponsors a room for us when we all go down there together. It is a very beautiful resort!

Hi to all the moms! :wave2:

The girls’ had their last art class today and when I went to pick them up I could hear one of the little girls’ screaming at the top of her lungs from outside the building in the parking lot. :eek: I kid you not, that girl was having one major meltdown and she was screaming like it was nobody's business. Apparently it was all over a magic marker. When I got in the building the poor instructor looked a bit worn. She said she was hoping I was the girls’ mom coming to pick her up. I think the owner of the art company should pay this woman time and a half for all of her effort.

When the other two moms showed up the kids showed off their artwork and the girl continued to throw fits over anything that didn’t go her way. The mom didn’t do a thing about it which surprised me a little, but oh well. :rolleyes1 I don't want to complain b/c my kids are far from perfect, but that little girl was a piece of work. Yikes! I've worked with kids her age through 8 yo's for 10 years and I've never seen a kid like that. At least she had a good set of lungs! ;)

Well, I better go. I still have a little bit of packing to do and I want to have things all set for Dave and the kids while I’m gone. Everyone have a great weekend and safe trips! I’ll check back in on Monday! :wave2:
Good afternoon, all! I think I was overtired yesterday, as I realized this morning how nutso I was yesterday. I mean, I'm thining the regular water at WDW is safe for Luke to drink, if it's safe for the Make a Wish kids and so forth. Luke's going to be 6 months the day we head down there, so it's not like he's real teeny, and he only gets 2 bottles a day--I nurse the rest of the time. And if there's a problem at the airport at all, I still have his primary food source, so he won't starve! So, my apologies for being a nut case. usually, DH slaps me out of those, but he's been working a ton of overtime, plus took the older two kids to a baseball game last night.

Gina--I got the formula, thanks a bunch. Luke sucked down a bottle of it at lunchtime. (Not one of those big bottles--just 4 oz., but it was GONE!) Your trip with th ewhole gang sounds challenging--glad to hear you kept a sense of humor about it. My MIL is a lot less help than she thinks, but she pays for the whole trip, which is always nice. She can be very controlling, and not the least bit sympathetic if you have, say, an overtired kid, or an overstimulated one. She's very concious of how much Jocelyn eats (she's 11 and the smallest girl in her class). Also, a very Type-A vacationer, which is fine except when you have a 3yo and a baby. Anyway, we'll make it work and have a wonderful time, I'm sure.

BTW, I was ROFL at your Symphony Bar story. Yeah, dads have to watch out for those stalker candy bars! But now I'm startting to feel left out--I've never had my butt squeezed by a Disney character! Maybe I could shake it at Eeyore...

ryan--that's too bad about your car. No flames here on the money stuff. I can be hard with kids, and esp. moving into a new house, it's not uncommon to be stretched for a while. Not to mention how high energy bills are and all--I die every month when I open them! I'm sure you'll work through this.

GLT--I had issues with Robert when his preschool teacher died (seriously!) and I had to find a new school for him. It was difficult at first. I tried to be very positive. It may help her to visit the school ahead of time, if possible. Some schools have open house, and frequently you can visit a day or two before classes start, just to say "hi". I usually bring in extra supplies as a thank-you. Also, if you could possibly meet a few kids that will be in the class, that would be helpful. I'm sure it will work out--Robert's now 9, and has been excited about starting 4th grade since the last day of 3rd, believe it or not. So, he's come a long way.

DisneyPhD--That's awesome about your friend! I can't believe how calm she was. Good for her for doing so well.

justthat--I hope you're coping well. Having two kids is fun, but it can be relentless! Try to get some rest when you can. The jaundice will work itself out. Is Madison dealing with Henry well?

Kim and Gretchen--Looking forward to hearing about your trips. Please let us know how it goes.

Oh--we were considering the Fort Wilderness cabins because I like the idea of the kitchen facilities. If we stay on-site, it would be cheaper than the DVC stuff, although we would rent a car. There are some nice off-site spots, too, but esp. if they still have the dining package, we coudl do most breakfasts in the room and then do the dining package for everything else. It would depend if MIL comes with us again. She woudl probably want DVC, but then would want to share with us, which would make it cramped and she snores VERY loudly. We'll see--I'm jsut trying to think ahead! Never too soon to start planning a WDW trip!

BTW BB7 fans--did you hear they redid the HOH comp? I noticed several errors with the buzzers, so I'm glad. I won't say who won if you guys don't want spoilers. Sorry to see Kayser go, but everyone is playing weird this time. I still think Dr. Will is like Obi-wan Kenobi, "I'm not the villian you're looking for!"
Have a great trip, Gretchen! :wave:

DisKim- Don't worry, be happy. There's a great big beautiful tomorrow .... ;)

Valerie- Have fun at the reunion. Thanks for the link. I would like to pay less than $40, but I'll keep that one in mind if I can't find anything else. I want Will to get prom king as well. Hope Marcellas gets prom queen. :lmao: JK!

lissawynn- So sorry to hear about your former student. :grouphug:

DisneyPhD- Good to hear from you. Congrats to your friend. Thanks for the tip about the cheerleading outfit, but unfortunately we don't have a Mejiers store here. Have a great time at the zoo.

Hillbeans- A waitress recently asked my DH if he was Jenna's father or grandfather. We are in our 30's, but I don't think we look old enough to be her grandparents. :rolleyes:

Ginamarie- Jenna sucks on her fingers as well.

Jill- Thanks for offering me your cheerleading outfit. I actually have a purple one that I wore as a little girl. It was made from my Mom's HS drill team uniform. I really want to find one in my DH's school colors so she will match her Daddy. Thanks again! Have a great retreat!

Alice- Have fun scrapbooking.

BnBM- I did not know about a second HOH competition. I did notice the buzzer mistake with Howie, but I did not notice any others.

Hmm... I'm hearing different things about what you can carry on a plane. My local news has said that you can't carry most electronics and that you can carry baby food and bottles (without having to taste it). I guess the best thing to do would be to call your local airport to see what they are allowing.

We are heading out of town for my nephew's b-day party. Hope everyone has a great weekend!

TTFN! :wave:
Ok, ladies. My neighbor can officially be added to the list of nutjob neighbors. The contractor who is going to be building the addition is also the one she and her husband spoke to about doing work on their house. Originally they were not going to build up, but when the contractor went to their house on Wednesday, they changed their plans. They want to add a second floor similar to the house next to theirs. This means Frank, the contractor, has to give them new plans and a new quote for their addition. Since we agreed on our stuff yesterday, we just need to get the money and our building permit. The neighbors don't even have a quote yet. Well, after Frank left our house, she called him and told him she wanted their house done first! ***? They don't have plans, a quote, or the $$$. DH called Frank today to discuss some additional stuff and he told DH what she said. Frank told her that if we get the money first, our house gets done first. I think this is going to get ugly. This is the same woman who called our house several years ago and told me that DH needed to move his work truck and never park it in front of their house again b/c people couldn't see the decorations she'd put up. I chalked it up to her having a bad day, but I'm thinking it's more than that. She YELLS at her girls (they have 4) like nobody's business all the time. I can hear her in our house when the windows are shut and the air is on.
DH is calling the bank at 2 and may be stopping there on his way home from work. I can't wait to see how this is going to play out.

It's just too bad that we don't have the $$$ to live in the middle of nowhere with no neighbors.
lissawynn- I mean to tell you how sorry I am over the loss of your former student. :guilty:

And I'm sending 'hurry' vibes to your bank so you can get your house done first! What a witch that neighbor is!

BNB- when we went with Molly last fall, I would run water thru the coffee maker, to sterilize it a bit and then pour that into 2 bottles for the day. (I also breastfed, but she needed her bottles too). That cut down on having to buy bottled water. A few times I just put tap water in it and she was fine. She was also 6+ months- I think 6 1/2.

And yes, I saw the redo of the HOH on BB7! :bitelip: I'm glad they did that cause clearly Boogie and Howie's buzzers didn't work at different points. This will be an interesting week! Can I stay off the spoiler boards? Probably not!

OK, back to cleaning- I am not going anywhere today except the bank; I've gotta get this house cleaned! Everytime I turn around though, there is a new mess. That's the thing about trying to clean with all 3 kids running about. It NEVER ENDS!
Hi everybody :sunny:

The kiddos just went down for a nap so I am free for a while, I thought I'd better check in on my DIS friends before they forget who I am!

Kim & Gretchen - HAVE GREAT TRIPS! I can't wait to hear all about it when you get back.

Disneyphd - Congrats to your friend on the birth of her baby boy. I am surprised she was so calm with it being her first baby!

Lissa - sorry about your former student. My friend in NY that we just visited had an addition to her house done while she was pregnant too, they couldn't get it approved by the county and the dates kept pushing back - and they had moved in with her mother and ended up being there for 8 weeks. But she had the entier top of her house taken off and a larger addition put on. I hope you get yours done first before that neighbor!

vald - have fun at the family reunion, that sounds like fun!

hillbeans - I cannot believe what that woman said to you! I have seen pics of you on this thread and like Jill said, she must need glasses. I don't get why someone would say that, even if they thought it? Hmmmm....jealousy? That is my guess!

Gina - I too, thoroughly enjoyed your Symphony Bar story. I could just picture it as you were telling it. :rotfl:

Jill - have a good time away this weekend. I missed the post where you are going . My father in law is retired military, they stay at SOG sometimes too, but not since it was renovated. Me thinks we will need to get them to take us there sometime.

Ryan - sorry about your car! I won't flame you either, because we have no money saved either and DH makes good money so I don't know why we don't save any. I get on his case all the time but he can be a royal PITA, he just likes to spend money - and you know why? Because I am the one paying the bills, so he has no idea how much we have GOING OUT every month. Unreal. Anyway, sorry about you car troubles and speeding tix.I don't know what kind of car you have but I am guessing the ignition will cost less than the deductible...and that is a comprehensive claim which should not affect your rates. I am a retired claims adjuster...not some freak who enjoys auto claims, BTW.

justthat - how is the bambino doing today? Post some more pics! I love to see newborns, they are too adorable. :love:

And to the BIG BROTHER FANS - I am thrilled with the re-do of HOH. I know, I know, everyone is tired of Janelle and I am too sort of, but, I think the house would be alot more boring if she goes home. So a BIG WOO HOO!!!! :Pinkbounc

Hi to everyone I missed. I am going to chill on the couch. :p
Hi Mommies,

Not much to report here. I just can't get motivated today. I feel like I am getting nothing accomplished.


Kona's shirt just arrived by FedEx. :thumbsup2 Thanks again for finding it. Thanks for the SOG info. My Dad does not qualify. He was only in way back during the Korean War and was in for about 4 years. I thought I would at least check it out. I think my nephew, who is in the guard, qualifies but I don't see him coming to Florida anytime soon.

I feel bad for my Dad. He's in the process of trying to get his prescriptions through the VA and he's having a bit of a hard time. Most of his records were lost when there was a big fire somewhere that stored a lot of military records. Anywho, I'm sure it will all work out.

My parents leave for Memphis on Monday for the meeting with the attorneys that are handling my brother's case. My Mom is SO nervous. I told her just to relax and everything will be fine.


I hope you get good news from the bank today. I also hope you get your addition first.

So sorry about your former student. It's just so sad when someone so young dies. We've lost several students down here in the past few years and it always seems to be the best and the brightest who are taken so early. I've never been able to figure out why it's like that. I guess they have a higher calling somewhere. :grouphug:

I wanted to wish everyone who is headed to WDW a safe and happy trip.

I'm going to attempt to clean my house yet again.
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