The Running Thread - 2018

ATTQOTD: I do have a journal, and I’m supposed to be on week one of my DB (TM) training plan, but I pulled a muscle in my back picking up my dog earlier this week, so I’m on non-jostling for the next 10 days. I will be updating it tonight, though! I started it for accountability reasons, but I’m interested to see if it becomes a place to talk about other things like coffee.
QOTD: Tell us about one of the most scenic routes you have gone on a run. Is it a place you get to run often or was it during a vacation / holiday (I see this term and assume its the same as vacation. Not a term used in my little corner of the world though so I could be wrong.)

ATTQOTD: I've run in a few cool places, but my most scenic is probably from the Zap Fitness camp I went to this summer in NC. I would actually stop at a few places to just take in the views. The run was the 5 mile race called the Bear. We ran 5 miles gaining elevation minus a few flat spots. Seriously, not a single down hill on this route. Despite the course kicking my butt, the race ended on top of Grandfather Mt and the view was amazing! It was also much cooler at the top then where we started the race. So much so I had to put on a light jacket. Interesting side note, in the last mile as you are doing this zigzag path up the mountain, you are running on one of the turns that was shown in the running scene of Forest Gump.

Living in New England I have the ability to run near water and mountains. So I have done some ocean runs. I have run through Williamsburg on vacation. But I still say one of the most scenic runs is running through WDW. This may make me a dork but even though it is man made I still think the castle is beautiful so when I do get to run down Main Street it is always run for me. In fact, when I am on the treadmill I often picture the castle in front of me like that's what I am running toward.

To end the first month of races for 2018 we have the following folks toeing the line this weekend:

27 - @KSellers88 - Callaway Gardens Half Marathon (NG / N/A)
27 - @Sanchez - Charlie Post Classic 5k (20:59 / N/A)
28 - @gjramsey - Hot Chocolate Houston 15k (NG / N/A)
28 - @txdisneygrl - Hot Chocolate Houston 15k (NG / N/A)

Best of luck to each of you this weekend! I look forward to hearing how your race goes. If you need to make a change to your race or goal, just let me know. If anyone else would like to add a race to this weekends list, let me know as well and I will be happy to include it in the OP.

Good luck!

alrighty, i was on board and raring to go this time last year and then got whalloped by work. i ended up running less than 100 miles TOTAL for 2017. i've had individual months with more miles than that when marathon training.

so work has changed and i'm back out there doing my regular runs. it's only been since new years but i've progressed well and like to think i'm back in the routine. to keep me focused i've already signed up for two races in February (see below). if all goes well, i'm seriously considering the WDW marathon next year.

February 10 Dash for the Beads 10K (NG)
February 25 The Cowtown half marathon (NG)

Welcome to the thread. It's a good group of people. I think you will enjoy it.

As for the cookie conversation, I LOVE oatmeal raisin cookies. You get the cookie and on occasional bite of sweetness from the raisin. What could be better.
Fun Friday QOTD: Since we have a lot of cookie talk this week, lets stay on a food topic. You are allowed to eat only one snack from the parks, but you are allowed to eat it as many times as you want. What do you choose?

ATTQOTD: As much as I love the Mickey bar and ice cream sandwich, I am all about the cinnamon rolls from Gastons Tavern. I cant wait to be in the parks in April and eat one every time I step into the Magic Kingdom!
Fun Friday QOTD: Since we have a lot of cookie talk this week, lets stay on a food topic. You are allowed to eat only one snack from the parks, but you are allowed to eat it as many times as you want. What do you choose?

ATTQOTD: The cinnamon rolls from Gaston's are definitely one of my favorites. At heart, though, I'm a traditionalist, so I have to go with unadorned (no chocolate or sprinkles) rice krispie treats. When I get to WDW the MK is usually my first stop and on the way out I always pick up a bag of the rice krispie treat "leftover" balls to have in the room.
I think this came up in the thread last year; you lived in Garberville while in Humboldt? Anyway, you named two of my favorite places - Santa Cruz (my home town) and Humboldt (but I spent most of my time in Northern Humboldt). I agree the Sonoma Coast is beautiful! You have lived in some cool places, IMO.

Yep! I agree, very cool places! When I moved from NorCal I lived in Colorado Springs for 2 years (also beautiful) and now live in a tiny town in central Arkansas (which doesn't sound great but is so green and pretty!). :)
I think this came up in the thread last year; you lived in Garberville while in Humboldt? Anyway, you named two of my favorite places - Santa Cruz (my home town) and Humboldt (but I spent most of my time in Northern Humboldt). I agree the Sonoma Coast is beautiful! You have lived in some cool places, IMO.

Yep! I agree, very cool places!

GO BANANA SLUGS! (I was a slug before I was a bruin.)
Do it, it’s a fun run! I am not ashamed I walked that hill last year, plus some. I want to run it again this year but I’m on the fence, more due to my work schedule than anything. If I do, I will more than likely walk that hill again but my goal would be to run more of it than last year.

I will definitely do it someday! Despite being home to CU, Boulder is so beautiful!

Does anyone have a recipe for a low carb meal that the main protein is not chicken or beans. I feel like I am always eating chicken and I just dont like beans! I'm kinda of a picky eater....
Do you like eggs? You could make egg muffins or crustless quiche with your favorite toppings (I'd go mushrooms, bacon, green chilis and olives). Those little egg muffins freeze well and are great for breakfast or lunch.
Fun Friday QOTD: Since we have a lot of cookie talk this week, lets stay on a food topic. You are allowed to eat only one snack from the parks, but you are allowed to eat it as many times as you want. What do you choose?


Regular snack: dolewhip, pineapple cake or rum can be added but are not necessary.
Special Snack: The pumpkin cheesecake they had at Gaston's tavern at MNSSHP. My mom went back to the tavern a following day, waiting for them to arrive before we got kicked out for not having party tickets, specifically to buy another. Alas, they did not arrive by 7:10 when our loitering was noticed.

Also, your answers will be logged in my Disney Planning Spreadsheet so Thank You.
Fun Friday QOTD: Since we have a lot of cookie talk this week, lets stay on a food topic. You are allowed to eat only one snack from the parks, but you are allowed to eat it as many times as you want. What do you choose?
I love the Mickey "caramel-chocolate-all the toppings" apples! It is the perfect treat and great for my hubby and I to share.

Honorable Mentions: Butterfinger Cupcake (can you even still get this in DHS?), DLR corn dog, and Disney Starbucks.
Fun Friday QOTD: Since we have a lot of cookie talk this week, lets stay on a food topic. You are allowed to eat only one snack from the parks, but you are allowed to eat it as many times as you want. What do you choose?

The salted caramel Grand Marnier ice cream martini from L'Artisan des Glaces in Epcot

Does anyone have a recipe for a low carb meal that the main protein is not chicken or beans. I feel like I am always eating chicken and I just dont like beans! I'm kinda of a picky eater....

When I need a break from my usual I'll grab some shrimp, either boiled at the local market or some larger ones for grilling. As long as they are local wild caught and not farm raised! Awesome protein and good fats.

Fun Friday QOTD: Since we have a lot of cookie talk this week, lets stay on a food topic. You are allowed to eat only one snack from the parks, but you are allowed to eat it as many times as you want. What do you choose?

School Bread from Kringla in Norway! It's a meal in itself. It would have been a close toss up if I couldn't get Dole Whips at Poly so I'm calling that resort snacks ::yes::


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