The Running Thread - 2018

So about this pop thing... If any of yall ever come to South Louisiana and go out to eat, your server may ask what kind of coke do you want. Soft drinks are just called coke for some reason around here. "Hey what kind of coke would you like? I will take a Dr. Pepper please." lol We are also very loyal to the coke brand and Pepsi is rarely served restaurants.

it used to be Tonic in Boston for the longest time. We have now embraced Soda.

I do listen to music, especially at the gym - treadmill is boring. I can run without it outside. Although I did forget my headphones yesterday, so the treadmill felt extra long.

I like all Root beer, but don't drink it much as I now find it sickly sweet.
ATTQOTD: Nothing. Never have and probably never will. Since most of my runs start between 4 and 4:30 am, I like to be able to hear what is happening around me at all times.

Bonus: All of them! I don't think I have ever met a Root Beer I didn't like. My all-time favorite is probably A&W and have not had one of those in forever.
ATTQOTD: Treadmill I usually watch TV. Training runs get a yes for music. Races I'm hit or miss. I really like hearing everything going on during Disney races: both for enjoyment of the ambiance and safety because of the crowd.

Bonus: The only way I generally have root beer is when it's a float. I don't dislike it, but it's not a regular for me so I can't say that brand particularly matters.
ETA: Since everyone seems to be commenting on pop/soda/coke I'll admit that I drink wayyyy too much Diet Mountain Dew. Pretty sure my blood is essentially a radioactive yellow color.
ATTQOTD: Music on outdoor workouts. Podcasts on outdoor easy runs. TV on the treadmill. I can't use podcasts on harder workouts because I get distracted and run too slow. LOL.

Bonus: I don't drink rootbeer either. :o As for coke, I would like a sprite please. (everything is coke in Alabama too).

Most of my running is on a track or treadmill and I listen to music or podcasts. Never on a road run or in a race. Safety is important and in races I have a fear of interfering with others.
ATTQOTD: True story: I got myself back in to a routine of running after my kiddo was born by only allowing myself to listen to the Hamilton soundtrack WHILE running. So if I wanted to know what happened next in the play? Had to go on a run! Totally worked.

Lately though, I find that if I listen to music, I blow my pacing. So I listen to podcasts. I loved the Runners World podcast but I've listened to them all now. I also like Connecting With Walt but sometimes I find it a little too meandering (although sometimes I get totally immersed in it).

I don't listen to anything during races though... I need to hear what's going on around me to feel safe and/or like I'm not hindering someone behind me.

Treadmill: I'm always watching TV on my iPad. Lots and lots of HGTV.
ATTQOTD: I used to use music on shorter runs (an Apple Music radio station that is just seeded from a song, like Pandora) and podcasts for long runs, but lately I've been doing music on the longer runs too because I can't decide what podcast I feel like listening to most of the time. :o
ATTQOTD: I am into Podasts lately. Right now I am listening to S-Town and like This American Life. Anna Farris Unqualified is also a fun one. I will rotate some Dis ones into the mix.
This weekend and Monday, we have the following folks with races!!!!!

14 - @apdebord - Dismal Swap Stomp Half Marathon (NG / N/A)
14 - @beatlecat42 - Garden Spot Village Half Marathon (NG / N/A)
14 - @kywyldcat03 – Nashville Moosic City Dairy Dash 15K (NG / N/A)
14 - @ZellyB - Rock the Parkway Half Marathon (2:10:00 / NA)
14 - @Chris-Mo - Rock the Parkway Half Marathon (2:10:00 / NA)
15 - @Bree - Storm the Campus 10 Miler (NG / N/A)
15 - @Dopeyintraining - Reolution Run 15k (PR / N/A)
15 - @chuckille - Silicon Valley Half Marathon (1:45:00 / N/A)
15 - @Sailormoon2 - Spring Flyer 10k (59:59 / N/A)


16 - @Wendy98 - Boston Marathon (TBD / N/A)
16 - @BikeFan - Boston Marathon (NG / N/A)

Best of luck to each of you this weekend! If you would like to make a revision to your race, please let me know. We look forward to reading about how your race went!

I would also like to take a moment to congratulate @Wendy98 and @BikeFan on qualifying and running this years Boston Marathon. It takes a lot of hard work a dedication, and I believe the two of you deserve a little extra recognition for your effort. Safe travels and enjoy the run!
Congratulations @Wendy98 and @BikeFan! You have reached the ultimate goal for any runner. Good luck on Monday!
Okay. Let's just get this straight.
There is a thing called soda (or pop of you're from the midwest). Coke is a type of soda.
Kleenex is a type of tissue.

Here's an analogy we can all understand:
All marathons are races, but not all races are marathons. (Here the Coke is the marathon and races are sodas)

If your locality doesn't understand this, feel free to correct everyone you know when they ask for a Coke and mean something other than Coke.
We had this in New England too. Everything is coke. I never knew of or heard of pop until I moved to Michigan.
it used to be Tonic in Boston for the longest time. We have now embraced Soda.

It was all tonic for this Danvers, MA girl.

My grandparents used to call everything tonic, though, but that is definitely an older generation thing.

......and now I feel old!

As for the QOTD: No music....except for anything i happen to sing/hum that pops into my head. The other day it was the theme to Jurassic Park. Happened to be a good cadence for going up a hill!


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