The Running Thread - 2018

I have a question(s) for those of you who wear glasses. Do you wear them when you run? What do you look for in glasses that you would wear when you run? I have an eye appt on Wednesday and want to get some glasses I can wear when I run as I am tired of not being able to see my phone to read a text or change music or anything else! But is there anything specific I should look for that would make them better for running? Metal, plastic, etc? TIA!

Transition lenses are a must for me. Given the cost of my lenses I do not have glasses just for athletics - my regular glasses have to serve for everything. I did splurge two years ago for a pair of prescription sunglasses as my script has not changed in the last few years but have not worn them for an race.
ATTQUOD: As the only female in a sports-loving household, we end up watching #allthesports. (Well, the manly sports.) Lots of football, baseball, basketball, and Premiere League (huge Man U fans), but also track meets, swimming, rugby, lacrosse, water polo, tennis, golf and cycling. Loved watching the Tour de France with my DS17 who kept researching info on the stages, riders, etc. And yes, our cable bill is crazy.
I have really only watched Olympic running events. I think I just don’t catch other events when they are aired.
I have a question(s) for those of you who wear glasses. Do you wear them when you run? What do you look for in glasses that you would wear when you run? I have an eye appt on Wednesday and want to get some glasses I can wear when I run as I am tired of not being able to see my phone to read a text or change music or anything else! But is there anything specific I should look for that would make them better for running? Metal, plastic, etc? TIA!

I was debating switching to contacts but never made the switch...then I did my first outdoor run. I made my appointment to get contacts the next day.
Not all football rivalries need to be nasty!

Sure they do!! :duck::joker:

Either I havent noticed it before or is it we have a few new posters who also happen to be Bama fans? It's going to be a lonnnnngggg football season for me.

Say it ain’t so!! I’m a Gators fan, but every year if they aren’t winning I route for anyone but Alabama & Auburn. :ssst::stir:

I’m feeling spirited tonight. Think it might have something to do with the popcorn worthy no more plastic straws at Disney debate thread lol
Does anyone use a hydration backpack of any sort? I have a hand-held one that works for shorter runs but I know as my mileage increases for W&D half training, it won't be enough. Any recommendations on brand/size/etc? I live in Orlando and it's hot regardless of the time of day so I'm worried a backpack would just make me feel hotter/sweatier?

I use a hydration vest for runs longer than about 6 miles. I have the CamelBak 2016 Circuit Hydration Vest with a 50-oz reservoir. You can't get this version any more (unless you want to pay way too much), but they've updated it.

I really, really like the vest. I was also worried about it making me feel hotter, but it's really a very minimal amount of material. It's NOT a backpack - it's pretty much the bare minimum of straps and material needed to hold the bladder of liquid on to your back. I run in the DC area with humid temps in the 90s F and really don't notice it. The weight of 1.5 liters on your back feels like nothing compared if you were to carry that size of bottle in your hand.

In fact, there are two big bonuses for me. First, there are a couple of pockets, so I can put in the phone and few other small items and not have to wear my usual belt. (One pocket in my vest is waterproof in case of rain or drenching sweat.) Second, if you're going out on a really hot day, you can freeze the liquid ahead of time, and then you start out with a block of ice on your back. (Just be sure to start it thawing ahead of time so you get some liquid.)

If you sometimes use water and sometimes use a sports drink, I'd recommend getting an extra reservoir and designating one as water-only and one for the sports drink. Once you put a sports drink in, you'll taste it in your water forever, even with a good cleaning with the reservoir-cleaning tablets.
ATTQOTD: I'll watch running, cycling, triathlon, swim-run, and just about any other non-mainstream sport when it's on TV. Cycling is probably my favorite of those. I'm part of an group which has been watching and live commenting on the grand Tours (and some of the classics) together for many years. Great way to keep up with the racing from the office while enjoying several hours of random discussion topics mixed in with race updates in real time.
July summary, already!
Total distance: 98.5km (59 miles)
Average pace: 6’22”/km (9’40/miles

July was slow because of heat and weekends social gatherings... and I did not make the 100km mark because I traveled and hiked instead, plus DD was not there for my off days runs. Still happy of what I did succeed doing!
In a weak moment I have managed to enter a marathon:

28th October - McNs - Auckland Marathon (3:40/N/A)

Haven't done one in 10 years, life was simpler with one kiddo back then (#2 arrived in 2009) but they are older now so the many hours pavement pounding won't need to be done at nap time!
July running summary:

Distance 188km/117mi
Pace 5:08km/8:17mi
Elevation 1,696m/5,564ft

Good month, managed 7 runs in 9 days of vacation in Bali. It was mostly an awesome place to run (flat, stunning scenery) but on occasion running along narrow lanes, no sidewalk, fighting for space with scooters and cars was not fun! Coming back home to the middle of winter was not fun, though temps have been nice (just not the daylight)
Either I havent noticed it before or is it we have a few new posters who also happen to be Bama fans?

Roll Tide!!!

Not all football rivalries need to be nasty!

Sure they do!! :duck::joker:
I try not to talk smack, which keeps it friendly.

Say it ain’t so!! I’m a Gators fan, but every year if they aren’t winning I route for anyone but Alabama & Auburn. :ssst::stir:
I think that Mullen will do very well there, but he will need a few years.
It’s a one sided rivalry unfortunately since they beat us every game starting at the worse one on 1/9/12 :worried:
I don't think that LSU's problems this year have anything to do with Alabama. You need a real head coach.
Thanks to everyone who answered my glasses question! Like @camaker I can't wear contacts either so glasses it is. I will take all these suggestions into account when I go to my appointment tomorrow. And @Keels I will look into the RSB sunglasses with prescription. I will try to remember to have them give me a copy of my prescription. :)
I don't think that LSU's problems this year have anything to do with Alabama. You need a real head coach.

No argument from me on that one! It hate the hire, it was lazy and cheap. 6-6 is unfortunately a record that we may end up having, but winning 8 also has chance. Neither of these records are acceptable IMO for LSU.
QOTD: At what distance do you call a run a long run? This answer will vary based on the race you are training for, so let us know what distance you are training for in you answer. There is no right or wrong answer here, just curious how everyone looks at the weekend long runs.

ATTQOTD: I'm training for a marathon, technically official training starts for me 9/17. Per the book I use for my plans, anything over 15 miles is a long run and runs of 12-15 miles are medium long runs. I have not hit a 10+ miler yet, but will on 8/11 so I have my work cut out for me. In the meantime, runs on Saturday mornings are my longest runs of the week and the term long run will be used for them until marathon training starts.
ATTQOTD: Well, since I started using @DopeyBadger plans my longest long run has been 13 miles, I believe, in marathon training. His plans are based on total weekly mileage, your pace, and your amount of time running. So, since I am slow, it takes me almost 3 hours to run 13 miles at LR pace. I would say anything over 2 hours for me would be a long run.
QOTD: At what distance do you call a run a long run? This answer will vary based on the race you are training for, so let us know what distance you are training for in you answer. There is no right or wrong answer here, just curious how everyone looks at the weekend long runs.

ATTQOTD: I'm training for a marathon, technically official training starts for me 9/17. Per the book I use for my plans, anything over 15 miles is a long run and runs of 12-15 miles are medium long runs. I have not hit a 10+ miler yet, but will on 8/11 so I have my work cut out for me. In the meantime, runs on Saturday mornings are my longest runs of the week and the term long run will be used for them until marathon training starts.

ATTQOTD: {sigh} I signed up for the half on marathon weekend. I know I should have a more organized approach to training for it, but that has not yet happened and I am not sure how to go about that. So for now, my 'long' runs are 5-7 miles. I seem to have one pace- go or do not go - so these long runs are roughly the same speed as my alternate runs of 2.5-4 miles. I kind of hate the shorter runs as I find myself talking myself into continuing for the first two miles- 'I'm thirsty, my shins hurt, maybe these shoes are not right (probably true), I need to be doing other things' - and settle into the run after that, so only 0.5 miles of calm mind is less than appealing. Also, my route is in a rut, and I cannot seem to find an add-on with which I am comfortable not getting lost in loopy roads, so >5 miles I end up doing loops which also elicits a sigh from me.


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