The Running Thread - 2020

Today I ran a virtual half marathon with my younger daughter. This was her first and we decided to make it a trail run. No worries about time, just distance. She is 13 and knocked the 13.1(plus 3 miles more - I got us lost and we finished the distance well before returning to the trailhead).

Such a joy to run this with her today, and so proud of her! Also fun, it was a Forrest Gump themed race do live the shirt and medal!
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That's really cool! Congratulations to both of you!
August 2020 totals
According to NRC which is 2% to 5% off these days
Distance: 191.4km (119mi)
Average pace: 6m15s/km (10m04s/mi)
2020km family challenge: 1991km so far

August started with frustration with my measuring App and a slight overweight. I haven’t really overcome either but haven’t accepted them. Working on it.

Then, by mid-month, I had to decide if I wanted to defer what seems to be an in person Marathon October 4th or if I was running it. I choose the latter and am grateful that it pushed my training level my longest distance ran in a month 🥳 With schools starting, it also adds the stress that comes with the possibility of a classroom quarantine. Also with the fact that my immune system will be a sixth of what it is after the marathon. DH is onboard with these risks. We will mitigate them by saying that the cost of registration, if I have to stay home, was worth it for the hope and motivation it provided and by treating me like I was immunodeficient for a week after the event, if I am lucky to run it.

I do miss the mountain that is close to my office. I took the opportunity while I was in the countryside last weekend to push the downhills since the course I will be running will be mostly that. I confirmed that I need to reinforce my Quads.

The month ended with the confirmation of the cancellation of the RnR Montreal race with a surprising full refund option!

As for family run, by this point DH and I are really pulling it through. DD12 took a summer break. DD15 does like to do a 5k with us once in a while. We will be achieving our yearly goal this week, and DH is the most thrilled. He really progressed without really intending to (his goal was to maintain his cardio while his gym is closed). Today, he did a 10k non stop under an hour and found it easy. He understood why someone would decide to register to a destination Half if given the opportunity. Cute. It is fun to have him as a partner.

August tasted nutrition
  • Tailwind Green Tea Buzz: Pleasantly surprised by the Rockets Lollipop taste
  • Tailwind Lemon: Artificial lemon tasting flavour that leaved an acid aftertaste
  • Tailwind Mandarin Orange: Very light almost neutral taste, my favourite of that brand so far
  • Tailwind Naked Unflavoured: Neutral, slightly acid flavour, not sure how it would feel if drinking more than one
  • Tailwind Raspberry Buzz: Artificial I don’t know what flavour. I was unable to finish it
  • Huma Gel Blueberry: Like most other Huma, tastes and feels like figs, not blueberry. I had to force myself to finish it
  • Huma Gel Strawberry Lemonade: Nice lemonade flavour, not very strawberry, texture a bit more like a gel. I could survive on it
  • Huma Gel Lemonade: Who likes a brown pasty lemonade? Not me. And I did not realize there was caffeine which is why I am writing this in the middle of the night
August totals:

Indoor cycling: 10:30 hours
Running: 6.4 miles

I am done (as of noon today) with PT and am starting to run again--not much and very slowly and still working out whether the sensations I feel are neck related or PT exercise related, but it's a welcome start.

I feel like a slug and the belly fat that isn't covered up by my compression shorts tells me I have put on several (as yet TBD since I haven't stepped on the scale) pounds, but I'm hoping to regain fitness during the rest of the year. I'm not a dieter, and I love chocolate and other things too much to give them up, so those pounds may be with me for a while.

ETA: I worked up the nerve to step on the scale, and it wasn't quite as dire as I though it would be. Still, if I could drop 5 lbs, I'd be happier.
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I can post my miles as well. Today is a day off.

August Summary
Activities 26
Total Distance 135.87 mi
Total Activity Time 23:10:05 h:m:s
Activity Calories 15,311 C
Total Elev Gain 5,121 ft
Average Speed 5.9 mph
Average Heart Rate 136 bpm
Average Run Cadence 166 spm

Totals for 2020
Activities 145
Total Distance 669.71 mi
Total Activity Time 113:18:42 h:m:s
Monthly breakdown: 49.71 64.59 50.58 87.88 131.63 37.49 112.06 135.87
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August 2020

--distance: 113.2 mi
--average pace: 11:53 min/mi
--total time: 22.42 hr

My mileage is starting to increase as my training plan ramps up. Geez, was August HOT and HUMID!!! In general, I don't like heading into fall and winter, but I will be happy for the T+D to get lower.

Tennis: 20 hours

This is way up, mostly because DH and I went to a resort for a week and had 12 hours of tennis clinic! So much fun! I have been playing pretty well since I started again after the pandemic break, so I won't complain.
August miles = 148

August saw a live in person 10K to go with the live 5K I did in July. As for upcoming longer races, it is not looking good as a few more were canceled/went virtual. Assuming the last half marathons I am watching cancel, I need to decide if I am going to plan to travel to a nearby state for a confirmed race, do another small local 5K/10K or just pack it in until the Spring. In September, I will be starting my Dopey training but instead of the Dopey plan I followed last year, I am going to instead loosely follow a novice plan that does not build miles until much later in the year as I think we have about a 5% chance that Marathon Weekend will actually happen.

July = 153
June = 140
May = 191
April = 164
March = 164
February = 101
January = 110

2020 total miles = 1,171
August Totals:

Running: 90 miles
Average Pace: 10:10

The highlight of the month was a real 5K. After upping the mileage every month this year, it was time to listen to my body. I've got a cranky hamstring that won't seem to get better. The 5K didn't help, but it was worth it. This is the lowest mileage I've done since January.

Hitting the gym twice a week for strength workouts and once a week yoga.

Not my best month, but I'm not complaining.
After my Labor Day 50k was cancelled I signed up for the NYC Virtual Marathon so I’d have an interim goal before Dopey and retooled my training plan to support it. The result was my highest volume running month yet. I’m excited to start the CRAW virtual next month and see if I can continue to stay healthy at this new training volume. Here’s the breakdown:

August Training Summary
Total Miles: 175.10 (New PR!)
Total Time: 30:49:04
Average Pace: 10:31/mi
Average HR: 147/min
Rolling 12mo Miles: 1,706.28 (New PR!)
Walking Miles: 63.30
After my Labor Day 50k was cancelled I signed up for the NYC Virtual Marathon so I’d have an interim goal before Dopey and retooled my training plan to support it. The result was my highest volume running month yet. I’m excited to start the CRAW virtual next month and see if I can continue to stay healthy at this new training volume. Here’s the breakdown:

August Training Summary
Total Miles: 175.10 (New PR!)
Total Time: 30:49:04
Average Pace: 10:31/mi
Average HR: 147/min
Rolling 12mo Miles: 1,706.28 (New PR!)
Walking Miles: 63.30
Welcome to the NYC virtual club!
August was a good month! 92.5 miles running, 6.1 miles walking.

Doing AMRs 2nd virtual race series and loving it so far! This weekend was a virtual team relay - there were something like 125 teams of 6, who did either 6 or 12 hr of running. My team did 12 - so I ran 2 1-hr legs. Team was all random people - but we had a great time, lots of supportive texts, and a fun theme! And the Facebook group was pure fun all weekend! It was some of the most running fun I’ve had in a while!
DH August report:
100 miles on the nose! Did just enough today to make it.
Trailing 12 months total: 1271.5 miles. I used to have a goal of hitting 1000 miles in a 12 month period.
Number of times out kayaking with DW: 2. First time in a couple of years that we've gotten them in the water.
Austin walks: increasing in distance and frequency.
August Totals:

Total Miles - 118.88 mi
Total Time - 17:21:41 h:m:s
Average Pace - 8:46
Avg HR - 146
hiking/walking - ~40 m

Still on the meh train this month. lacking motivation, summer heat and humidity just drains me more as I get older. My last planned fall race moved to April, so nothing on the calendar the rest of the year.


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