The Two Really Old(ish) Happyhaunts Go South. Alone... But With ECVs!

Obviously, you do not have yourself a hewhoworshipsthegroundIwalkon coffee boy of your very own. So sad. Sorrynotsorry and you can't have him, he's mine. If you remarried at VWL like I did, you could pick yourself out a fine new one. That did.

Just sayin.

And. If you aren't preggers and it wasn't bad food or a visit to Walmart, what was it? Were you swooning with undying love and affection for your man? Even though you secretly want to replace him? Too much sun for your fair Irish skin? Just one freckle too many?

Oh! I've got it!!! It was your teeny tiny itsy bitsy bikini cutting off blood flow to the brain, wasn't it?!

I have to tell you that seeing your trip report brings back so many lurking memories from years past, your happy haunts, LYMI from Wobin, and of course the infamous ginger gestational issues with ZZUB. Now, many years later I'm coming out of lurkdom to tell you that your trip report is bringing back so many wonderful me spitting my soda on my laptop while reading yours and many other amazing writers back in the day....thanks for coming back!


POOKERSma!: Can I call you Pookie? I've always wanted to call someone that? It's all cute.

Sure! Pookie IS all cute and stuff.

(The not-that-great story of my username is that our entire family has always called my son "The Pook", which is short for "Pooker", which was an attempt to NOT call him Pookie Bear as a baby because there was a puppy in the family called Pookie. So I am literally Pooker's Mom. Or Ma.)
A few fly replies:

Ah. I'm so glad you're on board with the Pookie thingie. Thanksyou. And... It's not such a boring explanation of your user name. It suits Me(l). Just fine with all the confusion and apparent nickname turmoil. It's actually pretty happyhaunt. TBH. Hug! Cause over the years we have had many many nicknames work for awhile and then expire. For example... Bike Thief. And "poopinginalakeguy" NO Calvin. Yeah. Both were Calvin's, but to give him some credit here. He made honest mistakes. LoveHimMeanIt.

ScrapKareBear: Don't be scared for Me(l). Or for that bathroom. By now they have replenished the toilet paper supply and taken the yellow caution tape barricades down. After the HAZMAT team picked pieces of Me(l). Off the floor.

That was a double respondish. But I had to make a lil jokey poo thingie. So... thanks for responding once. And just deal with my redundant replies.

YAK!!!!! Perfect timing on your intro. Couldn't have timed it better even with my lucky bracelets. Oh. Maybe it IS because of them. You came in immediately AFTER I just yakked.

Both definitions. Heheheheheh.

Glad to see you again and that you can appreciate our common Canadianishness.


Those darn Americans are trying so so hard to forget the WAR OF 1812. And yet. They can't. They're still ordering Laura Secords online.

To our amusement.

ZZEN: Obviously I" KNOW" you my dear friendish. That's why I called you that. Cause it's so opposite. And I am a great friend of the thingie called ANTITHESIS.

You balding komondor.

Your response there, was real real good. It tickled my sinuses. To my own detriment. But TBH I wasn't stealing from you. You ARE the better writer and if I could steal from you I would. Damn straight. However... I am not quite so ragey. To make it all come together. true dat.

Canadian military victory board.


I pooped a pear.

Also...register journal. The use of... Leitmotivsesfses... (Whatever) I died. While singing Nessun Dorma. Badly.

Which battle was that from? Cause I can't rememberish exactly.

They were all so boring.

I like you.

That is all.

For you. tonite.

FRICKLES~~~ Thanks for the story.

You lil wuss.



I'm glad you found yourself a lovely man who worships the ground you walk on in super duper high heels. But for Me(l)'s not my thing. I like a man who pushes my buttons and is kinda Da Boss and makes me work to drive him crazy. In a good way. In our household we call this"Lovemean". And for us it works. Like you be kinda mean to those who know you love them to death. Every bit of them in every way and accept all their crazy quirks. And yet we still are kinda lovey to each other. AT night we still yell..."Night all~ Love You All!". From our respective rooms. Calvin is still the master. Of almost silently grunting it so people think he's coughing.

He has asthma.

He always wins. The... being last to say it.

Lord. He's just a cutie lovely patootie. Who eats all my good gourmet cheese and makes me soooo mad.

Also... you have another strike. My blood flow WAS being cut off. But not from my awesome swimwear. And that was SO mean.

mellvswdw1: Whew.

What a handle.

Why not just MELL???? It's easier. And I find it nicey twinnyish.

Well. You're not lurking anymore.

Now you gotta PLAY~


Just know this. ZZUB can be scary. But also flatulent.

Cheers, Mel.

Edit: Tomorrow morning I will finish this chapterish. partly. Don't eat breakfast ZZUB. I'm looking out for your health.

Mel, Disneysick is like nothing else. All you can think about is the precious moments of Disney vacation being sucked away by a parasite while you receive five star CM attention and care. I'm not too worried about you; at this point I fear for the ER.

My best laugh came from the buttons. Menopause and Cialis~~I would give my right arm to see a pic of you two wearing those around Epcot. As it is, though, I'll settle for the pictures you posted. You are a beautiful couple! No surprise there.

Oh, Mel, The Ditch is a magical place. I have stories. LOTS of stories. Maybe I'll share sometime. Let's just say Frick may talk big about her ability to move through a margarita or two, but set a tequila shot in front of her and she is like a breast-fed baby faced with a bottle and babysitter.

and ZZUB? The picture of the number 4 was great camera work.
Don't listen to Z, Mel. That chapter was nothing like his number 4 story. You hadn't even eaten yet, whereas his sickness was directly due to his overindulgence of ginger-laden Japanese food. Plus I'm sure you were more ladylike in your sickness. Well, maybe not. But I'm sure you didn't TRY to duplicate his story, regardless. I mean, really. Why would you?!

I tried to PM you about my Salmonella incident, but couldn't figure out how to send a PM on this newly designed site. How dumb is that?! Almost as bad as Frick not being able to add up how to quote posts. She redeemed herself with that vodka sick story though.

I puked up things I had eaten in the 8th grade.


Now, I am dying to know why your blood flow was being cut off. It was your magic band, wasn't it? Were you wearing it too tight? Did you rip off the outer part to make it "child-sized"? Or was it the new "Luck" bracelet? OMG, how ironic would THAT be?!
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Hey Peeps!

I know I said I was gonna do some more chapter stuff today. But The General decided to try and get outta bed on her own. Without help. And had a little fall. Again. *sigh*

She messed up my plans as usual. However. On the upside she is ok. She fell gently and is only a little bruised and battered. But... we had to see the doctor and all that kinda stuff.

It's all good tho. Cause I figure at her age. And with her Gigantor rank. She can do whatever the hell she wants. Nod. The General. My love.


I'll just say hi.



Good return there bud. So efficient. So sweet.


I am taking back your two strikes and giving you one to waste. For the future. Which will not be on your permanent record. Just one lovemean fun thingie.

Also... I am gonna find ur love shack in the back asp mountain. Gonna steal some of your shoes. Cause I bet they smell like daisies. compared to mine.

While there...

I will corner your new husband. Threaten him with your spoon antenna. And give him a good talkin' to. Which he apparently REALLY needs.

He's so kiss asp it's said.

From my thinkings on it.



Meet me at the door.

Bearing your woodsy cultural welcome in the form of skunk forcemeat. un-AMUSE bouches.

And a big map to find the outhouse. Quickly.


Jami. Don't fear for the ER. We figured it out. Right there on the floor of Singapore Sals.

Also... calling Frick a breast-fed baby with a bottle and babysitter. Was the most beautiful thing ever. It KILLED me.

And knowing her it's so legit. But that's some Lovemean right there. Baby.

You two are great friends. Warms my heart.

Buttons were good. yes. more buttons to our trippie ... because it was a great way to push The Mellyman's BUTTONS!

See that?



I'm gonna try and figure out how to PM you. Here. Because... I do really want to hear that story. And also to reprimand you for being all super cool. Here. Cause I wanna be the coolest. Dammit.

I didn't try to one up ZZUB with grossness.

He is the king of that. Can't compete.

Although he is also the queen of that.

I will tell you what happened tomorrow I promise.

Unless my darn General calls me to duty.

Like...I'm going anyway. Just hope it's a regular duty day.

Cheers, Mel.

Editish: ZZUB I think you gotta keep skipping breakfast. We're doing yoga class next week. I signed you up. But you gotta drop a couple first. To fit into your LULU-Le..Mon pants I just bought you.
Tuesday July 14th aka Day 3 Part 2 aka The WATERPARK INCIDENT!

I left off with lying on the floor of Singapore Sal's. Being ready to meet my maker.

Who would make Me(l)?

Someone with a sense of humour. Canadian humour. And Canadian spelling. Also needing to bless Donkey Teeth down upon.

Anyhow. I struggled to stay alive and pretty quickly the paramedics showed up. I did not see them. But felt them. They were touching me and sticking my finger into something which was like the Disney gate scanner thingie....but probably way less thorough. They did not instantly know that I can eat mayonnaise outta the jar with a spoon. And like it.

Which actually could have been the root of all this crap. Here.

Anyhow, they were talking to me all nice and trying to reassure me. While asking Mellyman questions. I heard them ask him if I'd ever had a panic attack before. He said that I had had a few anxiety attacks throughout the years but not one for a long time.

Then one of them was all up in my grill saying "Mel!!! Mel!!! OPEN YOUR EYES!!!!".

So I did. Like a good private would when given a direct order.

But I couldn't keep them open long enuff. I just noted that he was a kind-looking older gentleman. Who looked very officious. Indeed.

He then said, "MEL! You are fine. Your vitals are fine. You're just fine. You are having a classic PANIC ATTACK!

I managed to mutter, "No. You're wrong."

Which made both paramedic guys start to laugh.

That's The General. In Me(l). Right there. note.

He then told me to keep my eyes open. Look at him and breathe with him. Hold my breath for a count of 7. Let it out and go again. Again.

We proceeded to breath together like this for a few minutes.

He was my magical birthing coach. Kinda.

Then he told me that I had been hyperventilating for quite awhile and had caused all my physical symptoms. The blood was leaving my extremities causing my hands and feet to buzz. Tingle and clench into claws. Again... reassured me that it was a classic panic attack. Only he said that I was lucky to have no chest pains because that is even scarier and makes it all worse.

Then he held my hand and told me that he was a Captain (or Chief?) at 911. And that's when he started having them too. And that lots of people have them. He said that they get calls everyday to the Disney Parks for Classic Panic Attacks. And he chuckled and told me that vacationing can indeed be very stressful sometimes. Especially when it's at Disney and magically expensive.


Yah. He said that. And I just loved him right then. Also I had already started feeling warmly towards him because he was soooo nice. And kind and helpful to me.

He told me I wasn't gonna die. Afterall.

Then he asked me if I had eaten that morning? And just had a lot of coffee and/or drank the night before? If I was maybe tired? Stressed or worried about anything?

BINGO. Winners. All.

That is when Mellyman piped up that "Yes! All those! She was so excited about this trip. She hasn't been sleeping much and worried about leaving the kids behind. Her mom is sick and she's been looking after her for a long time. And really worried about leaving her for a week."

Thanks Mellyman. TMI. Like really? That was the most he has said to a stranger since "Hello."! And. that's it.

I guess he was a little panic-ish too. From the whole thing tho.

So we chilled for a bit on the floor and chatted about panic attacks and all that.

Then I said, "I'm DYING."

And he looked sternly down at me and responded, " Mel! I thought we just agreed that you weren't!" No. I told him that I was literally dying. But of embarrassment and he laughed for Me(l). Which made me feel better. I told him that I can respect him so much and that his panic attacks were caused by being in 911. And I said he was a hero and he's all good. HOWEVER... I admitted that I was so humiliated that I had suffered a panic attack similar to his.

Caused by being worried about getting a good shady spot at Typhoon Lagoon. And missing my mommy.

He said he'd hug me right then... but it would be frowned upon.

Then he said if I believed him I could sign a release and they would go away to where ever. Until some other idiot had a panic attack over not getting into BOG.

Heh heh He didn't say that. I added that in. Here.

He handed me his tablet thingie to sign and a pen. Which I immediately clicked open. Then he grabbed it back and clicked it closed.

I grabbed it again and clicked it open.

He grabbed it. Closed.



"Mel," He explained, "You can't sign it with the pen. It will ruin the screen."


Classic Luddite ATTACK.

I wrote off on the ambulance expense. While dying of shame. Again.

And they left with a reminder to not just have a lot of coffee and no food in my stomach in the mornings... for the following days... with many many thanks from me, Mellyman and all the CM's from Typhoon Lagoon. Some people even waved. Bye. Feebly.

It was me.

Then the park manager dude squatted down and told me that if we would like to stay for the day after all this they had figured out something which would be a very special treat for us.


Ok. All in.

They brought me a wheelchair and helped me in. Cause I was still completely weak and nothing much of my body parts were cooperating yet. I could feel my hands again tho. Sooooo nice. I love feeling my hands like normal.

Then I got a special CM escort. Carrying a bag of towels. Cold water bottles... and RF mugs and treats... and Mellyman pushed me through the park with the Park Manager and our girl escort leading the way. To Getaway Glen.

A private roped off area of the park. Where we were assigned our own umbrella, two loungers, two chairs and a table. They said that this was a private, shaded area and the general riff raff would not come in here. All day long. And because it was a treat, our escort would be back periodically to fetch anything we might desire. As a kind gesture.

Sweet! Thanksyou!

They helped me into a lounger and I liked it. I was happy. And very appreciative.

Mellyman looked grumpy.

Why Mellyman? Why?

He answered that he was afraid that in the long run this would cost him. And I would always want to have such special digs.

Magically... he was right. ohhhhh. He knows Me(l)! heh heh

We proceeded to have some water and chat and try to come to terms with my Aspishness.

Finally I announced that my legs worked again. And I needed food.

A hotdog specifically. So we got up and walked all the way to where the bar called Let's Go Slurpin' is. There's a stand there you can get hotgods. Yum!

Got one. After Mellyman told me not to panic because there was a few people in line in front of me. And he also looked all guilty and told me that was an accident. What he said right there. Wasn't thinking.


Took my hotdog and chips back to our premium spot and I proceeded to eat it in four fast bites.

Want any chips Mel????

Yes. Gone.

As I was gulping my food not unlike the Slinddog eats Velveeta slices, Mellyman said...

Mellyman: Um. Mel. Maybe eat a little bit slower.

Me(l): huhummm?

Mellyman: Cause I don't want you to choke.

Me(l): Why? say it.

Mellyman: NO.

Me(l): So the same paramedics don't have to come back and Heimlich me?

Mellyman: YES.

Say it then.

And he did. He said,

"Yes. I don't want them to come back again and save you from yourself... eating a hotdog at the speed of light. And missing your mommy."


With that...

The trip GRIND had begun.

Cheers, Mel.

edit... There you go. All very humiliating. All all of it. Ick.
Even better than I expected! And. For some reason I thought you sad that there was a hospital visit. But I'm so happy to hear that it was just the ambulance but not transport. Precious Disney hours, dontcha know! Did you tell them you had to lick your coffee up off the floor and counter? That right there might've induced the panic attack. I think there's more caffeine that way.

I need to know where that VIP section of TL is. It sounds like the private cabanas you can book at fancy resorts. I want one. Not that we go to water parks anymore, really. I DID go down the scaryhellclown pool slide this past May, though. It was pretty frickin (NOF) scary. As in, excessive speed and lots of water up the nose. Only to be thrown up by a scaryhellclown. Not gonna be rushing back to that sucker.

Mel, I am so relieved that you were alright. And didn't die. But I'm said that you had that much stress (combined with alcohol the night before and no breakfast). And especially because you were missing your mommy.

DED BTW over magical birthing coach and panic attacks over not getting into BOG. You still got it girlie!
I LOVE the private area at TL...I may have to take your lead for my trip in October and see if we can score a sweet spot....Just kidding....maybe. I am glad to hear that you were not hospitalized that would have been worse. Hope you enjoyed the rest of your time without the riff raff!

Mel, I'm glad you were ok, and sorry about the panic attack. Those suckers sneak up out of nowhere and usually end up being more embarrassing than anything else.
I never did the panic attack at wdw, but I did do the toothache thing. Celebration hospital is nice, very Disneylike, but not equipped with an emergency dentist. But they were generous with the Motrin, so it was all good.
Hello replyguys:

Thanks! And yes we saved precious Disneyminutes by not going to The Celebration Psych Ward. Whew. Was close tho. LOL.

The Getaway Glen is right beside the big CS place at Typhoon Lagoon. Called Leaning Palms. Like right right beside it. Where the Beachcomber Shacks are. But behind them. And way less expensive. I went back to thank the CMs in Singapore Sal's later that day and inquired about them. As Mellyman had indeed feared. I think they said about $50 dollars American for the day. or like $93.50 Canadian funds. Cause I do pay all attention to Mellyman and his exchange rate fetish.

Anywho... I was SOLD by the end of the day. And so was Mellyman cause there was a VERY VERY VERY attractive lady all bikinied near us.

Win win. I see it.

Now then.

Why no Water Parks? They are actually sooooo soooo soooo fun. I can like them. A lot.

And I'm actually not much of a swimmer. Compared to the rest of the happyhaunts who are all dolphins. And one lone whale.

HellClownslide vomit. Yes. Uggghhhh. Good for you. I cannot. Why can you do that but not Waterparks?

You're weird. And as such first strike.


Very good name. NOD.

We will be friends. And then I will harass you thoroughly.

Do not attempt to get the good digs thru humiliating urself. It's a mere $93.50. To keep your dignity.

Nuttie Mary:

Yep. outta no where. embarrassing. got ya. all that. yep.


I hope they fixed you teeth real real good. To look just like mine.


Cheers, Mel.

Editmore: ZZUB my sweat sweat ZUBB. Come back to Me(l). Please. I am worried that you do not like your new LULU LE... MON pants. They are really nice tho. Mine are the same. Wunder Under Crops. Mine are all pink purpleish. Yours are black. To suit your full on BROOD. mode.
I'm only on day 2 on the airplane, but I figured I throw a comment in here before this thing gets shut down.

NO Mods.
Tuesday July 14th aka Day 3 Part 3 aka all the excitement is over. Boring commences.
I ate my hotdog. With chips. Which was soooo good. TFI. It was actually the perfect breakfast food because I put only ketchup. mustard and relish on it. But... not mayo. Cause mayo on a hotdog means lunch or dinner dogs. After, I was ready to slink back to Singapore Sal's. And thank the wonderful staff there. And also find out the cost of our wonderful new premium digs...for future. Also... we had to go grab our stuff which Mellyman had left unattended and all by itself somewhere ELSE in the park. I was less worried about our wallets. I was more worried about my bag of Fritos Honey BBq twists. And my book.

What if someone stole my copy of Atlas Shrugged?

That would suck. Cause I've been bringing it along every year since 1993. On vacation. I'm like halfway through now. Nod. An old professor of mine in University said it was scintillating. And a must read.

Ha! Soooo wrong I wish I could drop his course right now. Again. so. twice.

Luckily, I brought some other reading materials. My General had kept my room and many bookshelves in order over the years. So neat and everything is grouped together in series order still.

I also brought a couple Garfield. Comics. I don't know what it is to be honest. But... they make me laugh out loud. Still.

So we headed back to Singapore Sal's and walked in. Doreen the nice CM saw Me(l) right away. And came over and said she was giving me a hug. And she did. It was nice and motherly. Which was kinda new to me. Then she said she was happy to see I was alright and that she...and all of the CMs...thought that I was having a heart attack. She said they were pretty sure. We chatted and I asked her if she could go get her store manager lady. Again. On account of me. And then she came out and seemed happy to see us. She also said she thought I was having a heart attack. Ick. So I told her that I just wanted to go on record about her wonderful staff and especially Doreen who was like the best ever. EVER! And then I asked about Getaway Glen for the future. While Mellyman looked pained. Then I said I'd like to rent a locker and she magically said, "On us. As it everything this day."

Wow. Weeeeeee!

Obviously, we did not take advantage of any more perks. Because that would have been too much. really too much. But it was nice how magical they were being. That is the Disney I love. And still apparently exists.

Headed off to collect our stuff. The ironic part of all of this is that Mellyman had INDEED got us a great spot. After all. Heh heh. Which we abandoned and was swept up by the riff raff in about three seconds.

Headed back to the lockers and then back to our spot. Wallets safely stored. Along with the $30 camera which I was kinda wishing someone had pilfered. So we didn't actually have to go back and return to Walmart.


Back to our spots. Where we saw another group setting up. AND the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. IN a bikini.

I looked at Mellyman to see if he noticed. And he gave me the thumbs up. Which means that he has had WAY too many poker nights this summer apparently.

I narrowed my eyes until he slowly turned his thumb down.

And we both laughed real hard.


Oh yeah. I wadded slowly in first. Held my breath and plunged in because I need to do an initial full body entry. Or just not go in at all. Then I grabbed a tube thingie. And moved as far away from Mellyman as I could. Cause He leaps into the air. Launches himself out of the water and buttocks first into the tube. Which causes a tremendous "sunami" and then right after a real tsunami aftershock. Butt... he gets wedged in real firmly. Which he likes.

I however cannot ride that way. ON the lazy river. Not since that Snake Incident with Beth many years ago. Which caused both myself, Beth and a very overweight sunburned British chap memories we cannot ever erase. Basically... there was a snake swimming down the lazy river towards us. Beth made a very daring underwater escape because she is an amazing swimmer and can hold her breath for a long time. NOD x 2. She swam under a huge human tube raft to escape. I basically jumped outta my tube and climbed onto the head of the large man directly behind me. In his own tube.

So from then on I either just put my head and shoulders thru the tube resting my arms on it and float or kick, or else tag along on one of the happyhaunts tubes. Just visiting. But... completely aware of my surrounding with my legs free to flee.

Basically... I'm all ready to panic in the lazy river.

hummmmm. There.

On this particular occasion, I decided to be in my own tube as previously explained. But that I would also be Mellyman's motor. I would take him along at my own pace and wherever I decided to go.

Like our marriage.

Heh heh.

so we did like two whole circuits while chilling and me steering us around groups of lazier riverers and just chatting and Mellyman relaxing and floating like a large scallop on a sea of citrus beurre blanc.

Still a foodie!!!!

He remarked that it was so relaxing to do nothing and be magically steered onwards.

Yes Mellyman my love. LAZY RIVER-ing.

He asked me where we were eating that night and I responded "Flying Fish"! Happily. LOVE it. Mean it.

He asked "Why not Yachtsman Steakhouse?" Cause he loves it.

But I said that I had decided against it and for Flying Fish because I love it. And told him that I had indeed told him our dining plans for this trip over and over again. Which he promptly forgot like every other social plan I make. Ever.

I can't want him to go to Yachtsman. This trip. Because, mainly, he likes hanging around meat. Too much.

I get kinda jealous.

He will rub a shoulder of pork with such love and abandon to get it all ready for the smoker. And his famous pulled pork. While he has not given Me(l) a back rub since we were dating. And was strongly implied.

The problem is that I don't care for a cup of Cajunish Spice in the bed.

Otherwise I could prolly still get one.

So no Yachtsman this trip. Our next trip tho... I booked it for him. Already!

Cause I'm nice like that.

We continued on with the lazy river. Yes yes boring we are boring. Until we got caught in a huge jam of people. And were basically right beside this other couple around our same age doing exactly the same thing.

continued. on.

Until Mellyman told me to put on the brakes and wait awhile.

He said, "Mel we gotta stop for a bit. I feel like we're double dating with them."

Which made me laugh so hard. But also stop for a bit.

Finally I continued on pushing us.

Got bored.

Someone had to suffer at my hands. NOCalvin.

It was Mellyman cause he was convenient.

The last circuit of the Lazy River I stopped him at all the water jets, the water guns and the cold cold river streams running off of the cave there and the rock walls.

I let freezing water rain down on him. Over and over again. While carefully keeping myself out of the coldness and enjoying his squeals of suffering. Mightly.

To be honest... he was doing it so funny and loud to make me laff so hard. :)

It was like the most boring romantic moments ever! Until he got kinda grumpy and told me he was getting out to go back to our spot. And that he would do the same back to me later if he had the energy.

He never does tho. WIN!

Then we headed back and realized we were about to get caught in a wicked Florida downpour. We gathered some stuff and buried other stuff under towels under our umbrella and decided to wait this out while having some lunch offsite.

At Fuddruckers. Home of all you care to eat fake cheesegoo in a pump.

Again... I'll remind you that I am some sort of a foodie.

Cheers, Mel.

Edit: We call it "The FUDD". In hushed reverent terms.

And hum the intro to American Woman (Lenny Kravitz version) until the "HuH!"! When we push the button to dispense.
Melllll. Only you can find the funny in a panic attack. BTDT. No fun(ny) there.

Then I got a special CM escort. Carrying a bag of towels. Cold water bottles... and RF mugs and treats... and Mellyman pushed me through the park with the Park Manager and our girl escort leading the way. To Getaway Glen.

A private roped off area of the park. Where we were assigned our own umbrella, two loungers, two chairs and a table. They said that this was a private, shaded area and the general riff raff would not come in here. All day long. And because it was a treat, our escort would be back periodically to fetch anything we might desire. As a kind gesture.

Say Whaaaaa???? Well THAT secret's out now. Shrek might even go back to TL with this sort of guarantee.

I have a story about The FUDD. In our poooor college days my roomies and I were at the Atlanta FUDD at closing and noticed a CM bagging up all the leftover delicious burger buns. We asked what was going to become of them--there were five enormous garbage bags--and he sad they were going in the trash. )(*&%#%*&!^!!! YES! Well, we were having none of that so we took them. ALL of them. We squished three college chicks and five bun bags into a hatchback and rolled home. The next day we called some shelters to see if they wanted them. Nope. At that time they could not take opened food. So we called everyone we knew and gave them huge bags o' buns, put buns in our freezer, passed them out at a yard sale, took them home to our families and ate them for breakfast, lunch and dinner. We were so happy with our cheap-dom and good stewardship until chasing buns with beer yielded buns-in-jeans and bun aversion. That was before we knew carbs were deadly, of course. I haven't been to the FUDD since.
Hot damn! I remember my password. I wonder if Mr Silly remembers his... maybe not.

I'm ded because he can only remember his, shall we say, secondary, user ID's password.
I did not remember my password, but was able to reset it. And now I am here reading things. I may say things at some point after having read things, but have nothing to offer yet. But I am here in the virtual sense.
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I ate my hotdog. With chips. Which was soooo good. TFI. It was actually the perfect breakfast food because I put only ketchup. mustard and relish on it. But... not mayo. Cause mayo on a hotdog means lunch or dinner dogs.

Umm, no. Mayo on a hotdog, especially on a July day in Orlando, means ZZUBing into a fannypack. Blech!

I also brought a couple Garfield. Comics. I don't know what it is to be honest. But... they make me laugh out loud. Still.

No Calvin and Hobbes? That would be my preference. Would've thought it would be yours too. For obvious reasons.

Back to our spots. Where we saw another group setting up. AND the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. IN a bikini.

Aww, thanks for noticing me (25 years ago......)

I looked at Mellyman to see if he noticed. And he gave me the thumbs up. Which means that he has had WAY too many poker nights this summer apparently.

I narrowed my eyes until he slowly turned his thumb down.

And we both laughed real hard.

I can picture this perfectly. And it made me LAUGH. You two are a great pair.

I however cannot ride that way. ON the lazy river. Not since that Snake Incident with Beth many years ago. Which caused both myself, Beth and a very overweight sunburned British chap memories we cannot ever erase. Basically... there was a snake swimming down the lazy river towards us. Beth made a very daring underwater escape because she is an amazing swimmer and can hold her breath for a long time. NOD x 2. She swam under a huge human tube raft to escape. I basically jumped outta my tube and climbed onto the head of the large man directly behind me.

I remember this story well. One of your best. I read it aloud to my kids when it was first posted and the 3 of us screamed with laughter.

We continued on with the lazy river. Yes yes boring we are boring. Until we got caught in a huge jam of people. And were basically right beside this other couple around our same age doing exactly the same thing.

continued. on.

Until Mellyman told me to put on the brakes and wait awhile.

He said, "Mel we gotta stop for a bit. I feel like we're double dating with them."


This was a fun one Mel! I can see that the two of you would be a blast to hang out with. I love the banter and the shared sense of humor. Makes life fun, doesn't it?!

But I really hope you were kidding about the FUDD (Jami's favorite place for dumpster diving). Please tell me you didn't eat offsite again. You could've at least hit DTD. Though, with the traffic nightmares of this summer, I guess I'd forgive you passing on that. But I am all about full WDW immersion, and all your forays off-property are starting to get me skootchy.

Hi Haley! (And Silly!)
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