The "Why I didn't speak to my sister for a week" trip report *** Now Complete :)

My kids are laughing at me, it's the first thing I looked for this morning.

What time is it in France? I need my fix!!
France is 6 hours ahead of the east coast USA. UK is 5 and they are an hour ahead of us.

I'm guessing she'll be finishing work soon and then I will get to read more horrors! Strange how gripping it is though!

Marina - a little of topic but have you been to DLRP? and if so how do you think it compares with WDW? I have to say when we went this March all we could do was compare it to WDW and it was soooooooooo cold, WDW won!:thumbsup2

Loving the report though, wish I could have been a fly on the wall ( I would have landed in her food :lmao: )
I really am sorry you had to go through all this...

Okay, I'm really not because then we wouldn't have this incredibly entertaining trip report - sorry! :rolleyes:
I think they only thing I can use to describe the way I'm feeling up to this point is. :scared1:

I am so happy you don't have my temper because the DISboards would not allow you to share your report with us. :lmao: :lmao: The title would be something like "WHY I WENT TO JAIL FOR MURDERING MY SISTER"

ITA - Sis would have been dead and I would be utilizing the justifiable homicide defense. "Honestly judge, I worked so hard to show her the magic, when she would not move her flowering butterly a**, I was left with no other choice.":headache:
Oh my gosh!!! :scared1: And to think at one time I thought I wanted to trade my 2 bro's in for a sis!!! You have been so did you do it????:worship: Anxiously waiting......
Way to funny, are you sure you are not a comedian? :rotfl2: I would flowering leave my sister at the hotel!
Here is an award for you because - U R the supreme sister of all sisters! I would have drop kicked my sister and left her to be eaten by those ducks she was feeding. :rotfl: To spend any amount of money to visit a theme park such as Disney and act like that - no way. Will you adopt me, pleeeeaaaaaasssssseeeee? :flower3: Almost forgot to mention I love your TR.
OMG! I think this is one of my worst Disney fears. :scared: I am crossing my fingers that it turns out okay. popcorn::

Something similar happened to another family when we were at Akershus. The woman checking in in front of us couldn't find her reservation. They looked and looked and she swore she had one. This went on for 10 minutes a few weeks ago, when it was 100 degrees and we were all sweltering and there were a bunch of people in line.

My patience was very thin!!!!!!! Finally, they located her reservation. It was for YESTERDAY!!! They scrambled around to find a seat for her family but by this time, everyone was severely annoyed. We had been waiting outside in the heat for 15-20 minutes and were about to miss our reservation. All because she couldn't keep track of her ADR!


PS. Love your trip report!!!!
France is 6 hours ahead of the east coast USA. UK is 5 and they are an hour ahead of us.

I'm guessing she'll be finishing work soon and then I will get to read more horrors! !

You got the timing about right !!! Of course what I hadn't planned on, was being greeted home by a major ant infestation.... and having to run back to the store that I had JUST left to buy ant genocide material. Which, so far, has been very useful in almost killing me and scaring the living daylights out of my cats.

So I'm gonna wait until morning to answer comments and jump straight to another update... hope you guys don't mind :goodvibes
Okay, granted, it wasn't anybody's fault this time. Except maybe whoever took my reservation at Disney Dining. But still - was anything going to go right on this trip, like, EVER????

"You're lucky you got here just as we opened. We'll find a table for you."

Oh I could have hugged her !!!

We were lead to a waiting area. There was a dad there with a little girl wailing at the top of her lungs. Jess started to sigh and complain about it.

"Oh, get over it. We're only gonna be waiting here for a couple minutes."

And not ten seconds later we were shown to our table.
This restaurant is SO pretty!!!! We were all impressed. They gave us a table on the 2nd level, in a booth so we could all see the aquarium.


Isn't this place pruuuuuuutty ?

Our server had forgotten about us and it took about 10mns for her to come get our drink order but no one complained. We were very relaxed. When she came back to get our order, we gave her our choices, then I told Alex to cover her ears.

"It's her birthday. Could we possibly have a chocolate Wave with a birthday thingy on it?"

Sure, no problem. I told Alex she could uncover her ears.

"See, that was discreet. No way did she figure out what I was talking about, right ?"

Everybody agreed. To be blunt, I just didn't have the will, or the energy, to plan "surprise" stuff that was most likely going to fall flat anyway.

We had a great meal at Coral Reef. Grumpy couldn't decide between the lobster salad and the salmon bbq sandwich (WHAT is it with this woman and bbq????), so I suggested we order the lobster salad for everyone - except me - to share. I'm allergic to shrimp and since you never know what they really put in mushy mixed stuff, I'd rather abstain. The CM at the podium had asked us if we were allergic to anything and I had told them shrimp, but didn't tell our server.

They were all sharing the lobster salad while I saw our server running towards our table "Don't eat this!!!" she said - quite loudly. TOTALLY the kind of thing you want to hear in a restaurant.

Did somebody spit in our lobster mushthingy???

No, but it turned out that the lobster broth is mostly made from shrimp.

"Oh NO ! I'm gonna SUE!"
No laughing.
"Just kidding. We're French,we don't sue, we just complain a lot. I didn't touch any of it."

She seemed relieved. Would someone actually sue over shrimp broth thingy???

This meal was great. Our server relaxed and joked around with us, and the food was out of this world good. I tasted mahi-mahi for the first time and it was goodi-goodi. We all loved the ambience of the restaurant. No one butterflied. Jessi was happy because she got a Pirate's punch kiddie drink (with-Captain-Hook-and-not-Tinkerbell-please).

When came the time of the Big Surprise, I was once again glad I hadn't spent 45 bucks on a custom cake. You can feel the excitement all the way from here, heh ?

I'm fairly certain Jeanne Calment was more excited than that on her last birthday. :rolleyes:

We left Coral Reef full and content. Alex and Grumpy wanted a cigarette break, but I didn't feel like sitting around breathing cancer-a-gogo so instead I dragged Jessi over to Nemo, even though I think this ride is silly. But it was right in front of us and had no line. Jessi enjoyed the ride, and for once so did I.
Although, I woud have enjoyed it more if I hadn't stumbled out of the clammobile on our way out and landed on my hands and knees in front of everyone.

I was laughing so hard I couldn't get up. Jess hid behind a CM and nearly peed her pants. I wanted the floor to open up so I could crawl under it, but I was still on that stupid moving walkway, so all the floor was doing was sucking me back into Nemo.
"Help me, help me, I don't wanna live with jellyfish!!!!"
Jess stopped laughing long enough to pull me up and we ran away from that fishy hell hole. What was hysterical was the CMs, who didn't quite know if they were allowed to laugh or not. They kept asking if I was okay, but I bet all they wanted to do was pee their pants too.

See, we had good moments !! ::yes::

We found Grumpy & Alex again, and as I was cleaning the eyeliner off my face Jessi told them the "how we almost lost her forever in Nemo" story.

Needless to say I will not be going on that ride anytime soon.

I needed a walk around the World Showcase to get over my emotion. And I needed to buy some stuff in Canada.

This is now the time for me to confess. Apart for the DIS, my family, and my not-yet-fired-then boss (C, if you're reading this, 1/don't turn me in, 2/miss ya and 3/can I have your office???), no one knew I was going to Disney.

I told my supervisors at work that I was going to Canada to help with my mother's school trip.

Why you ask ? Because no job I know of will let you take two weeks off to go see Mickey. Especially when you live about 45mns from Disneyland Paris.
And why Canada ?
Because it sounded more serious, and because I knew I could load up on souvenirs in World Showcase.

That, and I had a load of brochures from British Columbia that my mom brought back when she did really go on a school trip for real.
So, I felt I was covered.

It's a good thing I didn't pick Japan or China, because we never made it past Canada. Actually two of us didn't make it TO Canada. Guess which ?

It was too hot. It was too big. Their feet hurt. Blah blah.

Well, I had to go to the Canadian shop. My career as a gas station cashier depended on it. You don't mess up with that stuff.

So I left them in front of this adorable Captain Hook topiary with a frozen lemonade and went to the shop to load up on mooses.


That was our last visit to Epcot this trip.
See what happens when you lie so you can go on vacation ?

I got my laptop out of the locker on our way out and sent Jessi and Alex to return the key. Jess came out of the shop within a couple minutes.

"Come here quick !!! We met a French lady !"

Woah, no kidding ? A french lady ? Where on Earth could I meet a french lady except in Epcot - oh yeah, every frickin day at home that's where.
Which part of we-come-here-because-they-don't is she having a problem understanding????????
It's never ending for you, all the bad experiences :hug: from me and hope you have an easier rest of the week :thumbsup2

We have ants in our garden but - touch wood - they haven't found a way in ;)
Great update BTW, things seem to be improving slightly, or is it the calm before the storm............


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