They Don't Eat Hash Browns in Princessland - May 14 COMPLETE! 2/8 pg. 73

Continued from previous post:

After our ride on Tower of Terror, we decided we were finished for the night. We wanted to head back to the hotel and actually pack our suitcases well, instead of all crappy like we had that morning. Also, we were getting hungry, and we didn't know what we wanted to do for dinner. I suggested heading over to Pop Century to eat there. Which is exactly what we did.

Everything Pop always makes me thing of MeMom's shopping pictures!

They completely changed the menu at Pop. So, after thinking I knew what I was going to get, I had to change my mind. Which is totally fine, I think that the changes are good ones. A lot of people don't agree with me, but I love a variety of food.

I got these INCREDIBLE nachos. Seriously, they are so good! The girl that did my nachos was like the best nacho builder ever.

Mom got pot roast. Although this ended up being a snafu. She wanted something else, told Pop, and he didn't relay the information to me that she had changed her mind on what she wanted, so I thought she still wanted the pot roast and ordered that.

That's why I don't tell my Pop anything.

Pop got the half chicken. Man loves his half chicken.

We got a baby tie dyed cheesecake, which is a bummer. I want the giant one back! Ugh.

I also got a king cupcake to go. It's the one inspired by elvis. Chocolate, peanut butter, jelly, bacon, banana. Since I am adventurous, I figured I would get that and bring it back.

Spoiler alert. It's not good. :lmao: It's just not for me. LOL. But I had to try it! I have to do the cupcake rounds.

We headed back to the resort after that, and I did a purchases inventory! These are the things my Momma bought me and a few I bought myself. She's really the best Momma on the planet. And by extension the best Pop on the planet, because he just nods his head when she buys the stuff for me.

This was the weekend 2 vinylmation exclusive. They have a new one each weekend throughout SWW. Hehehe. Dagobah Luke and Yoda.

My other rebel skirt.

And rebel shirt.

The Han Solo dress, which I am so stoked to wear at this upcoming Star Wars weekends. Ugh, so cute!

And then the other dress that I had originally wanted. It looks like sheets, and I think that's just totally awesome. Hahaha.

With that, our final full day came to an end. I told you it would be a MEGA update!

We were all pretty tired, but packed our bags that night so we were ready to go in the morning. We were doing resort airline check in, so we were dropping our baggage off in the morning and then keeping our carryons in the car before enjoying the last moments of time we had to spend in WDW.

Up to this point, the trip was definitely going down in the record books.

Coming up: I meet what becomes my favorite Disney dessert.
Hahaha, I know exactly what S.O.S. is short for. Except that's what my in laws refer to creamed chipped beef as. Same principle. Pasty looking white gunk that looks like something you'd see in a rooftop. (Albeit, a delicious something you'd fine on a rooftop......the food, I mean...:rotfl2:)

Oh, yay, Art of Animation! Isn't Art great? The theming in each place is incredible. I bet Disney actually sells a lot of those shower curtain....crazy!

The Landscape of Flavors blows all other value food courts out of the water. Such an eclectic and tasty selection of food.

However, that brownie looks like it's got too much going on. It couldn't make up its mind what it wanted to taste like. :lmao: (I feel like an 8 year old kid got free reign in the AoA kitchen and this is what they came up with.:rotfl2:)

I love both your skirt purchases! That rebel spy one is adorable. You are going to be the most well-dressed guest at 2015's SWW!:thumbsup2
Love the mega update!

I really want to find more time to wander around Art of Animation. I only got to VERY briefly in August and there is just so much cool stuff to see. I thought maybe we'd stay a night or two there next May, but our Boardwalk waitlist (renting points) came through, so that's not to be. Oh, well, someday...

Looks like fun at SWW. I am excited to maybe see you wearing one of those dresses next May! :goodvibes Dug is so excited for SWW. I am not terribly into Star Wars (not opposed to it), but I still love all the fun stuff they do in DHS.

Glad you had some good meals at the food courts. I wanted to grab a lunch at AoA in August, but I was in such a hurry to get to the ME to leave that I only got a cheesy pesto bread on the run (good, but yours looks better!)
I still haven't gotten over to check out AoA, yet. It's been on the list, and I've heard great things about the food court there. Your r2 skirt is fabulous, and I'm glad you were able to find something to wear that was a bit cooler!
S.O.S for Pop. Or biscuits and gravy. But in the Army, which my Pop served in, they call it S.O.S. Hahaha. Anyone know what it means? I'm curious.

It's poop on a shingle. But replace poop with a word I won't type on the DIS. :lmao:

Do not ask me why they call it that, and I'm sure that this version tasted far superior to what he used to eat in the military.

SOS has always been chipped beef on toast to us too

Can we talk about the shower curtain, and how I am obsessed with it? Seriously, I need to have this shower curtain in my life. And I literally freaked out when I saw in the shop that they sold it! And then I saw the price tag. $150? Nope, it just wasn't meant to be on that trip.

$150??????????????????? that is insane for ANY shower curtain

I could have a stained glass insert made for that!

LOVE the purchases, my brothers HAD those sheets! Your momma took very good care of you.

Great food porn update. Except the desserts which all look rather meh or the cause of a diabetic coma.

Fun day
Definitely awesome parents.

I can relate to the need to change into something cooler now moment. My impulse purchase to take care of that has actually worked out to be one of my favorite t-shirts that I would have never picked otherwise.
You know, normally "downgrading" hotels would be a bit of a bummer, AoA is just so darned cute, it's hard to call it a downgrade. It may well be the most "Disney looking" of all the resorts.

It might be sad, but I need that shower curtain in my life too Danielle. And I got REALLY excited when you said they sold it... until the $150 part. Maybe they'll have a 90% off sale next trip.

Isn't that resort amazing? Good too to have that kid walking in some of them since it really gives a true perspective of how big those displays are.

You guys and your photopass pictures. So darn cute.

Ha, I crack up when Han pets Chewie's head too. "Jeez, I'm out of it for a little while, everyone gets delusions of grandeur!" I laughed my butt off at that line, yet at the time had no idea why.

Oh boy is movie ride in need of an update. The announced changes just are not enough. I'm all for leaving in some classic scenes, but change up a few please!!!

But... YOU GOT THE COWBOY!!! Amazing after all these years, it's finally showing up more and more. Pretty soon we'll all be clamouring for the Gangster.

Oh wow, Leia is a true Disney Princess now too. I just blew my mind.

Ugh to that cheesecake. Just Ugh!
Oh my goodness, that R2D2 skirt! :faint:

Exploring Art of Animation is on my "must do" list for my next trip. It just looks so amazing.

I can't believe how long the waits were for the villains! Crazy.

Have a great time on your upcoming trip!!!
Wow...that was a big update! I hope you all have a great time on your trip!

I love that chocolate croissant as well. I think I had one every morning when we stayed at the Boardwalk!

I understand Pop's enjoyment at watching the CM pack the trunk. I guess its a guy thing, but we love it when luggage in the trunk fits like a glove!

I also can't believe they changed the tie dye cheesecake at Pop. What a bummer :sad:.

Can't wait to hear more!
You're going to be in WDW for my birthday (the 30th)…I am SO JEALOUS. Please enjoy a churro or cupcake for me. I hope you have an absolute blast! (I know you will.)

I too love the chocolate croissants!! I love all of Disney's breakfast pastries.

HAAA yeah I would hope Disney would serve slightly higher quality food than the Army.

The Ariel room is adorable! I love that fish mirror.

That shower curtain great but WHOA $150 is way too much for a shower curtain. Kylie did a lot of singing of "Part of Your World" in that shower when she and my mom stayed there :rotfl:

I just love all those giant character sculptures. Too amazing.

That food looks awesome for a resort food court! I'm impressed.

Aw, moms are the best when they surprise you like that.

POP :lovestruc I too am very disappointed that the tie dye cheesecake is so tiny. I wouldn't even get it on this past trip. BOYCOTT
Wow. When you say MEGA UPDATE you don't kid around.

Looks like you had quite the delicious breakfast! I could go for an S.O.S. :lmao:

YAY for AoA and having your room ready upon arrival! Your Little Mermaid section pics are making me homesick. I want that shower curtain too. I wouldn't have anywhere to put it but the LM section bathrooms give me so much life. :goodvibes

Uggghhh, your Landscape of Flavor selections look delicious too! Wish I had explored my options more in there. *sigh*

Haha, the sandwich kiss pic is presh.

Yay for TSMM! Love the R2D2 skirt! OMG, those baby ducks are so cute. Where's the mother though? :(

That's so cool how you've gotten the Cowboy side TWICE. I wish I had that luck, of course I've only gone about 1/100th the amount of trips that you have. :teeth: So excited for all the TCM changes. I agree, it would be awesome if they updated the whole ride not just the pre-show and the ending movie montage. I think a lot needs to be updated, not with new movies, but movies that are still relevant to film today like Gone With The Wind or The Godfather. Still love it anyways!

Sounds like you had a great M&G with Leia! Her friend looks so much like the one in the movies. ::yes::

Popadon was giving you all that sass in that photo lol That's awesome you ran into Kathryn again! She does sound like the sweetest. :) YAY FOR ToT BECAUSE ToT!

Best thing about AoA and Pop, you can visit the other whenever since they are so close. And they only give out the smaller portions of the Tie-Dye Cheesecake? Awww. I wish I tried it when I went through there. Those Nachos do look really good!

:thumbsup2 to all the Star Wars merch! Love the Han Solo dress!

Can't wait to read about your last day! Have fun on your trip! :mickeyjum
Mega update indeed. AoA needs many pictures. The resort is simply awesome.

You all did great work at packing up quickly and moving out. :cool1: on the room being ready too.

Nice work at DHS in Darth's Mall. You really got some nice things. The end of May is no time for black , shirt or leggings. :sunny:

Have a FABULOUS TRIP!!!!!!!
That really was a MEGA update!

Oh I definitely know what SOS is ;)

Aw AoA, so fun! Love all the pictures, I really want to stay there one day! I do love the food court there, so many options.

Fun night at HS! So sweet of mom to buy all that stuff for you, love everything you got!
Awesome update!!

We call it S.O.S. as well (our version is biscuits with white sausage gravy) - both of my parents were in the military so I wonder if that's where it came from?

I love all of your purchases!! Have you seen the Star Wars shoes by Vans? They're all REALLY cute and would go perfectly with your new skirts and dresses!

AOA was the very first Disney Resort we stayed in a few years ago, and it is responsible for our overall Disney Resort obsession. Such a cute place! I love how the Cars section looks at night - you feel like you're right in the movie!

Have so much fun on your trip this week (although I don't think that will be tough for you!)... we'll be there next week for the races! :cool1::thumbsup2
I loved your idea for Madame Madussa!! I would have totally recognized it!
She is fabulous!

I enjoy your trip reports so much, that I just started following you on Twitter (under same screen name: jane2073).
That was a Mega Update!!

We love AoA! That resort just has so much to offer!

The legging were great. . . but the skirt was better!!

Looks like a fun last full day!
:woohoo: for your arrival this week! Looking forward to seeing you and your mom!

AoA is an adorable resort. Glad you liked it.

Love all your purchases. You're all set for SWW and wont need to buy anything this year ;)

We love the nachos at Pop but now they only offer them at lunch.

See ya real soon :)
I don't understand Popadon's love of SOS..... :lmao: Me no like..... 2 more days of work and off we go to Wally World. Can't wait.:thumbsup2:thumbsup2
:woohoo: for your arrival this week! Looking forward to seeing you and your mom!

AoA is an adorable resort. Glad you liked it.

Love all your purchases. You're all set for SWW and wont need to buy anything this year ;)

We love the nachos at Pop but now they only offer them at lunch.

See ya real soon :)

See you in a few days:thumbsup2


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